

6342 Uppsatser om Technology education - Sida 5 av 423

Surfplattan i förskolan : En studie av pedagogers attityder

As background for this study stands the debate and discussion in the society around the tablet as a pedagogical tool in preschool. The purpose of this study is to obtain and analyze 69 preschool teachers? opinions about the tablet?s introduction and use in preschool. The study also investigates the preschool teachers? opinions about their mission for multimedia and technology in the preschool curriculum, Lpfö 98, reviderad 2010.

Barns smak : En utvärdering av en läsfrämjande-metod baserad på bibliotekariers och lärares erfarenheter

Being able to reflect, evaluate and justify your views is an important part of adult life. Moral education can be a path to develop this knowl-edge; however, it is possible that the moral education gets more obscure when it is not a separate subject. The purpose with this essay is to examine the need of moral education and the presence and the framing of moral education of seven teachers in religion. The purpose is also to analyse where and how the moral education should be included in the curriculum. The survey was conducted through qualitative interviews with a hermeneutic approach.

Utomhuspedagogik : Ett sätt att motivera elevers inlärning

The overall aim with this study is to elucidate outdoor education as an education method and on the basis of that illustration to examine active educators vision on it as a way to motivate students' learning. This study is based on a literature component and a qualitative study through interviews five teachers.The results of the interviews show how to interpret the motivation and how to work with students' motivation. As well as outdoor education as part of the activity.  The interviews show the importance of outdoor education can be to increase students'motivation for learning. They also show the importance of outdoor education is for student learning and test scores have shown the effectiveness of student learning through outdoor education.

Utomhuspedagogisk inlärning : För elever med koncentrationssvårigheter

The overall aim with this study is to elucidate outdoor education as an education method and on the basis of that illustration to examine active educators vision on it as a way to motivate students' learning. This study is based on a literature component and a qualitative study through interviews five teachers.The results of the interviews show how to interpret the motivation and how to work with students' motivation. As well as outdoor education as part of the activity.  The interviews show the importance of outdoor education can be to increase students'motivation for learning. They also show the importance of outdoor education is for student learning and test scores have shown the effectiveness of student learning through outdoor education.

Teknikämnet i grundskolan : Idag och imorgon

Detta arbete har två olika delar som behandlats på olika sätt. Inledningsvis har dagssituationen för teknikämnet i grundskolan kartlagts. Bland resultaten återfinns ett samband mellan behöriga tekniklärare samt de lärare som själva valt att undervisa i teknik, och intresset för ämnet teknik. De behöriga tekniklärarna återfinner vi framförallt i de större städerna. I den största gruppen lärare som undervisar i teknik, No lärarna, har endast tio procent valt att undervisa i ämnet själv.

"Det handlar ju om förutsättningar" : En studie om IT-satsningar i svensk skola

Background:IT development has in recent decades been fast progressing. In Sweden many schools have begun to invest in IT and new technologies. What happens at the schools that are investing in IT equipment and modern technology?Purpose:The purpose of this study is to elucidate the conditions for and the success factors and barriers that principals and teachers will experience in IT. Principals' experiences are complemented and mirrored against the teachers.

Omvärldsbevakning : Hur långt räcker utbildningen i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap?

The information market is constantly changing. With new and improved information technology more people get access to more information faster. However, the number of people educated to handle information also increases. Business intelligence has for a long time been a well-known tool for companies to be competitive. Because of the increased access to information the competition between companies has intensified and more people have become aware of the advantages of business intelligence and how it can help them compete.

Från digitalt utanförskap till digital gemenskap : En hypotetisk väg till digital gemenskap

We are in an emerging digital society where we are increasingly dependent on the mastery of IT and digital technologies to better carry out our everyday tasks. They cover everything from keeping in touch with family and friends to pay bills and declare. At the same time there are those who have not learned how to use the new technology and live their lives outside of the digital society. What happens to these people, in a society that is becoming increasingly digitized? Do they take harm by being in digital exclusion? It looks like this are issues that will not become less important as digital technology constantly changes.

Varning! Ett tekniskt fel har uppstått : En undersökning kring hur turistbyråer hanterar informationsteknik.

