1014 Uppsatser om Statsvetenskap - Sida 42 av 68
Samverkan eller motverkan? En studie om myndighetssamverkans konsekvenser för rättssäkerheten och barnperspektivet
Children that are taken care of for institutional care by the social services are unprivileged as a group. When society takes over the parenting role, it forces local governments and other accountable authorities to guarantee these children satisfactory support and good care according to each child's needs. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and discuss problems with implementation in policy processes when authorities incorporate. From the normative standpoint of legal security and the United Nations Children's Convention, this thesis investigates the consequences of interaction between two Swedish supervisory authorities for the social services: Socialstyrelsen and länsstyrelserna. To fulfill the aim I will investigate the approach taken by the authorities and the work division between Socialstyrelsen and länsstyrelserna.
Demokrati och lagprövning - Om rättfärdigandet av en positiv respektive negativ inställning till lagprövning som institution i demokratin
This essay concerns the issue of democracy and judicial review. The main focus is on the justification of both a positive and a negative attitude towards judicial review, and the values these justifications are based on. The analysis is made by textual analysis of four authors with different opinions of the subject matter: Robert Dahl and Jeremy Waldron who has a negative attitude towards judicial review, and Erwin Chemerinsky and Ronald Dworkin who are positive about it. In the analysis an analytic frame is used which consists of different dimensions and aspects of the problem of democracy and judicial review. The study shows that there are important differences in democratic values between a positive and a negative justification of judicial review.
"Börja packa Chávez!"- En kritisk diskursanalys över tre svenska morgontidningars rapportering kring Venezuelas folkomröstning om Hugo Chávez'presidentskap 2004
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, is described in Swedish mass media. The research question of the paper is "How was president Hugo Chávez portrayed in Swedish newspapers in the 2004 Venezuelan referendum?". The answer of this question provides information about how the mass media form the image of current political events which is an important aspect of power. The applied method and theory in the study is the critical discourse analysis.
Konstitutionsutskottet och Regeringskontrollen - En studie av kontrollmaktens utövande i enkammarriksdagen 1971-2007
The purpose of this study is to examine how parliament executes its responsibility of oversight against the government. In Sweden, parliamentary oversight of the government rests with a standing committee of parliament known as the constitutional committee.Drawing on general principal-agent theory I construct a model in which members of the constitutional committee are seen as agents in double and conflicting agency assignments. This constitutes a problem for the agent. Since it is the party group in parliament that controls the fulfilment of the agents? objectives, the agent is presumed to follow the party assignment to the detriment of the parliament assignment.The model generates two hypotheses concerning they type of oversight we should expect the members of the constitutional committee to perform against the government.
Traditionella institutioner i Afrika - Ett hot mot den moderna staten?
The function of traditional leaders in the modern states of Africa has been under debate for decades. The dominant research discourse suggests that these institutions should be integrated into the state in order to minimize the amount of parallel political spheres, since the latters are considered to affect state legitimacy negatively. But are the states in a situation where they need to compete with the traditional institutions in order to gain more legitimacy? If so, is the struggle for legitimacy a zero-sum game where there can only be one winner? Or is it possible for these institutions to co-exist or even benefit from each other? The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to research if, and to what extent, African citizens? confidence in traditional institutions has an effect on state legitimacy. This has been done by statistically analyzing the data from the latest completed round of the Afrobarometer survey, a study that has been conducted in 20 different countries across West- and Northeast Africa.
Consociational Democracy vs. Transversal Politics - en teoriprövande studie baserad på Bosnien-Hercegovinas och Rwandas demokratiska utveckling
Vi gör en jämförelse av två teorier som båda behandlar hanteringen av etniska konflikter i plurala samhällen. Dessa två teorier - Consociational Democracy och Transversal Politics, är varandras motsatser och har båda implementerats i etniskt splittrade samhällen. Consociational Democracy som förespråkar mellanetnisk interaktion, har tillämpats i bland annat Bosnien- Hercegovina. Transversal Politics, som har tillämpats i Rwanda, förordar istället icke-etniska politiska plattformer. Båda dessa länder upplevde etniska rensningar under 90-talet, och har sedan dess präglats av försonings- och demokratiseringsprocesser med stor internationell närvaro.
"Storebror" kommer till stan? En diskursanalytisk studie av debatten kring kameraövervakning av "Stråket" i Malmö
Social control in different forms has existed in all known societies. This control has taken different shapes and expressions. In older smaller communities there was a collective control among the citizens. In modern societies the state is trying to control the lives of the citizens. These control mechanisms can be seen as both freedom-reducing and freedom inducing depending on which concept of freedom one upholds.
Biståndspolitikens förvaltningsteori - En fallstudie i implementeringen av Parisdeklarationen i Moçambique
Den biståndspolitiska världen är oerhört komplex och inte tillräckligt ifrågasatt.De centrala aktörerna som har makten i utvecklingen av biståndsdiskursen harhaft en övertro på sig själva. Framförallt har det rått en omedvetenhet och en bristpå engagemang i frågor som gäller den framtida utvecklingen ibiståndsmottagande länder. Det är ytterst viktigt att lyfta fram hurutvecklingsländer har exploatera's och utnyttjat's av västvärlden samt den oviljasom har funnit's att sopa ihop skärvorna av det som krossat's. Även omovanstående problematik i vis's mån existerar än idag, har det internationellagivarsamfundet enat's om en utveckling som tendera att leda biståndspolitiken irätt riktning.I Moçambique har en ny utvecklingsstrategi inom bistånd och korruption tagitform. Parisdeklarationen och FN:'s korruptionskonvention utgör tillsamman's medOECD och det internationella givarsamfundet den kraft som skall mobiliseralandet till ekonomisk självständighet.
