
"Din gud är fejk, dra åt helvete!"

Om elevers syn på religionskunskapsämnet och dess inverkan på förståelse och tolerans

This thesis focus on the presentation of the filmic room the viewer sees in George A. Romero´s three horror classics Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead. The hypothesis goes as follow; fear and element of tension becomes greater if the audience/viewer has a good knowledge about the filmic room in the film, in other words, a good spatial awareness. The conclusion is that it does. The environment is active in its becoming and in its presentation to the viewer. Rooms and places, even objects, is a catalyst and a mean to create emotion. To tackle the problem regards to human emotion, which is highly subjective, ANT (actant-network-theory) is used. This theory is a tool to help decode what it is we find emotionally enticing regards to room and objects in the films.


Anna Laveborn Kilman


"Uppsats för yrkesexamina på avancerad nivå". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) om 30 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla yrkesexamen på avancerad nivå.

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