

598 Uppsatser om Strategic - Sida 12 av 40

Affärsrelationer & IT-outsourcing : -En empirisk studie om IT-outsourcingrelationer och påverkande faktorer

Good business relations can contribute to the success of IT-outsourcing, and create new business opportunities. Despite a sharply increasing trend to outsource IT-operations there is a high degree of failures related. The cause may be that some important factors have not been taken into account. The purpose is to investigate elationships within IT-outsourcing and test if specific factors identified by previous research are being concerned in IT-outsourcing relationships and also to investigate the view IT-outsourcing customers and suppliers have on business. Research shows that business relationships are widespread throughout companies. It demonstrated that a small number of business relationships can have a major impact on a company's financial performance and may create stability. Business relationships can be divided into an arm's length relationships and Strategic alliances depending on the degree of involvement.

Energideklaration av flerbostadshus

In the year 2002 the European Union decided on a new directive according to the energy use in buildings. The outcome of this direction is a proposition from the Swedish government on the outlines of a new law in the field of energy use in buildings. The date that the law will be applied is the first of October 2006. In the future al real estate owners must be able to show an energystatement over the real estate. This project contains cooperation with HFAB a local real estate company where two buildings are analyzed according to their energystatement.

Att eko-certifiera ett turismföretag : "Mycket svordomar, mycket svett, frustration och ilska. Och glädje, ja det var liksom blandat."

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the regulatory power, efficiency and impact of export control on Swedish arms export from the 1980s onwards, linked to the delegation of authority of permit license to the Inspectorate of Strategic Products in 1997. An increase in the administrative sector, based on a collective decision making process and established criteria and guidelines, aimed to strengthen the control of arms export to non-democratic and problematic states. In short, the aim of the study is to investigate and analyze whether there was a decrease in the arms export to problematic states or not. On one hand, it is reasonable to assume that the introduction of the new regulation entailed a more strict arms export policy. However, previous research has showed that regulations are sometimes not effective since incentives to breach these may be present.The study begins by examining the Swedish case and situation in terms of arms manufacturing and export, as well as the delegation of authority and legislation applied to the field over time.

Organisationskultur samt avvikelse- och förslagshantering för ständiga förbättringar i tjänsteverksamheter : Fallstudie Vägverket

Because of an increasing demand from customers and changing external environment, there is a need for continuous improvements, for both manufacturing and service organizations, to meet these demands. Manufacturing organizations have been working systematically with quality improvements for a long time, but it has not been as common for service organizations. Because of that the methods to use for implementation of the systematic improvements have not been designed to fit service organizations, and not either for public organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to explain if and why the Swedish Road Administration?s organizational culture and handling of ideas and deviation support an implementation of continuous improvement management.

Marknadens reaktioner och företagens börsprestationer : En studie av successioner i små och stora bolag

Under senare år har verkställande direktörer omsatts i allt snabbare takt. Fenomenet kallas för VD-karusellen och syftar till att verkställande direktörer får ta allt större ansvar för utvecklingen på börsen. Marknaden i sin tur värdesätter den verkställande direktören vilket skapar reaktioner vid successioner. Detta kan anses paradoxalt eftersom den verkställande direktören påverkar hur marknaden värdesätter honom/henne.Syfte: Utifrån teorier och tidigare management forskning avser studien beskriva hur marknaden reagerar på successioner. Detta kombineras med hur företagen presterar efter successionen är genomförd.

Bogsår hos digivande suggor: inverkan av strategisk halmning och hull

The objectives of this experimental study were to investigate if a Strategic method to supply loose housed sows with large quantities of straw 2 days before expected farrowing and if the sow?s body condition had any effect on the occurrence of shoulder lesions 5 weeks after farrowing. Data came from a study conducted on four commercial piglet-producing farms in southwest Sweden between March and December 2009. At each farm one batch of sows was followed during two consecutive lactations. The sows were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups and the sows that remained in the batch during the second lactation switched treatment group.

Diagnostisering av projekt : En studie med utgångspunkt från SPA-ramverket

The work in project has been around since humans began to hunt in groups, building bridges or building of the Great Wall of China. In 1960- and 70´s, the word project got their value it has today. A project means a work done during a decided time, with decided economy and non-recurring nature (Jansson and Ljung 2004). The projects had a general analytical model. It was used for all projects the organization engaged.

Missbruk är ingen bra affärsidé ? en studie om strategiskt CSR-arbete i ölbranschen

PURPOSE: To analyze how companies in the Swedish beer industry Strategically workingwith CSR externally in order to increase their legitimacy.METHOD: Qualitative interviews and text analysis to enable data to stakeholder analysis.MATERIAL: Respondent interviews with key individuals, textual analysis of CSR-relateddocuments of the largest beer producers in Sweden.MAIN RESULTS: The study shows that it is possible to distinguish three main categories ofstakeholders to the beer producers. These have various high stakeholder values, wherecustomers are those with the highest value, then consumers and third critics. That these havevarious high values allows different Strategic approach to the key issue of how preventivemeasures, that can be said to work against their own products, affects the beer producerslegitimacy among stakeholders..

