

24 Uppsatser om Internship - Sida 2 av 2

Gruppchefens förmåga

The Swedish armed forces has for many years educated squad leaders by letting them start their training two and a half months before the soldiers start their training. 2007, this system was used for the last time. I went trough this system myself in 2005 and had a positive experience and when I did my Internship I experienced a slight difference in the attitude of the squad leader. I talked with my colleges at the company and they had felt the same. This essay will try to analyse if the squad leaders has lost any of there ability and if so, what could be the cause? To analyze the ability of the squad leader in this essay it will first analyze their ability through the Direct leadership theory, which is the theory that is presently used in the Swedish armed forces.

Utforskning av ungdomar med problematisk bakgrund och deras syn på möjligheter och hinder för att förbättra sin hälsa : Samhällsinsatser riktade mot ungdomar

Gistrand, C. has studied ?Explore young people's problematic backgrounds and their views on the opportunities and obstacles in order to improve their health?, University of Gävle in the course theory and method of application and thesis work.The object of the study was to give young people space to make their voices heard. Further on to make unemployed youths perceptions of perceived opportunities and obstacles in their way to get a job, Internship or study, visible. The object of the study was also to show youths? views of health and what they thought about the contributions to society.The method was qualitative, with three semi-structured interviews with men between 20-24 years old (and problematic childhoods, for instance alcohol and drug use) was conducted..The result shows that unemployment increases the risk of illness and unhealthy habits.

Teoretiskt och praktiskt lärande : På Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar

Syftet: Vi har undersökt sambandet mellan teoretiskt och praktiskt lärande på det fyraåriga sjökaptensprogrammet vid Linnéuniversitetet. Vi inriktade oss på att undersöka huruvida teoretisk kunskap är en förutsättning för att förstaårsstudenterna skall kunna uppfylla förväntade studiemål för den första fartygsförlagda utbildningen. Metod: Vi gjorde en litteraturstudie som omfattade det fyraåriga sjökaptensprogrammet samt tre närbesläktade yrkesutbildningar. I vårt teorikapitel behandlade vi även tre olika typer av handledningsmodeller som samtliga på ett eller annat sätt är applicerbara på nämnda utbildningar.  För att kunna kritiskt granska vår litteraturstudie och för att ta reda på det faktiska förhållandet i frågan genomförde vi fem informantintervjuer. Resultat: Vi har kunnat se en rad likheter i utbildningarnas upplägg mellan teoretiskt och praktiskt lärande samt kunnat urskilja vilka handledningsmodeller som används.

Ambulanssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att handleda studenter på grundnivå.

ABSTRACTBackground: As a nurse it is a part of your work description to precepting students. A good relationship between preceptor and student is important for a successful precepting witch can be rewarding for both parties. There are many studies on how nurses in hospital departments experience precepting students, however it is not as explored in the prehospital care.Objective: To describe ambulance nurses' experience of precepting nursing students in the third and final year of university-level nursing school.Method: A qualitative study was conducted. Nine respondents at two ambulance stations in central Sweden were selected with the help of strategic convenience sample. The informants were nurses with specialist education in ambulance/prehospital care who had experience of working in the ambulance unit for at least a year.Result: The majority of participants were positive to precepting students and the time seemed adequate.

"Föräldrarna ska kunna hjälpa barnet" : - En kvalitativ studie om de icke-förövande anhörigas behov av stöd för att stödja sitt sexuellt utnyttjade barn

Through an Internship at a nonprofit organization called ATSUB[1], specialized at giving support to non-offending parents to sexually abused children, one of the authors to this study found that there was a lack of care for the parents by governmental operations. While studying the previous research we found a great deficiency when it came to non-offending parents and far most about non-offending fathers. We found studies proving that the child?s non-offending parents are the best support for the child during their healing process. Research also shows that parents must be able to get good support and treatment during their crisis for the parents to be able to support the child, since they?re also in great despair over their child being sexually abused.

Reflektionssamtalets möjligheter och begränsningar : En undersökning om det stöttande reflektionssamtalet som skrivutvecklande metod inom Sfi-undervisning

Writing is a critical element for many of the second language learners that I?ve encountered in my work as a Swedish teacher. Therefore, on the basis of Jerome Bruners theories of reflec-tion and learning, was the purpose with this study to examine the scaffolded structured reflec-tion conversation as a method for writing development. Bruner says that the knowledge be-comes deeper when we consciously reflect over it (Arfwedson 1992:110 f).I have used a qualitative method where I let five students write a text in Swedish on the subject "application for Internship". After that I held a conversation with each of the pupils.

Ett framtida stall för kaninproduktion.

This survey was made to investigate the possibility of using an alternative method of fencing inSwedish forestry. The most common way of fencing in Sweden today is made by a two meter highmetal net that is attached to turned impregnated poles. The fencing methods that have beeninvestigated is a fencing system made completely out of wood so called ?German wood fence?.Browsing of game in forest regeneration areas is often a big problem and some kind of protection ofthe plants is often necessary. There is several ways of building fences and the most common way isto use metal nets and impregnated poles, this leads to a problem when the fence has profiled itspurpose.

Trähägn en tänkbar metod för viltskydd i Svenskt skogsbruk?

This survey was made to investigate the possibility of using an alternative method of fencing inSwedish forestry. The most common way of fencing in Sweden today is made by a two meter highmetal net that is attached to turned impregnated poles. The fencing methods that have beeninvestigated is a fencing system made completely out of wood so called ?German wood fence?.Browsing of game in forest regeneration areas is often a big problem and some kind of protection ofthe plants is often necessary. There is several ways of building fences and the most common way isto use metal nets and impregnated poles, this leads to a problem when the fence has profiled itspurpose.

Praktisk ledarskapserfarenhet - ändrar det prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter? : En fallstudie av studentorganisationen AIESEC.

Enligt rapporten "Akademi eller Verklighet?" skriven av Svenskt Näringsliv saknar många akademiker en god kontakt med arbetslivet under sina studier. Rapporten poängterar att svenska universitets och högskolors samverkan med arbetslivet är bristande och är i behov av förbättring. Detta då bristande arbetslivskontakt under studier kan resultera i att akademiker inte anses vara lika attraktiva på arbetsmarknaden som de akademiker som anser sig ha haft god kontakt med arbetslivet under sina studier.Att akademiker som upplevt en god samverkan under sina studier gör dem mer eftertraktade på arbetsmarknaden tyder på att en positiv förändring sker hos en person som har upplevt en god kontakt med arbetslivet och fått praktisk erfarenhet i ett yrke.Denna uppsats ämnar analysera huruvida en förändring sker i studenters prioritering av ledarskapsfärdigheter efter att praktiskt fått utöva ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik. Uppsatsen har vidare som ansats att analysera huruvida de eventuellt ändrade prioriteringarna kan härledas till specifika situationer som upplevts under praktikperioden.Uppsatsen utgår från ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och är en fallstudie då uppsatsen har som avsikt att djupgående beskriva och analysera det generella undersökningsproblemet genom att kvalitativt studera studentorganisationen AIESEC.

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