

6987 Uppsatser om Urban design - Sida 16 av 466

Smart design för auktionsapplikationer på smartklockor : Att uppnå användbarhet på smartklockeapplikationer

This study concerns design thinking and how to achieve usability when designing applicationsfor smart watches. The study's focus is on interaction and design for online auctionapplications such as Ebay and Tradera. After studying usability and design for devices withsmall screens, guidelines and design principles for interactive systems, we developed apaperprototype for an auction application. The prototype was used for testing our intervieweeswhile observing and asking questions. After collecting the data we analyzed the responses andfeedback on our prototype and combined the results to previous studies.

Biltrafikorienterade stadsdelars möte med ett hållbart resande : Hur påverkar konfigurationer av urban form vårt sätt att resa?

Efter andra världskriget blev bilen tillgänglig för den breda folkmassan och utgjorde därmed det huvudsakliga transportmedlet. För att öka bilens framkomlighet och säkerheten kring bilens framfart formulerades stadsbyggnadsprinciper till förmån för biltrafiken. Stockholms tunnelbana och dess förorter byggdes samtidigt som massbilismen tilläts dominera stadsbyggandet. Det här kandidatarbetet syftar till att undersöka Stockholms tunnelbaneförorters konfigurationer av urban form utifrån frågan om vilka trafikslag som prioriteras genom följande frågeställningar: - Vilka konfigurationer av urban form kännetecknar biltrafikorienterade- respektive kollektivtrafikorienterade stadsdelar? - Gynnar Stockholms tunnelbaneförorters konfigurationer av urban form ett visst sätt att resa? Metoden för studien är en analysmodell för urban form i förhållande till trafikprioritering som tillämpas på de fyra tunnelbaneförorterna Vällingby, Skärholmen, Akalla och Skarpnäck.

Att utveckla en modern webbplats : A?r responsiv design framtiden?

The IT industry is constantly evolving and it's more or less a requirement today for web developers to be familiar with and to be able to develop for all platforms. A technique that has taken hold and is now widely used is responsive design. Developing responsive design means adapting the layout to the viewing environment; the screen size. Another useful method when developing for different devices is the mobile first theory, which means developing for the mobile screen first. This is done to scale down the site and to clear unnecessary information in order to provide a better user experience.

Urban Building i kvarteret Domherren : GA: Galleri A / Gamla Arkitekturskolan

Förslag på hur Arkitekturskolan kan ritas och programmeras om för att bli en offentlig byggnad i staden som ger mycket tillbaka till Stockholms invånare. Form och program är utformat att ge alla som befinner sig i och utanför byggnaden en ny syn på staden där inte bara gatuplan är offentligt och takplan är privat. Runt byggnaden slingras sig en offentlig promenad som leder upp till det öppna takplanet med bra utsikt över staden. Byggnaden har delats upp för att skapa torg på plan 2. GA är en offentlig plats likt en galleria 2.0..

Att genom design effektivisera räddningsinsatsen för motorcyklister i trafikolycka

What if the emergency response directly knew exactly where to go and what to do if a road accident occured? During the last ten years the number of motorcyclists in Sweden has doubled. Every year, more than 300 riders are seriously injured and over 40 die in road accidents. Being found in time is critical to increase the chance of survival. The goal of this project is to use design methods to find a solution that enables a fast and adequate emergency response for motorcyclists and other unprotected road users..

Odefinierade platser i staden : med studie i Söderälje

The purpose of this master thesis is to attract attention to the undefined spaces of our urban landscape and emphasize the need of these spaces in the city. The different values of these spaces are here clearly presented so that they can be considered when real estate developers show a particular interest in any one of these undefined spaces. The term undefinied spaces can mean a lot of things. The spaces that I now choose to define as undefined spaces are neither planned nor designed. It could for instance be a piece of leftover land in between two residential areas, or as times change, a formerly planned area might be forgotten and left to its own.

The Podcar Way : hur kan spårtaxi integreras i en urban miljö?

A new system of public transportation that can simplify and shorten the trips made throughout the city, anddo that both cheap and environment-friendly. Sounds like good news. This new system, though, require anall new type of infrastructure, differing from what we are used to see in our cities. Podcar, or PRT, as thesystem is called can become a transport revolution, possibly. If that revolution does happen it is crucial that webeforehand have studied the possible effects it can cause on our city environment, from a spatial point of view.This thesis thoroughly describes the function and essence of the PRT system and presents what is availabletoday and in what forms.

