

337 Uppsatser om Wage labor - Sida 10 av 23

Visstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk rätt : Har korrekt implementering skett?

The essays main intent is to examine whether there has been a proper implementation of the Council?s directive 1999/70/EG into Swedish law regarding the requirement for measures to prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term employment contracts. To achieve this purpose there is a need for an examination of current law. The essay also has some secondary purposes. One of these secondary purposes is the question of whether the implementation of the Council?s directive 1999/70/EG has lead to a reduction of the workers employment protection, which is closely connected to my main question and the violation case.

Individuell lönesättning för enhetschefer

 Abstract The purpose with this study is to study the individual setting of salary rates among branch heads. We have chosen to look deeper into which criteria that are the base for the branch heads? individual setting of wage rates within geriatric care and the care of disabled people. One other aspect we have looked into is how the setting of salary rates appears from a gender perspective. The empirical material in our thesis consists of both qualitative and quantitative methods in the shape of a questionnaire study and three open interviews.

Entreprenöriellt lärande Utvärdering av ett utvecklingsprojekt

Abstract This study is an evaluation of a development project, seeking to work for entrepreneurial learning, starting from John Hattie's findings on the significant factors for visible learning. The study is based on action research a method together with a questionnaire, focused interviews and observation, by the issue of How do students perceive entrepreneurial learning? The results show that the methodology contributes to a more active learning and greater work satisfaction among students. The results also reinforce the thesis of the formative assessment and the importance of reflection for increased metacognition. The work identifies the project's educational shortcomings and strengths, and lays the foundation for further development towards full implementation of entrepreneurial learning in a secondary activity that works to prepare students with special needs for the labor market..

Operation Rolling Thunder

This paper provides an explanation of the concepts John A. Warden III describes regarding the use of air power and if this theory can be found, within the confines of an unconventional war. The U.S. ability to air power is overwhelming, however the right kind of warfare can force this great power to abandon their military and political objectives by exhausting its resources over time as it becomes increasingly costly, both economically, politically and morally, to wage war. The research deals with operation Rolling Thunder and John A.

Den svenska arbetarrörelsens utmaningar och visioner - En undersökning av synen på kollektivet i LO- Tidningen 1991-2005

In this essay I have studied the Swedish Working Class whose part of LO.Ideological texts in LO- Magazines is used to quote texts by collective orindividual terms. Method and theory material show high level of solidarity andequality while theory shows higher level of individualism and autonomy. Myresearch is closer to Boréus than Blocks. Politics taking under the 1980: s apowerful right turns holding a steady course through my material.The question in the essay is: What vision on the collective shows in theLO- Magazine in a time during individualization? Answer to this question is thatthe collective unofficially through LO: s: staff on central level tries to showstrength and unity with terms like solidarity and equality between the sexes.

Mellanskogs medlemmars syn på röjning

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the needs of pre-commercial thinning on private owned forest properties, which is considered to be increasing. The reason is believed to be the high cost of labor that pre-commercial thinning brings. Furthermore thinning is costly, the revenue created through pre-commercial thinning are post-poned until the first thinning. The study was made through a survey among members of Mellanskog forest owners association. The survey was distributed by e-mail. The time to answer was set to two weeks. The answers indicate that the most common reason why the pre-commercial thinning is delayed, or not done at all, is the forest owner?s lack of time.

SFINX ett integrationsprojekt : ur deltagarnas perspektiv

 Abstract This paper is to examine a specific integration projects by the name of SFINX, the participants' perspective. We chose to highlight three themes that concern the analysis what the participants thought about the content / efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency analysis, which means what the participants thought could be improved in the project. What emerged in our study is that research shows that Swedish education with professional orientation and integrated practice is a key factor for migrants to get into the Swedish labor market. And that Sfx teaching has been implemented in several places with good results. SFINX is also a Sfx project but is addressed to engineers.

Mekaniserad plantering med Eco-Planter i södra Sverige :

This report is a thesis work for a B.Sc. in Forestry exam at the School for Forest Engineers, SLU. The work was an assignment from Södra Skogsägarna and the aim of the work was to investigate the economical and biological output after mechanical planting with Eco-Planter compared with traditional manual planting. Eco-Planter is a tool for mechanized planting, fixed at the end of the boom on a conventional harvester. The study confirms that manual planting is less expensive under normal conditions. However, the differences between mechanized and manual planting are not that big and with technical development and/or increased labor costs together with an improved work organization the system with Eco-Planter could be competitive. The biological output, e.g. planting result and survival rate, seems to be quite good.

