

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 22 av 47

Vuxenstuderande med funktionsnedsättning

More and more people in our society take part in adult education. In this study, eight students in adult education, the majority with a diagnosis such as ADHD and/or reading- and Writing disorders/dyslexia,have been interviewed about their current study situation. The interviews have so party treated topics related to earlier schooling and the future. Earlier studies and available literature is to a large extent written from the perspective of children?s and adolescents? study situation and the question is if this is applicable to students in adult education.

Beaker-kulturernas ursprungs-ID

This essay aims to investigate the use of an origin-ID within the Beaker Complex, as defined by John C. Barrett, seen through their different expressions of use in ceramic form and ornamentation, architecture and landscape through time and space with special emphasis on the late Neolihtics in the South of England. The analytic vehicle "the reinforcing circle" is used as a new diffusion model suggested by Stuart Needham, and the analytic tool "incubation" is used to structure the process the Beaker-cultures may have used to reach cultural hegemony. Id est, that the Beaker-cultures socially invites already existing cultures, offering within family and trading the results of new technolo­gies. And/or, occupy the space and use the authority needed by re-Writing the narrative as seen in the grave use and grave deposits.

Motorikens betydelse för inlärning

AbstractMy purpose with this study is to find out if it helps children who have diffuculties with their concentration if they get to practise their motor behaviour knowledge during their day at the school to promote their learning capacity. My purpose is also to find out how schools works with motor behaviour training. To get answers to my questions have I done interviews with four educationalists and I have also used books and internet sites. Motor behaviour is of importance to how children learn things in the school, without a well working motor children gets difficulties to sit still and to concentrate. The children may put their energy at the wrong things in the classroom, when the energy instead should be need to learning things.

Input - output : låtskrivandes utveckling genom samspel

Det ha?r projektet handlar om att utveckla mitt la?tskrivande och vikten av att fa? ba?de input och output fra?n mina medmusiker och da?rigenom inspiration till att komponera och arrangera. Jag skriver la?tar i genren pop/singer-songwriter men da? jag sja?lv a?r violinist har jag valt att spela med bara stra?kinstrument och sa?ng. Bandet besta?r av mig som sjunger och spelar fiol, en cellist och en violinist som a?ven sjunger.

Läs- och skrivinlärning hos grundskoleelever på en skola i Sverige och en i Kenya : En jämförelse i pedagogers reflektioner om läs-och skrivinlärning i förhållande till skolans resurser, metoder och omkringliggande faktorer

SammandragSyftet med den här rapporten är att visa hur lärare vid en skola i Sverige och en i Kenya tänker och arbetar med läs-och skrivinlärning samt beskriva hur de upplever att utomliggande faktorer kan påverka undervisningen. För att genomföra studien har en kombination av kvalitativa intervjuer och ostrukturerade observationer använts. Intervjuerna har utförts på fyra pedagoger, två svenska och två kenyanska som undervisar mot förskolan till årskurs tre. Observationerna har utförts på samma skolor och vid sex tillfällen, tre på vardera skola. I resultatet kan man ta del av kontraster och likheter mellan den svenska och kenyanska skolan.

Hur löser elever med kombinerade läs-, skriv- och matematiksvårigheter matematiska problem?

Syftet med denna studie är att ge en insikt i hur elever med kombinerade läs- och skriv och matematiksvårigheter tänker och resonerar vid problemlösning.Tre elever i år 8, som alla ingår i samma specialundervisningsgrupp i matematik, har arbetat med olika typer av matematisk problemlösning, såväl individuellt som i grupp. Med utgångspunkt i deras arbete skapas början till en grundad teori.I forskningssammanhang behandlas ofta denna kategori elever (med kombinerade problem) som en enhetlig kategori som jämförs med t ex elever med enbart matematiksvårigheter, normalpresterande elever osv. Denna undersökning visar dock att de svårigheter eleverna uppvisar är av mycket olika karaktär.Studien omfattar tre delar: en presentation av fältstudien och resultaten från denna, en metoddel innefattande en pilotstudie som koncentreras på datainsamlingsmetoden samt en omfattande litteraturstudie som behandlar problemlösning och inlärningssvårigheter..

Alkemi och jungiansk psykologi

This assignment is a venture into the use of the concept alchemy in the texts on analytical psychology written by Carl G. Jung. Originally the idea was to compare the blending of colours in art painting with the Jungian understanding of alchemy. In order to understand the many and it seems differentiated correlations to alchemy in the texts on analytical psychology written by C.G. Jung, I have found it necessary to investigate the history of alchemy in modern Europe and the Egyptian figure of Hermes Trismegistos.

