

9685 Uppsatser om Trend analysis - Sida 8 av 646

Utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada i länder under snabb ekonomisk utveckling

Purpose.The purpose of this essay was formulated as to examine the relationship between the development of deaths caused by unintentional injury and fast economic development in a country. The purpose is to create a picture of the development in the chosen countries.Background.Injuries and the deaths that sometimes follow are a problem for all communities, if nothing else just because of costs and the absence of incomes for the state. Countries ability to restrain these deaths should be of interest. Studies show that the number of deaths causedby unintentional injuries correlates inversely with the GDP/c, we can therefore expect that better economic conditions leads to fewer deaths and vice versa. It has been shown that an economic crisis often leads to considerably higher death rates.

Analys av parathormon och joniserat kalcium i blod hos hund :

The calcium homeostasis in the body is normally strict regulated to be kept within very narrow limits. This regulation is due to the action of parathyroid hormone (PTH) which is synthesized in the chief cells of the parathyroid glands. In different diseases, the calcium homeostasis is disturbed and this could either be due to a dysfunction of the parathyroid gland itself, or it could have a completely different explanation. To investigate disturbed calciumhomeostasis, ionized calcium and PTH can be analyzed from a blood sample. There are a lot of different assays to measure PTH in humans.

"Världens bästa reklamfilm" : En studie i hur reklamfilmerna från ICA är konstruerade för att locka kunderna till konsumtion

This paper sets out to investigate how companies can create advertisement that focus not only on selling but also on entertainment. The research is based on seven TV-commercials produced by the Swedish food chain ICA. The commercials were analyzed according to the methods of discourse analysis, semiotic analysis and rhetorical analysis. Furthermore, the research compares the analysis made with the thoughts and ideas of Tobias Karlsson, Head of marketing and communications development at ICA to find out how the comprehension of the commercials correlate with the original intentions made by the company.The study shows that ICA creates a commercial that contains the perfect mix of rhetorical approaches, communication strategies and entertainment mixed with gravity. The study also shows that ICA fails with its primary goal which is to sell selected products; however, by producing the entertaining commercials, they manage to strengthen their brand.

Samtiden och de långa linjerna i den svenska gymnasieskolan - en läroboksanalys

Denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i vad man anser vara en trend inom modern historieforskning. Nämligen att man sedan slutet av 1960-talet sett allt fler perspektiv på historia växa sig starkare. I denna utveckling har allt mer forskning börjat lägga vikten på samtiden och ?de långa linjernas perspektiv?. Dessa två perspektiv står i stark kontrast till det perspektiv på historia, som varit klart dominerande i den svenska gymnasieskolan.

Klamydiainfektioner i Sverige  : Kan en geografisk analys förklara det rumsliga mönstret?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection. The infection rates have increased in the last decade. During 2008 the trend rates declined in all counties and regions in Sweden. Chlamydia infections have a geographical spatial pattern differences. This is seen from the national surveillance data report from the Swedish Institute for infectious disease control (SMI).

ADHD som meningsskapande diskurs : om ADHD i socialt arbete i kriminalvården

The aim of this study is to discuss the diagnosis ADHD as a meaning-making discourse that is something more than just a diagnosis with a set of symptoms. I aim to discuss that the diagnosis is productive and can be seen as a means to control and to comfort individuals. The research was based on a method consisting of an idea analysis and a discourse analysis. I am using both a discourse analysis and a critical ideology analysis as perspectives. These perspectives are also based on a general theory of late modernity.

Objektivitet i politisk journalistik : En studie i mediekommunikation

Abstract Mona Sahlin's dishwasher decides the election! Maybe. How journalism portraits politics is at least not fully objective with focus on societal matters. There is also a change over time indicating an up-going trend of less objective journalism. Other results of this case study indicates that politicians are more inclined to participate in journalism than before and that politics presented as scandal is increasing.The aim of this study is to investigate objectivity in political journalism over time. Using the quantitative content-analyses the study encoded 600 journalistic articles subjecting politics in the Swedish society.

Den Fjärde Basfärdigheten

This analysis is about the fourth basic competence and how you can define it, what it includes and if it is possible to find it in the new curriculum for the Swedish high school; Gymnasiereformen -07. The analysis was focused on the following subjects; Mathematics, Social science and Swedish. The aim with this analysis has been to create a summary in the field of information literacy and to define the fourth basic competence. The analysis were focused on and delimited by the following conceptions; information literacy, digital competence and the information search process. The sources of information has primarily been taken from the field of information literacy and statements from professionals in the fields of information literacy and education.

