

337 Uppsatser om Wage labor - Sida 12 av 23

Allokering av kapitalinkomst - en effekt av århundradets skattereform

The aim of this paper is to study intra household allocation of capital income by using data on Swedish observations. The 1991 tax reform was to change the taxation on capital income from a progressive to a flat tax system. Before the tax reform there were incentives to allocate capital income to the spouses with the lowest income of labor in order to reduce the total tax burden. The data describes the year of 1989 and 1993, those we choose to examine. Using Swedish data from LINDA database we estimate a quotient by ordinary least squares (OLS) regression.

Dagens Nyheters tryckeri: En jämförande tvåfallsstudie av företaget och makten

This study is an institutional analysis of the firm both as it is theoretically conceptualized and how it takes shape and changes. The role of power relations between manage¬ment and employees is especially examined with the aim of evaluating pos¬sible connections between the firm as an institution and power relations within it. Based on a comparison of two cases (two selected periods of the same organization) it asks ?How closely does each case match the conceptual characteristics of the firm??; ?What are the power relations between management and employees in each case??; and finally ?What factors account for the resulting differences??. It is found that there is a negative correlation between employee power and proximity to the firm as a concept.

Jakten på den optimala arbetsformen. En studie om suboptimala dilemman.

Labour and its conditions is a subject constantly in focus. Therefore this study aims to shed some light on different factors which constitutes the basis for the definition of optimal labour conditions, as well as creating a need for change of labour conditions. In this case these factors are changes in society and cultures. The study describes how different levels of society - government, employer and employee ? are affected by, or wishes to affect the labor conditions in terms of location, working hours and leisure.

Barn med autism : En studie i hur skolarbetet kring barn med autism ser ut

This essay is about how working with children with autism works with the laws and regulations that fall under the Compulsory School Ordinance and Lgr11 (Compulsory for primary school, preschool classes and kindergarten). The aim of this work was to examine various educators thoughts, experiences and practices related to children with autism in primary school. The study is based on three questions: what kind of rights regarding support do children with autism have in the Swedish primary school, according to the primary regulation and Lgr11? How do the selected primary schools work with the support of children with the diagnosis of autism? And how well does the affected educator?s think that the support works?To answer these questions, four qualitative interviews with various educators, were made. My results show that all four educators believe that inclusive labor of children with autism is a good thing for everyone, as long as it is done properly and with the right order, so that the child with autism gets the opportunity to be part of a social group.

En arbetsplats för alla. : En kvalitativ studie om hur man ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv kan få in funktionshindrade på arbetsmarknaden.

Syftet för denna uppsats är att utreda och undersöka vad det krävs i ett ledarskap för att få in funktionshindrade på arbetsmarknaden. Fokus för studien är att ur ett kvalitativt perspektiv utreda samspelets betydelse mellan chef och anställd samt vilka faktorer som gör ett samarbete lyckat respektive mindre lyckat i processen med att få in funktionshindrade på arbetsmarknaden.Studien har även i syfte att bidra till den i nuläget begränsade forskningen kring ämnet.Telefonintervjuer med chefer och biträdande chefer har genomförts och resultatet i studien visar att det finns flera behov av att utveckla ledarskapet i denna process. Mer utbildning, öppnare kommunikationsklimat och högre kunskapsnivå behövs för att göra processen effektivare och mer fördelaktig. Utifrån studien har författarna tagit fram olika utvecklingsmöjligheter samt utvecklat en metod i hur man kan effektivisera och förbättra utbildningen för cheferna..

Barnkullar och arbetslöshet - Stora barnkullar och möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden

Youth unemployment in Europe is a big problem today. The number of unemployed young people has risen past decades, from 10 % in1980 to over 20 % 2010. The purpose with this thesis is to deal with big cohorts and unemployment rate for young people 20-24 years old in Sweden. I have a look at three different generations, people born:1963-1967 and start working 19871968-1972 and start working 19941988 and start working 2008-2012Did these people from a baby boom face any specific difficulties when entering the labor market 20-24 years later? I have used Easterlin theory in my work and lokked at statistics from SCB (Statsitiska centralbyrån) in Sweden.

Employer branding : En studie i hur Uppsala Universitet bygger sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke

Purpose: Our purpose is to achieve a higher understanding of which factors University of Uppsala is using to attract and keep their existing workers.Theory: We have worked with Barrow & Mosley's the employer brand mix, this modelexplains 12 important factors that exists within the employer branding process. External reputation, internal communication, the board, values and corporate social responsibility, internalmeasuring systems, service support, work environment, rewards and acknowledgements, learningand development, performance estimation, team management and recruitment and introduction.Method: To achieve an understanding of our subject we have chosen to work with a qualitativemethod. This type of method is more considerate of the interviewed person?s way of seeingthings and also accounts for how the person answers. To answer our problem statement we haveconducted a case study on University of Uppsala where we used semi structured interviewsbecause we wanted to limit the risk of leading questions.Empirical findings: University of Uppsala were used as material for our empirical discussionContext: The main reasons that workers is attracted to and are staying at the university dependson the external status they achieve when working there, this combined with that the workers getsto be a part of the university's brand.

