

10029 Uppsatser om Texture-based rendering - Sida 29 av 669

Att vara eller inte vara med : en studie av kommuners virtuella deltagande

In today's society, the internet is an important part of everyday life. Over recent years the number of electronic services has increased markedly. Communities such as Facebook, consume more of people's time than 5-10 years ago. How can public authorities benefit from these communities or are the municipalities not ready for this? The municipalities determine how their resources should be allocated based on the municipality's needs.

Regionalt agerande ur ett fusionsperspektiv : - Relationen mellan West Sweden och dess medlemmar

This study is based on previous research concluding that sub-national actors now function on a complex arena where the nation state is not the sole and self-evident channel to the European Union. Based on that assumption, the thesis is intended to create understanding of the nature of the relationship between the West Sweden regional office and its Värmland commissioners in the case of regional action.The relationship between the regional office and its members was examined in a case study of open consultation around the EU?s new EU 2020 strategy. The questions posed in the thesis are answered by interviews with representatives of West Sweden and certain Värmland members of that organization. The results of the interviews were then analyzed based on a fusion perspective, which addresses various indicators for regional action.The results of the study show that the West Sweden regional office can assume a clearer role in regional influencing, but also that Region Värmland plays an important role in influencing the EU.

WBD ? Web Based Diagnostics : Identifierande av parametrar på CAN-bussen

Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i datorteknik vid Växjö universitet, utfört av Philip Albertson. Vid företaget BSR i Växjö pågår utvecklingen av en ny teknik benämnd Web Based Diagnostics. Målet med projektet är att göra fordonsdiagnostik tillgängligt för bilägare till ett bra pris. Systemet består av tre delar; en modul som sätts i bilen, en server som hanterar informationen och en klient för att kunden ska kunna nå informationen. Min del i detta projekt var att identifiera hur sökta parametrar nås på CAN-bussen i bilar från VAG (Volkswagen Auto Group) och Saab.

Begravningsplatser och begravningar i ett m?ngkulturellt samh?lle En etnografisk fallstudie av Varabygdens begravningsplatser

The thesis explores what is meant by multiculturalism in today's Sweden based on burial grounds and funerals in a minor municipality. This is done through an ethnographic case study of the municipality of Vara. The study aims to investigate how multiculturalism looks and is responded to. The study maps which aspects are placed on multiculturalism in a minor municipality and which adaptations and compromises are highlighted. This is done within the framework of theories concerning multiculturalism and social identity, and the result of the empirical case study is presented by applying the theories to the material. From burial places and funerals, social collective and individual identities are analysed based on the social categories of religion/faith/secularity and place belonging, based on the perspectives of rituals and traditions as well as the location of the grave. The study finds that there are several aspects of multiculture in the burial grounds, as multiculture not only includes cultural influences from immigrants but also the different preferences of the local villages, in combination with the development of society, and Sweden in general.

Utveckling av ett frågeformulär för delaktighet : En pilotstudie

Background: The need for structured practice has in recent years appeared in connection with the request for a more evidence-based nursing. In psychiatric care with its complex disabilities, it is important to have methods to identify these. Research has demonstrated the importance of patient participation in nursing that has been shown to affect their mental health. It is essential to get to know how patients with mental illness are capable of involvement in their life situation. The ICF emerged as a useful theoretical framework for development of questionnaires of patient participation.Aim: The aim of the present pilotstudy was to develop and test a questionnaire for participation, based on ICF.

Olika branscher, samma reformer? : En studie om trender inom inköp

Background: Røvik claim that both public and private sector, large and small firms, are working with the same administrative standards, recipes, as these are currently considered to be ?right?. He argues that this is partly due to the globalization of the information society, which is making it possible for recipes to spread rapidly. An area affected of this is purchasing, where many new strategic and organizational concepts have been developed. Nowadays, people argue that ?every penny saved in the procurement function, is an extra penny in profit? and that purchasing decisions affect the entire company and its performance.

En human och rättvis värld : En studie om konsumenters syn på corporate social responsibility och den internetbaserade klädinsustrin

AbstractTitle: ?A more humane and equal world? A consumers view on corporate social responsibility and the internet based apparel commerce.Author: Fanny Bergström & Isabelle BlancMentor: Emma SvenssonPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine the attitudes and experiences of consumers in relation to Internet based commerce and corporate social responsibility. The study is based on the following questions; 1. How do costumers perceive Internet based companies and their work with CSR-questions? 2.

Elevers tankar om klimatförändringar

This work examines the students´ thoughts on climate change with a focus on carbondioxid through photosynthesis and the carbon emissions from cars. The study is based on two subject areas, one with a focus on enhanced greenhouse effect, and the other focusing on photosythesis. The survey was conducted by means of qualitative interviews with students in grades four and six. The results describe that student´s understanding for photosynthesis and the carbondioxids function for photosynthesis doesn´t change significantly from grade four to grade six. I have divided the students inte three levels based on their understandingof the various fields, and their use of adequate concepts.

