

291 Uppsatser om Subjective well-being - Sida 4 av 20

Beräkning av optimal batchstorlek på gavelspikningslinjer hos Vida Packaging i Hestra :

This final thesis aim to create a support that can decrease the uncertainty when planning the cable drum flanges lines that produces cable drums in the interval 100 to 320cm in diameter at Vida Packaging in Hestra. The purpose attains through finding an optimal batch size that minimizes the total storage cost and order prime cost, without degenerate delivery capacity to the customer. Through survey the sale and stock balance development during 2005 and 2006 for cable drums in Hestra and give alternative suggestions how to plan the production after installing a new cable drum flanges line. The study also explores different ways of working during product change in existing nailing line, to minimize the order prime cost. Vida Packaging in Hestra is a part of the Vida group, which is Sweden?s largest privately owned sawmill group with seven sawmills placed all around southern Sweden.

"Din gud är fejk, dra åt helvete!" : Om elevers syn på religionskunskapsämnet och dess inverkan på förståelse och tolerans

This thesis focus on the presentation of the filmic room the viewer sees in George A. Romero´s three horror classics Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead. The hypothesis goes as follow; fear and element of tension becomes greater if the audience/viewer has a good knowledge about the filmic room in the film, in other words, a good spatial awareness. The conclusion is that it does. The environment is active in its becoming and in its presentation to the viewer.

Regler i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares och barns tankar

This thesis focus on the presentation of the filmic room the viewer sees in George A. Romero´s three horror classics Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead. The hypothesis goes as follow; fear and element of tension becomes greater if the audience/viewer has a good knowledge about the filmic room in the film, in other words, a good spatial awareness. The conclusion is that it does. The environment is active in its becoming and in its presentation to the viewer.

Arbetssituationen som den upplevs av den enskilda individen : en studie i arbetsförhållanden på Försäkringskassan

The aim of this study was to acquire knowledge about the working conditions of people's gainful employment. The research was conducted at one of the regional social insurance offices of Malmö with participation of ten of their employees. The research method of choice was a phenomenological approach. One open question about the working situation was answered freely. The results indicate a rather severe discontent about the workplace.

?Varför är jag här? Varför sitter jag med de här gubbarna?? : En kvalitativ studie om att vara kvinna i den mansdominerade byggbranschen

This study aims to look at female executives? view of their leadership in the male-dominated construction industry. The study is  qualitative and focuses on the respondents' subjective perceptions. We have conducted six interviews with women in different companies whose positions within each company varied. Using theories of subjectivity, emotions, impression management and organizational structures, to support the analysis conducted, this study shows that there are obstacles for women in the industry, but it also shows that it  seems to be facing a brighter future.

Pedagogers syn på för- och nackdelar med åldersintegrering som organisationsform inom skolans tidiga år

Earlier research has shown the difficulty of defining insulting behaviour in the workplace. It has been noted that the individual and subjective definition is connected to the specific situation in which the potentially insulting incidence occurred. In this study we designed a quantitative questionnaire in order to hopefully elucidate the comprehension of insulting behaviour and furthermore enable a more in-depth investigation on how important the contextual meaning is. This study examined 140 (n=140) working adult?s attitudes towards insulting behaviour in the workplace and the importance of the contextual variables.

Har du tid att vänta

In today's society, more and more people traveling with transports such as trains and buses. With this type of travel it often exists waiting at stations that in many cases perceives as negative. Previous research demonstrates that distraction can get people to experience the waiting as less negative. This paper aims to examine how waiting can be affected by distraction, and if it is possible to use a second type of waiting as a distraction. The authors have chosen to focus on travelers who are waiting.

Den kvinnliga studenten och alkoholen: en kvalitativ studie om åtta kvinnliga studenters förhållningssätt till och erfarenheter av alkohol

The purpose of this essay was to describe eight female universitystudents drinking patterns and their own experiences of alcohol. The main questions that guided us through our study were:*How the female students describe the meaning of alcohol*How they describe their experiences of not drinking alcohol*If they have experienced pressure to drink alkcohol and if they have pressed other people to drink alcohol*How the students describe the student life influence on the alcohol consumptionA qualitative method was used as the purpose of this essay was to investigate the female students own subjective experiences and not to investigate students alcohol habits in general..

