

2729 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 29 av 182

Kommunala surfzoner

Nystartade mjukvaruföretag som står i begrepp att lansera en B2B-mjukvara på internet har speciella förutsättningar då företagets främsta tillgång ? mjukvarukonceptet ? lätt kan återskapas av andra aktörer och därmed begränsa möjligheterna till värdeskapande. Konkurrensövertaget är lättförgängligt, vilket kräver ett grundligt strategiskt förarbete. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utreda hur Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) då kan användas för att hitta ny lönsam målgrupp och alternativ strategisk ansats. Bakgrundsmaterial samlades in från strategimöten hos intressenten och dess affärskontakter.

The Key Success Factors of Grameen Bank - A Case Study of Strategic, Cultural and Structural Aspects

The thesis aims to analyze strategic, cultural and structural aspects of Grameen Bank and its micro-credit project, in order to identify key success factors. A case study was performed with an inductive and qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews. The data was collected by field observations and interviews on site in Dhaka, Bangladesh and surrounding areas.The main conclusion is that the critical success factor of Grameen Bank is the relationship focus, guiding and aligning its strategy, culture and structure. Also, local offices have been observed to utilize practices not permitted by the bank?s management, ultimately increasing the organizational efficiency..

Utformning av webbportal för tjänstlediga medarbetare vid Volvo Cars Engine och utexaminerade elever från Volvogymnasiet

This report describes the development of a web site for co-workers on leave of absence at Volvo Cars Engine AB and graduated students at Volvo Upper Secondary School in Skövde. The aim of the web site is to be a complement to existing communication channels in the promotion of the contact between the target group and the company. The work was divided into two parts; the first consisting of a preliminary study used to identify the information which the target group finds absent in their absence from their place of work/school, and the second part consisting of the development of a proposition of content layout and web site design. The finished proposition was presented along with a couple of alternatives for the technical implementation. The information department at Volvo Cars Engine AB in consultation with Volvo Cars IT will carry on the implementation, administration and further development of the proposed solutions..

Identifierad framgång : En fallstudie av gasellföretag och dess tillväxtframgångar

Bakgrund: Varje år utses, av Dagens Industri, cirka 1000 företag till gasellföretag vilket motsvarar färre än 0,5 % av alla svenska aktiebolag.  Dessa företag uppfyller vissa kriterier där tillväxt är den viktigaste. Gasellföretagens tillväxt är viktig för Sverige då de både bidrar ekonomiskt och står för många nya arbetstillfällen. Dock är det få företag i Sverige som har kunskapen att växa. För att ett företag ska kunna uppnå tillväxt ligger det i grunden en tillväxtstrategi som måste implementeras inom organisationen på bästa sätt. Vilka tillväxtstrategier använder gasellföretag och hur implementerar de dem?Syfte: Beskriva gasellföretagens utformning och implementering av strategier samt förklara deras tillväxt genom att identifiera tillväxtfaktorer.Genomförande: Studien är av kvalitativ art och baserad på intervjuer med fyra fallföretag.Slutsats: Vi har utifrån vår fallstudie identifierat vilka tillväxtstrategier och ekonomiska styrsystem som gasellföretag använder.

Skolbiblioteket och progressionen inom grundskolans användarundervisning

The purpose of this essay is to examine progression in user education atprimary and secondary school levels, specifically the role played byschool libraries, librarians and strategy documents in securingeducational progression. Progression is examined in the user educationprovided by the five schools, part of the same municipal schoolmanagement area which share the same strategy plan. The area, NorraFäladen, was awarded School Library of the Year in 2011 for its work,making it particularly interesting for this essay's purpose. The studycombines interviews with the area's three school librarians, who dividetheir time between the five schools, with an analysis of the strategydocuments that regulate user education within Norra Fäladen. Theanalytical framework is based on: AASL's model of progression in usereducation (Standards for the 21st-century learner); Ekström's model forsuccessful and active strategy documents; Kuhlthau's theory of thelibrarian's role in the information search process; and Limberg'staxonomy of the role of the school library.The study shows how a number of concurrent factors and prerequisitesinfluence how goals for progression in user education are met.

