

7798 Uppsatser om Target management - Sida 2 av 520

Utformning av ett performance management-system : Fo?r ma?tning av prestationer inom Rottne industris reservdelslager

Bakgrund: Rottne industri a?r ett fo?retag som tillverkar skogsmaskiner, na?rmare besta?mt sko?rdare och skotare. En viktig del av fo?retagets strategi i dagsla?get grundar pa? att bedriva en genero?s reservdelsverksamhet ut mot kunder. Reservdelsverksamheten har vuxit och blivit en konkurrensfo?rdel fo?r Rottne industri.

Spridning av Target Costing: en studie av stora tillverkningsföretag i Sverige

Dagens konkurrenssituation är hård eftersom konsumenternas preferenser ständigt förändras. Produktutveckling har därför blivit en av ett företags viktigaste framgångsfaktorer. Eftersom mer än 80% av kostnaderna är låsta redan i tillverkningsstadiet bör kostnadsreducering kreeras under produktens idé och designstadium. Target Costing är ett sätt att lyckas med kostnadsreducering. Det är främst stora tillverkningsföretag med höga kostnader för produktutveckling som använder hela Target Costing processen eller dess olika delar till att förbättra sin konkurrentsituation.

"Jo, läspade Violet." : Översättningsanalys av anföringsverb i svensk och polsk skönlitterär prosa. En fallstudie.

In this study I compare the use of reporting verbs in direct speech in Swedish and Polish literary prose. The aim is to examine how differences in usage are reflected in translations to and from Swedish and to what extent the translator adapts the text to the target language and its literary conventions.I have compared the material on two levels: source text versus source text in Polish and Swedish respectively, to see what kind of speech verbs are most commonly used, and source text versus target text, to study the strategies the translators have used and to what extent reporting verbs are altered or not.I have also studied quotation verb + adverbial phrase or prepositional phrase, to investigate if they are more frequent in the two target texts or adapted to the literary concentions of the target language. .

Target Costing - en möjlighet trots höga fasta kostnader?: en
fallstudie av Norra Västerbotten

Target Costing slår sig fram på en allt bredare front över företagarvärlden som kalkyleringsprocess vid produktutveckling. Det kommer ursprungligen från Japan och används traditionellt av tillverkande företag som är i början av sin produktutvecklingsprocess. Target Costing skiljer sig från den vanliga kalkyleringsprocessen där man lägger ihop alla kostnader och gör ett vinstpålägg för att erhålla det slutgiltiga priset som kunderna skall betala. Istället utgår Target Costing ifrån kunden och vad denne är beredd att betala för en produkt. När kundens önskemål är fastställda jobbar man sedan mot de kostnadsmål som måste uppfyllas för att kalkyleringen skall gå ihop.

En studie om spridning av modeller inom produktkalkylering

Syftet med vår studie är att finna faktorer till spridningen av kalkylmodellerna Activity-based costing (ABC), Target costing (TC) och Kaizen costing (KC). Detta gör vi genom att använda oss av kvalitativ ansats och genomföra intervjuer vid sex tillverkande företag. Vi kan se influenser av spridningen av modellerna ABC, TC och KC i studiens företag. Det har visat sig att företagen tillämpar ?traditionell? produktkalkylering med inspiration av ABC-modellen.

Food consumption of Middle Easterners in Sweden

This paper gives the reader an opportunity to explore new grounds regarding a relatively new field that has opened in Sweden. The result is based on an explorative research conducted by us, with starting point whether immigrants, consisting of Middle Eastern ones, can be seen as an attractive target group for big grocery shops. In order to understand whether they are attractive to target, we need to grasp underlying factors such as our research question: ?What are the habits of Middle Eastern consumers regarding food that marketers from Sweden can target?? To do so we were forced to investigate what kind of lifestyle an immigrant from the Middle East has, since the immigrant?s lifestyle influences what sort of food he/she will consume. When investigating the lifestyle we were able to concentrate on certain areas that we saw had a clear relation in influencing immigrants? food choices, such as religion, acculturation and so forth.

Tro, Hopp och Tveksamhet : En studie om profil, image och kommunikation för Svenska kyrkan Västerås

What does the Swedish church Västerås stand for today according to the employees and how do they want to profile themselves to the target group? What image and what expectations does the target group have of the Swedish church Västerås? How can the Swedish church Västerås communicate uniform, with the intent to create mutual value with the target group?The purpose of the study is to make recommendations to the Swedish church Västerås for their prospective communication plan by examining their profile and target group's image and expectations of the organization. The study also aims to examine how the Swedish church Västerås can communicate their brand uniform.The study applies a qualitative research with deductive approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of the employees and focus groups with a sample of the target group.Better match between profile and image means that SkVs employees better understand the organization and can communicate more uniform which leads to a stronger brand identity. If SkV understands what is relevant for their target group, they can reduce the total cost of customer delivered value and thus increase the total value.