Social interaktion : -en kvalitativ studie om vägledning mot arbetslivet

Using a qualitative research method to get the empiricism for analysis, we have analyzed advisors and job seekers experience of management meetings at the job center in Halmstad. We used a semi-structured interview form when we collected the empiricism from four advisors, four job seekers and one complementary actor in the form of a job coach, with a hermeneutic approach to interpreting the informants? subjective experience. We also chose to analyze our results using theories by Asplund, Von Wright, Mead, Scheff, Barth and MalténsThe results presented have shown that time is what they all described as lacking. It was found that the job seekers had a reasonable degree of common experience in both the management meetings and the working role of the advisors, while the advisors themselves were divided on how their role would be applied.

Bedömning av spermiemotilitet i färsk, kyld samt selekterad hingstsperma med Qualisperm :

This EEF-project is a part of a larger project at SLU, Division of Reproduction, Dept of Clinical Science, with the intention of developing and evaluating new methods for the assessment of stallion semen quality. Over the last 10 years there has been an increase in the use of artificial insemination with cooled semen in Swedish horse breeding. At the same time, foaling rates have decreased. This has lead to a need for new and better methods of assessing the quality of stallion semen. This EEF-project was based on an objective method to calculate motility, with QualispermTM, in fresh and cooled stallion semen, and after selection. Today sperm motility evaluation is mainly done subjectively by visual assessment with a light microscope, and the correlation between these motility results and fertility have varied.

Varumärkespersonlighetens betydelse i köpprocessen- En studie om hur konsumeter resonerar vid köp

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this essay is to investigate possible questions generated by theperformance/installation Har hon inget vettigare att göra? Du då. Har du inget annat att hitta på än att ståoch glo på henne? by the artist Elin Wikström. The Constructed Situation invites the spectator to be apart of a continuing process of thought.The subjective feeling makes an important insight to the work through methods of the aestheticsand the performative., mainly from Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf.

Kränkande beteende på arbetsplatsen : Hur definierar vi kränkande beteende och vad är avgörande för vår definition

Earlier research has shown the difficulty of defining insulting behaviour in the workplace. It has been noted that the individual and subjective definition is connected to the specific situation in which the potentially insulting incidence occurred. In this study we designed a quantitative questionnaire in order to hopefully elucidate the comprehension of insulting behaviour and furthermore enable a more in-depth investigation on how important the contextual meaning is. This study examined 140 (n=140) working adult?s attitudes towards insulting behaviour in the workplace and the importance of the contextual variables.

Rektor - styrdokumentens förlängda arm i arbetet mot ?en skola för alla?

In 2005 we made a research in a Swedish community board about their view on the political and ideological intentions of ?a school for all?. The results from that study were the background to this research.The aim with this research was to find out how principles in the same community were thinking about ? a school for all? and if they were leading a development towards ?a school for all?. In that context they were given the opportunity to explain their definition and reasoning about ?inclusion? and ?integration?.

Bibliotekspersonalens makt i förhållande till sina användare. : En analys av bibliotekspersonalens makt och ansvar vid urvalet av kvalitativ film till stadsbibliotek

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine whether there exists a hegemonic relationship between librarians and users of libraries with a focus on the librarians point of view. The future of movies in the library is also going to be examined. Qualitative interviews were conducted and were examined for signs of hegemony and habitus according to the respective theories. The results of these interviews showed that librarians were in favor of user suggestions to improve the libraries collection. We found that there exists a hegemonic relationship in the libraries, but that it was subliminal and unwanted.

Är goda vänner den bästa medicinen? : en studie om upplevd hälsa och olika dimensioner av socialt stöd och nätverk hos gymnasielever

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med studien var att undersöka samband mellan socialt stöd och nätverk gentemot upplevd fysisk och psykisk hälsa hos gymnasielever i årskurs tre. Frågeställningarna var huruvida det fanns några samband mellan socialt stöd och nätverk gentemot upplevd fysisk och psykisk hälsa, vilken form av socialt stöd och nätverk som var mest relevant och vilken roll dess storlek har, samt om det fanns några skillnader mellan könen i förhållandet till socialt stöd och nätverk.MetodUndersökningen är en explorativ och kvantitativ enkätstudie där totalt 326 individer från olika skolor i Eskilstuna, Stockholm och Filipstad ingick. Åldern på deltagarna varierade mellan 17 och 21 år och medelålder var 18 (±0,7) år. 198 var tjejer och 123 killar, fem personer ville ej svara på frågan eller uppfattade sig inte som något av alternativen. Deltagarna besvarade frågor med fasta svarsalternativ kring kvalitén på sitt sociala stöd och storleken på sitt sociala nätverk, samt om upplevd fysisk och psykisk hälsa.

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