

337 Uppsatser om Wage labor - Sida 11 av 23

Dagligvarumarknaden : en samhälls- och distributionsekonomisk analys av internet som försäljningskanal

Structural changes on the grocery market usually take place when the consumer is persuaded to take on the more labourintense parts of the distributionprocess. Internettrade changes this by causing competition between the unpaid work done by consumers and the labor performed by employees. In this master thesis grocery shopping on the internet is analyzed in a economic perspective with focus on distribution, changing marketstructures, driving forces and the future potential of internet as a saleschannel. The main conclusions are that consumerdemand and the belief in electronic commerceas a costreducing mechanism as well as a powerful new marketing tool were the driving forces behind the fast growth of grocery shopping on the internet. Electronic commerce introduces a new model of distribution with changing roles for consumers and grocerychains.

Risken för diskriminering pga. etnicitet i samband med rekrytering

The purpose of this study is to investigate ethnic discrimination in the recruitment process. National and international law protect individuals from ethnic discrimination by potential employers during the recruitment process.Despite the laws in place to protect human rights, minorities in society do not have the same opportunities in the labor market as the rest of the population. Minorities continue to have difficulties compared to Swedish nationals in the recruiting process. Highly educated immigrants seeking employment in Sweden continue to report being treated unfairly based on their ethnic background.Ethnic discrimination in the recruiting process is based on prejudice and stereotypes that affect decisions whether it is visible or hidden, intentional or unintentional.Under the law, it is not legal to base a decision on prejudices or stereotypes. Therefore, it is important for the employer to highlight the job requirements to ensure the recruitment process is ethical.

Att vara ung och leva med diagnosen ADHD. En kvalitativ intervjustudie med fokus på sociala och existentiella aspekter

Today many children and youths are allocated to ?The Swedish Authority of Child and Youth Psychiatry (BUP) for the sake of being investigated by means of a neuropsychiatric inquire and many of which are assigned the diagnosis ADHD. During recent years ?The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare? has declared, in it?s annual account of the current psychiatric state of Swedish Children and Youths, that the healthcare provided for those with neuropsychiatric diagnoses ? such as Asperger syndrome and ADHD, has increased.ADHD is short for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which implies neuropsychiatric impediments i.e. hyper activity, inadvertence and an inability to control impulses.The aim of the Study is to describe and analyze how youth, in the age range of sixteen to eighteen years of age, diagnosed with ADHD define themselves, their daily life, their social state, their next to kin relationships and, finally, their concept of their future.The Study is qualitative.

Möjliggör LAS missbruk av visstidsanställningar? : Ur ett arbetsgivar- och arbetstagarperspektiv

Studien handlar om elevers tankar och upplevelser kring elevinflytande på fritidshem. Syftet är att se hur elevers tankar och upplevelser kommer till uttryck i verksamheten. Metoderna som har används i undersökningen är samtalspromenader där elevers tankar och upplevelser ska lyftas fram.Därför har vi valt demokrati och elevinflytande som argumenterande forskning för vår studie. Vårt teoretiska perspektiv är barns perspektiv som används för att se elevernas erfarenheter, uppfattningar och förståelse av sin livsvärld.I studien framgår det att eleverna har inflytande när det gäller vissa saker på fritidshemmet. Eleverna har även en viss förståelse kring begreppet inflytande och fritidslärarna har goda möjligheter att bygga vidare på detta utifrån elevernas perspektiv..

Har ungdomsarbetslösheten påverkats av regeringens sänkning av arbetsgivaravgiften?

Sweden has for years been struggling with high youth unemployment. The problem is also a hot topic of discussion among experts and politicians, often leading to different proposals to solve the problem. The government chose in 2006 to do something about youth unemployment by lowering payroll taxes for employees up to 25 years. But many experts and studies show that the effects failed to materialize.This study will try to find out if the government subsidies have given any effect on the youth unenployment either by new jobs created or by movement in the labor force. I will use a regression model with an dependent, "difference in difference" variable where the change in the number of employed young people are compared to the change in the number of employed in the subsequent age group.The results show that subsidies are not given any positive effect on the youth employment rate in relation to the subsequent age group..

Kommer erfarenheten alltid med åldern? : En studie om SJ anställdas emotionella arbete.

 Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på emotionellt arbete i form av bland annat "surface och deep acting", emotionell dissonans och kundinteraktioner. Denna studie ämnade besvara frågeställningen: Har ålder respektive yrkeserfarenhet samband med en SJ AB anställds grad av emotionellt arbete i kundkontakter? Urvalet bestod av 65 anställda från ett flertal SJ Resebutiker i Sverige. Resultat visade att äldre anställda och anställda med längre yrkeserfarenhet hade ett starkare samband med krav och välmående på arbetet. Detta visar att det alltså är de som klarar emotionellt arbete bättre.

Man måste brinna för att tända glöd i andra. : Kvinnliga ledare i arbetslivet.

Society is facing rapid and continuous change. In order to participate in the development, organizations need to take advantage of all the knowledge and skills available in the labor market. Women leaders in top positions are still in the minority but do as good a job as their male colleagues. She brings different dynamics and a new dimension in the work culture but is nevertheless excluded from the mightiest rooms. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the organizational factors that determine and facilitate for women to take on leadership positions.

Ung och arbetslös : -En studie om unga arbetslösas bakgrund, nuvarande situation och framtidsvision.