Optimering av slutfasstyrning

Modern missiles must meet higher and higher demands. They should be autonomous, have long range and still have a big effect on the target. To maximize effect on target some missiles not only minimize miss distance, but also try to hit with a certain angle; often perpendicular to the surface of the target. In this thesis a method to guide the missile in the terminal phase of its mission where both point of impact as angle of impact are specified. The method consist of two parts.

Target Costing i medelstora tillverkande industriföretag?

Dagens marknad tillåter inte många misstag. Produkter och tjänster måste möta kundernas behov för att bli framgångsrika. Produktutveckling måste därför primärt vara driven av kundernas behov hellre än av teknologiska möjligheter. Target Costing är en teknik för att strategiskt leda företag till framtida vinst. Genom att göra en uppskattning av det framtida försäljningspriset på en föreslagen produkt och därefter subtrahera den vinst man vill uppnå kan företaget räkna fram sin Target Cost.

Examensprojekt: WERA Stockholm

This project is an attempt at creating a bag that is both functionaland has an interesting and relevant visual appearance. I have found that a bag that is functional usually have adapted certain aesthetics which are appealing only to a very limited target group. At the same time many bags that are more focused on style can be downright disabling to the carrier. I wanted to create a functional bag, and to explore new functions doing this, while working with aesthetics that stayed relevant and interesting to my target group. The bag was designed for the company Åhléns and their label WERA Stockholm, and theircustomers was the target group.

En riktig jul med julkalendern? : Utveckling, innehåll och målgrupp för SVT:s julkalender

Abstract The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how the christmascalender hasevolved throughout the history, and why its shape looks like it does. We have made ananalysis of the 21-centurys calendars to get a look on the content and tried to track a targetgroup. Which themes have characterized the 21-century and how can you put these in relationto earlier calendars? To get a greater insight in the design of the christmascalendar, we madean interview with SVT's Susanne Kvarforth. After this it came to our knowledge that they arelacking guidelines besides that their target group is 6-12 year olds.

I vilken utsträckning tillämpar masstillverkande företag target costing?

Den tilltagande internationella globaliseringen gör att företag ständigt möter ökande konkurrens. På grund av den ökade globala konkurrensen kan företag inte längre bara sätta försäljningspriser som täcker deras kostnader för produkten, utan i dagens läge måste de även se till vad de tänkta kunderna faktiskt är villiga att betala. Det finns olika metoder för att prissätta produkter, traditionell självkostnadskalkylering och det nya synsättet target costing. Det finns författare som anser att traditionell självkostnads¬kalkylering tillhör förfluten tid i och med den globala konkurrensen. Många författare menar att det istället är target costing som i dagens läge bör tillämpas, och då framförallt av masstillverkande företag.

Att organisera kunskap på ett företag : en fallstudie vid Ecophon AB:s utvecklingsavdelningar

Organising knowledge in a corporate environment : a case study at the development departments of Ecophon ABThe purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate how three development departments of a technical firm could organise their collection of documents and information resources to improve their management of information. Three sets of questions have been posed: 1) How does the target group of engineers deal with information, and what problems can be identified in this process? 2) What does their collection of resources consist of, how is it organised, and what problems are apparent? 3) How can principles of knowledge organisation be applied in a corporate environment?The investigation has been carried out as a case study. Three main methods of collecting empirical data have been used: surveys, unstructured interviews and collection observations. The results of the study have highlighted three major problem areas: the collection's lack of structure and searchability, the absence of policy regarding how employers should deal with information, and the inadequate knowledge among staff on how to search for, use and disseminate information.By looking at previous research on knowledge organisation, we have been able to draw conclusions regarding how the target group could organise and manage its information and knowledge in order to achieve greater efficiency in dealing with information and carrying out work tasks.

Analytiker och riktkurser: - Varför bry sig?

The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate how the current share price and market consensus affect security analysts target price and if an investor should pay any attention to it. Empirical data is primarily collected from qualitative interviews with ten security analysts but also from a quantitative e-mail survey. Our main finding is that security analysts are indeed affected by each others earnings forecasts as well as the current share price. This is not strange, it is in several aspects rational. Security analysts has often nothing to gain by standing out too much and not either by spending too much time trying to create their own opinions due to lack of time or the complexity of what is analyzed.

Målgruppens betydelse för feedbackeffekten: En studie om hur en riktad varumärkesutvidgning påverkar feedbackeffekten i ett EMVs olika målgrupper

THE ROLE OF TARGET GROUPS IN FEEDBACK EFFECTSBrand extension is one of the most commonly used brand strategies since it reduces some of the risks involved in introducing a completely new brand. There are, however, several challenges associated with brand extensions. One of these challenges is the impact of a new brand extension on the parent brand image, which is known as feedback effect. Feedback effects are the changes in parent brand associations that are caused by a new brand extension, these effects can be both negative and positive. Several previous studies have investigated feedback effects and the antecedents of these effects.

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