Balanced Scorecard identifieringens dolda dilemma

The use of balanced scorecards have spread explosively throughout the world during the last decade. This management tool have become very common in a vide spread variety of organisations on all continents. Many balanced scorecard fails though and scorecard theorists often blame the identification- and implementation process as they claim that these lay the foundation for the use of the tool. As my literature study shows, academic research on the area is rare. Particularly the effect on the implementation process from organisational dynamics and organisational structures needs further research.

Öppen tävling Filmfestivalens strategiska fördelar i en digitaliserad filmbransch

This paper investigates strategic opportunities for film festivals in a digital film business, with emphasis on Göteborg international film festival and the Swedish film industry. Using a theoretical framework of strategy analysis, the film value chain is examined with special regards to disruptive technology, and the film festival's unique resources are linked to industry structure. It is shown that relationships between actors and across sectors are crucial features of the film industry, and hence a network perspective is added to the theoretical framework. Barriers to entry are shown to be relatively low in all sectors except the cinema market, and it is proposed that film festival's could expand into digital distribution, taking advantage of brand strength, customer loyalty and knowledge of industry. The study adds to the mounting research on film festival practice and its significance for marketing and distribution in the film industry, and highlights the emergence of strategic openings in destabilized networks..

Kravinsamling vid utveckling av mobila applikationer : En undersökning gjord utifrån utvecklares perspektiv

Företaget Dramatify tillhandahåller en tjänst för TV- och filmproduktions-bolag att hantera kommunikation och information kring sina produktioner med hjälp av mobiler och datorer oavsett var de befinner sig. De upplever långa responstider för sin webbapplikation och gav som förslag att studera lagring av produktionsdata i cache. För att lösa problemet har en under-sökning av tidigare arbeten inom området och lämpliga tillämpningar för att implementera, testa och analysera prototyper som lagrar data i cache.Resultatet blev en prototyp för klient respektive server med strategin att lagra varje produktion styckvis i cache. För att testa prototyperna skapades en implementation av automatiska tester som lagrade mätdata om relate-rad prestanda till cache för sidanrop från webbapplikationen i olika en-heter och webbläsare. En analys av mätdata gjordes och det visade sig att klientprototypen var 32 procent snabbare och serverprototypen 21 procent snabbare jämfört med Dramatifys implementation..

Lean Produktion på mjölkföretag - fungerar det?

The contact company, LRF Konsult, is a consulting firm specialized in areas of law, real estate, finance and taxation. Discussions on the subject of agricultural improvement in the area of Lean, has primarily been driven by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, where LRF Konsult also participated. This thesis can be seen as a preliminary study of how Lean can work within agricultural enterprises.The thesis primarily focuses on the possibilities dairy farms have to improve operations. What practical benefits they can obtain through the implementation of Lean. And how an implementation could take place.By visits to two dairy companies, and through interviewing their respective business leaders, an image of the companies activity for improvement, in connection to this thesis was established.

Behandling av konfliktbestånd - problem och möjligheter :

Overdue cleanings have for a long time been an important topic of discussion within the forestry sector. When stands that have not been pre-commercially thinned are reaching the level of commercial thinning, many problems occur in terms of decision-making and economical outcomes. These types of stands are commonly known as conflict-stands. The work was carried out partly as an interview survey towards representatives from the forest sector and the energy sector, partly as a case study of conflict-stands situated in Böksholm, north of Växjö and in Tönnersjö east of Halmstad. The criteria for the studied stands were that they had to be dominated by Norway spruce and be in a severe status of ?conflict?. The aim of the interview was to get an overview of the situation today, and also analyse trends in terms of conflict stands.

