3553 Uppsatser om Speech-test - Sida 46 av 237
En jämförande studie av enkät- och intervjumetod för mätning av alkoholvanor
Tidig upptäckt och intervention är av stor vikt när det gäller att komma till rätta med alkoholproblem. För att identifiera vilka som har alkoholproblem använder man sig inom vården av screeninginstrument. Dessa screeninginstrument kan distribueras på olika sätt, till exempel som enkät eller som intervju. Tidigare forskning har kommit fram till motstridiga resultat gällande vilket distributionssätt som ger den mest tillförlitliga informationen. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i svar till följd av distributionssätt.
Motorik hos barn som går montessoriskola : En pilotstudie av elever på en montessoriskola i jämförelse med Skola, Idrott och Hälsa-projektet
AimThe aim of this essay is by using a motor skill track to see if there exists any remarkable difference in the motor skill profiles between pupils from our montessori school and the mean score in the "Nytidstest". The questions at issue we had were: How is the motor skill profile on pupils in year 2 and 3 practicing montessori pedagogy? Is the motor skill profile superior or inferior to the mean score in the "Nytidstest"? What factors, if any, concerning the montessori pedagogy affects the results of the test?MethodWe used a motor skill track consisting of 8 stations sellected from the "Nytidstest" adapted for year 3 (the original test consists of 16 stations). Pupils from year 2 and 3 in our chosen montessori school were tested in groups of 4-5 persons each. We made the tests on two occasions each lasting for 100 minutes at the time.
En utvärdering av två pearl growing-metoder i ISI Web of Science
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate two pearl growing methods in ISI Web of Science. The methods tested are Find Related Records FRR, an automatic service that uses bibliographic coupling, and Author Keywords AK, where searches are performed using the two first keywords from this field. Both search methods were used on twenty initial documents and the first twenty hits were evaluated for relevance using a binary scale 0,1. The relevance criteria were based on specific information needs connected to every initial document. The measures used to evaluate the effectiveness of the search methods were Precision at DCV=10, P10, and Uninterpolated Average Precision AP.
Användarupplevelse av ett komplext infotainmentsystem i en bil. En verklighetsbaserad studie av gränssnittet mellan människa och fordon
In recent decades here has been a huge development in information technology (IT), where we humans are increasingly using IT in our daily lives, ranging from social media to music streaming services; this has also been a reflection of the technologies developed to our cars. Infotainment systems have become an increasingly regular feature in modern cars where the high degree of integration such as navigation, mobile and Internet has become more common and more sought after. Despite this, relatively little research problemized User Experience of a complex infotainment system in a car. This study thus has the intention to consider the relevance of reality based tests by examining how the user experiences a complex infotainment system in a car. We asked ourselves; How do the user experience a complex infotainment system in a car? We conducted our qualitative study, an interview with researchers in the field of vehicle and road safety and designed a number of system-related activities in a test session where we observed three users.
Att arbeta som sjuksköterska med patienter med TBC : en litteraturstudie
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskans arbete med patienter med TBC (tuberkulos) och sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av risker som de utsätts för i vårdarbetet i kontakten med patienter med TBC. Sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar gjordes i databaserna Medline via Pubmed, Science Direct, Swedmed + samt Cinahl. Studiens huvudresultat utgjordes av tre huvudkategorier; Ssk bidrag till minskad smittspridning, omvårdnad vid TBC och Sjuksköterskans risker i arbetet. Ekonomisk levnadsstandard samt utbildningsnivå visade sig ha stor betydelse för utbredningen av TBC. Det sociala umgänget är en viktig del i sjukdomsförloppet eftersom patienterna känner att nära och kära undviker dem.
Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi : En kvalitativ studie i förskolan och i grundskolans tidigare år
This work concerns children with reading- and writing difficulties/dyslexia. My purpose is to investigate the practical experience of teachers as well as their everyday work with these children.My questions are:How do teachers work with children aged 4-9 who have reading- and writing difficulties/dyslexia?Which various teaching aids exist for children who have reading- and writing difficulties/dyslexia?Which subjects are affected by reading- and writing difficulties/dyslexia?To answer the above questions I have used the qualitative method. I have performed interviews and observations. Previous research has shown that reading- and writing difficulties/dyslexia is one of our most common disabilities.
Mediebilder av homosexualitet. Åke Green-debatten
The purpose of this thesis is to study how homosexuals and homosexuality were represented in the press during the trials against the Pentecostal pastor Åke Green, and to what kind of social representations and narratives these representations can be related.Using critical discourse analysis and theories about the differentiation between in- and outgroups I try to unveil implicit meanings and attitudes towards gay people mainly at the local text level. The material consists of articles in Ölandsbladet and Dagens Nyheter that were produced before, during and after the trials.The analysis suggests that homosexuals are construed as a deviant outgroup and that the majority, the ingroup, is presented as an essentially heterosexual, tolerant community. Homosexuality is wrong and heterosexuality is the right way of living. Homosexuals, in terms of group lobbyism, are construed as an enemy, a threat, against Western ideals such as family values and freedom of speech. They indirectly become a threat to Swedish democracy.
Stålkonsumtion och ekonomisk utveckling i Kina: En ekometrisk analys
Det har länge varit känt att stålkonsumtionen har en stor betydelse för samhällsutvecklingen. En ökad stålkonsumtion betraktas ofta som en indikator på ekonomisk utveckling. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur Kinas stålkonsumtion förhåller sig till den snabba ekonomiska utvecklingen och i vilken inriktning går sambandet, dvs. är det den ekonomiska utvecklingen som driver stålkonsumtionen eller vice versa. Undersökningen omfattar perioden mellan 1970 och 2011.
