

406 Uppsatser om Stam och Lärare - Sida 27 av 28

Skogseldens pÄverkan pÄ epifytiska trÀdlavar pÄ tall i relation till brandintensiteten :

Not much is today known about how epiphytic lichens are effected by fire. A considerable part of the fires in Sweden today are prescribed fires for the purpose of environmental conservation. How these fires affect lichens is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to find out how epiphytic fruticose and foliose lichens on Scots pine are affected by fire, and to elucidate the relationship between fire intensity and the survival of lichens and later re-colonization. The study was performed at three locations just outside UmeÄ in VÀsterbotten that were burned 5-7 years earlier. In all locations there were larger groups of surviving Scots pines with varying amount of fire-damage in the crown, which enabled a reconstruction of fire intensity.

Samverkan pÄ svenska mötesdestinationer.

Not much is today known about how epiphytic lichens are effected by fire. A considerable part of the fires in Sweden today are prescribed fires for the purpose of environmental conservation. How these fires affect lichens is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to find out how epiphytic fruticose and foliose lichens on Scots pine are affected by fire, and to elucidate the relationship between fire intensity and the survival of lichens and later re-colonization. The study was performed at three locations just outside UmeÄ in VÀsterbotten that were burned 5-7 years earlier. In all locations there were larger groups of surviving Scots pines with varying amount of fire-damage in the crown, which enabled a reconstruction of fire intensity.

The Countryside dream : amenity Migration and the new transit-oriented communities

This is a final thesis in landscape planning, at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The study examines the current phenomenon of amenity migration and the international discourse applicability of the a "Countryside dream" in a small neighborhood in KÀglinge, part of the transit-oriented community Oxie just outside of Malmö in the southern part of Sweden. The critical starting point of the study is the how many planners idealize the dense city with its positive proximity qualities. However, since the late 1900s, many people have instead started to idealize living in more rural or naturally appealing landscapes, often just outside a bigger city, with good transit possibilities (both by car and bus as well as by train). The phenomenon of amenity migration ? the migration to a new, more appealing everyday environment considered to have more amenities, is very relevant today since many smaller communities are becoming more transit-oriented, allowing the inmigrants to work in some bigger, dense town while living in a small-scale, less dense semi-rural community. More dense transit-oriented communities are however also an ideal to planners in Sweden, but to what extent can KÀglinge in Oxie ? a neither rural nor urban community - fulfill a possible countryside dream, and what role does the train station have in the in-migrants everyday life? The study has a theoretical starting point in literature regarding amenity migration, countryside ideals, representations of the countryside and the possible migrants themselves, giving a broad perspective on these related issues. The case study of KÀglinge in Oxie is then presented, including interviews with KÀglinges in-migrants.

Inköpsorganisation och förbÀttringsförslag i ett medelstort tillverkande företag

Inköp har en direkt pÄverkan pÄ ett företags lönsamhet, vilket gör att fokus pÄ att reducera inko?pskostnader kan leda till stora positiva effekter. Inko?p i ett fo?retag a?r i regel organiserad i en hierarkisk struktur som bo?r anpassas utifra?n de utmaningar ett fo?retag sta?lls info?r. En av faktorerna som pa?verkar inko?psorganisationens struktur a?r vilken centraliseringsgrad som anva?nds.Tenhults Pressgjuteri AB hade a?r 2011 en omsa?ttning pa? 90 miljoner SEK och 75st ansta?llda.

Att v?lja den vinnande sponsringen - f?r b?de f?retag och samh?lle. Hur sponsorer v?ljer elitklubbar att sponsra samt hur de m?ter effekterna

Sponsring har blivit en av de vanligaste marknadsf?ringsmetoderna och forts?tter att v?xa i popularitet. Sponsring inneb?r att ett f?retag k?per r?tten att associera sig med en r?ttighet, till exempel en idrottsklubb. Anledningen till dess popularitet kan ha att g?ra med dess varum?rkesbyggande egenskaper.

Gestaltning av boendelandskapet i grÀnsen mellan stad och land : exemplet NorrÀnga i Lund

This is a 20 credit Master thesis within the landscape architecture education at the Institute for Landscape Planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp. NorrÀnga is situated on the fringe of the city of Lund, east of the existing district of Linero.The city planning office of Lund municipality has come up with a ?in-depth comprehensive plan? for the exploatation of the eastern area of Lund. The plan concerns an area of 1035 square kilometre which contains at least 1500 nya buildings, two schools, primaryschools, stores and bus station for local bus traffic and the new bus line - LundalÀnken. The townplan is inspired from the historical Square block city with defined street system. The municipality has visions of what the green areas should consist of.

"MÄste vi prata om det hÀr igen?" : En undersökning om hur gymnasielÀrare behandlar hÀlsa och livsstil i undervisningen i Àmnet Idrott och hÀlsa.

Syftet med studien var att underso?ka gymnasiela?rares, i a?mnet Idrott och ha?lsa, erfarenheter av undervisningen i ha?lsa, vilka utmaningar de sta?lls info?r i sin ha?lsaundervisning samt deras va?rderingar kring a?mnets betydelse.MetodMetodvalet fo?r studien fo?ll pa? en kvalitativ samtalsintervju, eftersom det var relevant fo?r studien att fa? ta del av de intervjuades bera?ttelser utifra?n den enskilde personens perspektiv. Pa? sa? sa?tt kunde de intervjuade inga?ende bera?tta om sina egna erfarenheter och tankar kring de olika teman som var relevanta fo?r studien. Intervjuerna var halvstrukturerade och en a?ndama?lsenlig intervjuguide konstruerades fo?r att fa? till likva?rdiga intervjuer.