This research is based on the observation that people in the service industry is being replaced by technology.  This insight formed a foundation for the presentation of the problem this essay is based upon. We began to speculate over how tourist information bureaus handle the changes, regarding information technology, in their surroundings when their main task is to inform and communicate with their market. Information technology has created new possibilities for organizations to reach their consumers and it has influenced all kinds of industries. We decided to examine organizations in the tourism sector because it is one of the biggest and fastest growing industries in the world. The entering of information technology in the tourism industry has changed its structure and we want to examine how tourist information bureaus succeed to deal with this phenomenon.The aim with this essay is to examine how and to what extent tourist information bureaus integrate with changes in their surroundings caused by information technology and which values that slip away/ is added by the adaption.

Kategorisering av IT-yrken samt hur väl KTH:s IT-utbildning matchar näringslivets efterfrågan

This report discusses how well the competences the master program in Information Technology, given by the Royal Institute of Technology, meet the demands from the business life. It is made qualitative and about 20 companies have taken part to get the results. The study has been made to see how well the three first years and the entire five year master, with different aiming, meets the demands. The results shows that the master program needs to be remodeled to meet the demands in the more ?softer competencies?, which for example is people management and an understanding about economical, juridical and cultural aspects.

Nätbaserad utbildning för en hållbar besöksnäring

A system to regulate both quality and sustainability regarding Swedish tourism industry is under way. In order for the system to be successfull it needs to be accompanied by an education, in this case a net based education is studied.High requirements are demanded for a successful net based education for a sustainable tourism industry. This is valid both for the didactic area,  which is how an education is structured and planned and in the organisational area, which is how and education best is implemented in a company. The aim with this study is to increase the understandings of which aspects that are important for  developers  if this net based education. The study was conducted at three hostels in Stockholm with surrondings. Both managers and  employees participated in the study.  The managers where interviewed and got to answer a questionniare.

Den kontrollerade tekniken : En studie om de exklusiva Plymouthbrödernas förhållande till samtida teknik

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Swedish Plymouth brethren?s relation to contemporary technology. What types of technology are considered acceptable and where do they draw the line? Due to the brethren?s separation from the parts of the world they believe leads people away from God, such as the entertainment industry, immoralities etc., they reject use of television and radio. These two are viewed as uncontrolled types of technology since the user does not have control of its contents.

?Ibland rolig & Ibland tråkig? : En studie om elevers syn på matematikundervisning i grundskolans senare år

The purpose with this study is to gain understanding about student´s view of mathematical education, in the later years of nine-year compulsory school, and the motivation factors that can be identified when student´s gives opportunity to express their own thoughts due to the mathematical education. From experiences we have gained during the practical part of our teachers education we got the impression that student´s think that the mathematical education is boring and uninteresting. Through qualitative methods such as survey and discussions in focus group we have analyzed student´s views of mathematical education and pointed out witch motivation factors that are expressed when student´s gives opportunity to influence over their own education. The results are shown from the answers and comments that student´s gave, during the survey and focus group, and is divided into two main parts, both with focus on motivation ?Mathematics and motivation? and ?Student´s influence and motivation? and also a summery part ?Motivated for mathematical education when the student is given influence over the education?. The study showed that student´s wants to have more difference in the work methods that are used in their mathematical education such as problem solving, games, more work in groups and pairs and more use of IT. In conclusion the study also gives suggestions to other studies that can be made in the same genre as this study in the way that IT can be used in mathematical education and how student´s interest can be used in the education to gain more motivated student´s..

Teknikens gråhåriga marknad - vi är här för att stanna : Vad påverkar äldres köpbeslut av ny teknologi?

This thesis aims to describe how enterprises can approach and reach older citizens inorder to sell new technology products. For that they need information about aspectsaffecting elderlies purchase decisions regarding these kind of products. The study isbased on 13 qualitative interviews where we have applied semi structured interviews andobservations of the elderlies behaviour towards an Ipad which we used as a study objectduring the interviews.The results of this study shows several aspects which affect the elderlies purchasedecision regarding new technology but it all comes down to one matter, lack ofknowledge. In order to overcome that obstacle, enterprises need to modify theircommunication strategy. They will be needing information about elderlies preferencesand their self-image, meaning how they perceive themselves which is connected to howreceptive they are towards new technology.

Förskolechefers syn på specialpedagogens yrkesroll : En studie av specialpedagogikens funktion och specialpedagogens yrkesroll i förskolan

AbstractThe aim of our study was that from a Preschool Manager?s perspective to describe, analyze and understand the function of special education and the Special Education Teacher?s profession within preschools. We conducted twelve interviews with Preschool Managers in two northern Swedish municipalities. From a theoretical base, we used both the relational and categorical perspectives. All answers from these interviews have been analyzed from these perspectives.

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