

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 23 av 47

Lättläst eller inte? : En läromedelsanalys av lättlästa läroböcker, inom ämnet svenska, anpassade för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The demands on the adult literacy-rate are very high in Sweden. People with reading and Writing difficulties may find it hard to fit into the community and to succeed in school. To accommodate the needs of students with learning disabilities, Swedish schools provide easy-to-understand materials. The purpose of my thesis is to examine how easy-to-read textbooks for high school students are different from regular textbooks. The study was carried out using a content analysis and I examined the books according to criteria specified by the Swedish author Torbjörn Lundgren.

Samernas åsikter om nomadskolan : -åren 1917-1919

It is widely recognized that the town of Södertälje, a small Swedish town of 85 000 inhabitants, has alone received more war refugees from Iraq than the US and Canada have put together. Whilst Writing this thesis had nearly 6000 Iraqi refugees sought their way to Södertälje since the US invasion in Iraq 2003.Nevertheless, life is not what the media and the government retail. Six of these Iraqi refugees who resided in Södertälje share their life stories in the following thesis. They discuss their escape from Iraq and the difficulties of living in the segregated parts of Södertälje where they solely speak Arabic and Assyrian, whilst learning Swedish at sfi (Svenska för invandrare, Swedish for immigrants). Another distress is related to the unsecure future in Sweden waiting ahead.      The aim of this thesis is to engage in, and highlight the studies of six sfi-students in their endeavor to learn Swedish, whilst struggling through Swedish bureaucracy and experiencing despair due to their situation and uncertain future.       .

Innehållsliga och språkliga kvaliteter i relation till betygen : En studie av elevtexter i nationella provet i svenska för årskurs 9

The assessing of student texts is an ordinary and important task for teachers, and the purpose of this study is to investigate, analyze and discuss which aspects of Writing that particularly have an effect on the assessment of the student texts. The aspects in focus are: contents, genre, text length, paragraphing, sentence structure and choice of words.The data is drawn from six texts in the national test in Swedish for the 9th grade. Thetexts are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively regarding contents as well as language.The results show that the qualities of language influence the assessment more than the qualities of contents. Both word variation index and the number of long words increase in relation to raising marks. Uncommon words are also more frequent in texts which receive higher marks.

Studenter och informationssökning Fem studenters upplevelser av informationssökning i samband med uppsatsarbete

The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of five students searching for information in the context of Writing a bachelor thesis. The main questions regard what strategies they use whilst searching for information, their relevance judgements and their feelings. The method used is the qualitative interview. The students were doing their third term in psychology. All the students were interviewed twice while working on the thesis.

Gud, moder eller mask? : Om konceptuella metaforer i svensk dagspress från Internationella kvinnodagen 2010

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

En kvalitativ undersökning om användandet av datorer, IKT och SMART Board i undervisningen

This report is an analysis of the gender representation in Swedish sports media, a comparison between sport in public service television for adults and children. The study explores the differences between the number of male and female sports in the matter of air time and also the number of male and female appearances in the TV shows. The programs studied in this report are the Swedish SVT?s Sportspegeln and Lilla sportspegeln. When we began this analysis we were under the impression that men would be over-represented, but that representation in sports television for children would be more gender equal than the adult counterpart. The result of the analysis confirmed previous studies stating that men dominate the sports programs in Swedish public service television.


This thesis has been performed at the system development company Verendus System AB, together with the home care company Basic Care Unit (BCU).The thesis has consisted of developing a web based informationsystem for BCU in which they can administrate their business. At the time of Writing this thesis, BCU was using a windows-application to administrate their activities, which was both costly aswell as resulting in an unnecessary burden. The aim the thesis has thus been to create a platform-independent information system that simplifies and streamlines BCUs work by being user-friendly aswell as imposing some simplifying features.The students has been developing the system by the help of a work method they themselves developed. The method consisted of working in several iterations that each had several milestones. The method resulted in the students knowing easily when each iteration was finished or not.The thesis resulted in a working platform independent prototype.

