

4987 Uppsatser om Sociology of literature - Sida 8 av 333

Förändringsreceptens institutionaliseringsprocess : En utredning om dold mellanliggande mekanism vid organisationsförändring

Problem/Bakgrund: Det finns många förändringsstrategier och modeller, recept, för att förändra, men även för att organisera verksamheter. Olika modeller och recept kommer och går. Oftast framställs resultatet i olika termer och något som ofta återkommer är att graden delaktighet har ökat. Kan det vara så att det är graden av delaktighet är en dold mekanism som ligger bakom en lyckad förändring?Syfte: Mitt syfte med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns ett kausalt orsakssamband mellan betingelserna ledning, ansvar och värdering och händelserna sjukskrivning, personalomsättning och påverka där delaktighet utgör mekanismen som aktiverar förloppet.Slutsatser/Resultat: Det finns ett kausalt orsakssamband mellan betingelsen ledning och händelserna sjukskrivning, upplevd delaktighet och personalomsättning.

Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren

AbstractMaster?s Thesis in Comparative literatureTitle: Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren (Ghettoized Vampires. A study of children?s vampire literature and its significance for the vampire literature genre)Writer: Peter KostenniemiDepartment of Literature, History of Ideas and ReligionSupervisor: Anna NordenstamExaminer: Yvonne LefflerKey Words: Vampire literature, children?s literature, Der kleine Vampir, Nattens BørnIn vampire literature research the focus usually lies on adult and, to some extent, young adult fiction.

Emotioner i arbete : En studie av fritidsledares upplevelser av emotioner och arbetsmiljö

Abstract The sociological problem of this C-essay is sociology of emotions. This paper deals with experiences of emotions and work environment for people who work in human service organizations, and has been limited to the profession of recreation leader.The purpose of this paper is to examine how emotions affect the recreation leader?s work. For this we used eight qualitative interviews with recreation leaders from different youth recreation centers. What we have found in this study is that recreation leader?s work includes both positive and negative aspects.

Att växa genom drama : En studie om dramats betydelse som undervisningsmetod i syfte att stärka barns självkänsla och självförtroende.

This essay is built upon the subject of drama. Its purpose was to examine if drama was a good and important educational method to/for children, and if drama is enhancing childrens self-esteem and self-confidence. By reviewing the results from literature and interviews, my intention was to compare the results, in order to find out what the views of the literature and respondents on drama was.I used qualitative interviewing, to find out what the teachers had to say about drama, and I used literature that was relevant to the purpose of the essay. I took a deeper look at the meaning of educational drama and pedagogical drama was, and also the meaning of self-esteem and self-confidence, in order to connect it with the results from the literature and the interviews.  After studying the literature and the interviews, I could see coherence, and therefore compile a result.  Both literature and the interviewed teachers considers drama to be a good and important method within the educational school and that drama positively has got a strengthening effect on childrens self-esteem and self-confidence.

Kronofogdemyndighetens arbetsmiljö : En kvantitativ studie om ett Kronofogdemyndighetskontor i Malmö

Kronofogdemyndigheterna i Sverige har reducerats i antal från tjugofem till endast tio. Hög grad av stress och sjukfrånvaro är problem som präglat myndigheterna, enligt klimatundersökningar som Riksskatteverket gjort.Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva arbetsmiljön utifrån KFM:s personal på ett kontor i Malmö, för att se hur den ter sig i nuläget. Frågeställningarna som styr uppsatsen är: Hur väl uppfylls KFM:s arbetsmiljömål i Malmö enligt personalen? Hur väl anser personalen att deras kompetens nyttjas i arbetet på KFM?Med kvantitativ metod i form av enkäter, visar resultatet att arbetsmiljömålet uppfylls då flera aspekter av arbetsmiljön anses positiva av personalen. Uppfattningarna om arbetet är positiva trots att alla utsätts för stress och de flesta känner av stress flera gånger i veckan.

Med framsidan framåt ? En studie av taste-cultures och face-front marketing på två svenska folkbibliotek

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians in two Swedish public libraries view the subject of face-front marketing and literary hierarchy. The questions posed in this thesis are: How do two public libraries in Sweden market fictional literature? Which literature does get marketed? How do the librarians view fictional literature? How do the librarians view marketing? and Does Herbert Gans? literary scale work to examine the marketing of fictional literature in two Swedish public libraries? The theoretical starting-points are Niels Ole Pors? thoughts on stock development, Philip Kotler?s thoughts on the responsible non-profit organisation and Herbert Gans? thoughts on taste-publics and taste-cultures. The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews with library staff in two public libraries in the south of Sweden, and by reading a sample of the fictional literature exposed in these libraries.