CSR- det senaste på tapeten eller limmet som håller allt samman? : En kvalitativ studie om hur företag kan arbeta strategiskt för att implementera CSR i Kina.

Problemformulering:Vilken problematik möter svenska företag i deras leverantörskedja vidimplementering av CSR i Kina?Hur kan företag svenska arbeta för att överkomma den identifierade problematiken vidimplementering av CSR i Kina?Syfte:Studien ämnar undersöka vad svenska företag möter för problematik vidimplementering av CSR i Kina samt hur de strategiskt kan arbeta för att överkomma detta.Vidare belyser även studien intressenter som kan utgöra en del av problematiken.Metod:Uppsatsen grundas på en kvalitativ studie där vi valt att anta en abduktiv ansats. Denempiriska datan utgörs av intervjuer med personer med spetskompetens inom CSR. Dåstudien riktar sig till den kinesiska marknaden genomfördes fyra av sex intervjuer i Shanghai,Kina.Slutsatser:Studien visar att det finns problem vilka är kopplade indirekt samt direkt tillföretags intressenter. Vidare visar studien att den identifierade problematiken kan i vissutsträckning överkommas genom att långsiktigt eftersträva delat värde för företagen och dessomgivning..

Evidensbaserat arbetssätt på bibliotek: Erfarenheter av användningen av EBLIP

The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on how evidence-based librarian and information practice (EBLIP) is understood and practised at some Swedish hospital libraries, and also to analyze how EBLIP functions as a strategy to bridge the gap between research and practice as described by Haddow & Klobas. The theoretical framework for the study is partly based on Haddow & Klobas description of the gap between research and practice in the field of LIS and partly a description of the EBP-process which plays a key role in the use of EBLIP. Interviews have been done with four people, three librarians, all with management experience, and an academic development officer, active at three different hospital libraries where EBLIP is practiced. All informants believed that it is important to make use of research results in order to improve services and practice. In their efforts to apply the research findings the informants face a number of hindrances, which indicates a gap between research and practice.

Ökad flexibilitet i Anybus X-gateway med hjälp av Lua

HMS Networks AB develops, produces and sells communication technology for industrial automation. The product handles communication between a variety of protocols. The product treated in this project is an Anybus X-gateway Modbus-TCP Master/Client and this module is currently configured from a web-based interface. In doing so, the flexibility for handling protocols is limited to what the company chooses to add to the interface. Therefore the company had a request that the flexibility should be extended using a script language.

Internationella konventioners arbetsrättsliga regleringar angående barnarbete i Pakistan - implementering och förbättringsstrategier

Every single child has the right to a childhood as well as a future. The labor regulations within the international conventions exist in order to make sure that these rights are looked after, but the ratification of the conventions is just the beginning. In order to receive the results which are set by the conventions, it is crucial that the implementation is successful. The politics of the country have to change and improve in order to achieve compatible laws, but also the population has to be given the opportunity to obtain education and knowledge about their human rights. Children who are forced to work at a young age, often under inhuman conditions, are not only deprived of their childhood but also of the chance to develop into an independent individual at the same time as this interferes with their education.

En kyrklig organisations informationssäkerhet : Policyimplementation och motivation till efterlevnad av policy

The following study is dedicated to investigate what kind of problems an organisation might stumble upon in the process of implementing a policy related to information security. Alongside investigating the eventual problems occurring in the implementation process of an organisation, the study also sets out to analyse how an organisation can motivate staff in order to follow the guidelines of a policy. The collection of empirical data was done using interviews. In order to seek answers to our research questions a theoretical background is presented that illustrate the need for information security after which motivational theories are applied to our collected data.To summarise the results of the study we find a gap of knowledge between the employees of the organisation. The organisational level of an employee together with the degree of participation in working with a policy seems connected to both the employee?s knowledge of a policy as well as how well the employee are motivated to learn about and follow the guidelines provided from a policy..

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