Spår från en rondellhund : Nio praktiserande muslimers personliga upplevelser, tolkningar och påverkan av Lars Vilks Muhammedteckningar
The study should be seen as an attempt to examine how a group of selected muslims from seven different cities in Sweden relate to Lars Vilks?s drawings of the prophet Muhammed (also called the roundabout dog) and if they feel that their attitude towards the drawings has changed during the seven years that have passed since the first drawing was published in the newspaper Närkes Allehanda in 2007. To understand these selected muslims? approach, experiences and feelings in regards to the drawings I examine in what aspect they find the drawings provocative. I also examine what consequences Vilks?s roundabout dog-project might have had for individual muslims in Sweden.
Kim Jong Il - Docka eller dockmakare?
This paper has bearing on the subject of foreign policy analysis and decision-making,but is nonetheless important to peace and conflict studies due to its emphasis onnuclear weapons and deterrence.I have constructed a theoretical framework for the analysis of foreign policydecision-making that I set out to test on a crucial case. The framework iscrosscutting, and takes into consideration four levels of analysis: the system-,regional-, state-, and individual level. It is centred on a key decision maker, andapplies a cognitive approach for determining his or hers belief system through whichthe inputs from the other levels are filtered in order for the decision maker toconstruct a perception of reality, from which the decision is then formulated within.The framework is applied to North Korean and its leader Kim Jong Il. It sets outto explain his behaviour in the matter of their claimed nuclear weapons program, andhis decision to conduct a nuclear weapons-test, getting inside his head trying to figureout why he chose to do it and for what reasons.The conclusion indicates that the basic structure of the framework and its generalapplicability is sound, but that it needs further testing in order to make it perfectly solid..
The potential of entomopathogenic fungal isolates as an environmentally friendly management option against Acanthoscelides obtectus
The bean bruchid, Acanthoscelides obtectus is a major threat to bean production. In Ethiopia, where this study was performed, the damage by bruchids on stored beans has been reported to reach up to 38%. To use the isolates Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in the management of A. obtectus can be an environmentally safe alternative for controlling the pest. In the present work the aim was to examine if the four chosen fungal isolates, B.
Berättandeförmåga hos svenska barn i en flerspråkig miljö från förskoleålder till årskurs 2
The present study investigated free narratives in 72 children between 3;11 and 9;0 years. Participants were recruited from a multilingual environment in eastern Gothenburg. The children were instructed to make up their own stories after being provided with openings, ?Story stems?. The stories were then transcribed and analyzed on micro- and macro level and narrative evaluation.
Koffeins påverkan på tårproduktionen
Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka om ett intag av koffein kan påverka tårproduktionen med hjälp av Schirmer 1 test.Metod: I det här arbetet deltog 30 personer i åldrarna18 ? 28 år (medelåldern var 22,3 ± 2,1 år) som var uppdelade i två grupper med 15 personer i varje grupp. Den ena gruppen fick 200 ml vatten och 300 mg koffein och den andra fick bara 200 ml vatten. Alla deltagares tårproduktion mättes fyra gånger, en gång före intag, efter intag mättes tårproduktionen efter både 30, 60 och 90 minuter. Tårproduktionen mättes med hjälp av Schirmer 1 test, vilket är en pappersfilters remsa med en graderad mm-skala som hängs fast i deltagarens undre ögonlock, där den absorberar ögats tårar.Resultat: Det fanns ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad (p > 0,05) efter koffeinintag, men det fanns det efter vattenintag på höger öga där tårproduktionen minskning var statistiskt signifikant mellan första och sista mätningen (p = 0,011).Slutsats: Det fanns ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad (p > 0,05) efter koffeinintag.
Att kommunicera naturvetenskap -om hur valet av testmetod påverkar elevers prestationer i naturvetenskapliga tester
Svenska elever deltar emellanåt i nationella och internationella undersökningar där deras naturvetenskapliga kunskaper testas. På vissa frågor i dessa undersökningar har svenska elever fått ett dåligt resultat, få elever gav ett naturvetenskapligt korrekt svar. Syftet med denna studie är att få en bättre förståelse för hur elever resonerar och handlar i en testsituation. Syftet är även att få en uppfattning om hur valet av testmetod och elevers begreppsförståelse påverkar deras prestationer i naturvetenskapliga test. Genom att, utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, samtala med elever har jag försökt se hur de resonerade kring naturvetenskapliga frågor.
En kartläggning av målvakters tränings- och matchmiljö inom Svensk elitfotboll
Purpose: The purposes of the current study were to investigate whether there were any differences in the perceptual ability between professional and non-professional ice-hockey players and whether professional players are better at distinguishing, paying attention to and concentrating on what is important during intense physical activity. Method: Twenty male ice-hockey players (10 from both the Swedish first and third divisions) participated in the study. Wingate test were used for physiological measurements while three psychological tests were presented in front of the participants. Stroop, Flanker and Fast counting tests were used to measure perceptual and coping abilities during intense physical activity and the differences between the two groups. Results: Fast counting and Flanker word 2 tests showed a significant difference between the two groups, whereby the professional groups was faster and more accurate than the non-professional group in answering.