
Urban odling

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By exploring different forms of urban cultivation and looking into future gains of sustainability, I want to focus on unconventional and perhaps necessary ways of building, living and making a living. This will be made through study of literature on the topic.Urban cultivation could be anything from a pot of basil in the kitchen window to a city farm. The core of the concept is that the food is produced where it is eaten, in or in direct vicinity to the city and that it is produced ecologically. There will be many benefits, ecological, economical and social.The world is at a turning point right now where consumption patterns and the industry processed food are questioned and it is important that the things we consume are genuineand authentic. We want food that is locally and ecologically produced; food that we can trust. To make this available to the city dwellers it takes effective and innovative solutions to cultivate the city even more. This would give positive effects for the environment, people?s health and for the social life of the city. This could be made possible by the cultivation of the city, but for it to happen there will have to be a conscious city-planning.The long term goal for the urban cultivation is that it should be able to provide the city?s inhabitants with a base supply of vegetables and fruit under as great a part of the year as possible. This will contribute to the flexibility both when it comes to a more sustainablecity and for its preparedness in an eventual crisis situation. By understanding and willingness to develop the urban cultivation, positive changes can be achieved in thesociety we live in.


Emil Gottberg

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Landscape Architecture (until 121231)


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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