Utvärdering av enhetstestning för Palasso

The market-leading wage and PA-.system for the Swedish public sector Palasso is developed in Karlstad. In order to achieve the highest quality of code , the developing team behind Palasso has been conducting extensive testing. Testing is done to ensure that the software does what it should do. However, the testing has been done at a high level. In order to continue to evolve, the group that develops Palasso has started to look at the new development methods that have become popular in the computer industry in recent years.

Användaren & LinkedIn, ett nischat socialt medium : Professionellt nätverk, digital identitet och tillit

During recent years, the labor market has changed. Social media currently plays a larger role within recruitment for both job seekers and employers, while company policies and routines addressing background checks become less strict. The result of these changes are higher demands upon social media users to censure their online image. This study focuses on LinkedIn, which is a website intended to provide users with tools for career development. The study is aimed at user interaction with LinkedIn and how this interaction can influence career development.

Ingen liten lort? : En textanalys om manlighet i Värnpliktsnytt åren 1971-1991

This essay examines masculinity in the Swedish military paper Värnpliktsnytt during 1971-1991. The purpose is to study the masculine norms and the hegemonic masculinity that Värnpliktsnytt conveys during these years. Värnpliktsnytt was handed out for free to all soldiers during 1971-2010.During the 1970?s the women were only allowed on non-combat posts and in the 1980?s they more and more were included and accepted as soldiers and staff in the military. In 1989 women were allowed to apply for active and non-combat duty in all military sectors.

Aktivitet i ingenmansland : En undersökning av sökbeteendet bland arbetslösa sjukskrivna

Absenteeism due to sickness has increased during the last few years and has become a serious problem of society in Sweden. Among the sick-listed there is a group that apart from being sick are also unemployed.The aim of this paper was to study if and how the unemployed seek employment when they are sick-listed. Central questions have been if the unemployed seek employment while they are sick-listed? To what extent do they seek employment? Which methods do they use and what demands do they make of their prospective jobs?The survey was based on a quantitative method and the answers that 100 unemployed sick-listed in the northwest of Skåne, Sweden gave to questionnaires. The result was analysed using a bivariate analysis in order to find patterns or obvious differences.The result showed that more than half (60 percent) of the people in the survey group used up to an hour or more per week to search for or apply for work.

Frysdisketiken : Vikten av att kommunicera Corporate Social Responsibility inom livsmedelsbranschen

The purpose with this essay is to explore the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the food industry. We have decided to focus on how five different ethical labels are communicated towards students and the standpoint of the study is the students understanding of the communication. The labels that we have chosen to examine in the study are KRAV, Fairtrade, Svanen, Ekologiskt Jordbruk and Rainforest Alliance. The primary research question in the study is? How are the students purchase behavior affected by ethical labels in the food industry??.Throughout the study we will refer to CSR-products as products are stamped with one or several of the named ethical labels.

Social upphandling : Ett uttryck för public-private partnership?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social procurement can be a further development of public-private partnership. This is done with interviews and a case study of the social procurement Mitt Gröna Kvarter and its labor effort Boendebyggarna. The theoretical framework used in the thesis consists of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility. It tries to answer the following questions:What does this social procurement mean by the concept of public-private partnership?What does this social procurement mean for the participants involved?How can social procurement be seen as a further development of public-private partnership?The thesis uses the theory development around the concepts of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility and shows that social procurement does indeed have similarities to public-private partnership and could very well be a further development of it..

Bedömning av anställda i professionella tjänsteföretag - ett kritiskt perspektiv

Human capital is professional service firms' most valuable resource and its quality is closely linked to the quality of its services. The purpose of this study is to investigate how professional service firms appraise their employees. A comparative study between an architecture firm and a management consulting firm is conducted with the aim to identify and explain similarities and differences in performance appraisal. Two qualitative case studies are performed and interviews as well as documents are used to explore the area. The thesis builds on a critical perspective and it has an explorative approach.

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