Apportegendom i form av arbete och tjänst? : Ur ett borgenärs- och värderingsperspektiv

The enormous expansion of knowledge society has lead to a path away from the industrial enterprises toward the more knowledge-based entrepreneurship companies. This development has also meant that intellectual capital now can be seen as the core of the new business structure. However the growth has not been reflected in either the legal or the economic regulations in relation to what could have been expected, which means that there is thus a gap between de lege lata and de lege ferenda. This can specifically been seen regarding the prohibition of adding property other than cash applied in payment for shares or regarding issue of new shares when it comes to work and services. The prohibition may therefore be considered to stand against the knowledge companies? advancement.

Bonussystem : En undersökning av Max Hamburgarerestauranger AB

Incentive programs are one of the most important strategies that a corporation has in order to achieve its major policies and goals. The purpose of this paper is to identify these goals and their function, so that we later can analyze the incentive system?s effectiveness. The paper?s focus is on Max Hamburgarerestauranger AB?s incentive system, that is directed to the managers of all of its restaurants.We had interviews with the CEO, as well as the head of the Economics Department of Max H.

Vem är du? : En studie om etnicitet och positionering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden.

Research shows that non-european academics are discriminated in the labor market. The purpose of this study is to examine non- European academics narratives about their Job search process. By applying an intersectional approach, this study aims to demonstrate how the interplay of different aspects such as gender, class and etnicity shape the interviewees experience in swedish labour market. A postcolonial perspective is applied in order to contribute to deeper understanding of the discriminating structures that the interviewees deal with.The analysis shows that colonial conceptions are embedded in the validation system and institutions such as employment service. This mechanism affects the interviewees negatively in their Job search process.

CSR och politisk konsumtion : - en studie av Nikes och Pumas CSR- rapporter

?CSR and political consumption ? a study of Nike?s and Puma?s CSR-reports?The purpose of this dissertation is to examine if political consumption has influenced multinational corporations to improve their Corporate Social Responsibility reports and policies more, than a company who has not been a target for political consumption.This dissertation is a content analysis of Nike?s and Puma?s first (Nike 2001, Puma 2001) and latest (Nike 2007/09, Puma 2007/08) CSR- reports. Archie Carroll?s model of Corporate Social Responsibility is used as theoretical framework in this study. The model is used to focus on four areas within CSR; economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic.

Manlig förskollärare sökes : En studie av manliga pedagoger i förskolan

The purpose with this essay is to get a deeper insight into why there is a lack of male educators in Swedish preschools. I also want to know which role the male educators have in comparison to the female educators. This essay builds on four questions, which covers:The cause of the lack of males in Swedish preschoolsIf there are any gender bound expectations on male educators in the Swedish preschoolsWhat the woman educators perceive about the roles of the male educators in the Swedish preschoolsHow the male educator experience his own work in a workplace dominated by womenThe method I have used is a qualitative interview study in which I have interviewed four male educators and two woman educators from three different preschools. The result of this study shows that male educators gave different reasons to why there is a lack of male educators in Swedish childcare. According to the male educators the reason for this situation is that there is a worry to be seen as a feminine person, get singled out as a pedophile and that the childcare sector has low status.

?Tvingad och tvingad. Jag behövde mina pengar ju?? : En studie om arbetslösa ungdomars upplevelser av kompetenshöjande insatser

The purpose of this essay is to examine whether and how labor consultants, job coaches, guidance counselors promote the possibility of self-realization of the clients they encounter in their work. By analyzing, based on the theoretical framework, six semi-structured interviews of people having the chosen professions answer the questions "Do counselors promote client's opportunities for self-realization in their work?" and "If so: how is this practiced?". In the theoretical framework three important concepts are addressed: "identity", "recognition" and "self-realization". These are explained with the help of works by including Emma Engdahl, Anthony Giddens, Axel Honneth and Allison Weir.

Arbetsvärdering : en möjlig väg till jämställdhet i arbetslivet? En kvalitativ studie av ett arbetsvärderingsprojekt med jämställdhetssyfte i en kommun.

The purpose of this degree project is to study a work evaluation project in a municipality, on the basis of key participants. The municipality is the employer, per-forming the workplace project and the chief objective is to reach gender equality between the employees. Equal pay for equal work. Through work evaluation is it pos-sible to find out which of a lot of different jobs, which have equal requirements. The jobs, which have equal requirements, should have equal pay.

Empire and Multitude - Den globala klassanalysens nya subjekt?

This essay contains a comparative analysis of Erik Olin Wrights Marxist class analysis and Michael Hardt and Antonio Negris post-Marxist class analysis as presented in their books ?Empire? and ?Multitude: War and democracy in the age of Empire?. I discuss the shift in analytical focus from state level to global level that Hardt and Negri's analysis represent and the ensuing relevance of this for contemporary class analysis. The essay also address the challenge and implications posed to class analysis by the ever increasing economic globalization, from a material production to an ever growing immaterial service economy and the decrease in state power in controlling capital and labor movement. I propose that analytical understanding of class conflict help us to a better understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics that generate social and economical inequalities and that an updated Marxist class analysis still have much to contribute to our understanding to how these issues not only shape our society but also our capacity to counteract them..

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