

688 Uppsatser om Trust - Sida 27 av 46

Ledarskapet och dess påverkan för att stärka tillit och effektivitet : En komparativ studie genomförd i en privat organisation

Vi hade en föreställning om att det ibland kan vara svårt att som ledare i en arbetsgrupp skapa tillit samt effektivitet. Detta fångade vårt intresse och gjorde att vi närmare ville studera två arbetsledare och deras respektive arbetsgrupper gällande effektivitet, tillit samt ledarskap. Vårt syfte med undersökningen var att undersöka vilka ledarskapsfaktorer som kan inverka för att stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp. För att besvara syftet med undersökningen togs följande problemformulering fram:Vilka ledarskapsfaktorer kan stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp?Utifrån uppsatsens syfte och problemformulering genomfördes två kvalitativa intervjuer med de två utvalda arbetsledarna, samt att en kvantitativ enkätundersökning genomfördes i de två arbetsledarnas respektive arbetsgrupper.Vårt resultat visar i huvudsak att det är anpassning efter situation och kontext, förmågan att frångå personliga intressen och istället se till det kollektiva intresset, flexibilitet och uppmärksamhet på arbetsgruppens behov och önskemål, samt stöd genom tillgänglighet som är de ledarskapsfaktorer som kan stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp..

Att dela information. En fallstudie av en akutmottagnings förbättringsarbete

The purpose of this paper is to examine information sharing in a hospital organization that is undergoing reorganization. The aiming is to make all employees at all levels actively involved in business development in order to create a smooth and, from a patient?s perspective, adequate emergency care. The paper suggests that the theory of social capital can explain the complexity of what motivate and what promote individuals to share information. The method used in the paper is the case study, focusing on detecting, interpreting and gaining insight on how information shares in an emergency department.

Medias granskning av socialtjänsten : - en kvalitativ undersökningen ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv

Many social services cases have been reviewed in the media during the last years. One of those cases is ?Lasse and Karin?, handled by the Social Services in Oskarshamn in 2002. Lasse and Karin had their son taken into custody by the Social Services and the case was reviewed in national media. Through this case the Social Services received much attention, of which most was negative, and their handling of the case was greatly criticized.

Ursprungsmärkt : En studie om konsumenters betalningsvilja fo?r ursprungsma?rkta livsmedelsvaror

This bachelor thesis argues for consumers' views on origin labeling effect and their willingness to pay for goods with this kind of label. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence and to measure willingness to pay for a national origin labeled product previously only competeing with a less expensive conventional product, when a further regional product is introduced in the purchasing decisions of consumers. This is achieved by testing whether Simonson's (1989) theory of the compromise effect is applicable to increase consumers' willingness to pay for eco-labeled food products. The factors affecting the willingness to pay; Trust in eco- label, opinions about the products of their own nation and the surrounding region. Furthermore presents theory about what underlying the consumer consumption choices.In order to achieve credible results 240 respondents have participated in a questionnaire survey.

Intern kommunikation under krissituation : en kvalitativ studie av Polismyndighetens interna kommunikation under och efter terrorattentatet i december 2010

Att ha en välfungerande intern kommunikation inom en organisation är av yttersta vikt. Att dessutom ha en välfungerande intern kommunikation under en krishändelse är fundamental.Idag hamnar samhällen och organisationer ofta i olika typer av problematiska och hotfulla situationer. Detta är nästintill oundvikligt. Det som dock är hanterbart är kommunikation kring dessa situationer. Vintern 2010 sattes Polismyndighetens kommunikation på prov i och med ett terrorattentat där en självmordsbombare sprängde sig i centrala Stockholm.Denna uppsats tar sikte på att studera och undersöka polisens interna kommunikation under denna händelse.

Någon som visar att de bryr sig : En studie angående ungdomars upplevelser av delaktighet iinsatsen Kontaktperson.

The aim of this study was to examine young people?s experiences of participation within the intervention Contact Person. Three questions were asked concerning young people?s experience of participation, aspects that promoted/limited the young people?s experience and the significance they attached to the intervention. The findings in this study are based on phenomenological interviews with five teenagers within the intervention Contact Person.

Partneringupphandling inom anläggningssektorn : Kommunernas intresse i Mälardalen

Partnering is a collaboration method where the contractor and the client work together, based on a mutual Trust towards each other and with a common goal for the project. The method originates from the United States where it was early adapted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It later spread internationally where the United Kingdom and Denmark were early in Europe to see the potential with partnering, to help aid with the issues they were having where construction projects kept running late, going over budget and lacked in quality. By using partnering you can achieve a shorter building time, improved work relationships and enhanced efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn med självskadebeteende : en litteraturbaserad studie med grund i analys av kvalitativ forskning

Deliberate self-harm are a growing problem among young people in Sweden. It's not only the child that suffers from the behaviour, even the whole family. Parent´s need the right support from the healthcare staff for their own wellbeing, but also to be able to give good support for their child. Par-ent´s experiences are of importance for the nurse in the healthcare of the child and their families. The aim of this study was to describe parent´s experiences of living with a child with a deliberate self-harm behavior.