Att författa en Design- en processorienterad fallstudie av manusförfattandets arbetsprocess i ett interaktionasdesignarbete

This thesis is a process oriented case-study. The studied case is a interactiondesignassignment of a databasevisualisation and the process. The goalis to do this according to the ways of a screenwriter.When the computers spread from the military and university's into homes all around the world the computers and the programs had to becomeeasier for the users to understand and use. User interfacedesign became more and more important and companies like Apple put a lot of resources intothe designprocess. This quite new and evolving area of research, interactiondesign, has been forced to search for methods in other areas like lm, gamedesign, psychology and behavioural science.

Akka. Ett skrivbord för hemmet anpassat för rullstolsburna.

A woman is dying of cancer, she refuses to use her walking aid. Because she is embarrassed. This means she can?t leave her house, and her last days become very limited.Why do we act like this?Can the view we have of products adapted for disabled be changed by working with colour, texture, form and materials?There are many products adapted for disabled, the products often have a good function and well developed ergonomic aspects but the visual aspect leaves a lot to wish for. There is neither effort nor money put in to the exterior design of most of these products.A lot of the solutions that are invented for adapted products can be used in design of ?regular? products.Why should we then divide products in to adapted and non-adapted.

Korruption i Bosnien och Hercegovina

Since the war ended in Bosnia and Herzegovina in1995 the country's economic and political crisies has grown dramatically. As in so many other Post-communist states the corruption has become a large problem for the whole society. The ethnic entities in which Bosnia is divided makes it possible for the national parties to operate and rule the same political propaganda that was the result of the war in the first place. However the international forces like the EU and the USA have made this kind of no non-centralised governmentship possible through the Dayton peace agreement, according to many experts this has to change in the constitution by any means possible if Bosnia will have a future. By the thesis of Professor Susan Rose-Ackerman the theoretical analysing tool should be followed for the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Västerlandets moraliska defekter - sjutton författare skriver om synderna i vår tid

Abstract in EnglishSeventeen students in Creative Writing at the Växjö University who terminated in January 2005 published chosen texts in an anthology by the name Förflyttningar (Movements). The aim of my study is to analyse how they explore and describe our time in the western world. The question is; what is being written now and here?I have chosen as theoretical background the Italian philosopher, Umberto Galimberti, who has made a study of the West from moral and ethical perspective. His conclusion is that we live in a world with seven new sins.

Språkutveckling i särskolan : En studie över hur en särskolas pedagoger arbetar språkutvecklande utifrån barnens förutsättningar och behov.

All human beings need and have the right to a language. How a language is learned and used depends on the individual conditions. This study considers the work to development the language done by pedagogues in a special school for mentally retarded children. How do pedagogues work to develop the language in children who are so different and have so different conditions and needs? That is the central aim of this study.

Mars och Venus i cyberspace ? genusmönster i bloggen

The purpose of this thesis is to find out if people have changed the way in which they write since the introduction of the internet. Men and women have been Writing books, articles, letters, diaries and different types of literature for centuries. To give the reader some background about the weblog as a literary media, this thesis has a whole chapter on half-public literature that includes the history of letters and diaries. The weblog is a unique way for anyone to be whoever they want, whether it be a man or woman, old or young. The reader has no possible way of knowing if the script is true or not.

Stress inom ämnet idrott och hälsa : I vilken utsträckning förekommer stress bland åttondeklassare och vilka är stressfaktorerna?

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

Svårigheter vid "Förmedlingstjänst för Bildtelefon"

The aim Writing this essay is to understand and to explain difficulties with communications during sign language interpreting at the Video Relay Service (VRS). Another aim is also to identify the necessery conditions for communications at the VRS and to investigate why difficulties may arise in lack of these necessary conditions. The questions of this essay are: Which are the vital important difficulties in communication at the VRS and why do these difficulties arise?To answer these questions, four sign language interpreters working with the VRS, have been interviewed. These interviews constitute the empirical data of the essay.

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