

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 4 av 84

Hund i vården : Fysiska, Psykiska och Sociala effekter av arbete med vårdhund

Background: Pet therapy has existed as a concept since 1964 when the American child psychologist Boris Levinson coined the term. Nowadays Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) and Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) are both recognized concepts, and with progressed research the science of pet therapy increases.Purpose: To summate the most recent science in pet therapy (therapy dog) research with focus on physical, psychical, and social effects.Methods: Literature study/review with descriptive design, research on 21 articles published from year 2003 and onward. Articles used in the study were chosen through beforehand decided criteria, subject to quality rating, and summated in an overview. The main results were summated and presented in similarities and differences.Results: The main result of the summation was that important results could be measured in each of the three fields of research. Physical/physiological effects: pain relief, differentiated results on vital signs, and increased activity.

Trädgården som rehabilitering vid utmattningssyndrom

The aim of the study was to explore the methods used in horticultural therapy gardens in rehabilitating people suffering from fatigue syndrome. Nine horticultural therapy gardens were contacted of wich three chose to participate. Using case study as method e-mail interviews was carried out with the participants about their establishment and what kind of theories they based their methods upon. The material collected from the interviews was complemented with additional data from the establishments web pages and information pamphlets. Collected data was processed trough content analysis and then formed as background for the development of a program theory for horticultural therapy.

Att inkludera hästen i behandling - vilken betydelse har det? : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella uppfattar betydelsen av hästens medverkan i behandlingsarbete.

The aim of this study was, that from a view of professional's understand the meanings of including horses in therapy. In order to achieve the aim of the study, qualitative method was used and therewith interviews was performed with professionals who work with equine- assisted therapy. The professionals did also have an education which allowed them to independently treat clients and besides that at least five years of experience of equine- assisted therapy. The issues of the study was to understand the professionals? view of the horses role in equine-assisted therapy, which opportunities and constraints professionals consider that equine-assisted therapy entails and also if the horse could bring something unique to therapy.

Frivilligt arbete : motiv och drivkrafter till frivilligt engagemang

This thesis focuses on the motives and incitements for voluntary work. The main question for this thesis is why people get involved in voluntary work. What are the motives and incitements for voluntary commitment and what do people gain from this kind of commitment? The thesis is based upon qualitative research methods at Frivilligcentralen in Norrköping. The theoretical perspectives are a community commitment, satisfaction of being part of a meaningful context, altruistic and self-interest and an increased pace of social changes.

En skola för alla : Hur lärare talar om inkludering med elever i behov av särskilt stöd

I Sverige bera?knas 17 % av befolkningen ha en ho?rselnedsa?ttning, vilket inneba?r att det a?r den vanligaste sensoriska funktionsnedsa?ttningen. Idag finns det en ma?ngd studier som visar att ho?rselnedsa?ttning a?r relaterat till sa?mre psykisk ha?lsa. Acceptans av sin ho?rselnedsa?ttning har visat sig vara positivt fo?r ho?rselnedsatta och samvarierar med hja?lpso?kande.

Ledarskapets makt och anställdas commitment : - En fallstudie om maktens influens på upplevt commitment i en konsultverksamhet

Makt samt organisatoriskt commitment är två väsentliga begrepp gällande ett företags ledarskap och deras anställda. Ledarskapets kärna utgörs av den influens ledargestalten har över sina underordnade och begreppet makt ska för ledaren fungera som ett drivmedel gällande hens influens. Det gäller således för ledargestalter att tillämpa makten i syfte att influera sina anställda mot organisationens uppsatta mål. För att lyckas få de anställda att sträva efter samma mål som organisationen satt upp samtidigt som de ska arbeta för att få kompetent arbetskraft att stanna krävs det av ledaren att hen kan främja organisatoriskt commitment bland de anställda. Syftet med studien är därmed att utifrån positioneringsmakt och kunskapsmakt analysera hur ledare för ett konsultföretag skapar affektivt, kalkylerande och eller normativt commitment hos sina anställda.Då studien avser att inge en djup och grundlig förståelse gällande dess syfte tillämpas en fallstudiedesign med en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi samt en deduktiv ansats.

Mer värde i mobilen och mindre i plånboken - En fallstudie av mobila betalningslösningars genomslag i Sverige

This thesis presents the question of a possible breakthrough for mobile payment solutions in Sweden. The way payments are made and the way cash is being used in the society is changing. To be accepted as an alternative method, if cash isn't king anymore, the new technology will have to acquire user acceptance. In this thesis a case study of Swish, a mobile payment solution for P2P-payments, is presented. The focus of the study is customer value and technology acceptance of the service.

Cancerbehandling för hund och katt

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases in veterinary medicine today, and the incidence is higher than ever due to the fact that our companion animals live longer then they did ten to twenty years ago. Cancer is also one of the most common causes of mortality in older companion animals. This literature review will be about two of the currently most common form of cancer treatment of companion animals in Swedish animal hospitals, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. There will also be a section of general nursing care for cancer patients. The section of chemotherapy will describe the indications for choosing chemotherapy, the way to administrate chemotherapeutic drugs, describe specific chemotherapeutic drugs, potential side effects of chemotherapy, and how to handle and store chemotherapeutic drugs safely. The section of radiation therapy will describe the current devices for delivering radiation therapy, describe the indications for choosing radiation therapy and describe potential side effects that radiation therapy may cause.

Belöningssystem och engagemang : ? En studie av Eniro 118 118, Ernst & Young och Henses Herrmode.

