

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 59 av 81

Förvärv och Företagskultur

Background: Acquisitions are a well-known method for increasing company size and strength on the market. But to reach the targets set, more than just a positive economic calculation is required. An atmosphere that supports the company's integration is needed, for which it is of great importance for management to understand the underlying sets of values that exist in the organisation, and to take into consideration the way they might become an obstacle or a tool for a successful integration. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand how cultural change occurs and how it affects the employee, as a smaller company is bought and integrated into a larger organisation. Procedure: The analysis is based on theories on organisational culture and organisational change.

När bok blir film? : En jämförande analys av boken och filmen Catch me if you can

AbstractTitle: When book becomes film... ? a comparative analysis of the book and film Catch me if you can (När bok blir till film?En jämförande analys av boken och filmen Catch me if you can)Number of pages: 46Author: Majlinda JunikuTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To study what model of dramaturgy belongs to the film Catch me if you can and to see what has been crossed out, altered and added from the book so the narrative will fit this model.Material/Method: The film Catch me if you can and the book with the same name has been used to analyze the differences between them. I have divided the differences into three categories: Crossed out, Altered and Added. In the analysis section these have been presented in each section of the film.Main results: Catch me if you can is definetly a film made with the design of the Anglosaxon model, mostly because of its timestructure and that it portrays an action and not just a condition which is normal in the epic-lyric model.

Den gamle och filmen : Om den nya generationen äldre och dess plats i det cinematiska rummet. En representationsstudie

Within the field of cinema studies, the question of visual representation is a fundamental pillar. An immense volume of theoretical work has been written on the subject, with various academic approaches such as feministic, postcolonial and gay/lesbian. Yet there is a large social group that seems to have been overlooked within the representational discourse: the elderly. This group of people appears to be a blind spot on the multicultural retina, too often neglected within the area of cultural studies. But as the baby boomer generation, who has always redefined the different stages of life (youth, adulthood, middle age), is entering old age, things are slowly changing.

Buller : Hur planeras en bullerfri stad?

Milosevic, S. 2014. Buller ? Hur planers en bullerfri stad?. Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsatser, Uppsala universitet. This essay is about noise pollution caused by urbanization.

Etik och censur inom internetfiltrering ? En forskningsöversikt

This paper is a research review in the realm of censorship systems andfiltering systems. It applies ethical considerations to the creation of censorshipsystems bringing forward discussion on the ethics of technology with thepurpose of limiting access to information.There is active research being done in the area of automatic content filteringand censorship systems. These are systems that can filter out undesiredmaterial, typically from the Internet, automatically. Used in some nations,many schools and even mandated in some libraries there are many ethicalquestions raised concerning censorship and access to information.Part of the review concerns the level of accuracy of these systems presentedby researchers in the field and the different approaches used. Reviewedarticles centre around automatic content classification and filtering ofpotentially harmful materials with regards to minors while some relate tocensorship technology in a wider sense.Results show a general lack of discussion concerning the ethics of thetechnology in the research reviewed.

Askdeponi i bergrum : Metoder för slurrytillverkning

This thesis work has been carried out at the consultant company Pöyry Sweden AB in Norrköping, whom performs the task for E.ON heating Sweden AB, Händelöverket in Norrköping. The report shows methods to manufacture slurry consisting of fly ash and water. The slurry shall be pumped into several former oil storage rock shelters that E.ON has put into operation for the specific purpose. The ash mixture also develops hydrogen gas in contact with water.The work has aimed to produce different suggestions of methods and equipment that can be used for the objective. Mixing method and security issues were in centre while working with the suggestions.

Klientbemötande i socialt arbete : Metoder, tekniker och reflektioner kring makt som syns i de sju nyexaminerade socionomernas utsagor om klientarbete under den teoretiska och verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about how a group of newly graduated social workers reflect on the practical daily work and their positions working with clients who are in need of social and/or economic resources. More precisely the purpose is to find out how these seven newly graduated social workers viewed working with clients during theoretical and practical studies. The aim is to analyze which techniques and methods could be seen in these narratives. Furthermore the aim was to find out if and how these seven social workers reflected on the power relation between social worker and client.The material of this study consists of seven semi-structured interviews. Throughout gathering the data and analyzing it, the qualitative method in form of narrative approach was used.

Underhållning eller meningsskapande : En intervjuundersökning om lärares didaktiska övervägande gällande underhållningsfilm i historieundervisningen

Movies are a part of everybody?s, including student everyday life. Teachers have to give their students the tools and means to critically examine movies and media as a whole. This study aims to examine how seven teachers in southern Sweden didactically motivate their use of movies; specifically entertainment features in the history subject. The theoretical framework of this study is Knud Illeris theories about the three dimensions of learning.

