

24 Uppsatser om Internship - Sida 1 av 2

Hur görs nyhetsgrafik i svensk public service?

This paper is a thorough review of my Internship, during which I designed infographics at Grafiskt Center, SVT, Stockholm. The purpose has been to find out what guidelines and policies SVT has regarding infographics while producing infographics in a professional environment. In addition, I present the daily routine at SVT and the tools used during the work process. Furthermore, the paper contains a reflection of my work effort during the Internship as well as thoughts on how I adjusted to the guidelines in question. Finally, the essay treats some examples of infographics which I produced during my time at SVT..

Hur görs nyhetsgrafik i svensk public service?

This paper is a thorough review of my Internship, during which I designed infographics at Grafiskt Center, SVT, Stockholm. The purpose has been to find out what guidelines and policies SVT has regarding infographics while producing infographics in a professional environment. In addition, I present the daily routine at SVT and the tools used during the work process. Furthermore, the paper contains a reflection of my work effort during the Internship as well as thoughts on how I adjusted to the guidelines in question. Finally, the essay treats some examples of infographics which I produced during my time at SVT..

Vem hör hemma i arbetslivet? : Praktik som åtgärd för att underlätta personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningars inträde på arbetsmarknaden.

This study investigates a Swedish educational project aimed to incorporate young people with intellectual disabilities into the labor market through Internship. This qualitative interview study was conducted with six of the project student?s Internship supervisors. The purpose of this study is thus to examine the motives behind the decision to take on a trainee from the program at the workplace. In addition, the study also aims to examine whether and how dif-ferent factors of the workplace affect the trainee?s opportunities for social inclusion in the workplace.

Uppnår sjuksköterskestudenter lärandemålen?

Objective: To see if nursing students believe that they have acquired the knowledge that the Higher Education Ordinance demand and if there is any difference between the theory learned at the University and the clinical reality in which students receive their practical training. Method: The method is quantitative and is divided into two parts, one in which the authors describe how the questionnaire was developed and how validity was strengthened. In the second part, the authors describe how the data analysis was made and how reliability of the result was strengthened. Result: The result shows that the students felt that they have achieved most of the objectives of learning demanded by the Higher Education Ordinance. But some objectives are perceived as not at all or only partly achieved.

Ett halvt steg ut i arbetslivet: - En studie om internships som interaktionsform mellan akademi och näringsliv

Internship is a new form of interaction between the academic world and the market and a phenomena increasingly popular among elite universities in Europe. The educational system has traditionally kept an academic approach where the institutions for higher education have acted isolated without extensive influence from the market. Today pressure from the market has led to intensified interaction between the universities and companies among many European elite universities. We have carried out a situational analysis concerning interaction between the academic institutions and companies in Europe. More specifically, we looked at the potential for Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) to strengthen its position on the educational market by adjusting its strategies and implement Internships as a part of the education.

Styrmansyrket : Förväntan kontra verklighet

Med de nya implementeringarna av ISPS-koden så är det svårt att få en insikt i styrmansyrket. Hur skulle nya studenter veta vad de ansöker till när de vill bli ovan nämnda styrmän.    Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utreda vad förväntan på styrmansyrket är inom den svenska handelsflottan. Intervjuerna utfördes på tredjeårsstudenter vid en sjöfartshögskola i Sverige angående bilden på styrmansyrket som de fått under sin fartygsförlagda styrmanspraktik. Förväntan jämfördes sedan med den bild de fått under ombordtiden.    Resultaten visade att styrmansyrket inte kan liknas vid något landjobb och att man måste uppleva styrmansyrket för att förstå sig på styrmansyrket..

Systemutveckling av Trouble Report : Hur väljer och prioriterar man tekniska funktioner i vidareutveckling av ett etablerat system?

As part of an Internship at Ericsson, this report was written to enhance the understanding of how it is to develop a system that is well established at the workplace. To improve an already existing system is not always as easy as many developers may think. In this report the pros and cons of developing an already existing system has been researched and analyzed. Do note that the results are only from one development of a specific system and that comparison of other developments has been made from other reports and not from experiencing it firsthand. It was found that the choices made can have an impact on further developing and it is important to write down what has been done.

Regionkontor i Bryssel, En studie om regionala mål, medel och samarbeten i den europeiska sfären

The base for the study is laid during an Internship at a regional office in Brussels. The study initially concentrates on the function and activities of different regional offices located in Brussels, in order to answer the core question.The main focus is to reveal an eventual change of cooperation patterns between different regional offices, and in particular the eventual redirection away from a main cooperation between offices deriving from the same national state.Through an empirical material, based on a series of interviews, an analysis is made using three hypotheses concerning the patterns of cooperation among regional offices.The notion of a coming change stated by, in particular, two older studies is used as a theoretical steppingstone with the conclusion that a change, in the way offices collaborate, has taken place..

