

804 Uppsatser om The Liberal Party - Sida 52 av 54

Holdningskampen 1940 - 1942 och dess fortsättning : Med betoning på  kyrkans roll som sammanhållande faktor under ockupationen av Norge

During the period of occupation of Norway between the years 1940-1945 the National Lutheran Church took the responsibility of supporting the Norweigans in their ideological battle against the Nazis. This was a period named Holdningskampen in Norwegian history. One person to remember was Eivind Berggrav, bishop in Oslo diocese. He was the one responsible for the theological document of importance Kirkens Grunn that became important as a document against the Nazis and the small percentage of Christians that related to the naziinspired-church. Berggrav was also one of the founders of Den Midlertidlige Kirkeledelsen, the organisation responsible for the non-nazified churches.

Sexuellt riskbeteende och självkänsla hos ungdomar

Sammanfattning  Författare (Tillnamn, förnamn)                                                                                                                 Årtal                    Unis, Brian                                                                                                       2010             Arbetets titel Sexuellt riskbeteende och självkänsla hos ungdomarOpublicerad uppsats för magisterexamen.                                                                                                Sidoantal (tot)               Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. Fakulteten för samhälls- och livsvetenskaper.           Avdelning för samhällsvetenskap Social omsorgsvetenskap                                                                    47               Examensarbete 15 hp i Magisterprogrammet Hälsofrämjande arbete, folkhälsoarbete och socialt förändringsarbete i lokalsamhället. Bakgrund: Attityder till sex och sexuellt beteende särskilt hos ungdomar har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste åren med ökning av sexuellt transmitterade infektioner (STI), i synnerhet klamydia i ungdomsgruppen och oönskade graviditeter. Många studier visar att det inte finns något samband, en del studier visar ett svagt samband och några studier visar ett positivt samband mellan självkänsla och sexuellt riskbeteende. Syftet: Syftet med studien var att beskriva självkänsla och sexuella vanor hos gymnasieungdomar. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka attityder, normer och self-efficacy i relation till ungdomars sexuella beteende. Metod: Studiens design var en tvärsnittsstudie. Tre mätinstrument har använts för att studera bassjälvkänsla (Basic Self-Esteem Scale, kort version), förtjänad självkänsla (Earning Self-Esteem Scale, kort version) och faktorer som påverkar sexuellt riskbeteenden (Sexual Risk Behaviour Belief and Self-Efficacy scales, SRBBS).

E-boken ? innovation eller parentes? : En användarcentrerad studie rörande e-bokens framtid

Sammanfattning  Författare (Tillnamn, förnamn)                                                                                                                 Årtal                    Unis, Brian                                                                                                       2010             Arbetets titel Sexuellt riskbeteende och självkänsla hos ungdomarOpublicerad uppsats för magisterexamen.                                                                                                Sidoantal (tot)               Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. Fakulteten för samhälls- och livsvetenskaper.           Avdelning för samhällsvetenskap Social omsorgsvetenskap                                                                    47               Examensarbete 15 hp i Magisterprogrammet Hälsofrämjande arbete, folkhälsoarbete och socialt förändringsarbete i lokalsamhället. Bakgrund: Attityder till sex och sexuellt beteende särskilt hos ungdomar har genomgått stora förändringar de senaste åren med ökning av sexuellt transmitterade infektioner (STI), i synnerhet klamydia i ungdomsgruppen och oönskade graviditeter. Många studier visar att det inte finns något samband, en del studier visar ett svagt samband och några studier visar ett positivt samband mellan självkänsla och sexuellt riskbeteende. Syftet: Syftet med studien var att beskriva självkänsla och sexuella vanor hos gymnasieungdomar. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka attityder, normer och self-efficacy i relation till ungdomars sexuella beteende. Metod: Studiens design var en tvärsnittsstudie. Tre mätinstrument har använts för att studera bassjälvkänsla (Basic Self-Esteem Scale, kort version), förtjänad självkänsla (Earning Self-Esteem Scale, kort version) och faktorer som påverkar sexuellt riskbeteenden (Sexual Risk Behaviour Belief and Self-Efficacy scales, SRBBS).

Transparens i svensk valkampanjfinansiering

Despite the fact that the issue has been discussed for several decades, there are still no rules in Sweden mandating political parties and candidates to disclose received donations. Because of this lack of transparency, Sweden is not fulfilling some of its international obligations and has fallen behind in the international trend to increase the transparency of election campaign finance. The lack of disclosure rules in Sweden has led to extensive criticism, most notably from the Council of Europe´s group of states against corruption, Greco, who criticized Sweden in light of the guidelines on the subject from the Council of Europe. At this writing, a new proposal for disclosure rules is being prepared at the Department of Justice, DoJ. The proposal is to be presented in spring 2013.