Landskapets narrativitet i detaljplanering- fallstudie i Lekaryd

Detta kandidatarbete har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i Matthew Potteigers och Jamie Purintons begrepp landscape narrative, landskapets narrativitet. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka hur planerare genom detaljplanering och detaljeringsgrad kan arbeta med begreppet. För att kunna komma fram till ett svar har intervjuer, granskning av plandokument och en fallstudie använts som metod. Landskapets narrativitet kan liknas som en berättelse om och i landskapet, men som inte har en början, mitt eller slut. Landskap är en process som hela tiden är föränderlig.

Butikskommunikationens viktiga roll

Studien är främst till för att bringa klarhet i hur en butik bör arbeta med visuell marknadsföring för att nå konsumenten och skapa en positiv reaktion hos denne. Vi har dessutom undersökt vikten av relationen till kunden, och hur företaget arbetar med det genom relationsmarknadsföring. Vi har fått fram vårt resultat genom marknadsundersökningar och observationer inne i och i anslutning till en butik, samt genom en intervju med den ansvarige för butikskommunikationen i samma butik. Till vår hjälp har vi arbetat med Peak Performens Borås, det är kring denna butik hela studien kretsar.Den personliga intervjun med den person som är ansvarig för butikskommunikationen på Peak Performens Borås gav oss information om problem och utmaningar ur deras synvinkel. Materialet gav oss även bra bakgrundsinformation att jämföra resultaten från marknadsundersökningarna och observationerna med.

Anestesisjuksköterskans smärtskattning jämfört med patientens egenskattade smärta

Syfte: Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att undersöka om anestesisjuksköterskans skattning av postoperativ smärta skiljer sig fran patientens egenskattade VAS. Bakgrund: Flertalet studier visar att sjuksköterskor underskattar patienters smärta och att VAS inte används i tillräcklig utsträckning vid smärtskattning. Många erfarna sjuksköterskor tenderar att lita mer på sin intuitiva känsla om patientens smärta än på vad patienten säger. Metod: Åtta anestesisjuksköterskor på ett sjukhus i storstadsregionen fick genom ett frågeformulär skatta 44 patienters postoperativa smärta utifrån en beteenderelaterad skala och fysiologiska parametrar. Detta värde jämfördes med patientens egenskattade VAS/NRS.

Hora, Madonna eller Projektör? : En kvalitativ semiotisk studie med fokus på hur svenska framstående politiker förhåller sig till traditionella genusstereotyper på Instagram

Historically, men have always had a superior position over women, which has beenportrayed in all kinds of media representations. Visual communication is an importantpart of our daily life since the reality is reflected through images. The development ofthe Web has led to increased interaction opportunities, and new ways to communicate,mainly through pictures. Politicians have embraced this and use social media as a partof their daily work. They also use social media to portray themselves from a morepersonal angle, which has created a higher interest for their personal life.

Träningsappar som verktyg i hälsofrämjande syfte : - Användares erfarenheter och upplevelser

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. To prevent and change this the society need to develop good approaches and interventions to promote physical activity. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate which experience existing users have of smartphone training applications. Also to study if this can be a possible resource for health promotion. Six active users applied to participation after they had seen an ad in social media.

Vilka känslor väcks under kulturmöten : En studie om känsloupplevelser hos invandrarelever på högstadiet

The purpose of my study is using a narrative approach from a student perspective through the feelings that show the cultural encounters of immigrant students with the Swedish school. I want through my study have an understanding of how students are affected in their interaction with the Swedish culture. I also want to analyze and understand their feelings and experiences. Are emotions negative or positive? My theoretical framework includes the following concepts: Emotions, treatment, ethnicity, identity and code-switching.An important element of my study is to understand students' emotional experiences.

Kan den praktiska kunskapens teori hjälpa en präst att vara i sitt esse?

This essay describes how the author gradually gets a deeper understanding for his profession and the development of his professional skills, attitude and practice. The essay contains two main narratives representing examples from the author´s occupational practice, and through those narratives he tells how his practice alters and develops. These stories are also the basis for considering different aspects on how to get good models for practising a profession when you are a beginner, and how to manage ethical dilemmas. The starting point is when the author in the beginning of his career as a rural pastor is visiting a seriously ill parishioner at a province hospital. The course and the outcome of this call is surprising the young pastor, and the author tries to analyze the background to the outcome and assesses several possible explanations for the result of his call. The narrative is used to examine the attitude, the professional skills and the social and existential context for the author at that time. The patriarchal patterns in the parish are illuminated and questioned. In the second part of the essay the author investigates what will happen when pastoral cure transforms to psychotherapy, and how the author deals with phenomena in the therapeutical process such as idealization and secondary traumatization. On basis of texts written by among others Ingela Josefson, Fredrik Svenaeus, Christian Nilsson and Ulla Ekström von Essen the author seeks explanation for the development of his practical knowledge. With references to philosofers as Plato, Aristotle, H.G.

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