3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 15 av 219
Prevalens och incidens av betablockerarbehandling hos
läkemedelsbehandlade diabetiker: en jämförelse mellan
Sveriges landsting
Bakgrund Sverige har omkring 350 000 diabetiker vilket motsvarar ca 4 % av befolkningen. Randomiserade studier har visat betydelsen av god glykemisk kontroll och strikt blodtryckskontroll. Det verkar som att mer är att vinna på lägre blodtryck vid diabetes än hos andra hypertonipatienter. Blodtryckkontrollen kan utövas med olika farmakologiska behandlingar, patienter med njursjukdom och ischemisk hjärtsjukdom kan t e x ordineras selektiva betablockerare. Syfte Att studera prevalens och incidens av betablockerarbehandling hos läkemedelsbehandlade diabetiker och hur försäljning skiljer sig mellan de olika landstingen i Sverige.
Planering av väginvesteringar :
The problems around and the planning of wood flow is some of the most complex issues in the forest-sector. The experience and overview of the single employees is crucial for the possibility of correct tactical and economical decision-making. The increasing demand of savings and shorter reaction-times with greater flexibility in the wood-supply-chain, makes solutions and aids for improved effectiveness in the work and processes according to wood-flow urgent.
Holmen Skog is starting to develop a new forest-road-management-system. The system will facilitate the work according to construction, improvements and updating the standard of roads.
Ett väntrum med identitet : En studie i hur väntrummet kan skapa en tydligare länk mellan besökare och myndighet
Ma?let med detta examensarbete har varit att studera Migrationsverkets va?ntrum vid Asylpro?vningsenheten i Flen och hur det anva?nds. Detta fo?r att identifiera rummets brister och fo?rba?ttringsmo?jligheter. Syftet har vidare varit att ta fram ett gestaltningsfo?rslag som skapar en tydligare identitet fo?r rummet och som bidrar till en starkare la?nk mellan beso?kare och myndighet.Genom metoder, sa?som observationer, platsanalys, notationer, intervjuer samt omva?rldsanalys, har en o?kad fo?rsta?else fo?r va?ntrummet skapats och det har konstaterats att det finns en brist vad ga?ller rummets igenka?nning och identitet.Med hja?lp av litteratur och resultatet fra?n metoderna har ett gestaltningsfo?rslag sedan utvecklats.
Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om triagebedömning på en barnakutmottagning
Triage, which means "to sort", determine the priority of the patients need of care. The aim of the present study was to describe nurses? perception of triage at a pediatric emergency department. A questionnaire with open- and closed-ended questions were distributed to all 25 nurses that worked at a pediatric emergency department. The answer frequency was 48 % (n=12).
According to recent research the basics for a good body posture is balance between the muscles, if unbalance originates this can be strengthen by gymnastics when most of the practise performs only in one direction. Because of limited research in the area was an explorative study conducted. The purpose of the study was to inquire if exercise adjusted to the individual contributes for balanced muscles and if it contributes for a positive or negative development for the team.On the basics of that the team is not equable an other team in the area has the results for two different periods been measured, during the first period the exercise continued as usual but during the second period each gymnast (n=9) received an individual strength- and stretch program that was performed during the teampractise twice a week. The gymnasts were tested in areas that are imported for them as body posture, balance between the muscles, vigour, range of movement, balance, the running and coordination. The results showed on that the difference is largest between test two and three, except the coordination and balance which did not show any particular change.
Kategorisering av faktorer som påverkar flödeseffektivitet - En fallstudie på Capio St Görans Sjukhus
Swedish healthcare is in continuous need of cost savings and efficiency improvements in order to meet the increased demand for care. The theories of lean, developed from the industry, are applied more frequently on healthcare systems to increase effectiveness and reduce waiting times in patient processes. However, some processes seem to be more successful in their lean implementation than others. In this thesis, factors influencing flow efficiency in lean healthcare are examined. Through interviews with the top executive board at Capio St Göran's hospital, data is collected in order to analyze reasons for success.
Alla vill beta men ingen vill bränna : skogshistoria inom Särna-Idre besparingsskog i nordvästra Dalarna
In this work I have tried to reconstruct the forest history within Särna-Idre forest common in northern Dalarna from the 19th century until present time.
The Särna-Idre region has been an extensively used landscape for a long time. Pollen which indicates grazing has been found in samples orginating from the 10th century. Early travellers from the 18th and 19th centuries seem to have been passing trough a "used" landscape. Burned forests on naked ground are described as common. Also large areas are mentioned as undisturbed with lots of large trees, snags and dead wood.
Myten om det mångkulturella samhället. En diskursanalys av mångfaldsrelaterade begrepp och etnicitet i svensk kulturpolitik
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the discourses of concepts related to diversity and ethnicity in Swedish cultural policy. It focuses on how the society is presented in different contexts and how people with a different ethnic origin than the majority, are represented in the cultural policy of the Swedish State. The study is restricted to concern immigrants. Six governmental cultural policy documents, reaching over a time period of eight years 1995-2003 are examined as follows: Which key terms are used in the presentations? Which contexts and discourses can be distinguished? Have the discourses changed over the time period examined, and if so, how? The theoretical starting point in the thesis is the discourse perspective of Laclau and Mouffe.
