

598 Uppsatser om Strategic - Sida 11 av 40

Gilla, dela och kommentera - användarnas inställning till tävlingar på Facebook

This essay is how companies are using Facebook to appear. The two companies in this study, Fritz Olsson AB Kalix and Promentum AB shows how Like, share and comment-contest communicates via Facebook. The purpose of this essay is to examine how Facebook users attitude and perception is to Like, share and comment- contest.The thesis was conducted in two parts, first a qualitative interview with the two companies that stand as examples in the paper and a quantitative online survey. The online survey was sent out to the 256 Media and Communication students at Umea? University, who read or has read the program from 2010 to 2016, via Facebook.

Förändringar på bilmarknaden ? Strategiska åtgärder ur återförsäljarnas perspektiv

Uppsatsens titel: Förändringar på bilmarknaden ? Strategiska åtgärder ur återförsäljarnas perspektiv. Ämne: Företagsekonomi, Strategic management, Business to BusinessFörfattare: Kristiansson Anders, Skiöld OlaHandledare: Holmberg Leif, Rudenstam Nils-GunnarNyckelord: Strategic management, synergieffekter, konkurrensfördelar, distributionssystem, IO ?teori, strategiska analyser Syfte: Analysera återförsäljarpektivet utifrån nya förutsättningar på bilmarknaden. Metod: I studien undersöker vi vad de nya så kallade gruppundantagen har haft för inverkan för personbilsåterförsäljarna ur strategisk synpunkt med fokus på det externa IO-synsättet.

Strategisk kommunikation i ideella organisationer ? en fallstudie av Rädda Barnens modell med frivilligarbetande kommunikatörer

This thesis explores Strategic communication management within the non-profit sector. Communication models need to be adapted to the specific sector as different sectors require different approaches of Strategic communication management. In the spring of 2013, the non-profit organization Save the Children Sweden initiated a communication model based on volunteer communicators. The following study explores how non-profit organizations can manage communications with a focus on volunteers as a communication resource. The applied research questions concern how volunteers may be integrated into communication activities, the opportunities and challenges connected to involving volunteer communicators and how this may affect the role of the organization's employed communicators.

Frihetens regim : Nyliberal subjektivering hos Foucault

This paper focuses on the role freedom plays in Michel Foucault?s analyze of liberal and particularely neoliberal governmentalities. From his perspective, neoliberalism operates through the Strategic production of entrepreneural subjectivity and distribution of self-governing. Here autonomy is central for governing, which raises questions about what freedom can mean at all in Foucault, and how resistance can be possible. Through Foucault?s thinking on liberal freedom, we can gain a better understanding of his philosophy on subjectivation and resistance..

Critical Success Factors When Performing a Superior Supplier Evaluation ? a Benchmark Study at Sony Ericsson and Tetra Pak

Problem discussion: Long-term supplier relationships have become more common. Hence, supplier evaluation is a critical activity for many companies. However, making a relevant supplier evaluation is time consuming. Therefore, it is important to decide which of the suppliers to put an extra effort on. Should all suppliers be evaluated in the same way? Previous, focus has been on purchasing of direct material.


The Swedish governments goal for the public health is to operate for a society with good conditions to be healthy. Many people today are very conscious about their health, at the same time alcohol is a recurring element in many day-to-day situations. IOGT-NTO is an organization that is working towards making sobriety to be the rule rather than the exception. This work is linked together by the organizations communication, which is a vital part to be able to present a unified view outward. In order to do that, it is particularly important that there are common goals and strategies to work towards.

Prisskillnader mellan svenskt och sydamerikanskt nötkött - Rosa eller Rosita på tallriken?

Syfte:Syftet med vår uppsats är att kartlägga nötköttsbranschen med avsikten att vidare utreda de bakomliggande faktorerna till varför det, i butiker, skiljer så mycket i pris mellan svenskproducerat och utländsk importerat nötkött. Metod:I vår uppsats har vi utgått ifrån en deduktiv ansats, med vissa induktiva inslag. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod, där vi har insamlat material främst via intervjuer. Teoretiskt perspektiv:Vi har använt oss av teorier i form av de fem konkurrenskrafterna och Strategic Cost Management. De fem konkurrenskrafterna möjliggör en kartläggning av nötköttsbranschen och genom Strategic Cost Management har vi analyserat värdekedjan, vilket köttet passerar igenom från producenten till butikerna.

Integrerat Performance Management System -En studie om ett ledningssystems påverkan inom Volvo

The research within the management control systems-field and more specifically performance management has been rather shallow and not much has happened the last decades besides the balanced scorecard. The researchers see a lack of studies focusing on the effects of an integrated performance management system and also how it affects the different hierarchical levels and the tasks to perform.We decided to perform an essay with case study-characteristics by looking at both the Strategic and tactical level at Volvo Group, or more specifically Group Trucks. We performed three different interviews, one at the group level and two at the division level. The aim was to see what effect an integrated performance management system had on the tactical level (i.e. the divisions).Our findings and corresponding analysis suggested that Volvo was a rather centralized company in order to get the performance management system to work by enabling a ?weekly control?.