Osäkerheter vid riskanalyser i samband med transport av farligt gods

Risk analysis in connection with transportation of dangerous goods is associated with great uncertainty. In addition there are a number of specific problems that the risk analyst faces when risks associated with transportation of dangerous goods are to be analysed. In this report those problems and uncertainties are described.One of the most important conclusions in this report is that uncertainty analysis within risk analysis in connection to transportation of dangerous goods has to be made more effective..

Sexköp och fiskmetaforer - En diskursanalys av prostitutionsdebatten 1993-2011

"A discourse analysis of the debate on prostitution 1993-2011" The aim of this essay is to investigate how prostitution is constructed in the debate. The analysis is based off debate articles from four of the biggest Swedish news papers. Articles from two periods of time has been chosen, 1993-1999 and 2008-2011. The specific periods were selected because they revolve around the Swedish ban on the purchase of sexual services in 1999, and when it was evaluated in 2008. With a constructivist aim based on gender research, the themes and subject positions of the debate are explored via discourse analysis.

Leverantörer är från Mars, detaljister är från Venus : Egna märkesvarors (EMV) inverkan på

A1237En pågående trend inom dagligvaruhandeln håller på att omforma förutsättningarna för samtliga aktörer, från leverantör till detaljist och slutligen mot konsument. För ett antal år sedan började dagligvarukedjor att introducera egna märkesvaror (EMV). Denna trend förmodas ha en inverkan på relationen mellan leverantör och detaljist.Studien avsåg att undersöka vilken inverkan EMV har på relationen mellan leverantör och detaljist samt studera vad som stödjer den. För att besvara syftet utfördes intervjuer med respondenter från sex företag. Studien omfattade de två största detaljisterna samt fyra leverantörer inom samma produktkategori.

Sjukgymnasters syn på en ny behandlingsmetod med vibrationsträning som exempel: en kvalitativ studie

The aim of the study has been to investigate physiotherapists? view on a new method of treatment in physiotherapy. In this case we have studied Whole Body Vibration training as an example of a new method of treatment. Semistructured interviews were performed with five physiotherapists. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analysis study.

Planering : fallstudie av en mjölkgård

The purpose of this paper is to give examples of different ways of economic planning and calculation within agriculcture. My aim is to use a couple of them as an explanation of a case from reality. My choice went to budgetsimulation and balanced scorecard since those are best suited in this specific case. In the information retrieval I present different instruments of economic planning like theory of cost, budget and productcalculation. The budgetsimulation describes how to use the different methods in a long term economic planning. The balanced scorecard is also a model of longand short-term planning but besides the economy planning it?s also a reminder of your personal goals. In the model I have used a dairyfarm as a case.

FPGA för displayhantering och grafikgenerering i fordonsmiljö

This report is part of the major thesis carried out at Stoneridge Electronics in Bromma,Stockholm during autumn and winter 2005-2006. The background to the thesis is the trendwithin the automotive industry where color displays have become more common for presentationof information to the driver, a trend that has come to the commercial vehicle market. Thepurpose of the thesis has been to evaluate whether programmable logic, with respect to FPGAtechnology, could be suitable for display control and graphics generation of these more complexcolor displays in automotive environment.Within the scope of the thesis the FPGA technology has been investigated, i.e. whatopportunities and threats there are with aspect to environmental and security requirements. Inaddition, the market of FPGAs and pre-built IP-cores has been investigated.

Kvarteret Kajutan - Från lågenergi till plusenergi

Energy and environmental demands regarding buildings have become an increasinglydiscussed topic, both in Sweden and in Europe as a whole. The general trend indicatesthat greater efforts are being put into the energy efficiency of the built environment.There are already numerous examples of houses with a low energy demand, and thenumber of low energy buildings is constantly growing.At the time being, the maximum level for energy demands for housing in Stockholm is110 kWh/m2year, but as soon as next year the limit will be changed to 90. The Swedishagency Energimyndigheten is currently conducting a project to interpret the EU Directiveon the so-called Nearly zero energy buildings, and the preliminary results indicate thatthe level of requirements for purchased energy will end up with about 55 kWh / m2year,which is in line withtoday?s recommendationsfound in FEBY's Kravspecifikation förPassivhus.Starting with a low-energy house in Henriksdalshamnen in Stockholm, we have analyzedvarious energy-efficiency measures and their influence on power and energy needs. Thefinancial aspects associated with the measures have been studied using a model of lifecycle costs.The measures were initially studied individually to give an idea of how much impact theyeach had.

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