Title: Reward systems and Commitment-A study of Eniro 118 118, Ernst & Young and Henses men'sfashion.Authors: Marlene Backlund, Vida Miraftab & Marcus SvenssonSupervisor: Arne SöderbomCourse: Dissertation 15 ECTSKey words: incentive programs, commitment and justicePurpose: The purpose of the study is to learn about the relationship betweenrewards and employee commitment in the case companies.Method: We have chosen to design the study, from a hermeneutic visibleway, and the essay approach is abductive. Study research methodis qualitative. We have chosen the method of interview in the casestudy. Theory: The thesis theoretical framework is separated into two main parts,incentive systems and commitment. The chapter is summarized ina model.Empirical method: A total of nine interviews conducted, three interviews in three casecompanies.

Mindfulness - att tillämpa medveten närvaro

In this multistudy the aim was to measure the effect of mindfulness and yoga in negative stress. Is it possible for yoga and mindfulness to increase awareness and acceptance to inner and outher circumstances? Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has shown good results in how to cope with negative stress and how to stay calm in a stressful envirorment. The qualitative study where Visby Yoga Center and Stockholm Yoga Shakti attended in a survey. Correlation showed no relationship between stress and mindfulness and no significant value, n=20, Cohens d=0,16.

Den sista utvägen... : ? En kvalitativ studie om psykiatripersonal och brukares inställning till elektrokonvulsiv behandling (ECT).

 ABSTRACT  Nature of essay:                C-level, 15 pointsPage count:                        47Title:                                   The last way out?-A qualitative study of psychiatric staff and service users attitude to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).Author:                              Hanna Nilsson Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) of professionals and service users within a user organization ? Riksförbundet för social och mental hälsa. (RSMH)Questions: Does the psychiatric staff believe that there are preconceptions about electroconvulsive therapy? What motivates service user?s choice of electroconvulsive therapy? Do the psychiatric staff and the service users think that the positive effects of ECT can outweigh the possible negative side effects?Method: Qualitative study. The study is based on interviews with psychiatric staffthat works with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and with services users who have received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).Results: The result showed that the psychiatric staff feels that preconceived ideas occur about the treatment of ECT, and that it is affecting their approach to work.Service users motivate their choice by how bad they felt under the depression, and that ECT was their only choice left, that´s why psychiatric staff suggested the treatment.The positive effects of ECT outweighed the possible negative side effects because life is something you value higher than any memory loss and when there is currently no treatment having a similar efficiency.Keywords: Electroconvulsive therapy, Attitudes, Side effects, Experience, Patients, Professionals.

Lean för kortare väntetid till strålbehandling : Förbättringsarbete och enkätstudie hur det påverkar arbetsmiljön

The aim of the study was to explore the methods used in horticultural therapy gardens in rehabilitating people suffering from fatigue syndrome. Nine horticultural therapy gardens were contacted of wich three chose to participate. Using case study as method e-mail interviews was carried out with the participants about their establishment and what kind of theories they based their methods upon. The material collected from the interviews was complemented with additional data from the establishments web pages and information pamphlets. Collected data was processed trough content analysis and then formed as background for the development of a program theory for horticultural therapy.

Se mig, inte bara min cancer! : En systematisk litteraturstudie om bröstcancerpatienters upplevelser av möten med vårdpersonal.

Aim: The aim is to create a review that examines different forms of massage therapy and their effects on hypertension.Method: Literature review of 10 scientific articles on the subject of massage and its effects on blood pressure. The literature searches were made with PubMed and Cinahl using the keywords "massage therapy", "effects" and "blood pressure".Results: The articles showed that massage had a positive effect in lowering blood pressure. This could be explained by greater extent of relaxation in the participants investigated and an increased activity of parasympaticus and reduced secretion of stress hormones. The articles do not agree on what form of massage therapy is most effective in lowering blood pressure and it is uncertain for how long the effect can remain.Conclusion: Massage is usually seen as a treatment without scientific basis. There is evidence that suggests that massage therapy is an effective treatment for lowering blood pressure.

Trädgårdsterapi inom kriminalvården : en möjlighet för Sverige?

The main objective of this study was to investigate the possible design of a horticultural therapy program in Swedish correctional treatment facilities. In the USA the use of horticultural therapy in offender rehabilitation is much more frequent compared with Sweden. The aim of these programs typically contains education for inmates. Research has been made indicating that these programs can have positive effects on psychosocial behavior and on vulnerability to substance abuse among incarcerated offenders. In this study the examples of these programs was categorized and analyzed from three perspectives; Vocational, social and therapeutic horticultural programs.

LOJALITET I FÖRHÅLLANDE TILL ARBETSPLATSEN ? WORKPLACE COMMITMENT : En jämförande studie mellan Generation Y och Baby Boomers tunneltågförare

Denna undersökning söker nå förståelse för lojalitet i förhållande till arbetsplatsen när man jämför Generation Y med Baby Boomers. Tidigare forskning visar att lojalitet är ett multidimensionellt begrepp som kan ha olika riktningar och att flera faktorer har ett samband med lojalitet. Tidigare forskning kring generationsskillnader och lojalitet är begränsad men många studier tyder på att Generation Y är mindre lojala än Baby Boomers. Undersökningen är gjord på Veolia Transport och bygger på djupintervjuer med fyra Baby Boomers tunneltågförare och tre från Generation Y. I resultatet framkom trivsel, motivation, bild av företaget, ledarskapet och organisationskultur som viktiga faktorer för lojalitet, och undersökningsdeltagarna från Generation Y tenderade att vara mindre lojala, ha kortare tidsperspektiv på sin anställning och ett mer individualiserat förhållningssätt till lojalitet än de från Baby Boomers.

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