Unga och arbetslösa : Upplevelser av ungdomsarbetslöshet i en bruksort

This thesis focuses on youth unemployment in Finspång, often referred as an industrial community. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on social constructionism and covers theoretical discourse analysis, intersectionality and social capital. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 7 unemployed individuals between the ages of 19-24 and an interview with an employee at the employment office in the community. The main subject in this thesis is the youngsters experience with unemployment, labour, the employment office, the impacts of social capital and the labour market in the community. The analysis focuses in how the respondents discuss their experienced problems with their unemployment.

Medieprogrammets nya kläder : En jämförande diskursanalys av medieämnets omvandling efter gymnasiereformen 2011

English abstractTitle: Islam and the limitations of the public will of choice.The purpose of this paper have been to investigate how three modern Islamic theorists view the limitations of the public free will of choice based upon their interpretation of the Islamic theology and doctrine.The paper focuses to highlight how all three chosen Islamic theorist interpret the Islamic doctrine based upon my elected theses and more specifically pinpoint were the free will of choice ends, and Islam as a religion starts to take hegemony. The paper?s aim is to further an understanding that in the modern world and as a effect of increased literacy, Islam has been somewhat inclined to split into several Islamisms, based upon the variety of fatwa?s on the Islamic doctrine that is available online. Therefore it remains to the modern day Muslim, to individually decide whether they choose to follow the message of the Holy revelation in the Quran or trust a mufti?s fatwa in their everyday life as a Muslim.The material used and analyzed in this paper is prime source material.

Torkningstekniker i den preoperativa handdesinfektionen - en experimentell studie

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Preoperative hand disinfection aims to prevent surgical site infections. After the preparing hand wash, drying is performed using an aseptic technique. It?s important to dry hands thoroughly in order to achieve the full effect of the alcohol based hand disinfection. Due to the lack of a evidence-based guideline on this procedure, the hand drying techniques differ among operating theatre nurses, depending on which technique seen as the most appropriate.

Vem väljer att bli bibliotekarie? : en studie över bibliotekariestudenter i Borås

This paper will portray the differences and similarities that exist between students whoattended the Swedish School of Library and Information Science in Borås.The study is based upon quantitative information gathered from a survey which wasdistributed to first-year students in Borås in the auturnn term 1994. A total of 77 studentsresponded to the survey.We also do a comparative study of the students at all the library programs in Sweden.This is partially based on the findings by a thesis prior to this one by the authorsSvalstedt and Österdahl.We found that the students in Borås differ mainly in their personal histories and backgrounds.When it comes to their attitudes towards the profession and educationalmatters they are similar. Further we found the same to be true in our comparison of thelibrary programs in total..

Project: Knowledge. A two-sided perspective on knowledge transfer & knowledge creation

Purpose: Our purpose is to describe and understand how a project-based, knowledge-intensive firm in the high-technology industry creates and transfers knowledge, seen from two perspectives.Methodology: Our qualitative case study has an explorative approach since earlier studies within our positioning are absent, thus we look at KM abductively. To gain more depth to our study, we mirror our findings from our case company with data collected from three additional organisations.Theoretical perspectives: We see a clear distinction between researchers, either seeing knowledge as an object or a process. Thus, we review theories from both sides, either focusing on the creation or transferring of knowledge. In addition, theories on KM in project organisations areaccounted for.Empirical foundation: The study is based on the empirical foundation which consists of the data received through six interviews with employees at our main case company and, additionally, two interviews at each of our three mirrorcompanies.Conclusion: The study found KM being seen from both perspectives in all four firms. Through this, we found implications for how our case company could proceed in the future..

En SOA utvärderingsmall med fokus på integration, arkitektur och tjänster : Ett praktikfall på Logica

Today, there are no standardized ways to characterize SOA, many are talking about SOA and many say they are using SOA. One way that we have chosen to characterize this phenomenon is through an evaluation that will indicate whether SOA have been used in the development. Basedon a Service Oriented Architecture literature study, we have created an evaluation pattern resulting SOA principles of integration, architecture and services. This evaluation was applied to Logica's own integration system AgrCom through an empirical study to result in a response indicating whether AgrCom is SOA based. The results of the evaluation show that AgrCom is part of an SOA solution but not an SOA as a whole concept.

Information och informationskompetenser för ett evidensbaserat socialt arbete : om socionomers informationspraktiker i arbetet med barnavårdsutredningar inom socialtjänstens yrkesverksamhet

The aim with this master?s thesis is to examine the information practices and information literacies among social workers in the field of the social services and in the work with child welfare investigations. This is in this study related to their ambition to fulfill the requirements of an evidence-based practice. On a theoretical level, the study is based on three theories grounded in the idea of situated learning and of human activities based in a social context. These are the sociocultural theory, the theory of communities of practices and the theory of information practices.

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