

291 Uppsatser om Subjective well-being - Sida 3 av 20

Effekter av AktiVERA-projektet på långtidssjukskrivna arbetstagare i Bjuvs Kommun

Syfte:Att se om en positiv effekt av ett interventionsprojekt i gruppen långtidssjukskrivna kan påvisas utöver den intuitiva nytta som förutsågs.Undersökt grupp och metod:7 långtidssjukskrivna kvinnor inom vård och omsorg med anställning i Bjuvs Kommun erbjuds ett aktiveringsprojekt kallat AktiVERA. Detta innebar gruppmöten med representation av arbetsgivaren, företagshälsovården och det lokala Försäkringskassekontoret samt friskvårdsinsatser och förväntan om att ta aktiv del i rehabiliteringsprocessen.De 7 fallen matchades med 7 kontroller och de sammanlagt 14 individerna fick i två omgångar besvara enkäterna Subjective Health Complaints (SHC) och Sense of Coherence (SOC) med knappt 6 månaders intervall.Resultat/diskussion:Resultatet av projektet blev inte helt oväntat väsentligen oförändrad grad av arbetsförmåga och utfall i de båda enkäterna Subjective Health Complaints (SHC) och Sense of Coherence (SOC). Någon statistiskt signifikant förändring av enkätufallen som resultat av interventionen kunde inte ses med den använda metoden parad T-test.Detta kan förklaras av att den undersökta gruppen var liten och att observationstiden på knappa 6 månader för förhållanden med lång förändringslatens. Emellertid kan man fortsatt hävda intuitiv nytta av den här typen av intervention hos långtidssjukskrivna. Sammantaget framkom också bekräftande uppgifter om nedsatta salutogena faktorer och vulnerabilitet i gruppen övre medelålders kvinnor med anställning inom vård och omsorg.Slutsats:Någon positiv effekt kunde inte säkert påvisas men intuitiv nytta har säkert förelegat och interventionen som sådan är lovvärd i en grupp där lidandet är stort parallellt med stora samhällsekonomiska konsekvenser.Referens:1.

En studie i begrepp inom byggnadsv?rden: samsyn och efterlevnad

The theory that concepts that are interpreted subjectively in building care creates problems in how the concepts are defined in practice within the current governing documents and guidelines for building care. This essay has studied concepts in the building maintenance literature to investigate whether there is consensus in compliance practice within the building process. In the study, 9 concepts have been investigated through conversational interviews and questionnaires answered by practitioners with extensive experience in building care processes. In the survey, an attempt is made, to measure how big or small the consensus is between practitioners who often need to collaborate within the building maintenance process. The investigation shows that existence of the concepts in building maintenance is very common in the theoretical literature examined but is almost completely absent in the craft area. Since laws, regulations, principles, and guidelines have defined concepts to support the decisions in the building maintenance process, it can be concluded that there is a lack of practice for compliance.

Expedition Kon-tiki. Ett utforskande arbete om återgivning

My work has been an investigation project with focus on reproduction, method, structure and visual representation. The goal was to investigate how a story changes through time and space as well as how graphic design can affect a story depending on the visual representation. The result is a publication, an exploration of these subjects with the help of the book Expedition Kon-Tiki. Using more or less controlled methods of selections I have created different sorts of reproductions of the expedition. Just as subjective as reality itself..

Det dolda förhållningssättet till barns självkänsla : En studie av förskolepedagogers intryck och uppfattningar kring barns självkänsla

The pre-school is seen by many as the place where children get equipped for the future and the challenges there of. One of the most important aims according of the curriculum for Swedish preschools is that children get the opportunity, in interaction with the pedagogues, to develop their identity and to feel secure and satisfied with themself. Although, in the curriculum of the Swedish preschool system there is a comprehensive focus on the children?s competencies and learning, the importance that the children feel secure is not that prominent. Consequently a paradox occurs between the focus on children?s competencies and their need for care.

Kan fysisk aktivitet förebygga Alzheimers sjukdom? En litteraturbaserad studie.

Introduction: We are facing an aging population, which means that the incidence of age related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are expected to increase. In the current situation there is no cure for the disease, whereupon it is important to develop preventive strategies. Objective: To examine the association between Alzheimer's disease and physical activity. Method: A systematic literature search was done to identify the current state of knowledge from the year 2006 onwards. The reason for this limitation was that the SBU commissioned a systematic literature review in 2006, where the relationship between physical activity and Alzheimer's disease could not be determined.

Kulturarv som livsvärden : En kritisk undersökning av kulturarvsbegreppet

This critical examination of the concept of cultural heritage is based on an overall phenomenological approach, with focus on Alfred Schütz?s further development of Edmund Husserl?s idea of the lifeworld. With strong emphasis on the subjective and intersubjective dimensions, the concept of cultural heritage is contextualized, analysed and criticized from different aspects for the purpose of enriching the discourse of cultural heritage.A literature based methodology is used, including a hermeneutic analysis of theoretical texts in the field of cultural heritage studies and the new Swedish Culture Environmental Law (?Kulturmiljölagen?) and related bills. Qualitative interviews deal with people?s notions about the concepts of culture, cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage.