Förberedelse för internationella studier, praktik och jobb i gymnasieskolan : En studie av hur elever ser på förekomsten av information om möjligheter till internationella utbyten

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur väl informerade och förberedda svenska gymnasieelever blir när det gäller internationella studier, jobb eller praktik. Resultatet visar att 85 procent av de elever som svarat på enkäten inte anser att de får tillräcklig information när det gäller utlandsstudier, jobb eller praktik. Detta kan sättas i perspektiv till att 79 procent av eleverna själva är intresserade av internationell erfarenhet. Alltså finns det ett behov av information som inte är tillfredsställt..

Kurs i projektarbete : Elevsyn på kursen och mina egna tankar om ett alternativ

This study has been performed at a smaller high school and with its industry students, the high school is located in a small industrial community. The purpose of my study has been to find out what students think about their work with the project work, what they think has been positive and negative, how their motivation is influenced by the work on the project and if the work has been affected by factors outside the school world.The interviews have been carried out like normal conversation with open questions. The students who participated in the study comes from the school where I did my Internship. The selection was done by asking all students from a specific course, those who were positive to participate are also the ones I have chosen to interview. My main study results, in summary, described as the students, once they were inside their work were positive to the project work and felt motivated in their work. Negative experiences, for the students which attend a practical program, has mainly been economic, as the school does not provide any financial support.

Stöd till handledare ? finns det ett behov? : En kvalitativ studie om stödbehov till handledare

Förutom att uppfylla gällande regler och riktlinjer för rollen skall den som är verksam som handledare för studenter i deras fartygsförlagda utbildning även känna ett stöd från arbetsgivare och kollegor. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om handledarna upplever att de får detta stöd och även undersöka vad lärosäten, SUI och studenter kan göra för att underlätta handledningen. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer ansikte mot ansikte. Fem respondenter intervjuades var för sig mellan den 24:e februari och den 11:e mars 2014. Resultatet visade att det finns utrymme för förbättringar i form av olika sorters stöd till handledare.

Gränslöst. En global utställning på Historiska museet

This thesis is a report concerning the practical aspects on exhibition techniques. During an Internship at the National History Museum in Stockholm I participated in the work with their new, temporary exhibition Gränslöst - en global utställning på Historiska museet [Boundless - a global voyage of discovery at the National Historical Museum]. I was part of a small project team of museum staff. The purpose of this exhibition was to show how cultures have met and influenced each other throughout history. The National Historical Museum has in its collections and exhibitions several examples of objects that has been imported from or inspired by other cultural areas.

Ett liv med figurer : En utställning om minnen och föremål

This thesis is based on an exhibition at the county museum Upplandsmuseet in Uppsala, Sweden. During an Internship at this museum I got a chance to produce an exhibition, with some guidance from the museum staff. This exhibition was created with the purpose of teaching about agriculture in the late 19th century and also about the magnificent workmanship of Alrik Klingberg, who have carved these wooden objects for over 50 years. Each one of the objects possesses a story and a memory. The memories that Alrik Klingberg has incorporated into the objects are mainly from his childhood at a croft in northern Uppland.

"...det är ett jobb liksom. Där utbildningen blir en konsekvens". : En intervjustudie om AT-läkares vardag i Stockholm

AbstractInledningsvis beskrivs vad AT-tjänst i Sverige innehåller, samt grundläggandearbetsmiljömässiga omständigheter för AT-läkare. Bakgrunden tar upp teori om"den goda organisationen", motivation och stress, samt lagar och föreskrifter enligtSocialstyrelsen och Socialtjänstlagen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa hur ATläkarnaser på sin arbetssituation i Stockholm, hur de formar sina yrkesroller ochhur de kan påverka sin situation. Sex studier från Sverige och andra länder tas uppgällande AT-läkare el. motsvarande, bl.a.

Felaktig Ritningshantering : Kartla?ggning av dolda kostnader kopplade till ineffektiv ritningshantering inom byggindustrin

This report, written by Ma?ns Ridze?n and Jonas Stenberg, presents the thesis carried out the spring of 2012. The authors met the first time in 2008, when they started their studies at Uppsala University. Since then they have completed various projects, both within and without the university. This study is based on a theory that was first conceived when Jonas Stenberg did his Internship in the summer of 2010.

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