

851 Uppsatser om Word of mouse - Sida 27 av 57

"Man borde kanske prata med de man tycker illa om" - tre elevgruppers arbete mot rasism

The aim was to investigate three anti-racist groups of pupils, their thoughts about respectively their work against racism. The aim was divided into the following questions: - What is, according to the groups, racism and what does the situation look like at the schools? - What does the dynamics in the group look like? - What courses of action are the groups using and how can they improve their work? - How can the groups be described according to the terms work group and basic assumption group? To answer these questions I made three group interviews, one with each group. I analysed the results partly according to earlier research and literature, partly according to the group theory of WR Bion, using the terms work group and basic assumption group. My conclusion is that the word racism seems to have been affected by inflation, since the groups include bullying as well as anti-racists.

Projektarbeten på gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande program : Elevers färdigheter inom formellt skriftspråk och lärares undervisning om formellt skrivande

Formal writing is an essential part of teaching Swedish and is fundamental for higher education and professional career. The aim of my essay is to research what didactic methods Swedish teachers utilizes in upper secondary school to improve students' abilities to write formal texts. I will also examine students? project papers in an attempt to measure the extent of formal word choice.  In the presentation of the literature I decided to use, for example, Per Olov Svedner?s perspective on writing as a process, Siv Strömquist?s manuals for essay writing and various literature regarding linguistic correctness and essay layout. Interviews with three upper secondary school teachers reveals that active feedback is a basis for students development regarding formal writing in both school and professional career.

I dig finner jag mig : Väninnor som narrativ motor i tre 2000-tals romaner

By reading three 21st century books am I trying to see how the female friendship is described in literature of our days. The books are Rebell med frusna fötter by Johanna Nilsson, Lutherska badet by Unni Drougge and I närheten av solen by Hanna Wallsten. They are all written by Swedish authors and taking place in Stockholm in the early years of 2000. I am doing a critical reading against the roles of ?heteronormativitet? as the word is described by Tiina Rosenberg and Fanny Ambjörnsson trying to see how the characters are following or breaking these roles.

Implikationer av tjänsteföretagets utfästelser för kunders reaktioner i felsituationen

The characteristic of services as an effort carried out in a "moment of truth" implies a risk for failures. This study sheds new light on how alternative offerings that customers are initially exposed to can affect satisfaction and loyalty in the service failure and recovery context. More specifically, two aspects of the initial offering are studied: promised general service quality and the presence of a promise about a specific product attribute. Based on a presentation of the main theoretical perspectives, hypotheses are formulated and a scenario-based experiment in a hotel setting is designed to explore these. The results indicate that a higher level of promised service quality can result in more positive evaluations of satisfaction and stronger word-of-mouth intentions than for a lower level of promised service quality.

Rosengårdsstråket : tankar om förankring och identitet

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Matematik i förskolan : Hur arbetar man med matematik i förskolan?

The word mathematics is often associated to addition, subtraction, division or multiplication. This is not the kind of mathematics that belongs to pre-school. In my essay I have chosen to write about how mathematics is used in pre-school. In the literature it is written that the best way of becoming familiar with mathematics, is to integrate it in the every day life but that there are educators that use traditional mathematics education in pre-school. The questions I would like to answer are:1.

Hur kan skadegörelse på skolgårdar motverkas? : en studie med fokus på vegetation

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Den nationella värdegrunden inom äldreomsorgen:några enhetschefers intryck

The aim of this text is to study how sectional managers in the care of the elderly work so as to promote basic human values. Semi-structured interviews generated qualitative data from five sectional managers. A hermeneutical approach was applied for interpreting the interviews. The result shows that the respondents are conscious of the fact that it takes a lot of long term work before a change in current procedures will happen. Also, the common everyday principles of work and basic values will continue to be part of the care of the elderly.

