

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 42 av 69

Kartläggning och visualisering av riggkonstruktionsprocessen : Fallstudie från Scania

Mapping a process enables a greater understanding of the work, and is standard to evaluate and improve a process. This thesis is conducted at Test Bed Mechanical Design at Scania in Södertälje. Test Bed Construction is a complex process, characterized by a large amount of creative work, technical challenges and coordination between different people and different organizational functions.The aim of the thesis was to identify the Test Bed Construction Process and to develop a visual model of the workflow that also served as support for the engineers in their daily work. During the mapping process, comparisons were made with previous research in lean product development to identify process improvement.A literature review on process mapping and process visualisation resulted in a method for process mapping. The study showed that research on process visualisation is neither structured nor well defined.

Höjning av vattennivån i Mälaren : Ett hot mot Stockholms centrala delar vid en framtida klimatförändring?

In today?s World is climate change an important and hot topic. Climate scenarios for Sweden show a warmer climate, especially during the autumn, winter and spring. The same climate scenarios also show that the precipitation will increase during this part of the year, however, during the summer the opposite is expected to occur. The purpose of this essay is to examine how future climate change will affect Stockholm especially the expected increase in precipitation, which may lead to a rising level of the Lake Mälaren. During 2000/2001 was Stockholm hit by a flood. This flood nearly resulted in major consequences and showed that there were significant risks for the city of Stockholm and increasing precipitation will result in even more water in the drainage systems of Lake Mälaren. The results presented here show that it is important to increase the drainage capacity of Lake Mälaren in order to reduce the risks of flooding in the central parts of Stockholm.

Arbetstillfredställelse och Arbetsrelaterad stress : En studie utförd i industriell verksamhet

Syftet var att med en enkätstudie undersöka om det fanns någon upplevd skillnad mellan två produktionsflöden inom stålindustrin gällande arbetsrelaterad stress och tillfredsställelse. Val av flöde baserades på sjukfrånvarostatistiken då flöde 1 hade en högre korttidssjukfrånvaro än i flöde 2. Studien syftade även till att undersöka om det fanns någon mätbar skillnad mellan yngre och äldre arbetstagares arbetsrelaterade stress och tillfredsställelse.Resultaten visade en signifikans för delmåttet rolltydlighet där de äldre deltagarna skattade rolltydligheten högre än de yngre deltagarna. Resultaten visade också signifikans för arbetstillfredsställelse för delmåtten belysning, ljud, smuts och temperatur där deltagarna i flöde 2 var mer nöjda än i flöde 1. De yngre jämfört med de äldre visade sig uppleva mer psykosocialt stöd och deltagarna i flöde 1 upplevde sig ha en högre grad av autonomi än deltagarna i flöde 2, äldre deltagare upplevde sig även ha en bättre autonomi än de yngre deltagarna.

Nedskrivning av goodwill

The purpose of this study has been to examine how customers, by interacting with each other, can communicate and create the image of a brand. We find this topic to be relevant since there are no previous studies conducted concerning the customers influence on the brand image. Our ambition has been to describe in what ways and to what extent the customer can affect and influence the brand image by communicating with other customers. To fulfill our purposed we have targeted three important questions which are:? In which ways can the customer affect the communicated image of a brand?? To what extent can the customer influence the brand image and the perceived value?? Who has control over the brand, the customer or the company?For this study we have used a qualitative approach in which we have conducted eight personal interviews with brand consultants and the editor of the magazine Dagens Media which has given us the foundation for our analysis.

Kärnkraftens värde i framtiden : en jämförelse med kraftvärmeteknologi från biobränsle

The debate on the future of Nuclear power in Sweden has increased with the discussion on global warming. The uncertainty of fossil fuel- and carbonprices the latest years has aroused considerable interest in Nuclear from power companies, industry and politicians. Nuclear power plants have negligible CO2 emissions and are not directly affected by increased price of emission rights and fossil fuels. The future power production needs to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases to become sustainable. The purpose of this study is to examine the value for power producers to have the option to invest in Nuclear power and how a Nuclear power venture would affect future electricity prices. The study uses two methods, a traditional cash flow model and real option analysis, to estimate the value of Nuclear power.

Vidareutveckling och utvärdering av operatörsplatser på svenska stridsfartyg

The ability to handle potentially dangerous and hostile situations on a military vesselrequires that the equipment works effectively with the personnel that use it. It is importantthat this equipment can be used by different people. An operator on a military vesselshall be able to handle information about hostile threats, navigation and the steering ofunmanned vehicles. A operator console should therefore be constructed in such a waythat the operator can handle a large flow of information. And the information given bythe technical system should be displayed correctly to facilitate the operators ability tohandle and interpret the information correctly, in order for the operator to make thecorrect decision at any given moment.

Fysiska strukturer i Umeälvens gamla älvfåra och dess inverkan på laxsmoltens utvandringsframgång

The survival of hatchery reared smolts is generally low after release. To get a better understanding of what variables affecting migration success, Atlantic salmon smolts were studied during their out-migration in the old river channel in the lower part of river Umeälven. The area consists of shifting habitat and complex structures which causes difficulties for smolt on their migration out to sea. The aim of this study was to try to determine the effects of feed restriction, fin conditions and different physical barriers in the river, on the migratory behavior of Atlantic salmon smolts in the river Umeälven. The river was divided into six different sections using acoustic receivers strategically deployed along the river. Two-year old hatchery-reared smolts (n=150), in three different weight classes, were tagged with acoustic transmitters.

