

1609 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 6 av 108

En plats att minnas : om att involvera ungdomar i en skapandeprocess

This Master thesis is about how to involve Young people in a creative process. The aim is to see what methods can be applied to make them reach the kind of knowledge they need to be able to contribute to the creation of a memorial place. Issues such as if a place that displays death has a right to exist in an urban environment or why Young people should be involved in the creative process are brought up and discussed in this thesis.The memorial place that the Young people contribute to is unique, in some sense, due to it not commemorating any special event or person. The purpose of the memorial is rather to serve the public when larger catastrophes occur or to serve individuals who do not have a grave they can visit to commemorate their loved ones. The idea is to place the memorial in an urban setting in the city of Borås.In this thesis the process that the Young people participate in is reported in a form similar to a diary where the reader can follow the developments of the Young participants, from how they gain knowledge to how they develop their ideas.

Ett mynt har alltid två sidor? : En jämförelse av polisens förebyggande metoder mot ungdomsbrottslighet

How do the police prevention methods work against juvenile delinquency? The purpose of this study is to see how the police work to prevent juvenile delinquency in two municipalities in Stockholm, Södertälje and Sundbyberg. Additionally, the purpose of this study is also to find out if there are any similarities or differences between the police methods the police use in these two municipalities. We have used qualitative method in which we have interviewed the police and Young people from the communities. We interviewed Young people to see their attitudes to the police and the area to find their perception of police work in the fields as well as the police forces attitude toward the Young people.

Socialsekreterares syn på insatsen kontaktperson : en kvalitativ studie

This essay describes social workers view on the action contact person. The study was qualitative and six social workers were interviewed on the topic. The effort contact person were chosen as the object for this study since it is the most common action given to Young people, despite the lack of research about this subject. The result was analyzed out of conduct action theory and the theory of street level bureaucrats as well as scientific research in this area. The result of this study shows that most of the social workers consider the action as positive.

"JAG ÄR RÄTT SÅ LÄTTÖVERTALAD": en studie i ungdomars resonemang om preventivmedel utifrån ett identitets- och utvecklingsperspektiv.

The aim of the study was to get a deeper understanding of how Young people think and act when it comes to Contraceptive use, and also if outside factors have an impact on Young peoples behaviour in these matters. We looked at our study from an identity and a development perspective. The method was conducted as a qualitative study. There were two groups of 8 Young people, aged 16-17. Also 3 professionals that work with Young people participated.

Ungas psykiska hälsa i form av hanterbarhet : En kvantitativ studie utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this quantitative study was to from a gender perspective understand and measure the mental health among Young people as a sense of managing to handle situations and also how satisfied Young people are with their personal qualities. The study also aims to see if there is a connection between these two ways of explaining mental health. This study takes its standpoint from a gender theory and gender stereotypes. The study was conducted as a survey with 100 Young girls and boys, all of whom was students of a Swedish upper secondary school. The result of the study show that Young people in general has a good sense of being able to handle situations.

En upplysning om sexualitet : diskursanalys av det svenska samhällets syn på ungdomars sexualitet

The purpose of this essay is, using discourse analysis, to define how the Swedish society sees sexuality and how this is conveyed to Young people. The questions at issue are; How is the term sexuality defined and delimited? How are the Young people described in relation to sexuality? Are Young people ascribed to different needs and qualities in relation to sexuality depending on their gender?There is previously a lot of research with great multitude about the sexuality of the youth. The research methods vary but text analysis within the subject area is unusual. The material used in this discourse analysis have been published by normative public institutions.

ATTITYDER, VÄRDERINGAR och INSTÄLLNING till FRAMTIDA ARBETSLIV : ?En kvalitativ studie med sex unga kvinnliga beteendevetarstudenter?

The purpose of this paper was to investigate what Young behavioral science students, born in the 1980s, think is important in their future work life. The purpose has also been to investigate what attitudes the behavioral science students have towards their future work life, and what place work has in the Young behavioral science students lives. After clarification of above, the aim has also been to compare the results with former research. Thereafter the purpose has been to investigate whether traditional work motivation and job satisfaction theories are applicable for Young people today. The empirical material is based on interviews with six women who study behavioral science at various levels.

Psykosocial och sexuell hälsa hos unga män födda med analatresi. Att hantera sin livssituation med en medfödd missbildning

The aim of this study was to examine Young men born between 1990-1995 with anorectal malformations (ARM) whom have undergone the new PSARP-operation starting in 1990, and how they experience their psychosocial and sexual health. The study also examines how they cope with their life situation and what their experience is of the health care and how they were responded to through out the years. This study is a qualitative research and consists seven semi- structured interviews with Young men between sixteen and twenty years old. The analyses of this material resulted in three themes around which the study centers: psychosocial health, sexual health and the medical establishment and the informants thoughts about the proposition of counseling for themselves and other individuals born with ARM. The study shows that these Young men have a good psychosocial health and a likely reason for that is good parental relationships and close friendships.