Pressmeddelandet - betydelsefullt eller föråldrat verktyg? : En fallstudie av journalisters och kommunikatörers resonemang kring pressmeddelandens funktion

Journalists and communication managers are becoming more professional and to reach out to its stakeholders in society today, organizations must work Strategically with communication, to enter the news. Many make use of press releases to provide journalists with information, hoping to influence what is published on the news. With a background in the medial change that occurs is the purpose of this study to elucidate and problematize which role press releases has for newsrooms and for organizations today and in the future. A qualitative interview study has been used, and communication managers from three organizations and journalists from three newsrooms has been interviewed. The study has been combined with a quantitative pilot study of selected press releases and articles from the selected organizations.

Förebygga ohälsa ? Hur effektiv är lagen som verktyg mot ohälsa?

PURPOSE: To analyze how companies in the Swedish beer industry Strategically workingwith CSR externally in order to increase their legitimacy.METHOD: Qualitative interviews and text analysis to enable data to stakeholder analysis.MATERIAL: Respondent interviews with key individuals, textual analysis of CSR-relateddocuments of the largest beer producers in Sweden.MAIN RESULTS: The study shows that it is possible to distinguish three main categories ofstakeholders to the beer producers. These have various high stakeholder values, wherecustomers are those with the highest value, then consumers and third critics. That these havevarious high values allows different Strategic approach to the key issue of how preventivemeasures, that can be said to work against their own products, affects the beer producerslegitimacy among stakeholders..

Förberedda livsmedel = Ökad lönsamhet? - en analys av storhushållsbranschen

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera om en värdekedjetransformering som innebär att produktionen tidigareläggs medför att lönsamheten i företagsrestaurangbranschen förbättras. Vi vill dessutom diskutera de valda strategiteoriernas användbarhet för att genomföra en branschanalys. Metod: Vi använder i denna uppsats en kvalitativ metod där vi genomfört tio stycken semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med respondenter vi funnit genom ett experturval. Ansatsen är deduktiv med vissa induktiva inslag och syftet är deskriptivt. Teoretiskt perspektiv: I branschanalysen använder vi tre strategiteorier; Five forces, Strategic Cost Management och SWOT ? analys.

Agera innan du reagerar : En fallstudie av myndigheters, företags och idéburna organisationers proaktiva kriskommunikationsarbete i sociala medier

The purpose of this study is to compare social media's role in the proactive crisis communication planning in two administrations, two companies and two non-profit organizations. A qualitative comparative study method has been used and people familiar with social media and crisis communications work from each business has been interviewed. The interviews have been transcribed and analyzed to discover the opinions and reasoning about how businesses work with proactive crisis communication and the role they give social media. The interviews were analyzed based on selected theories and previous research in Strategic crisis communications, where issues management and crisis communication plans have a significant role. Also research on the pros and cons of social media and crisis communications channels have been used.

Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare : ? En studie av hur Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet2010Författare

AbstractTitle: Electoral campaigns, social media and young voters ? a studie of how Moderaterna andSocialdemokraterna are going to reach out to the young voters in the electoral campaign of2010. (Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare- en studie av hur Moderaterna ochSocialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet 2010).Number of pages: 45Author: Sara RothmanTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and communication studies CPeriod: Autumn semester 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Departement of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/ Aim: The aim of this essay is to research how the two largest parties in Sweden,Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna, are going to reach out to the young voters in theelectoral campaign of 2010. I will also find out how the young voters are going to collecttheir information before the election. That information will be compared to the strategies ofthe parties, in that way I can tell if their strategies match the young voters plans ofinformation search.Material/Method: In my eximination I chose to use two informant interviewes and fourdifferent groups of discussion.

Intelligent remuneration in the knowledge economy

Talented people are recognised as being the most important corporate resource over the next twenty years and a competitive compensation system is an important tool in attracting and retaining talent. Traditional pay systems are recognised as being neither cost effective nor motivating people to do more. Often these systems do not contribute to Strategic objectives. This study outlines what constitutes an intelligent remuneration system that will enhance the mind value added by knowledge workers, reward knowledge creation, and contribute to organisational strategies..

Internationalisering av tjänsteföretag : En undersökning av svenska träningskedjors internationalisering

The study aims to investigate Swedish fitness companies positioning and Strategic choices when internationalising in the Scandinavian countries and what has influenced this choice. Furthermore, the corporate risk and what obstacles they encountered will be examined.The study was conducted as a qualitative study with a deductive approach. The results are based mainly on primary data from interviews, as well as secondary data.The fitness companies? choice of strategy in internationalisation depends largely on its concept and positioning. The main obstacles in the internationalisation process are lack of communication, language difficulties and regulations.

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