

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 5 av 84

SEMPER FIDELIS ? inte bara en devis!

Det här arbetet studerar med hjälp av en attitydundersökning förhållandet mellan anställdasoldater och Försvarsmakten i syfte att utveckla förståelsen för soldaters commitment till sinarbetsgivare. Frågeställningen lyder Hur ser soldaters relationer ut till arbetsgivarenFörsvarsmakten? Arbetets teoretiska grund hämtas i begreppet relationship commitment och närmare bestämtden del som benämns attitudinal commitment. Den begreppsdefinition som nyttjas bygger ihuvudsak på Meyer och Allens (1991) tre komponenter av relationship commitment, det villsäga affective commitment (känslomässig), continuance commitment (kalkylativ) ochnormative commitment (normativ). Begreppsdefinitionen inkluderar även åtta påverkansfaktorer som var och en ges en tydlig knytning till respektive komponent avrelationship commitment.

Animal Assisted Therapy : ett team i behandling och terapi av barn och unga

The main purpose of this examination paper has been to do a review of recent scientific and evaluated studies performed on children 0-15 years of age, treated with an animal as an assistant to the therapist/professional. The key term is Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Our focus has been to describe in what fields these kinds of studies have been performed, what the results are and how effective they have been. As a supplement to our study we have performed 8 short telephone interviews with professionals in the same field of occupation corresponding to the studies we have summarized. Our results concerning the studies show that there has been a positive outcome in the treatment of children and adolescents and AAT.

Grundvärdens betydelse för anställdas commitment - En komparativ fallstudie mellan en vinstdrivande organisation och en icke-vinstdrivande organisation

The need to attract and retain individuals who add value to the organization constitutes an increasing challenge facing human resource professionals. In this context it is essential to establish stronger links between the individuals and the organization they work for. The aim of this study is to explore and discuss the role of ethical core values such as trust, respect, fairness, and honesty as a critical antecedent to employee commitment. From the perspective of employees, a comparative case study is conducted in two organizations with two different reasons to exist - a profit organization and a non-profit organization. The study concludes that organizations should have a high focus on people's core values when they recruit new employees as well as for educating and training their existing employees and managers.

KBT och mindfulness i gruppinterventioner för insomni: en randomiserad, kontrollerad studie

There is strong evidence that cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is effective. The aim of this study was to compare 7 group-sessions of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for insomnia (MBCT-I) with 3 group-sessions of CBT-I, on sleep measures and sleep related psychological processes, such as pre-sleep arousal, thought control strategies and mindfulness. Participants (N = 44; age 18-66) with long term insomnia were stratified and randomized into waiting list, MBCT-I and CBT-I. Significant improvements were seen in both groups, compared to waiting list, for instance on insomnia severity, sleep latency and restorative sleep. Small improvements on psychological processes were also found in both groups.

Inre arbetsmotivation och engagemang i organisationen: en studie om skillnader mellan inhyrda och tillsvidareanställda läkare

The purpose of the study was to examine if intrinsic motivation and work commitment to the organization differs between permanent doctors and hired doctors. The total of 63 doctors who participated in the study made an internet-based survey with 21 questions taken from the Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale and 3 questions from the section ?work commitment? in QPS Nordic. The main results of the study showed that permanent doctors perceived a higher level of intrinsic motivation on all the three needs autonomy, competence and relatedness. Furthermore the result showed a tendency that permanent doctors perceived a higher level of work commitment to the organization then hired doctors..

Affective organizational commitment: Känslomässigt engagemang till en av Sveriges största arbetsgivare

Dagens arbetstagare anses vara mer intresserade av att göra karriär än att vara lojal mot en enda arbetsgivare (Parment & Dyhre, 2009). Vad kan då arbetsgivaren göra för att skapa ett engagemang och en lojalitet som knyter arbetstagaren till organisationen så att denne stannar kvar? Denna studie handlar om känslomässigt engagemang, så kallat affective organizational commitment, och är en kvalitativ undersökning. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta förskolepedagoger/arbetsledare samt två anställda inom Human Resources (HR) avdelningen på Stockholms stad undersöktes känslomässigt engagemang till organisationen. Resultatet visade att det finns ett starkt känslomässigt engagemang hos personalen till sin enhet men inte till Stockholms stad i sin helhet.

Rytmterapi som behandlingsmetod vid stroke: en pilotstudie

Stroke is caused by a bleeding or infarct in the brain and is one of the most common diseases in Sweden today. The purpose of the study was to evaluate if Ronnie Gardiner?s Rhythm Therapy (RGR-therapy) has any effect, regarding motor control and the subjective experienced health related quality of life, on people who have been affected by stroke. The examination group consisted of eight people. The intervention consisted of RGR-therapy once a week during a period of nine weeks.

Acceptans av e-boken : Studenters uppfattning och användning av e-boken

The ever-evolving information technology gives users more opportunities, but also put higher demands on them. The digital agenda of the state and society clarifies the objectives and effects academic libraries? development. E-books influence the development of organizational, economic, legal and political perspectives. At the University Library in Gävle work is ongoing. The process is controlled by the acquisition policy which makes it clear that e-books should be purchased if possible.

