

6987 Uppsatser om Urban design - Sida 14 av 466

Rosengårdsstråket : tankar om förankring och identitet

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Urban Building, Hornsbruksgatan : Urban Allmänning

En Urban Allmänning på Hornsbruksgatan. Kombinationshus med bostäder, T-bana och kontor .Sträcker sig över en 150 m lång slits på gatan.Uppdelad programmatskt med kommers i BV och bostäder ställda ovanpå som fria punkthus.Taket till kommersdelen/sockelvåningen ger tillbaka en park till stadsrummet. Det är den som är den urbana allmänningen.Byggnaden behandlar en höjdskillnad på c:a 6 meter från början av sockelvåningen till slutet. Därför varierar byggnaden i takhöjd vilket ger olika rumsligheter och skillnader i program som anpassats efter de olika höjderna. T.ex ett öppet andra våningsplan i västra delen som bidrar till dubbelt antal kontorplatser i frilanskontoret.Frågor jag ställt mig under processen var: Vad är en bostad idag? Vad är ett kontor idag? Vad kommer Hornstull att vara i framtiden med sin nya galleria? Vilka bostadstypologier råder i området?Dessa frgor har jag tagit i beaktande under förfarandet och kommit fram till en boendeform med yteffektiva och ljusgenerösa lägenheter i funkistyp.

Design och implementation av en webbsida med tillhörande administrationssystem

This report describes how the process has evolved during the creation of a new web page forthe company Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC. The design methods that have been used aredescribed and also how parts of the webpage have been created by using the design methodresults. Our reflections around design and functionality are explained and how usability hasbeen our main focus during the master thesis. We also describe how it has been to work withan external costumer and how the tasks constantly have changed and been added as theprocess has continued.The background to this work is that AB Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC need to improve theircurrent web page. This to give the clients better needed information about destinations, butalso to stand out in the competitive travel business.

Växelbruk på Hornsbruksgatan

Längs den skuggiga Hornsbruksgatan bryter en veckad volym upp den långa sträckan. En ny bergssida som definierar park och gata och serverar scener för medborgarinflytande på både gräs och betong. Med biblioteket som katalysator får den bortglömda delen av Hornstull ett välbehövligt komplement av både mångfacetterad verksamhetslokaler, kontor och större lägenheter. Med mer park i parken och mer stad längs gatan bygger Hornsbruksgatan vidare på områdets karaktär av experimentalitet ? ett urbant växelbruk..

Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is one of the leading causes of acute encephalitis in humans. The virus is spread by mosquitoes, mainly belonging to the Culex species. The main reservoirs are considered to be birds and pigs, with pigs constituting the most important reservoir in regard to human infection. During the last few decades the production of pork has increased significantly in Vietnam. With 90% of pigs being kept in households owning 10 pigs or less, pigs are widely spread across most parts of the country.

Biologisk mångfald i kommunal stadsplanering : exempel från Örebro och Uppsala

I nordeuropeiska städer och inte minst i Sverige finns tack vare vår omfattande grönstruktur en unik möjlighet att genom planering arbeta för urban biologisk mångfald. Ansvaret för att arbeta aktivt med biologisk mångfald inom fysisk planering och ärendehantering ligger i och med det kommunala planmonopolet på kommunerna. Syftet med studien var därför att utifrån ett top-down perspektiv identifiera samstämmighetet gällande urban biologisk mångfald i kommunala dokument. Detta följdes av en jämförelse av hur det kommunala arbetet med urban biologisk mångfald redovisas i några av Örebro och Uppsalas kommunala planeringsdokument. Studien genomfördes främst med hjälp av dokumentstudier samt en kompletterande intervju.

Stationsområde i Landskrona - En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel

In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the area turned out the way it did..

Husbyparken : världens mötesplats : space och place syntax-analyser som instrument för utveckling av förortens urbana struktur

This paper constitutes graduate work at the Depart-ment of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. In this paper the urban structure of the million program suburb Husby in Stockholm is examined and what effect this structure has on social life in the area. The main objective of the study has been to, with the help of morphological analyses, examine how to create meeting places and make the Husby Park more accessiblefor the inhabitants in Husby. There has been a selection of analyses to ensure that Husby?s spatial relationship with surrounding suburbs as well as local spaces in the Husby Park is described.

Stadens offentliga rum ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv - Jubileumsparken, ett offentligt rum för unga?