Fysikalisk modellering av klimat i entreprenadmaskin

This masters thesis concerns a modeling project performed at Volvo Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The main purpose of the project has been to develop a physical model of the climate in construction vehicles that later on can be used in the development of an electronic climate controller. The focus of the work has been on one type of wheel loader and one type of excavator. The temperature inside the compartment has been set equal to the notion climate. With physical theories about air flow and heat transfer in respect, relations between the components in the climate unit and the compartment has been calculated.

Mätning av stamdiameter med markstående scanner :

Booth for operational planning of harvesting and for long term planning, data is today collected manually. Intensive objective field inventories are usually too expensive. To enhance optimisation of timber flow from forest to industry Moore efficient methods for measuring tree stems of standing trees are needed. The performance of terrestrial laser scanners have improved and these could possibly be used within forestry in the future. The objective of this study was to validate how a terrestrial laser scanner could be used to measure stem diameter, and to test how the errors depend on distance from the scanner and tree species. Two plots (one pine and one spruce) were used for this study.

Lean i akutsjukvården: Flödeseffektivisering och slöseriminimering ? en fallstudie av Sunderby sjukhus akutmottagning

På grund av en ökad befolkningsmängd och nya tekniker som gör fler sjuka går att bota ställs nya krav på svensk sjukvård. Sjukvården måste möta de nya kraven med ett bättre effektivare resursanvändande och där till krävs nya förbättringsmetoder. Med influenser från industriell tillverkning har sjukvården omarbetat lean production för att skapa ett universellt förbättringsverktyg som lämpar sig för vårdorganisationer. Verktyget kallas lean healthcare och är omdiskuterat och dess effekter tvetydiga. Att undersöka om och hur värdeflöden i en akutmottagnings triage, som innebär en prioritering efter patienters allvarlighetsgrad, kan effektiviseras med hjälp av ett flödesorienterat arbetssätt som lean.

Den användarskapade elden Risker och möjligheter med kriskommunikation i sociala online-nätverk

Title The User Created Fire ? Risks and Opportunities with Crisis Communication in Social Network SitesAuthor Charbel SaderCourse Master Thesis in Media? and Communication Studies, Department of Journalism and Communication, University of GothenburgSemester Spring semester of 2013Tutor Nicklas HåkanssonNumberof pages 75Purpose To find a deeper understanding of the digital media?s role in Swedish society in relation to crisis communication.Method Qualitative approach using focus group interviewsMaterial Semi structured focus group interviews with a total of 18 participants in five groups. The focus group sessions were made during February, March and April 2012.Main results The main findings in this study are that users expect the communication flow in social network sites (SNS) during a crisis is to be a shortcut to information without a detour through organizations or traditional media. Although we find personal gratification, like interpersonal communication, quick information and sharing feelings and experience with others by using SNS during a crisis, users also tend to be hesitant about the credibility of the shared information. Alongside the user created content, we look to professional media experts and organizations as a guarantee for the veracity of the shared information.

Sociala interaktionsvärden för ökat köpflöde

AbstractSpotify is currently the largest and fastest growing online music service. They started in 2006 and has since established itself in several European countries. Their financial revenue comes from advertising spots on the client and registered paid subscribers. Together with Spotify, we have come to a certain focus area where Spotify themselves feel that there is potential for improvement. This area of focus concerns the conversion from using Spotify's free "Open" to the payment options Unlimited and Premium.Objective: We will use an innovation process to achieve an innovation grant that will create more attraction to the payment services.

Betydelsen av interleukin 4 receptorn (IL-4R) i stimulering av lymfom- och leukemiceller

Cytokiner eller interleukiner är signalpeptider med låg molekylär vikt som reglerar många viktiga funktioner. De kan delas in i två grupper beroende på deras effekt på celler. Interleukin 4 (IL-4) till exempel kan tillhöra gruppen tillväxtfaktorer medan interleukin 6 (IL-6) kan tillhöra gruppen aktiverings- eller differentieringsfaktorer. IgM-receptorn eller B-cellsreceptorn, BCR, finns på Bceller och är membranbundna immunoglobuliner (mIg) som har två huvuduppgifter; att förmedla signaler som styr B-cellens utveckling samt att binda in antigen som sedan ska presenteras för T-celler. I studien aktiverades B-celler med antikropp mot IgM (anti-IgM) samt rekombinant IL-4.

Värmeåtervinning ur spillvatten : En utredning av möjligheterna med spillvattenvärmeväxlare

The purpose of this report is to investigate the possibilities with drain water heat recovery (DWHR) in residential buildings. Information and relevant theory has been collected and summarized in this report. Calculations have been done for given scenarios to evaluate profits. DWHR heat exchangers use simple technology and have long life-time. The heat exchanger is connected to outgoing drainage pipe and incoming cold-water supply so countercurrent flow is accomplished.

Uppgradering av biogas med aska från trädbränslen

The Swedish production of biogas was 1,5 TWh 2011. About half of the production was used as vehicle fuels. The cost for upgrading biogas depends on the size of the biogas plant and its gas production. If the gas flow is low the cost will be high. However, further development of existing upgrading technologies or development of new ones, have good potential to decrease the upgrading cost for small scale biogas plants.

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