Bredbandsmarknaden i Sverige : En studie av konsumentens kriterier

Bredbandsmarknaden idag är en expanderande sektor. Fler och fler bredbandsoperatörer dyker upp på den svenska marknaden för att möta den växande efterfrågan. Samtidigt har det stora utbudet av bredbandsoperatörer gjort det svårare för konsumenten att välja bredband. Det finns flera faktorer som är avgörande när konsumenten väl har bestämt sig för att göra en beställning. Faktorer som pris, hastighet, tillgänglighet samt support/service kan vara skillnaden mellan att en konsument väljer en operatör före en annan.

Bovin neosporos : vilken roll spelar hunden?

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Stress hos hund ? stressreducerande åtgärder på vårdavdelningen

Stress is common in today?s society, but the word stress has numerous connotations. The aim of this study was to investigate how dogs are effected by stress and what the veterinary nurse can do to help dogs to avoid or at least mitigate stress within the veterinary hospital. The goal was also to see how dogs perceive the environment in the veterinary hospital and what behaviours dogs demonstrate when they enter the hospital and during their stay. Studies have shown that dogs have a reluctant feeling on entering a veterinary hospital. They can feel stressed by coming to a new environment, as well as by being put in a cage with no control over what is going to happen to them.

Betygssystemskiftena 1995 och 2012 : Hur kunskapssynen speglas i politiskt ställningstagande

This report describes a comparative study of the change in grading system in the year of 1995 and the coming year of 2012. The objective is to analyze and compare the political debate from two Swedish parties, the Social democrats and the Moderates, from a number of the parties political periodicals. Futher the objective is to show, from the periodicals debate, what approach to knowledge the parties are presenting. The theoretical base of this study is rooted in the political background of grading system and in literature defining different theories about knowledge and approach to knowledge. The investigation is qualitative and the main research method is text analysis.The conclusions is that the parties overall stood their ground and kept their opinions throughout the two debates and the change in grade systems.

Samtalsinteraktion vid Huntingtons sjukdom ? En jämförelse mellan närståendes uppfattning och samtalsanalys

The purpose was to investigate how conversationalinteraction is pragmatically affected in Huntington?s disease; whetherthis can be assessed by means of a questionnaire completed by a closepartner and how the close partners consider communicative ability haschanged since the onset of illness. Three dyads, consisting of a personwith Huntington?s disease and a conversational partner were involved.Conversations were analyzed with respect to the parameters in thequestionnaire and through Activity Based Communication Analysis.The results showed word finding difficulties, impaired turn taking,feedback and body language, repair, articulation and prosody.Agreement between communication analysis and the close partnerreport varied between 54-65 %. The close partners consideredcommunicative initiative, articulation, turn taking and sentenceintonation as much changed.

Bildningsrummet. Om bildningsbegreppet i folkbiblioteksdiskursen.

The Swedish concept of bildning, related to the German Bildung, finding its correspondence in English in refinement, formation and culture, is an important, though traditional rather than modern concept in cultural policy and sphere. The concept connected to the activity of the public library is relevant, as the library uses the word as a description of parts of its work. The meaning of the concept can easily be seen to be complex as well as disputed, borders on and is related to other concepts. The paper discusses different meanings to the concept according to different Swedish authors, as well as the connection of the concept to related ones. The varieties and differences are expressed as differences in discourse.

?Social media is word of mouth on crack? ? En studie i hur detaljhandelsföretag kan öka sin internettrafik via sociala medier

Den här studien behandlar fenomenet sociala medier med inriktning på att öka trafik till detaljhandelns webbaserade sidor för att skapa relationer, bygga varumärke och öka försäljning.Idag står företag inför en ny utmaning när det gäller marknadsföring. På några få år har internethandeln exploderat och med det företagens sätt att marknadsföra sig virtuellt. Sedan början av 2000-talet har en ny kanal för att sända ut marknadsföringsmässiga budskap till kunderna uppstått, de sociala medierna. Ett exempel på en av dessa är Facebook vars användarantal bara stiger år för år och i dagsläget har fler än 6 av 10 svenskar en personprofil på Facebook.Varje kanal för kommunikation har sina egenskaper och med det givna referensramar för företagen att arbeta med och skapa verktyg för. Då sociala medier fortfarande är ett ganska nytt fenomen anser vi att problematiken ligger i att många företag inte har hittat det ultimata användningssättet för kanalen.

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