The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the unemployed youth. To achievethat, we have investigated who the unemployed young people are, how their wellbeing isaffected and what they need for a change to take place. The study was conducted in amedium-sized Swedish city with the help of a method combination. The target population forthis study is people enrolled in ?Job-guarantee for Youth? in spring 2014.

Överläkare i ortopedi och kirurgi : Likvärdiga arbeten med lika löner?

This investigation is a pilot survey whose main purpose is to investigate with work evaluation and attitude analysis whether the orthopedists and surgeons work can be equaled, why the wages differences exists between women and men, and also which preventive measures the organization can use to even out the wages differences between the genders. In relation with the investigation I have applied the reflexive way of thinking to establish which difficulties come up in the work of gender-equality.The result?s from work evaluation displays that the works are equivalent but the salaries are not, which can depend on value discrimination,gender discrimination and the organization theory.Wages differences between women and men depend on, according to the informers, partly by historical explanation and partly by the old directors who was allowed to retain regular salary when theypost transformed. The common point of view is that men have a larger work experience and therefore a higher salary.The managements attitude towards gender-equality issues is of absolute importance in order to achieve and bring a change within the organization.The measure positive special treatment is proposed to be used as an improving method to achieve (gender)equality between the posts and to even out the wages difference between the sexes.To establish whether or not gender discrimination exist in the investigated organization there needs to be done a whole lot supplementary studies like a complete wage (salary) mapping which includes all supplements and more interviews among the organizations all occupation groups..

Måltidsmönster och livsmedelsval i södra Indien : En fallstudie med fem deltagande familjer

This is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic and partially inductive approach. The study?s purpose is to enhance the understanding of young adults experiences of unemployment and the importance of being employed. In this study, eight young adults participate in the project Framtid Kronoberg. The youths are 19-25 years of age.

Jobbkontroll, stress och prestationsbaserad lön inom callcenterbranschen

The application of performance-based pay system among enterprises is becoming more frequent. Performance-based pay systems is used by organizations in hope of increasing productivity and have become more flexible. Employees may perceive the performance-based salary as a motivator or a threat depending on lifesituation and personality. At a perceived threat, the employee may become stressed. Work-related stress has become a serious social problem that can have consequences for both companies and individuals.

Automatiskt bygge av FUS39A

This paper describes the design and implementation of an automated build system for the JAS39A simulator FUS39A at HiQ:s offices in Arboga. The assignment was to automate the process in which modules are built; the simulator is composed of a number of modules which are built manually at the end of each week, this process takes about a day of manual labor. The system can automatically build a module as either a scheduled service or by manual invocation. The system contains functionality for reporting the build results to any given recipient by e-mail. The purpose of the system is to free up the time put into manually building the modules for better suited tasks by automating the build of FUS39A.The assignment was split into two parts, an analysis part where information of the old system was gathered, tools and methods were chosen and the new system was designed.

Från mål till media : En studie av Fair Trade Centers informationskampanj och dess genomslag i media

Denna uppsats undersöker en informationskampanj från Fair Trade Center (FTC) som drevs under hösten 2012 under namnet A wage to live on. Uppsatsens syfte är att utröna om Fair Trade Center har nått ut med sitt budskap till media och söker detta svar genom fyra frågeställningar; Har FTC nått ut med sitt budskap till de undersökta medierna (Aftonbladet, Expressen, DN och SvD)? Vilket budskap har FTC med sin kampanj (utifrån mål och material)? Verkar Kalla Faktas reportage ha påverkat medias respons? Är FTCs budskap samstämmigt i mål och material? Fokus för uppsatsen ligger på vecka 43 2012 då detta var fokusvecka för kampanjen. Mot en bakgrund kring teorier om budskapsstrategier, målgrupper och olika mål och tidigare forskning kring framgångsrika kampanjer har jag genom retorikanalys som huvudsaklig metod gått igenom utvalt material. Materielet består av Fair Trade Centers egna pressmeddelande och debattartikel samt utvalda tidningars respons under fokus perioden.

Konstruktionen av den japanska ledaren: En studie av kvinnans roll i det japanska företaget

Japan is the first industrialized country that is experiencing the threat of a rapidly declining and aging population. This has shifted the focus and the limelight is now on the matter that for a long time has been ignored. That is, the Japanese women?s situation in the society. This thesis seeks to point out the relevance of gender in the construction of leadership in order to get a deeper understanding of the Japanese women?s situation today.

Traditionella könsmänster eller ökad jämställdhet? : Partiernas jämställdhetspolitik under 30 år

AbstractThe aim of this thesis is to investigate how the Swedish political parties have been discussing gender politics since 1970 to nowadays, in order to see which problems and solutions that have been suggested by the parties to increase the representation of women and the equality between the sexes. The theoretical framework is constructed by theories of women´s representation, gender politics and women?s interest.To describe how the discussions about gender politics have been between the different parties, the methodological foundation consists of an ideology critical textual analysis of the political programs from the Swedish parties.The analysis confirms that the discussions about gender politics and the political representation of women increase over time. The most important issue of equality is the lack of women´s rights and possibilities in the labor market as a consequence of women´s responsibility of home and childcare. The analysis also shows that parties which discuss women as a category and the underrepresentation of women also point out the importance to increase equality between men and women..

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