Fritidspedagogens syn på samverkan med lärarna

I have in my thesis examined what a leisure pedagogue does in school. I have asked the questions how it is with interaction between leisure pedagogues and teachers according to policy documents and according to the interviews I did with three professionals. In the literature part I began by describing the historical background to the after-school and leisure pedagogue profession until the new teacher education in 2011th.  My theory section, in previous research and theory, focuses on interaction between leisure pedagogue and teacher. In the research part I describe the interviews I did with three leisure pedagogue on three separate occasions.

Knowledge management på en dagstidning

The purpose of this study was to describe how journalists do research for their articles and whether there is a need to create a knowledge bank of the material that journalists use for Writing these articles. I also looked at how knowledge management could be used at a daily newspaper to add value to the information used by the journalists. The thesis is based on four interviews with journalists, a literature review and a practical project. I helped a journalist with his information seeking and later tried to organize the material. This project gave me an understanding of how varying the material that journalists use is and how difficult it would be to try to organize it in order to create an organizational knowledge resource of the material.

Bibliotekets roll för högskolestudenter med dyslexi

The aim of this master thesis is to explore what role libraries play in the educational process for university students suffering from dyslexia. The question at issue is whether the library is able to meet the needs of students who have difficulty in using the libraries main resource, i.e. printed documents and information in written form. An often expressed view indicates that the modern library creates a lot of obstacles for dyslectic students. The method used is a literature study followed by an empirical study in which interviews were conducted with four students suffering from dyslexia and studying at two different universities and using different libraries.

Flykten : en tolkning av exil

The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss what exile Writing is and who can be seen as an exile writer. If the word ?exile? is related to forced dislocation, like Paul Tabori and Sopia A. McClennen describes it, who can be viewed as an exile writer? Is Anders Olsson?s definition of an exile writer acceptable or not? Could the The Escape, a future story about exiled Northern Europeans in Myanmar, be classified as exile literature?Another purpose with this text is to describe how a story about exile can be made realistic and tangible to a reader who has not experienced exile.

Hur barn i årkurs 3 uppfattar syftet med Nationella provet

This is a study of the national test in 3rd grade. The national test is obligatory and is conducted in 5th and 9th grade, but since the spring of 2009 the tests also become mandatory in 3rd grade. The case study of this research is to find out how children in 3rd grade perceive the purpose of the national test. The survey should also clarify how students think and feel about the national test, and how they feel before the national test and after they have finished Writing the test. Has the test positive or negative influence on children? The survey will also show how much teachers clarify what the significance of the national test is for the students.

Klassikerns som verktyg : Gammalt stoff i en modern läromiljö

This essay aims to show how Clarice Lispector uses a double narrative to wright beyond the rules of representation that are given for all literature. All Writing is determined by the social hierarchies that exist in a society, and thus the essay shows how Lispector uses a specific literary strategy in order to give voice to a character that would otherwise be invisible. Using the philosophy of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze as a means of contextualization, the essay further discusses the social and political impact of Lispectors novel.Through a thematic close reading of the novel The Hour of the Star the essay aims to deepen the understanding of the unique characterization in the novel and its implications. The first chapter is devoted to an analysis of the first person narrative in the novel and its development into a extra diegetic narrative. The second chapter aims to go further into the narrative with an analysis of the dichotomy between body and thought and its interplay with the two main characters in the novel.

Patienters förståelse för erhållen läkemedelsinformation vid utskrivning från sjukhus

It?s known that the drug information patients get at discharge from hospital is often insufficient. Patients? ignorance of which drug they use and how to take them can lead to drug related problems, can cause suffering and heavy expenses.The aim of this study was to shed light on the patients? understanding for drug information, which was given at discharge from hospital. The literature survey was used as a method and based upon a systematic choice of scientific articles, which were found in different databases during the period of April 1 to May 31, 2008.

Färgperception och grafisk profilering av Hedemora Assistansservie

An inquiring study of literature has been conducted, about the human colour perception (theimpression of colours). The colour has been examined, both as conscious and subconscious signal,and reasons for it?s influence have been exammed.The practical parts of the degree project have been carried out in active collaboration with thecustomer, The Association Hedemora Assistansservice (HASS), which offers handicapped persons astimulating spare time by personal assistance. A graphical profile-programme and an informationfolderhave been produced, easy received by both handicapped (with defective vision) and normallysighted persons. The graphical profile-programme was made in collaboration with the customer.Concerning the information-folder HASS took the main responsibility for the choice of photographswhile layout, text Writing, colour-reproduction, original-production and connecting printing workswere made independently.

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