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Hur påverkas dvärghamstrar av att vistas i hamsterbollar?
Lately the popularity to keep different species of dwarf hamsters has increased in Sweden.
The requirements of the Swedish legislation to keep hamsters as pets are low which could be a reason for the increasing popularity. Hamsters are in nature generally nocturnal and can travel far distances to find food sources during their active part of the day. Their eyesight is poor, but is compensated by their well-developed hearing and olfaction. ?Run about balls? are made of plastic and the hamster is placed inside it where after the ball is placed on the floor and the hamster can then run protected outside the cage.
Chefers arbetstillfredsställelse i äldreomsorgen
Syftet var att kartlägga arbetstillfredsställelsen hos chefer i svensk äldreomsorg samt undersöka om det fanns några skillnader mellan chefer i privat och offentlig verksamhet. En rikstäckande webbenkätundersökning (N=104) genomfördes. Denna genererade både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Cheferna som sammantagen grupp visar på en förhållandevis hög arbetstillfredsställelse. Resultatet visade dock att det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan privata och offentliga chefer vad gäller arbetstillfredsställelse.
The laboratory rat : improved welfare for mothers andpups through breeding in an enriched environment?
Maternal behaviour is crucial for the development of the rat pups? behaviour and stressresponses later in life. There are numerous studies evaluating the effects of the dams?behaviours on the pups, but not many addressing what can be made for wellbeing of the ratdams when breeding. Few studies have addressed the question of how the commonly usedrearing environment effects the dams? behaviour and in the long run how it effect the ratsreared to become our research models.
Utvärdering av koldioxidmätaren Vaisala GMP343 samt sambandet mellan grundvattennivå och koldioxidavgång från torvjordar
The research group Soil and Water Management at the department of Soil and Environment at theSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala are studying greenhouse gas emissions fromcultivated peat soils. To measure carbon dioxide emissions from peat soils in the field the researchgroup are now using two portable carbon dioxide meters (Vaisala GMP343). For practical reasons,they plan to acquire a new type of automated field meter. The aim of this study is to evaluate thepresent meters to see how environmental conditions and instrument settings affect the results,which is meant to facilitate the introduction of the new field meter when the meters needs to becompared. As a part of the study the relationship between groundwater level and carbon dioxideemissions from peat soils will be investigated.The evaluation of the two carbon dioxide meters was made by connecting them to one single airtightsystem, with the aim of creating identical measurement environments.
Kvalitetsarbete i grotskotning
This study was carried out at the request of the Swedish forest company Sveaskog which is an important producer of logging residues (branches and tops) intended for energy production. The company wanted to increase the average dry content to 60 percent in their delivered logging residues. At the time when this study was initiated, the dry content in the chipped logging residues originating from the Bergslagen district was at 52 percent. The aim of the study was to find out how windrows of logging residues could be arranged in order to help obtain desired properties such as increased dry content. Sveaskog had developed a system for evaluation of windrows and a standardized form was utilized to describe different properties of the windrows.
Produktivitet och personalplanering : - en fallstudie på Onninen AB 2008
During the last couple of years many sectors and markets have had an increase in the competitive situation, this has meant that being cost effective have become more essential if organizations want to stay in business and be competitive. Thus, one crucial issue has become how to utilize the resources already available within the organization. Organizations can thoroughly plan and control personnel resources in order to become more efficient. But to become more cost effective also means taking into consideration several key figures, productivity being one of the more important figures.Onninen, a wholesaler which has one of its two central warehouses in Örebro has experienced this issue, i.e. an increase in competitive situation in their market.
Herrelösa katter i Skåne : problem och hantering
The large number of surrendered and feral cats is a big animal welfare problem all over the world. Populations of feral cats arise through a large number of unwanted cats which can lead to surrender of these, through cats allowed to roam free outside which can lead to the owner losing these and through the reproduction that occurs amongst these surrendered or lost cats. One aim of this study is to give an account of this problem. It is however difficult to draw general conclusions about these populations of cats since studies all over the world has been carried out on different types of populations, during different conditions and different periods of time. The welfare of many of these cats is presumably low because they are exposed to risks as disease, starvation, climate, traffic, other animals and humans.