Presence of Japanese Encephalitis virus vectors in Can Tho City

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a significant vector-borne zoonotic pathogen, causing devastating encephalitis in humans. Its geographical range includes a majority of Asian countries and has also been recognized in some western Pacific areas. The main vectors of JEV are mosquitoes belonging to the genus Culex. Birds and pigs function as hosts and virus amplifiers, whereas humans are accidental hosts. Japanese encephalitis is commonly regarded as a rural disease.

Logotypiskt : En studie om hur digitaliseringen harförändrat logotypers utseende

In this study we are seeking to discover the norms in the design of logotypes and how they havechanged over time. To achieve this we have chosen to analyze the logotypes of twenty companies withthe largest expenditure on advertising in Sweden. We mapped chosen design attributes within the logoto discover the similarities and then we selected the five oldest brands to analyze how their logos havechanged over time. The design changes in the logotypes over time is can be related to the changingattitudes of the general public and the designers ambitions to draw on convention to create iconic designthat will spark brand-recognition. However many changes can?t be directly explained through changesin convention.

From industrial past to sustainable future : Arboretum Lövholmen; generating trees for a greener future

Old industrial sites bear witness of the unsustainable industrial developments in the past. Today many of them stand abandoned and empty, old structures lacking function in our present society. We have in this thesis participated in a visionary student competition arranged by IFLA, International Federation of Landscape Architecture by developing a proposal based on a vision of how Stockholm can stimulate a greener development. We have done this by turning an unsustainable industrial site in the city into an ecological node; Arboretum Lövholmen. Our aim is to develop an entry for IFLA?s visionary student competition by creating a new sustainable design for the industrial area of Lövholmen in Stockholm. We have worked with the following research questions: How can we create a visionary design proposal for Lövholmen that promotes sustainable development with the help of ecological design? How can the competition format be a design tool? How can the working process developing a competition entry progress? The competition demands have shaped our working process and functioned as a platform for the structure of this thesis.

Organizing for value creation : a corporate perspective on urban farming

In the year 1800, about 5 % of the world population lived in cities (World Wide Fund for Nature, 2012, 3). Today that number is about 70 % in Europe and North America, and in 2050 it is expected to be 86 % in the developed world and 67 % in the developing world (www, UN, 2009). In addition, the global population is expected to increase with 2.2 billion people until 2050. As a result of the population increase more food has to be produced which requires more transport from the countryside to the cities. However, this flow of resources faces some difficulties.

Urban Outfitters - En Extensiv Marknadsplan

Som Göteborgs marknad ser ut idag erbjuder utbudet både en bredd och ett djup. Många butiker ligger tillgängliga i eller med närhet till stadens centrum. Då det inte direkt finns en lucka i marknaden är det metavärdet och produktmixen som avgör valet av varumärke för konsumenten. Tanken med vår rapport är att undersöka möjligheten att expandera den redan existerande butikskedjan Urban Outfitters också till Göteborg. Vi vill därför undersöka Göteborgskonsumentens inköpsbeteende samt vilket som är den bästa lokaliseringen av en butik .

Design av jolleindragare

This project has been about making a design suggestion for a boat accessory that adjuststhe distance between a sail-or motorboat and the dinghy, which is connected by a rope inthe stern. Today this is all done by hand and can lead to problems when it comes tostressful situations such as harbors and narrow passages.A company called Sailsafe came up with the idea and the construction, which they alsohave tested. I found them through an acquaintance at Dacat AB where I did an internshipin the fall of 2010.Using sketching as the primary tool I?ve worked in an almost-real design project with theaim to develop my skills and give the company a relevant design suggestion. Dacat thenhelped me with a 3d model in Alias, which was printed in 3d and painted in thepaintworkshop at school..

Värdet av ökad kvalitet av Tinnerö eklandskap : en värderingsstudie med Contingent valuation method

Around 85 percent of the total population in Sweden today lives in an urban environment. This means that the nature within the urban areas has come to play an important role for the human well being. At the broader picture, the nature within urban areas is profitable in many ways. It is therefore important for the municipalities around in Sweden to work for sustainability within the urban areas. Linköping adopted an environmental policy, in year 2001, from the delegate of the municipality.

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