Ansvarsfördelning i teori och praktik. En implementeringsstudie av mottagandet av ensamkommande flyktingbarn i Sverige
This case study explores the question of implementation and steering in a society of governance. As an empirical example, a reform concerning the reception of separated refugee children in Sweden is used. As of the 1st of July 2006 the responsibility for providing housing for separated children lies with the local governments rather than with the Swedish Board of Migration, aiming to improve the children's situation. However, implementing this amendment has turned out to be a harder task than expected. Traditionally, the relationship between state and local actors is seen in terms of state steering or local self-government.
Utanförskap i det klasslösa samhället. En analys av förståelsen av klass och social ojämlikhet i svensk politisk debatt
This study explores the notion of class and social inequality as expressed in the Swedish election campaign of 2006 and in the reception of the Swedish conservative party as a "worker's party". Inspired by Fairclough's critical discourse analysis I have carried through an investigation of the debate. My sources consists in a collection of articles, mainly leader columns and contributions to the debate, from a selected number of Swedish newspapers.I found that an explicit discussion about class, or use of the concept as such, was largely absent. In cases where the concept occurred it was often used in a purely descriptive sense or dismissed as outdated. Furthermore, I have drawn the conclusion that the traditional understanding of class is being challenged by a discourse which aims at establishing a new understanding of social inequality as lack of paid work.I take my point of departure in the belief that class continues to be one of the most important bases of social inequality.
Republikerna bakom slöjan - En komparativ analys av tre iranska ledare och deras politiska samtid.
Från 1979 till 2004 kan tre faser i den iranska republikens postrevolutionäraera identifieras, ofta refererade till som ?de tre republikerna?. Den förstarepubliken inleddes med den islamska revolutionen och avslutades medKhomeinis död 1989. Den andra präglades av konsolideringen av de statligainstitutionerna under president Hashemi Rafsanjanis styre från 1989 till1997. Den tredje inleddes med en överraskande presidentseger för denreformvänlige Mohammad Khatami 1997 till 2004.Denna uppsats har sökt svara på frågan vad för sorts islamsk republikIran har utvecklats till under sitt första kvartal och hur de politiskamaktspänningarna har sett ut och förändrats under denna period.Vi har utgått från Juan Linz kriterier om vad som karaktäriserar enauktoritär regim, men på grund av det iranska systemets inneboendespänningar som lagstadgats i konstitutionen och på grund av den maktkampsom bedrivits inom de politiska institutionerna mellan semidemokratiskaförespråkare och semidiktatoriska, så har vi varit tvungna att vidga vårtresonemang..
Malmö som stad, upplevelse och varumärke: En diskursanalys av en postindustriell stads framtidsvisioner
This is a discourse analysis concerning the visions for Malmö's future. Three concepts are studied to see which meaning these are given in the Malmö context. The studied concepts are ? development (utveckling), industry (näringsliv) and citizen (befolkning).The meanings of these concepts are studied against a backdrop of theories of inclusion/exclusion in general and inclusion/exclusion in the city more specific. Michael Foucault´s notion of a discourse which stigmatizes those not following a behaviour which is defined as being right and normal is central to this.
Regimteorin i svensk kontext. Från Volvo till IKEA i Kalmar
The regime theory is the dominant paradigm in the studies of urban politics in USA. It provides a set of concepts to analyse the change from government to governance in the American local politics. The regime theory postulates that governing power in local government tends to be highly fragmented. The private sector has with its control of economic resources a major influence in shaping governing decisions. In this essay I study the regime theory in a Swedish context to investigate if the theory is pertinent when studying of Swedish local governance.
Hur ska EU styras? : en diskursanalys av kommissionens vitbok med demokrati och legitimitet i fokus
The so called democratic deficit and the lack of legitimacy have been at the core of the EU-debate in the last decades. Low turnouts in the elections for the European parliament and disapproval in the ratification processes of the latest changes of the treaties are examples of the citizens lack of confidence for the EU and continuous integration. In Nice 2000 the heads of the member states governments agreed to try to improve the democratic legitimacy in the EU and initiated a public debate aiming at proposals for changes in the decision making processes in the EU. In July 2001 the commission published a white paper with their view. A fundamental presumption in discourse theory is that language and language usage not just is a way to deliver information about ideas and behaviours.
Voice i teori och praktik. Ett fallstudium av Reinfeldt som politisk bråkstake
Demokrati är en grundsten i vårt politiska samhälle och med detta tillkommer ettkrav på ett visst mått av inflytande i den politik som förs. Vi tar med stöd ilitteraturen ett normativt ställningstagande för att detta inflytande, i form avinternt demokratiska partier, är något viktigt och värdefullt. Med denna uppsatsförsöker vi lyfta fram voice som ett potentiellt mycket bra verktyg för att utövainflytande och påverka partiets politiska produkt. Dock är det inte helt riskfritt attframföra kritik mot sitt eget parti och detta har vi försökt undersöka med hjälp aven fallstudie på Fredrik Reinfeldts användande av voice under sina år sompolitiskt aktiv inom moderaterna.Vi kommer visa att voice är ett bra instrument för att skapa debatt och belysaproblem inom organisationen men att det samtidigt för med sig negativakonsekvenser om det inte sker genom partiets strukturella plattformar. Inte hellerräcker detta utan det är även ett fall om att inte vara fel person med fel åsikter vidfel tillfälle, något som Reinfeldt utmålades att vara..