Effekt av ras och sÀsong pÄ nötkreaturs avbetningsgrad av konkurrenskraftiga betesmarksvÀxter :

Grasslands which have been actively managed for a long time and which in modern times have not been subject to cultivation such as fertilization are called semi-natural grasslands. These rare and species-rich areas hold an ecological, biological and historical value and if the management stops these areas will likely diminish. More effective agricultural systems and a declining number of grazing animals have in Sweden, among other countries, made semi-natural grasslands less valuable as foraging areas. Shrubs and fast growing plants rapidly colonize abandoned semi-natural grasslands, threatening biodiversity. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of breed and season on diet composition, with special reference to four competitive species found in wet areas ? in cattle grazing heterogeneous semi-natural grasslands ? and thereby contribute to improved management of these areas.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos förÀldrar som förlorat smÄ barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

Ju mer allt förÀndras desto mer förblir allt detsamma. En studie om skolans och utbildningens klassificeringsfunktion som medel för samhÀllsreproduktion

Denna studies syfte har varit att undersöka hur relationerna mellan skolans olika agenter (lÀ-rare, elever m.m.) och mellan skolans olika diskurser (Àmnesdiskurser m.m.), och deras inne-hÄllande makt- och kontrollprinciper, kan beskrivas i en specifik skolas diskursiv praktik. Samtidigt har studien dragit parallell till hur de ovanstÄende relationerna symboliserar relat-ionerna mellan de olika samhÀllsgrupperna. Den har gjort ett försök att förstÄ hur skolans praktik bidrar till reproduktionen av den specifika ideologi som stÄr för upprÀtthÄllandet av dessa relationer. Studien har dessutom gjort en koppling till uppdragets demokratiska dimens-ioner, dimensioner om likvÀrdig utbildning och dess intentioner av individens finnande av sin egenart, som tar sig till uttryck genom styrdokumentets texter, i relation till skolans funktion som, enligt en del forskning (jmf. Bourdieau, Bernstein m.fl.) gÄr ut pÄ att reproducera sam-hÀllsvillkoren.

Till synes orörd skog : naturvÀrden och kulturhistoria i Rekdalen under 400 Är

Nature conservation has for a long time been founded on the assumption that high ecological values depend on low human impact. In Sweden this has led to forests with these characteristics being strictly protected from human influences. However, it is also known that historical land-use can enhance ecological values in forests. Mountainous forests in Sweden, which have not been affected by modern forestry, have for a long time been considered as untouched by people. However, forest history research has in recent years shown that even these areas have been used by people for a long period of time.

KundtillfredsstÀllelse : en studie om studentens nöjdhet

Idag finns det ett stort utbud av olika utbildningsalternativ, antalet alternativ har o?kat drama- tiskt sedan 1990-talet. Alla ho?gre utbildningar konkurrerar om att rekrytera nya studenter och att beha?lla sina nuvarande studenter (Broady, Bo?rjesson & Palme, 2002). Fo?retags intresse fo?r kundtillfredssta?llelse o?kar sta?ndigt enligt Gro?nroos (2008), da? det sa?gs att en no?jd kund a?r en lojal kund.

Hur vÀnder man ett omotiverat elevklimat till ett mer motiverat, sett ur elevens perspektiv?

Hur va?nder man ett omotiverat elevklimat till ett mer motiverat, sett ur elevens perspektiv? ?How do we change the students behavior from unmotivated to motivated, from their own point of view?? Problemomra?de Detta arbete a?r en underso?kande studie vilket inneba?r att jag har gjort fokusgruppsintervjuer fo?r att ta reda pa? vad skolan kan go?ra fo?r att o?ka motivationen hos elever som upplever skolan som tra?kig och icke meningsfull. Studien tar ett elevcentrerat perspektiv och resultatet bygger pa? elevernas egna utsagor. Problemomra?det baseras pa? skolans va?rdegrund som den beskrivs i ?Ny skollag i praktiken? (2010), i vilken det fastsla?s att skolan ska arbeta fo?r alla ma?nniskors lika va?rde och undervisningen skall anpassas till varje barn fo?rutsa?ttningar.

SprÄkutveckling genom musik

Den ha?r C-uppsatsen handlar om na?gra erfarna pedagogers syn pa? fo?rskolebarnets spra?kutveckling genom musik. Syftet med underso?kningen a?r att se om sa?ng och musik kan fra?mja barnets spra?kutveckling. De huvudsakliga fra?gesta?llningarna a?r: Kan/Hur kan musik sto?dja spra?kutvecklingen? Hur kan detta fungera i praktiken? Har ro?relsen till musiken na?gon betydelse? I litteraturgenomga?ngen tas Vygotsky, Gardner, Steiner och Arnqvist upp, och deras olika syn pa? barnets spra?kutveckling.

Att restaurera forna tiders bestÄndsstruktur : ett exempel frÄn JÀmtgaveln

In Sweden today so-called "prescribed nature conservation burning" is performed due to the change in silvicultural law, certification and an increased knowledge regarding the field of fire in the forest landscape. The aim is to re-create structures and qualities made by the fire regimes of the past, though on a much smaller geographical scale. The structures and qualities to be re-created are for example broad leaf stands, trees with large diameter, heterogeneous stands regarding variables such as age and diameter. If we increase our knowledge of the constitution of forests characterized by fire, then we will be able to set goals for what achievements to reach both on landscape scale and stand scale. The aim of this paper is to try to describe how a stand from the past was composed regarding mainly the spatial arrangement and compare it with the stand of today in the same place. This to be done by using relict material, that is stumps and dead standing trees.

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