
Utveckling av ett frågeformulär för delaktighet

En pilotstudie

Background: The need for structured practice has in recent years appeared in connection with the request for a more evidence-based nursing. In psychiatric care with its complex disabilities, it is important to have methods to identify these. Research has demonstrated the importance of patient participation in nursing that has been shown to affect their mental health. It is essential to get to know how patients with mental illness are capable of involvement in their life situation. The ICF emerged as a useful theoretical framework for development of questionnaires of patient participation.Aim: The aim of the present pilotstudy was to develop and test a questionnaire for participation, based on ICF. Method: This pilotstudy had a quantitative approach and was based on a draft for the purpose described. For the development process two expertgroups were used, one consisted of nurses with experience of ICF and one by former patients recruited from psychiatric patient organizations to discuss participation and item selection. The final questionnaire was answered by 29 nurses, who also could comment on the content in three open questions used for face validity. Cronbach´s alpha was used to calculate internal consistency. The final goal is to develop a concept of two questionnaires for participation. One that will be answered by nurses and another part based on patients self-assessment. During this pilotstudy, the nurse`s part was focused.Result: The result indicated good internal consistency both in the whole Assessment of Participation in Psychiatric care (APP) (0.900) and for each item (0.892-0.904). We also found indication for good face validity.  The result of this pilot study can be useful for further research and development. 


Lotta Siwerstam Mona Haugen Ohlsson

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan Väst/Avd för vårdvetenskap på avancerad nivå


"Uppsats för yrkesexamina på avancerad nivå". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) om 30 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla yrkesexamen på avancerad nivå.

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