Buzz : Med individen som insats

abstract buzz marketing, the phenomena Have you ever thought about why the small French pastries called macarons suddenly became so extremely popular? Soon they were seen everywhere in the media, on every celebrity party and shortly after of course on every Swedish person?s cake dish. Could it be that a trendy it-girl happened to mention these lovely creations in her blog?What (or who) is it really that decides and controls what is popular and what is going to sell? If one individual can influence a whole group of followers it is definitely something marketers should take advantage of. One cannot any longer rely on traditional advertising, one needs to be more creative and rethink the possibilities to get through the media noise.

Turkiet vänder blickarna mot öster : -en fallstudie av Turkiets utrikespolitiska förändring gentemot Mellanöstern

AbstractTurkey has emerged as a major actor in the Middle East over the last decade, since the ruling party AKP came to power in 2002. Turkey is now playing a mediation role in regional conflicts and has been speaking out loudly on sensitive issues such as the Iranian nuclear program and the Palestinian- Israeli conflict. Furthermore, Turkey has established close ties with the Arab world which has suffered the relationship with its long-time ally Israel. This new presence in Middle East has been criticized by Turkey's allies in west. Critics argue that the country is about to abandon its former western relationship and strengthen their ties with the Arab world instead.This thesis has two main purposes.

Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling: effektivt styrmedel mot koldioxidutsläpp? : En studie av kostnadseffektivitet, transaktionskostnader och teknisk utveckling

Green public procurement (GPP) can be used as an instrument to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and consideration of environmental aspects within public procurement is becoming more common in Sweden and internationally. Two product groups that have been pointed out as especially important are transports and electricity, where the opportunities for public purchasers to reduce emissions are relatively large. This paper studies GPP which aims at reducing emissions, primarily of carbon dioxide, through environmental requirements within these two product groups. A theoretical analysis of cost-effectiveness, transaction costs and effects on technological development is performed, followed by a closer study of how these aspects appear in practice within GPP. The results indicate that a cost-effective allocation of reductions between the two product groups is most likely to be attained if the main part of emission reduction is achieved through environmental requirements on electricity. The cost for emission reduction within transports is relatively high, especially for heavy transports. For transportation services, more generally focused requirements on emission reductions could probably give greater environmental gains, but the existence of transaction costs steer the environmental requirements towards more technology specific types.

Utveckling av nyckeltal för logistiska tjänster : En studie vid logistikföretaget Foria

The purpose of this thesis is to identify and define Key Perfomance Indicators (KPIs) and value adding services which are used to describe the quality of Forias logistics services from different aspects. The KPIs should be attractive to both Foria and their customers, with the aim to strengthen the interaction between both parties.The basis for this work is a research in which a literature review and a survey of the market for Swedish logistic service providers were carried out. An analysis of the present situation of Foria was carried out, where a number of people in the company were interviewed. These elements were used together with definitions of KPIs to perform the analysis of the work.The result of the work is ten KPIs that have been created and developed for Foria and which are considered to be attractive to both Foria and the selected customers. The KPIs are: · ECO-driving (binary) ? the company has ECO-driving-educated drivers· ECO-driving (comparison figure) ? all drivers individual driving and its resulting exhaust emissions are compared· The environmental impact ? a total of exhaust emissions from all vehicles belonging to a single business, measured in tonne-kilometres· Complete order ? portion of fields with accurate information (in an order), with the possibility of error categorization· Delivery reliability ? time difference between expected and actual delivery, average for all orders· On-time ? the number of days and hours of difference between the expected and the actual time, for all activities of the order· On-time (activity) ? the number of hours and minutes of difference between the expected and the actual time, for each individual activity of the order· Divergence ? a categorization of all causes of divergence and its responsible department· Level of integration ? the level of cooperation between the logistic service provider and the customer· Customer satisfaction ? how well an order will meet the expectations of the customer The KPIs are described in detail with definitions, how they can be used and what is required to implement them in the service process of Foria.

Frihet, rättvisa, mjöd: debatten i Norrbotten inför rusdrycksförbudsomröstningen

Denna uppsats avser avhandla rusdrycksdebatten som pågick under 1900-talet inför rusdrycksomröstningen 1922. Valet av ämne beror bland annat på att alkohol som ämne debatterats i mångt och mycket genom alla tider, inte minst i mediala sammanhang. På grund av detta var det en självklarhet att som en del i avgränsningen begränsa ämnet till några svenska tidskrifter som under en period innan folkomröstningen avhandlade själva valet i olika former (såsom artiklar, insändare, bilder med mera). Avgränsningen skedde ytterligare i och med valet av att granska tre norrbottniska tidskrifter: Norrskensflamman, Kuriren samt NSD. Den första tidningen är tydligt kommunistisk, emedan NSD är socialdemokratisk och Kuriren är en liberal tidning.

