3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 16 av 219
Utanförskapets ?frustrerade ungdom? : Talet om de ?problematiska? förorterna i svensk kvällspress under augusti- september månad 2009
Uppsatsen är en innehållsanalytisk studie av kvällstidningarna Expressen och Aftonbladet under augusti- september 2009. Syftet är att undersöka hur s.k. ?invandrartäta områden?/förorter framställs i kvällstidningarna under nämnda period samt att ge exempel på hur detta kan analyseras ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv. Urvalet av artiklar tillåter sig avgränsas genom att se till vad som skrivs om de förortsområden som under aktuell period tillåtit sig förknippas med ?problem?.
Urshults Knektar : En studie om vad som hände de indelta knektarna från Urshults rotar 1709 till 1718
This essay examines what happened to soldiers from Urshult in military service of Sweden during the diminished power of the country in the beginning of the eighteen century. Information of interest is taken from the soldiers? age, time of service and other annotations of interest that shows to be helpful when examining their fate. First off, this study explains Sweden?s situation during this period of time. To get a grasp about the situation, allotment is explained as well as the most important events in the big Nordic war. This study is based on qualitative content analysis and GMRs are used as its main resource of information and consists of empiric analysis.The result of this paper shows that very few soldiers from Urshult were able to return home alive.
"Det finns inga ointresserade barn-om det finns betyder det ointresserade vuxna." : Hur lärare och barnskötare på förskolan ser på och hantera bråkiga, utmanande och utagerande barn?
In this study, my intention has been to examine how the ambiguous concept of corruption is constructed by the press. Emphasizing the media?s representations of the socially constructed and context-specific concept, this work adopts a critical perspective on discourse, together with an approach of conceptual history. Finland has for many years been appointed as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, signing several international conventions against corruption since the 1990s, which in turn has led to an increase in discussion regarding the phenomenon. By conducting a multi-method study, my aim has been to analyse the possible changes in the definition of ?corruption? in the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet during the period 2000-2013.
Hunner eller heruler? : Skånes kontinentala kontakter under folkvandringstid
The intention of this paper is to explore the contacts between the Swedish province of Scania and Southeastern Europe in the Migration Period. This has been done through comparative studies of four object categories. Parallels to glass, horse trappings, jewellery with inlays and sword decorations found in Scania have been studied in southeastern and centralEurope, as well as the cultures of peoples involved in the Migration processes. The conclusion is that contacts were upheld in several ways: through trade, exchange, alliances and gifts. Old trade routes along the Vistula were used in the south-easterly direction to the Pontic area but were changed to the Moravian Gatein the latter half of the period, while westerly routes probably worked most of the time.
Presterar Hedgefonder bättre än traditionellt förvaltade fonder?
Hedge funds have the past few years become an increasingly popular investment alternative and in the last decade hedge fund assets managed have quadrupled to USD 2000 billion, a growth rate of around 25-30% per year. One explanation for this substantial increase is that hedge funds' minimum limits on capital invested has declined, which have made ??them available to retail investors. The recent turmoil in financial markets has also contributed to investors finding their way to hedge funds, whose goal is to generate stable returns regardless of how the market develops.Using Sharpe?s, Treynor?s and Jensen's performance measures, I have investigated whether hedge funds manage to generate higher risk-adjusted returns than traditional managed funds.
Styrning av reningsverket vid Fors kartongfabrik : Utvärdering av försök att styra det biologiska reningssteget med styrparametern ?nettoslamproduktion?
Detta examensarbete behandlar det biologiska reningssteget vid Stora Enso Fors AB kartongfabrik.Examensarbetet omfattar 20 p och ingår i slutskedet av Magisterutbildningen, 60 p, i Kemiteknik med inriktning industriell ekologi vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm.Stora Enso Fors AB är en kartongfabrik som är lokaliserat i Fors strax nordost om Avesta.Tillverkning sker av både mekanisk massa samt kartong. Fabriken har ett eget reningsverk som tar hand om avloppsvattnet från processen.De biologiska anläggningarnas utformning har under årens lopp utvecklats främst genom bättre syresättning i luftningsbassängerna samt förändringar i avloppsvattnets sammansättning. För att klara av dessa förändringar kan styrparametern slamhalten behöva ersättas med andra alternativa styrsätt.Examensarbetets syfte är just att studera möjligheten att styra det biologiska reningssteget vid Fors kartongpappersbruk efter nyckeltalet nettoslamproduktionen. Projektet innefattar även att undersöka hur COD-reduktionen och mikroflorans sammansättning påverkas av denna styrparameter.Litteraturstudier av reningsteknikens processer har utförts samt den befintliga reningsanläggningen i Fors har studerats. Det första steget i projektet var att besluta vilket målvärde som skulle användas på nettoslamproduktionen som skulle användas under en försöksperiod där den biologiska reningen skulle styras efter nettoslamproduktionen.För varje dygn under tre olika tidsperioder ( period 1, period 2 och period 3) har driftsdata samlats in och sammanställdes och därefter beräknades nettoslamproduktionens dygnsvärde.Driftsdata för period 1 och halva period 2 har använts som underlag för att kunna bestämma målvärdet för nettoslamproduktionen.
Människans roll i skogslandskapets trädslagssammansättning, en studie i Ångermanland
Human presence has always influenced the surrounding areas, the forest as well. Structure and species composition have changed during human land use. Knowledge regarding these changes should be of great interest for conservation and forestry. We have analyzed human impact on the tree species composition on five study sites during 2000 years in Ångermanland, Sweden. More specifically the change in tree species composition in percentage amongst alder, birch, spruce and pine over time.
