

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 41 av 69

Vilka hinder förekommer utmed gångstråk och hur kan de åtgärdas : samt hur kommunerna använt resultatet från tillgänglighetsinventeringar och hur de upplevt stödet från Vägverket Region Mälardalen

To be able to compete on the market environmental Management System has become an important part of operations work. However, many companies still haven?t implemented an environmental management systems due to lack of time and the high costs. One of the companies with this problem is Falu Bildemontering. Their goal is to accredited according to the ISO 14 001 certificate.

Förstudie till flödesackumulering på Astra Tech

Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka möjligheten för optimering av produktflödet. Företagets produkter transporteras på ett transportband till en gemensam process. Det nuvarande flödet till processen är inte optimerat vilket resulterar i att processen körs ineffektivt. Ackumulering av produkter innan processen ska därför undersökas som en lösning till problemet.Fyra olika ackumuleringsförslag har analyserats och jämförts: hängande bansystem, palleteringssystem, depalleteringssystem och kombination av bansystem och palleteringssystem.Förslagen har blivit bedömda och jämförda utifrån följande parametrar: yta, investeringskostnad, flexibilitet, arbetsbelastning, arbetsmiljö och tid. Hängande bansystem fick det högsta snittvärdet och valdes därför för fortsatt analys med stöd av simulering.

Framtagning av en rörväxlaretill sopsugsystem

The main goal of this project was to develop some sort of a diverter for pipestransporting waste in a vacuum system. This unit was supposed to be both cheap andeasy to serve/exchange worn out parts. With a limited space to install the pipeexchanger, the challenge was to keep it as compact as possible without constructingbends with to small radius or to sharp angles as this would wear out the system a lotfaster than planned. The system was also supposed to be able to handle clothes andscrubs from hospitals. Having too much sharp edges or angles would tear the clothesapart.

Den skogliga informationens roll i ett kundanpassat virkesflöde : en bakgrundsstudie samt simulering av inventeringsmetoders inverkan på noggrannhet i leveransprognoser till sågverk

This MSc thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the need for information from forest campartments selected for clear cutting, in connection with planning in an integrated forest- and sawmill enterprise. A review of literature is followed by a case stud y, where present conditions in a Swedish forest company are compared with current research in the area. The seeond part consists of a simulation stud y, which aims at camparing the accuracy of inventory estimates using different methods. The estimates are delivery forecasts, covering one month consumptian of timber in a large sawmill.

Företags motiv till finansiering med realränteobligationer

The long-term external financing of a corporation is satisfied through the bond market where issues of index-linked bonds, which are discussed in this thesis, is one alternative. (Finnerty&Emery 2001) An index- linked bond is a debt instrument where the investor is guaranteed the principal and premium amount in real terms. As the bonds cash flows are indexed to the inflation this implies that the issuer of an index-linked bond assumes an inflation risk. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and examine corporate motives for choosing index-linked bonds as way of financing their business. Realization: Primary data was collected through interviews with corporate issuers of non-swapped index-linked bonds.

Meningsfulla turistupplevelser: en studie av erfarenheter berättade av människor i "den kreativa klassen"

Arbetets problemformulering tar fasta på att Florida (2002) beskriver vad den kreativa klassen är, hur den arbetar, hur den underhåller sig och hur den skapar nya kreativa mötesplatser. Han talar dock inte så mycket om hur den kreativa klassen reser och turistar. Denna studie kan bidra med kunskap till personer som verkar inom turismbranschen och vill uppfylla de önskningar som människor ur den kreativa klassen har. Syftet med detta arbete är att skapa förståelse för vad människor som jag bedömer tillhör den så kallade kreativa klassen upplever som meningsfullt i det resande som kan betraktas som turism. För att uppfylla syftet genomfördes en kvalitativ studie där sex personer som passade in på Floridas (Ibid.) definition av den kreativa klassen intervjuades.

Stämmer verkligen resultatet? Earnings management och bolagsstyrning i svenska börsföretag

Syfte:Att på den svenska marknaden undersöka effekten av resultatmanipulering, efter införandet av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning. Metod:Kvantitativ datainsamling använd's för att utföra regressioner del's för beräkning av EM, del's för identifiering av signifikanta förklaringsvariabler. Informationen hämta's bland annat från årsredovisningar, SIS Ägarservice och Datastream. Studien har en deduktiv ansat's. Teoretiska perspektiv:Ett antal bolagsstyrningsteorier har behandlat's rörande agentprincipalförhållanden, institutionellt ägande samt separation av ägande och kontroll.

Får vi se ? datakvalité. Effektivisering av supportprocessen hos Tunga Maskiner AB

Inadequate data quality has a negative effect for organizations, however utilization of modern technology and data analysis may shape new values for organizations. Our research has found that the quality of information in field reports for error reporting varies significantly. In many cases, the information in the field reports are deficient in such way that the field report need additional information from the sender, thus risking prolonging lead times in the error reporting process. More efficient use of information has become possible with today?s technology.

Framgångsfaktorer med Business Intelligence- verktyget Qlikview inom offentlig verksamhet : Tillämpas teorin för att nå målen?