?Jag vet att de bara låtsaslyssnar på vad jag säger.? Ungdomars upplevelse av delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar.

The purpose of this study was to explore Young people's participation and experience of participation in child protection investigations. The study was conducted using qualitative methodology and is based on interviews with four adolescents aged 13-19 years old who have experience of child protection investigations. Our chosen method has made it possible for us get a deeper understanding of Young people's own experiences of participation. In order to analyze the material we have used Shiers (2001) model of children's participation, symbolic interactionism, and some concepts relating to shame and pride.The results show that all adolescents have had the opportunity to be heard during the investigations, but it is different to what degree they feel that someone has listened to them.Two of the Young people have been involved in their investigation, been listened to and have had impact on the decisions taken. The results indicate that it does not seem to be the external factors, such as how many meetings they have had, or what quality it was on the information, that matters if the social worker did not manage to convey to the Young people that what they told was of any importance.

Att vara boknörd - identitetsskapande i ungdomars bokbloggar

The purpose of this study is to analyze how the blog as an arena is being used by Youngpeople to discuss and reflect on reading and literature, and what purpose the blog as an arenahas for them in the forming of identity. The method used in this study is qualitative contentanalysis. Prior research is divided into two themes: Young people?s reading, and Young peoplein group constellations in and outside of the blogosphere. The theoretical framework is madeup of Louise M.

"Man vill ju se bra ut" : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars syn på sociala medier

This thesis examines Young people's thoughts about their presence on social media. With asocial constructive approach the study focused on how Young people think and act on socialmedia in relation to constructions of gender and normality. The analysis is based on fourgroup interviews with 13-year old boys and girls. The theoretical approach is based partly onsocial constructionism where discourses and ideas of normality are identified and analyzed.Erving Goffman's theory of social interaction was central to illustrate how Young peoplepresents themselves based on the prevailing discourses. It is clear that they adjust theirrepresentations of themselves depending on the context.

Nätet spinns vidare : Hur används Internet i ungdomsromanen?

The essay is a text centred study of ten Young Adult Novels, in which Internet plays an essential part. The structure is put into light out of used narrative techniques of how to create stories and its construction elements. I compare the ten Young Adult novels to each other. My aim is to analyze the functions of the Internet motive in the chosen novels, using different approaches, and enlighten it with concerns to the new phenomenon that Internet is in society. Consequently the essay will also have a mimetic touch to it.The ten novels that I base the analysis on are written of both med and women and have both male and female as main fictive persons, and are from different parts of the world.

?Jag diggar det!? Tolv ungdomars syn på biblioteket ? en studie på Stadsbiblioteket Dynamo

This thesis is based on a study conducted at the City Library Dynamo in Gothenburg where data have been collected through qualitative interviews with Young people aged 15 - 25 years. Our intention was to examine what Young people think about the City Library Dynamo as a venue, and how they perceive its activities and functions.In order to compare two different cultural venues for Young people, where Dynamo is one, interviews were also conducted at a location other than the library, at Arena 29, a cultural activity house for Young people in Gothenburg. Twelve qualitative and semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to collect data which was then transcribed and structured. As a theoretical framework we have used the new model for the public library, developed by Hvenegaard, Jochumsen and Skot-Hansen 2010.Our result shows a thoroughly positive image of the City Library Dynamo, particularly as a meeting and study place. Young people stated that they felt welcome and that the City Library Dynamo was designed and tailored to match their needs.

Förklaringsmodeller och behandlingsmodeller kring mäns våld mot kvinnor : En litteraturstudie

Young men who commit sexual abuse is a complex topic. This study is based on litterature on the subject and the material is processed through a qualitative content analysis. The study aims to study how the litterature describes the reasons why Young men commit sexual abuse. It also aims to explore what is described to be effective treatment of Young men who committed sexual abuse. The study found that most of the Young men who commit sexual abuse comes from families where violence and psycohological abuse occurs. Many have themselves been victims of sexual abuse.

?Jag vill vara självförsörjande? : - En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas upplevelser av arbetslösheten

This is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic and partially inductive approach. The study?s purpose is to enhance the understanding of Young adults experiences of unemployment and the importance of being employed. In this study, eight Young adults participate in the project Framtid Kronoberg. The youths are 19-25 years of age.

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