

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 60 av 81

När strategi blir design : Företags drivkrafter bakom grafiska profilbyten

Graphic profiles are a part of companies? brand expressions. The graphical values reflect the brand values the business wants to convey. They consist of different graphic elements such as logo, company sign, colour schemes, templates, rules, fonts, pictograms, formats and references to how different graphic elements should look, for example, business cards, signs and materials for websites. This thesis aims to examine why firms choose to replace their graphic profiles by studying their underlying motivations.

Interactive Visualization of Statistical Data using Multidimensional Scaling Techniques

This study has been carried out in cooperation with Unilever and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. In areas of statistics and image processing, both the amount of data and the dimensions are increasing rapidly and an interactive visualization tool that lets the user perform real-time analysis can save valuable time. Real-time cropping and drill-down considerably facilitate the analysis process and yield more accurate decisions. In the Smartdoc project, there has been a request for a component used for smart filtering in multidimensional data sets. As the Smartdoc project aims to develop smart, interactive components to be used on low-end systems, the implementation of the self-organizing map algorithm proposes which dimensions to visualize.

Grafisk profil Citytryck

Sammanfattning Mitt arbete handlar om datorn som hjälpmedel i matematikundervisningen på Malmös gymnasieskolor. Syftet med detta arbete var att kartlägga tillgången till och använd-ningen av datorn som hjälpmedel i matematikundervisningen på Malmös gymnasiesko-lor. Utgångspunkt för detta arbete var att större tillgång till datorerna leder till större användning. För att uppnå syftet har jag formulerat några frågeställningar om i hur stor utsträckning datorer används i matematikundervisningen och vilka datorprogram mate-matiklärarna använder på dessa skolor. Jag har även undersökt om det finns några framtida planer för förändring av tillgångar till och användning av datorer i undervisningen.

Finns det något samband mellan antropometriska mått och dyslipidemi hos barn med fetma?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka samband mellan upplevelse av tandvårdsrädsla och smärta hos patienter vid tandhygienistbehandling. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka om det fanns samband mellan kön och ålder i relation till tandvårdsrädsla och smärta. Studien genomfördes med användning av enkäter på patienter som behandlades av tandhygieniststudenter på Högskolan i Kristianstad. I studien ingick 78 respondenter, varav 39 män och lika många kvinnor i åldrarna 21-81 år. Enkäten bestod av två delar.

Färgkonnotationer i spel : Hur val av färg påverkar hur vi upplever en spelkaraktär

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to identify the relationship between color and semiotics and how a person?s opinon, regarding a game character?s different characteristics, can be affected by the use of various colors. Prior to this study people were asked, through an online survey, to write down words that they associated with different colors. The colors were then divided into four different groups depending on whether they had been associated with positive-strong words, positive-weak words, negative-strong words or negative-weak words. In order to further shed light on the effect of colors, the four palettes, consisting of the colors associated with the different words, were then used separately to give color to two characters: a man and a woman.

Cefskap och familjeliv - en kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefer i socialt arbete

This essay is a qualitative study whose aim is to see how to find a good balance between family life and managership. The result could give concrete proposals on how help can be designed to prospective female managers. The study is based on interviews with eight female managers. The interviews have been inspired by the narrative approach with the focus on how these women have tried to find a balance between management and family life and which obstacles they faced and the support they have had. The results of the study has shown that the support that the woman has been given by their spouse / partner has been one of the best and most important support for her to full fill her mission as being a manager as well as a mother.

Funktionshinder barriär eller genväg till biblioteket? En fallstudie om rörelsehindrades och synskadades biblioteksanvändning

The aim of this Masters thesis is to, from a users perspective, investigate which factors affect the library use for six persons with disabilities or visual handicaps. My method has been a case study and the methods applied are interviews and observation. As a theoretical framework I use Tom Wilsons theories and models about information behaviour and transform them to a model about library use. Answers are sought to the following questions: - What does the library use look like for six persons with disabilities or visually handicaps? - How do they experience the library in their own municipality? - Which factors affect the disabled persons library use and experience of the library? All interviewees showed a very positive attitude towards the library and the majority of them visited the library regularly or received audio books by mail.

Visuella bildmaterial i matematiken

Under vardagen och förskolans verksamhet möter barn olika visuella bildmaterial som utforskas genom sinnena, de ser, känner, luktar, lyssnar eller smakar. Barn utforskar och samtalar kring matematik som de möter i vardagen. Utifrån tidigare erfarenheter har vi oftast stött på pedagoger och vuxna som inte tagit tillvara barnens egna medtagna bildmaterial. Istället är pedagogerna fokuserade på att skapa sina egna matematiska aktiviteter och material som baseras på förskolans läroplan. Utifrån tidigare observationer i verksamhetsförlagd tid har vi uppmärksammat att vuxna och pedagoger oftast tar mindre hänsyn till barnens intressen till visuella bildmaterial som de stöter på i vardagen.