Riskaversion - En studie av den svenska aktiemarknaden

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida det har skett en förändring i riskaversionen mellan perioden 1980-1995 och 1996-2000. Sambandet mellan risk och värdering undersöks för att ta reda på detta. En kvantitativ metod har använts för att genomföra undersökningen. Statistiska modeller som enkel och multipel regression har använts för att söka samband mellan värdering och risk. Rådata har hämtats ur ?SIX Trust?-databasen och vi har därefter behandlat datan i Excel och SPSS.

En studie i avtalsslutande mellan privatpersoner : Med inriktning på viljeförklaringens betydelse vid handel genom annons

As trading through advertisements increases, for example via advertisement websites such as Blocket, trading and contracting between individuals also increases. The contract law is the applicable legislation when individuals are trading between one another, because of the fact that individuals are to be considered equal against each another, and no consumer protection provisions are applicable. The contract law is not compelling, and general principles of contract law are therefore frequently applied within the legal area of contract law.Consistent declarations of intent shall have been delivered from both parties for a binding agreement to have been concluded. The declaration of intent, for example tender and acceptance are examples of a will to legally act. Other than tender and acceptance, the declaration of intent is usually difficult to establish and determine.In the event of the commencement of a negotiation stage between the parties, the declarations of intent are not deemed to be binding, but rather binding in the sense of a moral attachment for the parties.

Kommunikation i dubbel bemärkelse : Enkätsstudie av barnfamiljer och SL:s digitala plattformar 

As a result of a successful human development around the world an extensive urbanization of societies are taking place that are networked in various ways. In these networks, increased travel and digitization are central where individuals and organizations converge in a constant and immediate wireless and mobile technology flow. An example of this is Stockholm and its public transportation company Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL). Although most participate in most of the network society, SL is struggling with an audience that seldom travel with them: families with children. We intended to find out how the communication of SL´s digital platforms could get families to travel more with public transportation.

Pudelns kärna : Vad det innebär att "göra en pudel" ur ett kommunikativt perspektiv

In this essay I want to investigate how the poodle strategy affects a person?s credibility when he or she uses it. The poodle strategy is a strategy, which someone uses when he or she is scrutinized by the media. It?s primary purpose is to suppress further media coverage but it is also a strategy for defending oneself and hence rescuing one?s reputation either as a private person or as an official.The essay?s research questions are:How has the strategy been applied for defensive purposes and what are the results?To which extent can the Stasis theory and Benoit?s theory on Apologia be connected to the strategy?Does the strategy affect the user?s credibility?To answer these questions four cases from the political sphere in Sweden where persons have been said to have ?done a poodle? have been analyzed.

Omvårdnad vid förstoppning hos dementa personer : undersköterskors och vårdbiträdens reflektioner

Constipation is a common problem for people with dementia and it may result in discomfort, suffering and lower quality of life. Nurses in municipal nursing homes have difficult to observe and prevent these problems because they do not participate in the daily caring work. The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse assistants? reflections about the care they gave people with dementia and constipation. Main questions vas how they became aware of such problems and what they did when someone had problem with constipation.

Omvårdnad vid förstoppning hos dementa personer : undersköterskors och vårdbiträdens reflektioner

Constipation is a common problem for people with dementia and it may result in discomfort, suffering and lower quality of life. Nurses in municipal nursing homes have difficult to observe and prevent these problems because they do not participate in the daily caring work. The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse assistants? reflections about the care they gave people with dementia and constipation. Main questions vas how they became aware of such problems and what they did when someone had problem with constipation.

Visualisering av informationskvalitet : Utformning av kvalitetsindikatorer för Lantmäteriets Fastighetsregister

Fastighetsregistret (The Cadastre) is a large and important information sourcesupplied by Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registrationauthority). Fastighetsregistret provides geographical information about the 3.2 millionestates in use in Sweden. Fastighetsregistret has a large number of users who Trustthat the provided data is reliable, but experience shows that the data can have varyingquality. As a user it is not always possible to access more detailed information inorder to assess to what extent the data in Fastighetsregistret is reliable.The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the possibilities of a system with agraphical user interface that present, classify and visualize the quality of the data inFastighetsregistret. The defined user group for this suggestion is internal users atLantmäteriet who have a good understanding of Fastighetsregistret.

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