

6987 Uppsatser om Urban design - Sida 15 av 466

En heterotopologisk analys av den kulturella infrastrukturen i Göteborg: Rio Rio-båten på kollisionskurs med ett stadsplaneringsmaskineri på drift.

This essays overarching aim is to contribute to the theoretical discussion of transformation processes that are shaping the urban landscapes and further to problematize contemporary planning discourses in Sweden. Drawing on the concept of Foucault?s heterotopia and actor-network theory for spatial analysis, the paper seeks to analyze the complex urban landscape transformation process as an emergent property of human and non-human actor-networks seeking to transform and order space. With the district of Rosenlund in Gothenburg as a starting point, this thesis intends to examine how the cultural infrastructure - used by the residents and visitors of the city - are related to the city's planning and development processes. The case study is based on a boat (Rio Rio) in Rosenlund canal that is defined as a cultural infrastructure.

Arkivering av företagskunders grafiska riktlinjer : Design och utveckling av en arkivwebbsida med responsiv design

This report describes the process of developing a user-friendly and responsive archive website. The website is a Hi-fi prototype and was created for the company JG Communications, to serve as an archive for their customers? style guidelines. To create this website I have used HTML5 and CSS3 to make it responsive for various computer screens. I have also used PHP and some JavaScript to make some of the functions and Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to make design elements for the prototype.

Stora stadsparkers liv och död : betydelsen av och framtiden för stora stadsparker

Behovet och betydelsen av stora stadsparker tycks ha fallit i glömska i samband med förtätning av städer. Planering av nya stora stadsparker tycks numera inte stå på agendan. Få arkitekter, stadsplanerare eller landskapsarkitekter lyfter fram värdet av nya stora stadsparker. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka betydelsen av nya och befintliga stora stadsparker i framtidens städer, samt om nya stora stadsparker planeras. Genom intervjuer med arkitekter, stadsplanerare och landskapsarkitekter i Stockholm, Malmö, Köpenhamn och Berlin, belyser denna uppsats yrkesverksammas syn på framtiden för, och betydelsen av, befintliga och nya stora stadsparker.

Vad hände med Södertorg? - En studie om Södertorgs fysiska miljö och de faktorer som påverkat torgets utveckling

Kandidatarbetet behandlar den fysiska miljön på Södertorg i Kristianstad, beläget i nordöstra Skåne. Södertorg är ett gammalt kasernområde som 2006 fick ett ansiktslyft då innanmätet på en av byggnaderna ritades om samtidigt som torgytan fick ett nytt utseende och öppnades upp för allmänheten. Tanken var att skapa ett nytt, modernt torg, Kristianstads tredje torg, som skulle komplettera Stora- och Lilla torg. Södertorg är en del av kvarteret Södra Kasern och består i dagsläget av två huvudbyggnader, sammanlänkade i söder med hjälp av en tredje, lägre, byggnad. Tillsammans bildar de tre byggnaderna arkitektoniska väggar till den 3000m2 stora torgytan som idag är nästintill oanvänd. Det är alltså torget tillsammans med de tre byggnaderna som utgör Södertorg. Butik efter butik har med åren omlokaliserat eller gått i konkurs vilket har lett till att Södertorg idag inackorderar Länsstyrelsen, Arbetsförmedlingen, bank, frisörsalong, café och någon enstaka butik. Uppsatsen identifierar de faktorer som påverkat och bidragit till Södertorgs negativa utveckling; butiksutbud, avsaknad av aktiviteter, utformning av torgytan, parkeringsmöjligheter, läget i stadskärnan samt områdets anonymitet.

Ljusföroreningar i stadsmiljö : Hur kan ljusföroreningar förebyggas vid nybyggnation?

Light pollution in urban areas - How to prevent light pollution at construction Jakob Sjöling Light pollution is a relatively new but rapidly growing form of pollution. Society's increasing demand for light coupled with the pace at which lighting technology evolves is accelerating that growth. The purpose of this study was to analyse how the construction industry plan and design outdoor lighting when erecting new buildings, specifically with regards to the issue of light pollution. It also investigated how local authorities work with these issues during urban planning. In both cases special interest was placed in ways to improve the planning and use of outdoor lighting in order to minimize light pollution.