"Allt jag gör lär jag mig ju av". En studie om kunskapskrav och kunnande i anslutning till audionomstudenters praktiska utbildning
The audiologists´ knowledge-domain is generally described as a unique combination of medical, technical, social and behavioural sciences. It gives prominence to the importance of an adequate education relating to the knowledge-demands the students´encounter during their trainee-period. However, an important question is if the educational content corresponds to the knowledge-demands during the training? Aim: This study aimed to identify the knowledge-demands of students during their trainee-period. Furthermore, to identify how the students´ actual knowledge was related to the encountered knowledge-demands.
?Biblioterapi på sjukhus? ? en kvalitativ undersökning av sjukhusbibliotekariers syn på biblioterapi
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of bibliotherapy at hospitals and also what knowledge of and insights on bibliotherapy a few Swedish hospital librarians have. Questions investigated are: What role do the hospital librarians think literature has in the treatment of a patient? What is their view on their role as a hospital librarian and do they believe that they can have a part in the treatment of a patient? Is the concept bibliotherapy commonly used or is there another term in use? How important is the linkage between healing and literature? In this study, the view on bibliotherapy is limited to a hospital perspective. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate bibliotherapy at the hospital. Six qualitative interviews with hospital librarians were performed at three general or combined general/medical hospital libraries.
Barnavårdsutredningar i tid eller otid?
The aim of the study was to investigate social workers and managers experiences of ending child welfare investigations within the statutory period of four months. We also investigated their experience of investigation time is used in practice. To get answers for our purpose, we conducted a qualitative study. We strategic selected three social workers and four managers to our interviews.The results showed that both social workers and managers have experience with child welfare investigations that are not completed within the statutory time. A township that departed had no experience.
"A bestial life is turning me into a beast" - koloniserande maktutövande och ambivalens i Deliverance och Waiting for the Barbarians
Fotbollspelaren Zlatan Ibrahimovic var 2010 och 2011 den mest omskrivna sportprofilen i svensk press och Aftonbladet och Expressen har varsin reporter på plats i Milano för att bevaka honom och hans lag AC Milan. Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att ta reda på vad sportjournalister på Aftonbladet och Expressen tror är anledningarna till att det skrivs så mycket om Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Vidare vill vi ta reda på hur de skriver om honom, varför de skriver som de gör, vilka egenskaper Zlatan Ibrahimovic har som gör att det skrivs så mycket om honom samt vad det stora fokuset på honom får för konsekvenser. I vår analys kommer vi koppla resultatet till teorier som maskulinitet inom sportjournalistiken, virvelvindseffekt och tabloidisering.Vi har gjort en kvalitativ undersökning med hjälp av halstrukturerade djupintervjuer. Totalt har vi genomfört fem intervjuer med reportrar, krönikörer och nyhetschefer på de två kvällstidningarna i Sverige.
Det svenska spionaget i Baltikum 1943-1957 : En studie av ett fiasko?
During and after World War II Sweden was spying in the occupied Baltic countries which had been occupied, from 1943 by Nazi Germany and from 1944 by the Soviet Union. It began in 1943, with the Germans still occupying the Baltic countries, when Sweden and its intelligence service ?C-byrån? recruited volunteers among the Baltic refugees in Sweden and sent them back to the countries they had fled from. Many of the Baltic refugees to Sweden were men aged 25-45 so the Swedish intelligence service had a good recruiting source. This started the first period of intelligence operations in the three Baltic countries.
Stockholms blodbad i historieboken: En l?romedelsanalys under perioden 1869 - 1996
This thesis explores in which ways the portrayal of the event known as the Stockholm bloodbath has changed during the period 1869-1996. This is done through textbook analysis. In Sweden, history has been a school subject since the 17th century, and has throughout its history had a formative role in the Swedish school system. In the middle of the 19th century it was specifically stated that the aim was to help students nurture a sense of national pride and love of country. The aim of the study is to investigate how nationally loaded events have been portrayed in text books, as well as if and how the evolution of said textbooks reflect the evolution of the history subject as a whole.
Utvärdering av den biologiska reningen av processavloppsvattnet vid GE Healthcare i Uppsala
GE Healthcare operates in Uppsala (Sweden) and develops systems, equipments and medium to purify medical substances. Discussions with the local authority concerning planed far-reaching changes and upgrades of the biological process techniques for sewage management, aroused the question about revising the terms of permit for the activity. Therefore it seemed necessary to evaluate a newly installed biological process technique, which is the background of this thesis. The evaluated biological treatment process was built in 2003 and consists of a biological reactor filled with moving bed carriers with a high surface area for biological growth. At the time of the project the biological wastewater treatment plant consisted of a flow equalization facility and two following parallel biological processes; a biological reactor with moving bed carriers and a tower trickling filter.The aim of this thesis was to survey the function of the biological reactor with respect to the reduction of organic matter.
En bortglömd guldålder? ? Tillgängliggörande av tidig svensk film till en bredare publik
Early Swedish films from the 1910?s and 1920?s are not only an important part of Sweden?s cultural heritage, but also an important part of the international film heritage. This period is often refereed to as the golden age of Swedish film history. Despite this fact, the possibility to watch Swedish films from this period is very small and the main purpose of this thesis is to examine why the availability of these films has such low priority in the Swedish film policy and at the Swedish Film Institute. With the use of policy analysis, I study governmental policies and policies from the Swedish Film Institute for early Swedish films and seek to identify the policy problem and its different parts.