The public spaces of the city from a social sustainability perspective, Jubileumsparken, a public space for the young, aims to see how public spaces can be open and accessible to all young people in the community. New public spaces can be created and formed by urban planning. A public space that is undergoing considerable development is Jubileumsparken, which is situated in Gothenburg. This area constitutes the case study for this thesis. Due to the commercialization in the neo-liberal society of today, there is a risk that economically weak people, such as the young, the unemployed or students, can?t take part of all public spaces.

Mobile first design vs. desktop first design : En jämförelse av en prototyp och en befintlig webbplats ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv

Detta examensarbete har haft till syfte att åskådliggöra eventuella skillnader och/eller likheter i den upplevda användbarheten vid användandet av en webbplats skapad via mobile first design och desktop first design. Målsättningen med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram en hifi-prototyp, skapad utifrån mobile first design, som visualiserade ett designförslag för flygfotoföretaget HimlaFotos startsida. Jämförelsen har utgått ifrån en egendefinierad version av begreppet användbarhet baserad på ISO:s definition, där användbarhet består av tre faktorer; kraftfullhet, effektivitet och tillfredställelse. För att samla in data om den upplevda användbarheten har användartester genomförts. Flera likheter har identifierats gällande användbarhetsmåtten kraftfullhet och effektivitet, medan skillnader har funnits vid måttet för tillfredställelse.

GULLBERGSKAJ ? PARADIS? En exposé över drömmarnas kaj

The purpose of this graduate thesis is to illustrate what could be theeffects of urban renewal carried out in a too hasty manner, the pointbeing that there could be features which have (yet) not been identifiedand therefore are lost if the planning of the city is not given theadequate amount of time and resources.Through a case study located at the wharf of Gullberg (Gullbergskaj)the significance of urban fringes and areas without too strict of aplanning are highlighted. Some guidelines to successful and consideratecity development are somewhat suggested.The survey is mainly based on two types of sources: contemporaryphotography and interviews with a number of people who are allresidents or tenants at the Gullbergskaj. Their testimonies regardingGullbergskaj and their use of this particular environment are used to drawconclusions of the qualities, which are not the typical cultural-historicalqualities but rather a quality defined by the user (of the quay), held by thissection of the Göta älv shoreline.This thesis is also concerned with the potential impact on the qualities ofGullbergskaj, was it to be the object of city renewal.The results of the study are compared to debating articles published in thenewspaper Göteborgs-Posten for a wider understanding of Gothenburg as atrademark, and the public opinion regarding the city planning related toCentrala älvstaden..

Konstruktion av statorstomme för synkrongenerator : Förslag på design av statorstomme för användning i vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk

This thesis describes a conceptual design of a support frame for a synchronousgenerator used in a vertical axis wind power plant. In this system the generator isplaced on ground level. The thesis also considers the design of housing for thesupport frame and generator. The concept presented in this report is based on anearlier design. Besides geometric design, simplified simulations has been run in orderto optimize some of the parts included in the construction considering naturalfrequencies and structural strength.The result is presented as CAD-models andan assembly drawing..

Att passera gränsen för det normala, : färger och mönster som landskapsarkitektoniska uttryck

Discussions about the sustainable city are now all over the world and many believe that the solutions are merely technical. But what gives the city its character is what is happening in the public places. It is these spaces that bring the people together. Design is the key to sustainable urban spaces. We must produce public places that reflect our society.

"Gå, Franciskus, och bygg upp min kyrka" : Om tiggarkonventens betydelse för skapandet av staden belyst genom urbaniseringen i södra Halland

This essay deals with the relationship between the mendicant movement and the urbanization during the thirteenth century. The aim has been to explore the significance of the Dominicansand the Franciscans for the creation of an urban landscape. This was made through the study of the urbanization process in southern Halland focusing on the town of Halmstad where the friars were established. The importance of the mendicants was also studied through their absence in the towns of Laholm and Falkenberg. To achieve this investigation in a contextual perspective material from different areas was used such as archaeology, history and history of science and ideas.

External thoughts

External Thoughts is a studio based project with its purpose to throughworkshops establish contacts and create a dialouge about the content of contemporarygraphic design. The project also aims to apply a design curaticalmethod where the designer is both client and contractor, client and designer.We also wanted to investigate the design content as open-source and examinethe school versus the Internet?s future role in the design and for thedesigner. The project is a collaboration with Rasmus Östgård Ohlson fromBeckmans..

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