Styrning av strategisk implementering : En studie pa? Varbergs Stadshotell & Asia Spa

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie a?r att beskriva samt analysera styrningen av strategisk implementering pa? Varbergs Stadshotell & Asia Spa. Syftet a?r dessutom att fo?rklara och fo?rsta? styrning utifra?n begreppen: strategi, strategiskt ledarskap, beslutsfattande och strategisk implementering.Teoretisk referensram: Studiens huvudomra?de a?r styrning av strategisk implementering. Fo?r att beskriva styrning har vi brutit ner styrning till begreppen: strategi, strategiskt ledarskap, beslutsfattande och strategisk implementering.

Driving forces of land use : underlying factors in peri-urban land use

Swedish agriculture faces future challenges regarding food production and land use. Increased competition for agricultural land creates complex situations, where conflicts may arise when productive crop land is in demand not only for food production but also energy- and fodder production. On top of that there is an obvious conflict of goals between agricultural production and non-agricultural exploitation of agricultural land. In several emerging economic regions it is noticeable how agricultural land is being expropriated for development of urban settlement and infrastructure, carrying potentially significant long-term effects. During the last decade the exploitation of agricultural land in activities other than food production has increased in Sweden and is expected to continue in the same manor. Approximately 700 hectare of land in Sweden is diverted from food production, annually, and in 2013, the Uppsala Municipality showed the greatest change in land use of all municipalities (SCB, 2013).

Information till mjölkföretaget : vilken information behövs och hur bör den utformas när gården ska ta investeringsbeslut?

The fast developments in information and data technology during the recent years have accentuated the need for the business manager to interpret and act on information from the surrounding environment. Today we know little about what information is really used in the unique decision-making. Further, little is known about how information should be designed to fit people with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. This study is therefore about the difference between peoples approach to interpreting information and how information should be designed to fit those with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. The application is made to dairy farms in Sweden. The literature review describes the Strategic leadership, the decision-making process and the intuitive and the analytic thinking.

Nordiskt försvarssamarbete i åtstramningens tidevarv : En studie av förutsättningar för det norsk-svenska försvarssamarbetet

This study uses European researcher Tomas Valasek?s hypothesis about factors required for defence cooperation in order to achieve conditions which can be successfully applied to the Nordic defence cooperation NORDEFCO. The study uses only Norway and Sweden on the grounds that they are the original actors and the driving forces behind the defence cooperation. The factors studied are; the countries' Strategic culture, solidarity and trust between countries, similarity in military forces, if similar conditions prevail in the defence industry and if the intentions of cooperation have been clarified.Mainly government documents in the form of propositions, orientations and defence documents are studied, together with previous research in this area and, especially, interviews with representatives of NORDEFCO at military level and policy level as well as outside perspectives from the military attachés in each country. With the intention of studying the extent to which the factors Valasek features may prove to be significant in assessing the conditions for enhanced cooperation in NORDEFCO, the study raises the question of how it is possible to find expressions for the factors.

Högskolans hjärta? En undersökning av integreringen av Learning Resource Centre/LärandeResursCentrum-verksamheten vid tre svenska lärosäten

The development of higher education in Sweden poses new demands on higher education libraries. One way of meeting these demands has been to develop Learning Resource Centres (LRC), a concept that is relatively new in Sweden.The aim of this Master's thesis is to identify how the LRC-concept has been designed and integrated in three Swedish higher education institutions: Stockholms universitet, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm and Göteborgs universitet. The thesis also aims at investigating what the Learning Resource Centres mean to the seats of learning, and in turn, the views of concerned parties in relation to the integration.The method used for the study is qualitative and based on interviews conducted with Learning Resource Centre staff, academic staff and principles or deans. In addition to this, Strategic documents from the examined seats of learning are studied.Even though most Swedish Learning Resource Centres have used British Sheffield Hallam University's Adsetts Centre as their model, our study shows that the Swedish Learning Resource Centres of today have developed in various ways, due to local conditions; therefore, there is no definitive model for Swedish LRCs.In our opinion, one of the most important characteristics of a LRC should be its integration in the academic life of its university. There does not seem to be a "recipe" of how to conduct this integration.

Påverkande faktorer vid implementering av CRM

The purpose of this thesis was to examine why so many CRM-projects didn`t reach the expected goals that companies management envisaged. The purpose was divided into two research questions. ? How should companies? management design the Strategic projection of the CRM implementation? ? How will employees? attitude to changes influence the result of the CRM implementation? The case company was a Swedish technical consulting company: interviews were conducted with two represents from two different departments. The findings of the study were that management often strongly believes that software will sort out most of the upcoming problems and forget the factor that education of employees is at least equal important.

Bolagsvärdering enligt valuebased management : - tillämpning på Skistar

Level: Thesis in Business AdministrationDate: 20009-06-11Authors: Anders Johansson & Johan MyhrE-mail: anders@clubsilk.nu,  johan@clubsilk.nuTutor: Mona AnderssonTitle: Company valuation according to Value Based Management ? application to SkiStarProblem: Different operators constantly supervise Companies listed at the stockmarket. The stock exchange market is continuously updating the companie?s present value and their forecasted value. It is important that the companies are able to communicate with the market so that the stockvalue reflects the real value of the company.

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