
Konfrontationsbenämning av substantiv och verb hos svensktalande vuxna utan anomi

Confrontation naming is commonly used in speech and language pathology to diagnose neurogenic communication disorders and evaluate naming ability. The existing Swedish assessment instruments for adults consist of pictures depicting nouns. In this study, parts of the instrument An Object and Action Naming Battery were used, containing pictures depicting both nouns and verbs. The study?s purpose was to explore the degree of difficulty in the material, based on the naming of the participants, and examine whether different variables correlate with the results in confrontation naming. The variables examined were education, age, visual complexity, age of acquisition, word length, gender and frequency in speech and writing. Data from 157 Swedish-speaking adults between 19 and 92 years were collected. The strongest correlations were found between results in confrontation naming and age and education. Based on degree of difficulty, the material?s words can be expected to be included in the Swedish-speaking population?s vocabulary.


Malin Hellberg Malin Kroon

Lärosäte och institution

Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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