Konsumentbeteenden och h?llbarhet. En kvalitativ studie av hur konsumentbeteenden p?verkar h?llbarhetsaspekterna av online f?rs?ljning av kosmetiska produkter, inklusive returer

The ever-growing e-commerce brings many opportunities for society's consumers and businesses. Digitization has strongly contributed to these opportunities and has, among other things, facilitated the search for information and increased the range for the customer. While the opportunities are many, the increased consumption has also brought consequences. The increase in consumption contributes, among other things, to quantities of deliveries and returns as well as increased waste, all of which results in environmental destruction. The issue of sustainability is very topical today and is influenced by almost everything today. In connection with the markets changing, the consumers' behaviors and expectations also change.

" ...jag tycker om sill, men tycker inte att det ska vara obligatoriskt... " : - En innehållsanalys om medielogik, public service och partipolitik i SVT:s partiledarutfrågningar

Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur medielogik och public service-värdena uttrycks i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning hösten 2010. En totalundersökning i form av kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys är gjord av samtliga partiledarutfrågningar som sändes i SVT veckorna före valet, samt respektive partis valmanifest. Fyra frågor mättes först kvantitativt och analyserades därefter kvalitativt med utgångspunkt i vilka medborgargrupper som synliggörs, hur partiledarnas privata angelägenheter exponeras, hur valmanifestens innehåll överensstämmer med de teman som journalisterna tar upp i utfrågningarna, samt regeringsbildningskomplikationer och samarbetssvårigheter av olika slag. I den kvantitativa analysen framkom att konsumentperspektivet dominerar, men skillnaden är stor i de olika partiledarutfrågningarna. Den personliga exponeringen av partiledarna ger minst utrymme åt dåvarande statsministerkandidaterna Fredrik Reinfeldt (m) och Mona Sahlin (s), men även åt Maud Olofsson (c).

Sociala krav i byggentreprenader : En tillfällig trend eller här för att stanna?

Europe has, since the economic crisis of 2007, gained increasing social segregation. The gap between rich and poor has increased and the large number of hidden statistics regarding people excluded from the labor market is greater than in many years. Social exclusion has thus taken a toll on community groups that already before the crisis had a hard time getting included. Groups such as young, elderly, immigrants and people with mental of physical disabilities. To curb this development, the European Commission have, since the 2004 directives, enabled public sector clients to, through procurement of goods, services and contracts, include measures that promote social consideration.Social consideration is a term that have been a part of Swedish procurement legislation since 2007, and was updated in 2010.

Undantagande av handlingar vid Skatteverkets revision

AbstractThe tax authority has an obligation to ensure that all tax cases are adequately investigated according to 40:1 SFL. In order to fulfill this obligation the tax authority has a number of investigation options. The most common form of investigation is so- called desktop investigations, which means that the tax authority will send written inquiries or injunctions to taxpayers. The most intrusive and resource-intensive form of investigation is audit. The general rule is that the tax authority?s auditor may examine all accounting records and other documents related to the business.

Communicating ethical sourcing : the case of palm oil in the Swedish food industry

Palm oil has been used in processed food commodities since the 19th century. An increasing demand for regulating and ensuring a more sustainable palm oil production has resulted in various initiatives. However, these initiatives have received critique due to lack of compliance and insufficient revisions of palm oil plantations. The initiatives for creating an ethical, social and environmentally sustainable production are not sufficient for the Swedish industrial users of palm oil. As a result, stakeholders such as Swedish food processing companies, commit to ethical sourcing codes of conduct that go beyond the international palm oil initiatives.

Den som hoppar högst är bäst? : En kvalitativ intervju-studie om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om betyg och bedömning i idrott och hälsa

abstract buzz marketing, the phenomena Have you ever thought about why the small French pastries called macarons suddenly became so extremely popular? Soon they were seen everywhere in the media, on every celebrity party and shortly after of course on every Swedish person?s cake dish. Could it be that a trendy it-girl happened to mention these lovely creations in her blog?What (or who) is it really that decides and controls what is popular and what is going to sell? If one individual can influence a whole group of followers it is definitely something marketers should take advantage of. One cannot any longer rely on traditional advertising, one needs to be more creative and rethink the possibilities to get through the media noise.

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