Tjänster av allmänt ekonomiskt intresse i EU-rätten : Om balansen mellan konkurrensintresset och andra samhällsintressen samt hur balansen påverkas av positiv och negativ integration
A group of companies that only recently has caught the attention of Swedish designers, enterprises and media are the so -called "furniture pirates". In Sweden it?s mainly two companies that have ended up in the spotlight. The online stores Ikon M and Designers Revolt are two companies which currently sell replicas of famous Swedish and foreign designers. Although the designs sold are copyright protected in Sweden, and most other European countries, the right holders can only stand by and watch as more or less exact copies are sold for a fraction of the price of the originals.The business model - to exploit the EU?s free movement of goods and the UK's short term of copyright protection in matter of mass-produced art (industrial design) - has proven successful for the companies that practice it.
Styrelserepresentation för kvinnor i börsbolag : En naturlig utveckling genom självreglering eller en utopi i behov av lagstiftning?
This thesis aims to study whether the Swedish corporate law is in need of additional rules regarding the composition of the board of directors from a gender equality point of view. Sweden is internationally a state that is far ahead when it comes to creating equal opportunities for all its citizens. The Swedish labour market consist of men and women to an equal degree, although this is a phenomena that is not reflected on the leading positions in the larger limited corporations listed on the stock exchange. This is a trend that definitely needs to be attended to, since women can provide crucial knowledge that is important not only to the individual corporation but also to the society as a whole. This is strengthened by the fact that demographic differences in boards stimulates creative solutions and well reasoned suggestions.The opponents to legal measures regarding affirmative action base their arguments on the fact that the shareholders right of ownership is limited as a result of such measures and also that rules regarding self-regulation through corporate governance is preferable.
Personlig integritet i arbetslivet : Arbetsgivarens möjlighet till kontroll av arbetstagarens Internet- och e-postanvändning
SammanfattningSkyddet för arbetstagarens personliga integritet är ett aktuellt ämne där teknikutvecklingenger arbetsgivaren ökade möjligheter att kontrollera arbetstagaren. Därmed äventyras skyddetför arbetstagarens personliga integritet. Det finns i dagsläget inte någon direktspecialanpassad lagstiftning till skydd för den personliga integriteten i arbetslivet och svensklagstiftning saknar en enhetlig definition på begreppet personlig integritet. Det är oklart vilkamöjligheter arbetsgivaren har att vidta kontrollåtgärder av arbetstagarens Internet- och epostanvändningsamt vilket skydd arbetstagaren har för sin personliga integritet.Syftet med uppsatsen är att reda ut vilket rättsligt skydd arbetstagaren på den svenskaarbetsmarknaden har för sin personliga integritet, vilka möjligheter arbetsgivaren har att vidtakontrollåtgärder av arbetstagarens Internet- och e-postanvändning, samt vad begreppet godsed på arbetsmarknaden i detta fall innebär. För att uppnå syftet används en rättsdogmatiskmetod, som innebär att aktuella rättskällor det vill säga lagtext, förarbeten, praxis frånArbetsdomstolen och doktrin kommer att studeras.Arbetsgivaren ges möjlighet att vidta integritetskänsliga åtgärder såsom kontroll avarbetstagarens Internet- och e-postanvändning med stöd av den allmänna arbetsledningsrätten,avtal, kollektivavtal eller lagstiftning.
Chefers arbetstillfredsställelse i äldreomsorgen
Syftet var att kartlägga arbetstillfredsställelsen hos chefer i svensk
äldreomsorg samt undersöka om det fanns några skillnader mellan
chefer i privat och offentlig verksamhet. En rikstäckande
webbenkätundersökning (N=104) genomfördes. Denna genererade
både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Cheferna som sammantagen
grupp visar på en förhållandevis hög arbetstillfredsställelse.