Polyrytmik : Bergson och erfarenhetens rytm

Inspired by Kitaro Nishida?s concept of pure experience this thesis analyses Bergson?s concept of experience with the intention of showing how experience is related to duration and how this in turn destabilizes certain tendencies towards subjectivism that can be found in Bergson?s work. This is accomplished through a reading of Matter and memory, Creative Evolution and Introduction to metaphysics that tries to desintegrate both subject and object in favor of duration. The thesis arrives at describing the combination of duration and non-subjective and supra-individual experience as a polyrhythmic movement..

Polyrytmik : Bergson och erfarenhetens rytm

Inspired by Kitaro Nishida?s concept of pure experience this thesis analyses Bergson?s concept of experience with the intention of showing how experience is related to duration and how this in turn destabilizes certain tendencies towards subjectivism that can be found in Bergson?s work. This is accomplished through a reading of Matter and memory, Creative Evolution and Introduction to metaphysics that tries to desintegrate both subject and object in favor of duration. The thesis arrives at describing the combination of duration and non-subjective and supra-individual experience as a polyrhythmic movement..

Kvinnligt ledarskap -­?i betraktarens öga

The purpose of this study was to examine how employees perceive female chief executiveofficers and if any significant differences between what leadership-skills female and maleco-employees choose to express about female leaders can be observed. The survey isperformed as a qualitative study where three companies within the retail marketparticipated. We collected our empirical data by interviews and observations and usedsocial constructivist theory to look at how individuals construct their subjective view ofreality. The result showed, among others, that female employees often use traditional maleskills to describe the strengths of their female chief, whereas male employees emphasizesmore female skills such as unpretentious and open-minded..

Monster, Motstånd, Makt & Magi

The aim of this thesis is to model my artistic practice on an adaptation of Joseph Campbells monomyth and, using this model, investigate challenges of performativity in art (in public spaces). The overall themes are personal, aesthetic and ethical sovereignty and an uncompromising search for a deepening of the artistic practice. More than anything else it is a map and a story of an artist?s expansion out into an artistic field that is little developed in Sweden. It is my hope that this thesis, by using a thoroughly subjective tone, will contribute to the milieu of performative arts in Sweden as well as widen the ?how? regarding the making of a written thesis..

Användbarheten av två modeller i två olika företag, en studie av lean production : Fallstudier vid SKF Couplings systems och AQ Parkoprint

This study is about to see whether the two models representing the strategies of lean production is to use and apply in different companies. The models are structured in two different ways in which one of them is checking the softer elements of lean production in the form of leadership and strategies. This model is called Lesat and is based on interviewquestions. The second model, called "learning to see" is about identifying flows. This, together shall then give an idea of how mature companies are when it comes to a whole in the concept of lean production, and susceptibility to use these models to their respective companies. The study is conducted in two companies, SKF couplings systems and AQ parkoprint.

Som man ropar får man svar. En studie om kvinnligt ledarskap inom filmproduktion

The movie industry in Sweden is seen as a tight holding cluster where the different entities are being highly dependent on each other. There are also many different barriers to get a movie fully financed, and with the people in charged using arguments such as ?quality?, which is not objective but in fact subjective. The aim of this essay is to investigate how the leadership of five female film producers is being constituted in the film industry, an industry which is both close to the pool art and the pool commerce at the same time at it is male dominant. We have found that female film producers tend to use the strategy to adapt to the surroundings ?shouts? and ?demands?, at the same time as they adapt to their environment by becoming/not becoming entrepreneurs..

No man is an island : Omvälvande livssituationer

This anthology covers subjects such as beeing involuntary sterile, adoption, coping with desease, death and anxiety. All chapters are based on observations and interviews analyzed with Grounded Theory. Our aim with the anthology is to tell the subjective story of individuals focusing on aspects such as crisis, conditions of living and identity. We chose to work from these aspects as we find the processes that creates and re-creates the identity and self-image in induviduals interesting. We also focus an society?s means for helping persons in crisis..

Riskupplevelser hos trafikanter : sett ur ett förarperspektiv

The primary aim of the current study was to gain increased knowledge about drivers' risk experiences. The study was based on questionnaires answered by 30 private drivers and 30 bus drivers, with 50% men and 50% woman in each group. The study revealed no differences, either between men and women drivers with regard to their experience of risk, or between the groups of private and bus drivers. Gambling is common within the private drivers group. Mistakes are common in all groups.

Behandling av sommareksem hos häst med cetirizin : ett fältförsök

In this study we intend to evaluate the effect of cetirizin, orally administrated to horses with insect dermal hypersensitivity. The study comprised 156 horses from 49 farms, which were located in different parts of Sweden. The horses were matched on the farms and were given cetirizin or placebo in a double blind test. Veterinarians collected a blood sample and examined the horses visually, before and after three weeks of treatment and filled in given forms. The results are based on the veterinarians? subjective evaluation of the clinical appearance of the allergic dermatitis before and after treatment.

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