Fiscal policy and its consequences have attracted much attention on both academic and societal level, in Sweden and elsewhere. However, the dependence between fiscal policy on municipality level and business cycles has only recently sparked a debate among Swedish economists. Studies point out that a law which came to force in 2000, balanskravet, may have caused municipalities to lower expenditures, alternatively raising taxes, during recessions. This thesis examines how the level of municipality taxes depends on business cycle fluctuations and the impact that balanskravet has had on this correlation. We employ econometric regressions, with annual data covering the period 1980-2014, to enable an analysis of the dependence between taxes and business cycles, both before and after the introduction of balanskravet.
E-handel med Kläder : en marknadsundersökning
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine and explain which consumers who choose to, or not choose to, shop for clothes via Internet. This will give businesses, and the reader, a better understanding on the views, of customers, on E-business with clothes. Procedure: A quantitative market research has been performed through a survey. Also the gathering of the material and the analysis is done with quantitative methods. The primary sources dominate the thesis.
Arbetsmotivation efter mammaledighet
Att gå åter till arbete efter en period av mammaledighet kan för många kvinnor upplevas negativt. Tidigare forskning har visat att en kvinna kan känna känslor som ångest, rädsla och stress för att gå åter till arbete, men även att pensionen kan sjunka drastiskt för en kvinna som har varit mammaledig en längre period. Det är därför värdefullt att undersöka om mammaledighet har några effekter på arbetsmotivationen. Detta examensarbetes syfte är att undersöka arbetsmotivationen efter mammaledighet med frågeställningarna om det finns förändringar i arbetsmotivationen efter mammaledighet och om mammaledigheten kan påverka arbetsmotivationen på något sätt. Resultatet av intervjuer med 10 kvinnor visar att arbetsmotivationen var relativt hög efter en period av mammaledighet, men att andra faktorer för arbetsmotivationen hade blivit alltmer viktiga.
Upphandling av underhåll av tekniska anläggningar
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the procurement of maintenance at SvK. Byunderstanding the process that has led to the current procurement strategy; providesuggestions to how the procurement of maintenance can be improved to ensure thequality of future maintenance of the national grid.A god client can be associated with a number of qualities, ?acquisition competence?.Vinnova describes acquisition competence as the ability to plan, formulate,communicate and monitor. Different businesses and industries have different needsand opportunities and operate in different economic structures which requireadjustments in their acquisition competence. A number of areas have been identified,called areas of focus, where clients can adjust their competences to their markets.The areas of focus are competition, competence/quality, control and communication.By defining the need of acquisition competence for SvK and identifying problems, anumber of suggested strategies have been proposed.
Bakom Fasaden
Although textbooks are scientifically proven that they are important and central to the school curriculum one should think critically about the content in textbooks - is it really compatible with the curriculum of following the textbook tradition? As a teacher there are different ways to reflect on which textbook to choose. It is important to compare several textbooks with each other and be aware that a textbook should follow the curriculum. A teacher examines many sections/topics in the textbooks, but in this paper only one section will be reviewed among four different textbooks. The section to be compared, in the paper, is the interwar period.
Energikloka hus i Järinge - energiteknisk uppföljning
Energy-wise houses in Järinge - technical follow-up The company JM built energy-efficient houses in Tensta in Stockholm. They have built a total of 16 houses divided into two parts of A-houses and B-houses. The buildings are an attempt by JM to minimize energy-use of the buildings without affecting the comfort and living standards. The project aims to examine the data for the 16 houses on the basis of data and produce a report showing how the buildings worked through a technical perspective. JM approximates that the purchased energy will not be higher than 95 kWh/m2 per year.
V?rt st?rre f?dernesland ? Paneuropa i Tidevarvet och svensk debatt 1924?1936
This is a reception study on how the idea of Paneuropa, as launched by the austrian count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1923, was received by the political weekly magazine Tidevarvet, a product of ? and an opinion forming organ for ? the social liberal wing of the Swedish suffrage- and peace movements. The main purpose is to examine to what extent there was an existent Europeanism in the public debate in Sweden during the interwar period, and how that discourse was constructed through the conceptual pairings disruption/unity and parts/whole. The study is conducted mainly through discourse analysis, combined with partly new research into sources such as the parliament, the newspapers and civil society to try to initiate a mapping over the wider reception of the Paneuropa project in a Swedish context. The study finds that the subject of Paneuropa is present throughout the almost entire period of the publication, namely 1924?1936, and that the question of a federal Europe is closely connected to the pacifist attitude of the editorial staff in general and writer/editor Elin W?gner in particular.