Urban Pedagogik: rum för förhandling

En av huvudmålen med arbetet var att få ökad förståelse för hur medborgarnas makt och inflytande utvecklats historiskt inom stadsplanering. Jag var även intresserad av arkitektens roll i denna process. Jag ville som arkitekt, med stadsplanering som huvudfokus, hitta intressanta vägar att arbeta med medborgare och medborgargrupper och att förstå hur ett reellt lokalt inflytande kan ta form. Därför har jag försökt titta på relationer mellan medborgare, arkitekter, planerare, organisationer och kommun/stat. Jag drevs av en övertygelse att jag lättare kommer att finna argument för mina ?sociala ambitioner? som arkitekt om jag förstår de historiska processerna bakom medborgardeltagandet i både Sverige och ur ett internationellt perspektiv.

Webbpublicering av elevaktiviteter : en deskriptiv studie av gymnasieelevernas upplevelser

The aim of the present study is to describe the experiences of high school students as regards the effects of their activities, in and out of lessons, being published on the web. In addition, a further purpose is to acquire knowledge about whether a website could be used as means of increasing the students level of attention, and focus, to their activities in school; and, furthermore, how such a website should be designed to correspond with the students requests.The implemented methods are interviews with students, school administrators and teachers. A survey was conducted covering the student?s personal experiences and opinions. Furthermore, an interface test of the website was performed.

Genusmönster vid friluftsutövande i Göteborg

This paper is a quantitative case study named Outdoor recreation of urban areas viewed through a gender perspective. The intention of this paper is, by studying gender pattern in outdoor recreation practices in Gothenburg, to describe gender patterns in outdoor recreation of Swedish urban areas. This subject is important to study because of the practices of outdoor recreation forward public health. Today many people suffer from diseases caused by stress and too little exercise, which could be prevented if they practiced outdoor recreation. Not everyone has the same possibility to practice outdoor recreation because of the inequalities between women and men.

Re-Design av Dagens ETC

The project is about making a Re-Design of the Swedish Socialistic Newspaper ?Dagens ETC?. The background to the project is my search for commitment when I work with a specific customer or project and how importantthat commitment are?The project was from the beginning split up to three different phases. The meaning of the first phase where to make a re-design mainly based on a interview with Johan Ehernberg, the chef editor on ETC.The second phase was a design totally made of my own idea and creative view as a Graphic Designer.I had in mind to make the third phase based on the result of the first two phases.During phase one and two I reconsidered and decided to skip the third step and put more effort in to the two first ones.

Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora spp. in equids from three municipalities in Pará, Brazil

This study presents a survey of the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora spp. in equids in three municipalities in Pará, a Brazilian state with the Amazonian rainforest and the Amazon River as dominating features. Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora spp. are two closely related parasitic protozoans not separated as different genera until 1988. Neospora spp.

Vegetation och ljudmiljö

Landscape architecture is a visual profession, but other senses also affect our interpretation of a place. Sounds can give us a lot of information about an environment, and they are often perceived as positive. Despite this, research about outdoor sounds most often focus on the reduction of unwanted sounds ? noise ? but the absence of noise does not result in a good soundscape. To accomplish this, sounds we appreciate are needed.

Hur skapar man en unik design?

Som mitt examens projekt har jag valt att forska kring frågan "Hur skapar man en unik design?" och använt det genom att skapa en grafisk profil till mig själv..

Arbetslöshetens (o)kända ansikten : Ett arbetsmarknadsprojekt i Rågsved i en tid av avancerad marginalitet och territoriell stigmatisering

This essay intervenes in the politics of urban segregation in Stockholm. The main aim of the essay is to analyze and describe how advanced marginality and territorial stigmatization are expressed in the lived experiences of four unemployed youths, that have participated in a labor market training program located in the ?social vulnerable? area Rågsved. With a theoretical framework based in Henri Lefebvre?s production of social space the empirical findings are interpreted in regard to how the youths produce social space in dialectical interplay with urban politics, advanced marginality, territorial stigmatization, and their local neighborhood.

Gränsöverskridande Ljuddesign

Transcending sound design is possible. There are unseen possibilities and a great potential for improvement and development in sound and music design ? but there is a great difficulty penetrating the obstacles that lies in the way for such development to take place and to exist. The difficulties in being negotiable and productive lies more within the limits of the audience it has to gain, than in itself. It is as though music and sound design has to evolve very slowly, in an almost evolutionary style; one step at a time, to be accepted.

?Design av en experts arbetsplattform

Hjälp snabbt och enkelt på distans..

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