

6220 Uppsatser om Tillgänglig design - Sida 46 av 415

Akustikavskärmning och absorption

Det här är ett projekt i industriell design som gick ut på att lösa ett problem. Projektet var ett samarbete med kontors- och utbildningsmöbelföretaget Abstracta. Problemet var att det på arbetsplatser idag lätt blir högljutt och bullrigt, speciellt i öppna kontorslösningar. För att ta fram en produkt som löser problemet gjordes undersökningar och analyser av marknaden, kunden, användaren, akustik och material. Det utgjorde grunden för en idégenerering som resulterade i ett koncept, som sedan vidareutvecklades till en serie akustikabsorbenter.

Min stol, din stol : -Stolar som passar fler

This account deals with my degree in furniture design. The project was done in collaboration with the architect firm Byggnadskonst AB in a quest for the cafe chain "Vivels"Byggnadskonst AB?s mission was to make the interior of the cafe that Vivels is building in Larsberg Center on Lidingö. My assignment was to design chairs for the café. In the beginning I had even thought about designing a table, but as time past I focussed more and more on the chairs.

Trädgårdsterapi inom kriminalvården : en möjlighet för Sverige?

The main objective of this study was to investigate the possible design of a horticultural therapy program in Swedish correctional treatment facilities. In the USA the use of horticultural therapy in offender rehabilitation is much more frequent compared with Sweden. The aim of these programs typically contains education for inmates. Research has been made indicating that these programs can have positive effects on psychosocial behavior and on vulnerability to substance abuse among incarcerated offenders. In this study the examples of these programs was categorized and analyzed from three perspectives; Vocational, social and therapeutic horticultural programs.

Vi kan inte blunda för öronen längre : En fallstudie om ljud som kommunikationsmedium i utställningen Drömmens syster

Ljudet a?r ett intressant kommunikationsmedium som utnyttjar varje individsegna erfarenheter och fo?resta?llningar da?r associationer fa?r stort utrymme. Mu-seer som idag kan va?lja fra?n ett stort urval av medier har mycket att vinna ge-nom att anva?nda sig av ljud - inte enbart fo?r att tekniken tilla?ter det.Den ha?r uppsatsen har fo?r avsikt att underso?ka ljudets mo?jligheter som kom-munikationsmedium i utsta?llningar. Syftet a?r att sprida ljus o?ver detta fo?rha?l-landevis outforskade omra?de som jag anser har ma?nga outnyttjade mo?jligheter.Fo?r att avgra?nsa min underso?kning har jag valt att studera utsta?llningen Dro?m-mens syster som finns pa? Va?rldskulturmuseet i Go?teborg.

Jag gör det själv / Allt blir bra : Ett examensarbete om att hjälpa sig själv

The problem being examined is the disturbing noise that is created in an open plan office on a company working with a creative process, such as a newspaper or a communications agency. The purpose of this study was to examine the needs for today for a sound absorber in open offices and create and design a design proposal. The aim is also to develop a marketing material the product proposal. The problem has been broken down into the following questions:- How does the user look at the need of a sound absorber in an open offices solution today?- Does an interior designer apply sound absorbers when they furnish the intended environment? - How can a design that meets the needs that exists be achieved and to speak the user?The study is based on three choice of methods a literature review on selected topics that relate to the topic, an interview with an interior designer to explore how an interior designer applies absorbers in open plan office and finally an extensive survey that treats the user's needs and appropriate appearance for the product proposal.The design process has undertaken the following methods, design brief, requirements specification, functional analysis and sketches to produce the final product proposal.

Röhsska Backstage : är publika arbetsmetoder nästa steg framåt?

The Röhsska museum in Gothenburg has recently launched a new work method, Backstage, that is studied and paralleled to the museums permanent exhibition on Japanese design. In Backstage the museums routine work is executed in full view of the museums visitors in an exhibition area. The study has focused on the museums intentions and the visitors? interpretations in Backstage and Japanese design, as well as the staff?s experience of the work method?s public aspects. The study?s empirical material has been collected through interviews with the museum staff as well as observations and interviews with visitors in both Backstage and Japanese design.

Att designa mjukvara för framtiden : Praktikfallet ABC

Att designa en generell och utbyggbar mjukvara är inte enkelt, då det krävs en bred kompetens inom många olika områden. Vi belyser i detta arbete en del av problematiken kring design. Utgångspunkten är ett praktikfall vars målmiljö rör processer och integrationer. Huvudfokus ligger på designmönster, men även en bredare genomgång av ämnen så som utvecklingsmetodik, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services (WS) och utvecklingsmiljöer presenteras. Arbetet bedrivs i enlighet med riktlinjer från Rational Unified Process (RUP) och slutprodukten är en checklista på tre punkter.