Utvärdering och implementering av automatiska farthållare i fordonssimulator

Vehicle simulators are becoming more common in vehicle industries. Company earns lot of money on simulations instead of real tests. Real tests are necessary but not made so extensively as before.In this thesis the building of an vehice simulator will be described and a comparison between three different cruise controls. The three cruise controls are PI-regulator, a regulator who regulates after positions in the terrain and a MPC-regulator. The reason for choosing this three is to see the difference between simple regulation and more complex regulation with respect to fuel consumption, travel time and complexity.The vehicle simulator is made in Matlab/Simulink, Visual Studio and Open Scene Graph.

Exponering av ekologiska kläder ? en studie om hur modebutiker med hjälp av väl utförd exponering kan påverka sin försäljning av ekologiska kläder

För att ett företag ska bli lönsamt krävs anpassning till kundens efterfrågan. Då de flesta kunder tar majoriteten av alla köpbeslut på plats i butiken, blir varuexponeringen i många fall avgörande. Genom att skapa en inspirerande varuexponering som framhäver de ekologiska kläderna kan företag således påverka fler kunder att handla ekologiskt och på så sätt öka efterfrågan. Syftet med vår studie är att granska hur Gina Tricot, Lindex och Polarn O. Pyret exponerar sina ekologiska kläder i butik samt att studera exponeringsmetoder butikerna kan applicera på sitt ekologiska sortiment, för att påverka försäljningen.

Har bilden av maskulinitet åldrats med värdighet? : En kvantitativ inneha?llsanalys av manlighetsideal i reklamannonser fo?r manliga sko?nhetsprodukter under 2000-talet

Purpose: This study has been conducted with the purpose to examine representations of men and masculinity ideals in advertising for male grooming products. This study also aims to investigate how the male representation has changed during the 2000?s.Theories: The theoretical framework of this study is based on established theories and past research about gender, masculinity, advertising and visual communication.Methodology: The study has had a quantitative approach and is based on content analysis of print advertisements published in the Swedish lifestyle magazine Cafe? during the years 2003-2012.Conclusion: The result of the study suggests that the representation of men was not versatile, many of the advertisements showed the same representation pattern, which indicated that the metrosexual was the most common depicted masculinity. Past research shows that the notion of men and the male representations in media has gone through major changes during the last decades. However, the results of this study did not find any signs that the male representations were going through any significant change in the examined advertisements.

Personers upplevelser av att leva med synnedsättning orsakad av diabetesretinopati

Bakgrund: Diabetes är en av de främsta orsakerna till synnedsättning och blindhet. Dåförekomsten av diabetes ökar utgör de synrelaterade komplikationerna ett växande globalt hälsoproblem. En ökad förståelse för hur personer med diabetesretinopati upplever att synnedsättning påverkar deras dagliga kan vara till stor hjälp i mötet med dessa personer. Syfte:Syftet med studien var att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med diabetesretinopati. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie.

Att läsa webben : En introduktion till semiologisk analys av webbaserat material

The aim of this master's thesis is to present an introduction to semiological analysis of web based material, which is a hypothesis that combines the theoretical framework of classical Saussurean semiology, visual social semiotics as was developed by Günther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen, and Roland Barthes's notion of 'Myths'. Furthermore, a new tool called 'pseudo-signifier', constructed solely for the thesis, is also used in conjunction with the semiological analysis. The hypothesis is tested in a case study involving the web portal of a Swedish commune, Gothenburg (goteborg.se). A complete semiological analysis is performed on the case. The case study revealed numerous findings of interest, among others that images and texts on the web portal were sometimes used in a contradicting manner, and often in a way that symbollically excluded citizens from the portal, a fact which could be uncovered when studying underlying myths that permeated the web portal.

När räddningen slutar i självmord : en studie om unga flyktingars självmordsbeteende i Sverige, utifrån personals erfarenheter i sociala verksamheter

Background and aim: The number of refugees and unaccompanied children are increasing in Sweden and these people belong to one of the groups that are at higher risk for developing suicidal behavior. At the same time the lack of research on the subject is mentioned several times by different sources. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate suicidal behavior among young refugees between the ages 13 to 18 years in Sweden, from personnel experiences in social services.Method: We have chosen a qualitative approach with seven narrative interviews that each lasted for about one hour and were recorded. The interview guide was semi structured. The respondents in this study consist of one student counselor, workers from two child psychiatry departments and four different residential care homes for unaccompanied children and young persons.Results and conclusions: The respondents had the understanding that young refugees have been through a lot, lost their families and experienced difficult traumas and a tough refuge.

Beräkningsprogram för gasfjädrar

This master thesis work was done by two students at Machine Design at KTH for Lesjöfors Stockholmsfjäder AB. The task was to develop a calculation program for gas springs. The program is going to ease the selection of gas springs for a given case of a lid that should be opened. The program is going to be used internal by sales people at Lesjöfors AB in Sweden and internationally. The program is therefore written in English.The program was developed in Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition.

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