Acceptance and Commiment Therapy : Enbent existentiell efterapning eller härlig humanistisk hybrid?

Detta arbete undersöker ACT och ställer frågan om terapiformen kan betraktas som en existentiell beteendeterapi. Ett material bestående av 53 vetenskapliga artiklar undersöktes med en tematisk innehållsanalys för att få en bred och aktuell bild av ACT i avseende på teori, praxis och människosyn. Resultatet sattes in i en psykologihistorisk kontext i allmänhet och en beteendepsykologiskt kontext i synnerhet. Det som talar emot ACT som en existentiell beteendeterapi är främst bristen på oppositionella inslag och kritik av den vetenskapliga normen. I andra vågskålen placerar resultatet det holistiska perspektivet samt synen på människan som ickedeterminerad.

De sista entusiasterna? En studie av medborgarnas engagemang under ett decennium i Åsele, Borrby, Hasslarp och Tving

The purpose of this study was to examine how commitment to a cause on a local basis had developed in four smaller groups during one decade. In 1996 I interviewed representatives in Åsele, Borrby, Hasslarp and Tving about their commitment and citizen initiative. Now, ten years later, I followed it up by interviewing them again. I wanted to know if the groups/associations still existed, if they had achieved their goals as they where pronounced ten years ago and how a strong commitment on a local basis can develop during ten years. Which phenomena decide whether the group develop or phase out? I use the term citizen commitment instead of citizen initiative to stress the fact that it is no longer an initiative but an on-going commitment.

Bedömningsmatriser i Idrott och hälsa : En studie av läraresuppfattningar

In this study we have examined in which way the horse is used in Equine Assisted Therapy, and what effects the treatment staff experience and describes that the interaction with horses has on girls who self-harms. Our Empirical data was collected through qualitative methods such as interviews, participant observation and informal interviews with a total of six different informants, from five different activities with Equine Assisted Therapy for girls who self-harms. In the analysis we have assumed symbolic interactionism, a theory focusing on the human as a social being, where the self-image alters in the social interaction with other human beings. We interwove this theory with the Biophilia hypothesis, an explanatory model concerning human?s relationship to animals and nature.The conclusions we have found in the results are:Equine Assisted Therapy is a complementary treatment comprises both horseback riding and exercises which is not based on the horsebackEquine Assisted Therapy almost always involves three parts, the therapist, the client and the horse.

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med begränsad handfunktion på grund av artros eller reumatoid artrit

Syftet med denna studie var att genom en litteraturstudie beskriva arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med begränsad handfunktion på grund av artros eller reumatoid artrit (RA). Datainsamlingen har skett genom sökning i databaser utifrån i förväg av författarna ställda inklusions och exklusionskriterier. Tolv stycken artiklar inkluderades i studien och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I analysen framkom fem olika kategorier av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner. Kategorierna är ortoser, värme/kyla, information/utbildning, styrke- och rörelseövningar och ADL-träning.

Upplevd livskvalitet hos personer med MS

Many persons with long-term illness experience a decline in their quality of life. Perceived Quality of Life is a subjective term based on prior personal experiences and is highly individual. The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate perceived Quality of Life in persons with Multiple Sclerosis and to get knowledge if physical therapy changes a person?s quality of life. Three women and three men with a range of disability were interviewed in depth.

Outsourcing- vilka faktorer påverkar intressenternas förväntningar? En studie om ett förändringsarbete mellan flera intressenter i ett outsourcing sammanhang

The complex, ever growing and changing environment, requires that today's organizations are dynamic and willing to change in order to stand competitive.This awareness has made change number one priority in almost all organizations' agenda.We live in a world that is constantly changing, yet many organizations fail to change successfully. When a change occurs in complex environments with multiple stakeholders, it immediately increases the complexity and the challenges of the change process.A complex situation may arise when, for example, partial outsourcing of the corporate information system infrastructure. Two of the most difficult challenges that organizations face today is to conduct a successful change process and managing the effect of a change, such as arising expectations. It is very common for change in an organization not to achieve the desired result or that they even fail. There may be a lot of reasons for these failures.

"När jag får ångest och känner att nu behöver jag skära mig, då kan jag gå till hästen? : En studie om hästunderstödd terapi som behandlingsmetod för flickor med självskadebeteende

In this study we have examined in which way the horse is used in Equine Assisted Therapy, and what effects the treatment staff experience and describes that the interaction with horses has on girls who self-harms. Our Empirical data was collected through qualitative methods such as interviews, participant observation and informal interviews with a total of six different informants, from five different activities with Equine Assisted Therapy for girls who self-harms. In the analysis we have assumed symbolic interactionism, a theory focusing on the human as a social being, where the self-image alters in the social interaction with other human beings. We interwove this theory with the Biophilia hypothesis, an explanatory model concerning human?s relationship to animals and nature.The conclusions we have found in the results are:Equine Assisted Therapy is a complementary treatment comprises both horseback riding and exercises which is not based on the horsebackEquine Assisted Therapy almost always involves three parts, the therapist, the client and the horse.

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