Säkrare träning med rätt redskap.Utveckling av avlastande redskap vid knäböj iSmithmaskin.

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if there where fallacies in the design solutions for the business system IFS Applications from a user perspective, and if so, correct these from a cognitive science approach.Data collection consisted of three main portions. These where; workshop, individual interviews and observations. The collected data was analyzed and resulted in identification of two main areas in the application that where found lacking.The result of the study showed that the usability for processing large amounts of data and the lack of customization where the main flaws in the application. Two low fidelity prototypes where created with the purpose of rectifying the underlying flawed design solutions that where identified from the collected data..

Applikation för sökning i databaslogg samt design av databas

Den här rapporten behandlar ett system som använder en databas som lagringsplats för loggar. En bra metod för att hämta ut dessa loggar saknades och databasdesignen behövde förbättras för sökningar i loggarna. En applikation för att hämta och söka i loggposter från databasen skapades. En undersökning om hur databasdesignen kunde förbättras genomfördes också. Båda delarna gjordes i ett projekt för att de hörde ihop.

Scenografi för en landskapsarkitekt :

Stage Design is design for action and contains décor, side-scenes and properties, as well as costume and grease-paint. The one responsible for this is the Stage Designer, who together with the Director, creates the best conditions for the actors to perform in. The stage, where the play takes place, could be either in a theater, an auditorium, or in another sort of room, at another place, inside or outside, and where the place itself inspires to theatrical performance and expressions. This type of theater is called Site-specific theatre. Two examples of this is the workshop ?Skogen sjunger? (eng.

IT-baserat utbildningssystem för dialyspersonal : en användarcentrerad förstudie

The dialysis ward at Karolinska University Hospital is a highly pressurized work environment filled with critical treatment situations where patient?s lives can be constantly in danger. Staff have to deal with a myriad of alarms and error codes in response to their patients varying ailments. The workforce at the dialysis ward lack controlled environment training, sufficient to address all of the potential treatment scenarios, with no risk of jeopardizing the patient?s condition.The purpose of this essay is to design and test the efficacy of using an IT based device for dialysis education at Karolinska University Hospital.The main topics this essay intends to address are:? Identification of user scenarios and training fields.? Prioritization of key training areas.? Utilization of IT in effective staff training.? Design of a conceptual prototype.The process focuses on the user and their needs.

Redesign av Vagabonds guideboksserieThe travelguides of Vagabond - Redesign

Todays travel trends go towards independence and self planning. If you need advice or help when performing your trip, there are several different series of guidebooks on the market and one of these series comes from the travel magazine Vagabond. This degree project concerns the redesigning of the travelguides of Vagabond, or to be precise: their cityguide over Istanbul. The purpose of the new design is to assure the resemblance between the guidebook and the magazine, as wanted by the Art Director of Vagabond Angelica Zander.Prior to the redesigning process preliminary studies that make up the fundamental ideas were made. Three other big titles of guidebooks on the market were analyzed, and in addition a great deal of focus ? considering the final purpose ? was put on the concept of magazine design.

Drama och musik i barns fria lek

This account deals with my degree in furniture design. The project was done in collaboration with the architect firm Byggnadskonst AB in a quest for the cafe chain "Vivels"Byggnadskonst AB?s mission was to make the interior of the cafe that Vivels is building in Larsberg Center on Lidingö. My assignment was to design chairs for the café. In the beginning I had even thought about designing a table, but as time past I focussed more and more on the chairs.

Den nya generationen KinBag : The new generation of KinBag

This report summarizes a Bachelor Degree Project in Integrated Product Development,carried out during the spring semester in 2007 by three students at the Product Design Engineering programme at the University of Skövde. The project was performed as an assignment for KinBag ab, a sister subsidiary to Kinnegrip ab in Lidköping, who develop,manufacture and market the golf bag KinBag, a bag with an integrated wheel carriage system. The purpose of the project was to redesign the golf bag to attract a target group consisting of golfers aged between 20 and 40.The layout of the project was as follows: The project began with a feasibility study where different problems were identified with the basis of a market research which eventually was summarized in a dynamic specification of requirements. The feasibility study was followed by a generation of ideas which contained everything from sketches to simple mock-ups with an intensive amount of thoughtful brainwork and information gathering in between. This ledto the development of a number of design concepts, both on an overall level and on different parts of the golf bag.

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