Introduction:Corporate limits becoming more diffuse due to the globalization taking place and requirements for analytical strategies are becoming more fundamental parts of organizations. Business Intelligence systems are hot and not without reason, today's world is spinning faster and with a flow of information that is constantly increasing Business Intelligence promises to introduce a support that will render a better decision-making, something that everyone wants.Problem Discussion:The local government business has today demands from the Swedish School-inspection to analyze and create adequate target images to the school and students meet curriculum goals and guidelines. Therefore, local government activities has increasingly begun to implement Business Intelligence tools, with the purpose to facilitate strategic and operational decisions were the result plays an increasing role in today's society.Purpose:This study evaluates how the analysis tool Qlikview fulfills the function of monitoring and controlling the improved student achievement in public schools.Method:The evaluation has been conducted qualitative interviews with staffs that have leadership positions in each municipality and management and possess a deep knowledge of the analysis tool and its processes.Conclusion:The evaluation has shown positive effects on the monitoring and control of student performance through better control of school operations..

Euthanasi : avlivning av häst

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death, "good death". The penetrating captive bolt is an effective method of euthanasia, when use of drugs is inappropriate. The horse becomes immediately unconscious and falls to the ground. First after the blood is emptied from the body the horse is dead. The use of injectable euthanasia agents is a rapid and reliable method of performing euthanasia. The aim is to stop the flow of oxygenated blood to vital organs and tissues. The muscle relaxants may be used either in combination wih or following an anaesthetic dose of barbiturate, their use use as a sole agent is totally inhumane.

Lantbruket som energiproducent : tekniska, ekonomiska och miljömässiga förutsättningar för fjärrvärmeproduktion med lokalt skogsbränsle

A third party access to district heating networks has been proposed in Sweden, to increase the competition on the district heating market. Such third party access could create opportunities for the agricultural sector as an energy producer. This study describes the technical, economical and environmental prerequisites for a farmer cluster to build and run a heating plant, fueled with local wood fuel. The heating plant in the described scenario is 8 MW and will supply a village of 1000 houses, and is fueled with wood chips exclusively. Supplying a heating plant with fuel puts high demands on the logistics, since there need to be a continuous flow of fuel. In the scenario, wood residues from felling and thinning is stored in stacks in the forest, and a few times a year chipped and transported to a storage area at the heating plant. In the study, an estimation of the profitability has been made by estimating the cost of the investment, personnel, operating and maintenance costs and costs for the fuel and ash handling.

Modellbaserad temperaturregleringav partikelfiltrets regenereringsprocess

Due to increasing regulations regarding new diesel vehicles particulate matteremissions the new Scania truck, Scania Euro 6, has been equipped with a particulatefilter. This component effectively stores the particles in the exhaust gas but must becleaned in order to prevent itself from clogging. The filter is cleaned through aprocess named regeneration which is a thermodynamic process in which thetemperature of the filter is raised through fuel supplied to the exhaust gas.The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of improved controlstrategies of the temperature during the regeneration process through thedevelopment of model-based controllers. These controllers are designed in order tohave good performance in stationary as well as automatic regeneration.In order to develop these model-based controllers a model of the system isconstructed. The model is described as a linear thermodynamic grey-box model withflow varying parameters, showing good results in validation.The model provides a simulation environment during the controller design, which isfocused around the development of linear regulators with the exhaust gas mass flowas a scheduling variable whose size determines controllers? mode of operation.

Produktionsvåtmarker mot övergödning

In ambition to produce more and better harvests, artificial fertilizers are used to produce a better growth of crops in the agriculture landscape. This contributes to leakage of nutrients. Our forests also exhibit a leakage of nutrients. Air pollution contributes to more nutrients. High precipitation with high water flows as a consequence seems currently to occur more frequently in the county of Halland.

Information Audit inom Svenskt Näringsliv : en fallstudie av hur organisationen Svenskt Näringsliv hanterar sina informationsresurser

Today every organization is committed to some kind of environmental scanning in order to get necessary knowledge of the world around them. The acquisition, organization and storage of information in combination with a strategic use, is today an important factor for a successful organisation in any sector of our society.In this Master thesis I have studied how an organisation such as The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) handles its information resources. I have also looked at the flow of information within the organization. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is Sweden?s largest business federation representing 50 member organizations and 55 000 member companies.

Skogsentreprenad idag och i framtiden : en kvalitativ studie av skogsmaskinentreprenörersverksamhet och framtidsvisioner

The Department of Forest Products and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has received means from Vinnova for a preliminary study of the organisation of logging work of today and how a better logging organisation should be brought about. This thesis reports results from qualitative interviews with nine forest machine contractors regarding the situation of their companies. The interviews have been analysed with respect to the genesis of the companies, which tasks they perform or that they could consider perform-ing, business relationships of the companies, relationships between the different partners of the companies, and the state of competition experienced by the contractors. The companies have developed either from the contractor previously being machine operator employee or from that the contractor in making has owned a machine and needed work. Their primary business is mechanised logging.

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