Resultatet visade dock att det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan
privata och offentliga chefer vad gäller arbetstillfredsställelse. En
högre grad av arbetstillfredsställelse kunde utläsas bland cheferna
inom den privata sektorn.
Djurförbud : en analys av domar enligt 29 § Djurskyddslagen samt definition av resurs- och funktionskrav
The aim of this study is to with the help of my data, conduct statistic analyses about animal welfare mistakes and scarities, as a preventive measure for the public sector point of view and how farmers handle their animals in these cases, when and how these mistakes and scarities are likely to appear and in this way perhaps manage the existing problems. The aim of using judicial decisions of banning ownership and caretaking of animals according to the 29 § is that this judicial decision is the outermost fortification of animal welfare.
In November 1938 the pro tempore investigator handed over a report with a proposition according the animal welfare legislation. Pro tempore proposed that the court should in some cases, be able to order a person guilty of cruelty against animals to a ban of owning or taking care of animals. This proposal unfortunately was turned down. The question about introduce a ban against owning or taking care of animals into the Swedish animal welfare legislation was again discussed in April 1967 at an interpellation debate in the parliaments second chamber.
Utveckling av metod för retrospektiv bestämning av absorberad dos i korall medelst elektronspinnresonans
This diploma work was performed at the department for radiation physics at the Health University in Linköping. Its aim was to develop a method to retrospectively quantify the absorbed dose in coral. Coral is a material which suites well as a retrospective dosimeter because when exposed to radioactivity its induced free radicals are stable in time. The number of radicals is proportional to the accumulated dose so the dose can be calculated by quantifying the radicals. Therefore, coral can tell us something about the past environment and also be used in dating purposes.A young, modern coral from the Red Sea was studied and also a fossil one which I was given from the Natural History Museum in Stockholm.
Utveckling av applikationsplattform för inbyggt system
In the current situation in the housing market and in particular the inner city much attention is directed towards achieved prices per square meter in sales. The indicator is as a principle an appropriate measure of the housing market?s health and development, and can to some extent be used to make approximations of the general economic health status of municipalities and counties. It occurs occasionally that questions about whether prices are based on fundamentals at all times.The thesis questions that very issue, not from a macro accompanying financial perspective but rather from a microeconomic perspective, where each tenant ownership in the study is a micro-object. Are the observed prices per square meter rational relative to housing cooperative?s assets or is there a lack in the observed prices anchoring the respective association's finances.
Värdeskapande användning av radiologi : - Utbildning och mätning för förbättring
IntroduktionMedicinsk vetenskap och sjukvårdens möjligheter att hjälpa utvecklas ständigt. Sjukvården idag kan i många fall ställa rätt diagnos och ge en effektiv behandling för att bota den som drabbats av ohälsa. Radiologiska undersökningar är ett viktigt hjälpmedel men innebär också risker i form av strålning samt felaktigt resursanvändande.SyfteSyftet med förbättringsarbetet var att skapa en bättre användning av radiologi och följsamhet till medicinska riktlinjer så att patienten får rätt undersökning utifrån sitt behov samt att resur-ser nyttjas mer optimalt. Målsättningen var att öka andelen berättigade undersökningar.Syftet med studien av förbättringsarbetet var att få en förståelse förvilka faktorer som påverkar remittentens val av radiologisk undersökning och därmed berättigandegradenvilka aktiviteter i förbättringsarbetet påverkar berättigandegraden och på vilket sättMetodInterventioner i form av utbildning och mätningar användes för att höja berättigandegraden. Bedömning av berättigandegraden gjordes av en ST-läkare.En fallstudie med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes och fokusgruppintervju användes för att stu-dera förbättringsarbetet.ResultatStudien visar att berättigandegraden ökar något som ett resultat av de valda interventionerna.