Framsta?llningen av barn i den nya sexualbrottslagen : en inneha?llsanalys baserad pa? fo?rarbeten

The last major change occurred in 2005 when the new sexual offenses law came into force with an increased focus on children. The purpose of this study is that through a content analysis to identify and understand the construction of children in the new legislation on sexual offenses on the basis of preliminary work. Based on the purpose we came up with two questions: How are children constructed in the preparatory works to the new sexual offenses law? Are they attributed to child characteristics and responsibilities in the new legislation on sexual offenses and if so, how? In order to achieve the purpose of the study we have chosen the preparatory works to the new legislation on sexual offenses from 2005 until today. The study's empirical work has been further narrowed to the children, which means that a distinction is made in the new legislation on sexual offenses to 6 chapter 4-6 §§.

Hur fungerar relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv? : En studie på flygpersonal och butiksbiträden

Detta är en empirisk studie som handlar om relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Det som beskrivs i studien är innebörden av att ha ett serviceyrke samt att arbeta på obekväma tider. Är de två sfärerna, arbetssfären och familjesfären, relaterade till varandra eller är de två helt skilda sfärer? Kan det uppstå konflikter mellan arbetsrollen och familjerollen?Syftet är att undersöka hur relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv fungerar för flygpersonal och butiksbiträden. Olika teoretiska perspektiv presenteras på aspekterna av samspelet av arbete och familj.

Bibliometrin och humaniora: En bibliometrisk analys av litteraturvetenskapen

The aim of this Master's thesis is to study whether bibliometrics can serve as a method to analyse the humanities.To investigate this a literature study was conducted that examined previous studies concerning bibliometrics and the humanities. Furthermore a bibliometric analysis of comparative literature was carried out. These research findings were then further examined through the perspective of theories on intellectual and social organization of the scienceThe bibliometrical study includes 38 literature journals (11 855 articles in total) which were downloaded from ISI's Web of Science. The material was analysed by using co-citation analysis and co-word analysis. The results of the study are presented in five co-citation maps.

?Det är svårt att hinna med allt?- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen

The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?What attitudes do students have towards their teachers? education of media literacy and literature studies?The study took place in two cities in Sweden. It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies.

Ljungbyholm, ett samhälle i förändring

Att genom analys av en mindre ort, hitta och lyfta fram värden som planmässigt kan höja ortens attraktivitet..

Barnbokens roll i förskolan : litteratursyn och litteraturpedagogiskt arbete

The purpose of this master-thesis in library and information studies is to investigate how different views on children´s literature show up in pedagogical work in preschool. The aim is also to study methods used in the pedagogical work with literature. Are there any connections between views and methods? Is any view predominant or are they used in combination? The question at issue is: "Are there any connections between different views on childrens literature and pedagogical methods in preschool, and if so, how do they show?" The framework of theory is based on epistemological concepts viewing children´s literature by John Hultberg. In "Om humaniora, litteratur och tradition" he sorts out three strategies: the pragmatic, the traditional, and the emancipating.

Joseph Brodskys litterära exil

Nobel Prize Laureate Joseph Brodsky is a key figure in Soviet Russian literature. Expelled from the USSR in 1972, he became a US citizen in 1977 and Poet Laureate of the United States in 1991. In this essay, I have sought to examine the state of exile perceived in Brodsky?s poems. Using Russian literary critic Viktor Shklovsky?s concept of defamiliarization, I have strived to illuminate the formal composition of this state ? its technique.

Populärkultur - ett redskap för samspel och lärande

How do we perceive literature? In our times computer games and Internet have made us grow more comfortable to the usage of non linear storylines. But how does this apply to printed literature?In this essay, called ?From a to b through d h and o. Non linear storytelling in our time? I have focused on nonlinear literature from different time periods and I have studied novels such as James Joyce?s Ulysses as well as works by William S.

"Det adopterade barnet" : Konstruktionen av adoptivbarn i barnlitteratur

With the increasing number of adoptees in Sweden, so has the amount of literature regarding different aspects of adoption. The aim of this study is to explore the construction of adoptees in children's literature. It takes on a social constructionism view, by regarding language as a narrative tool in which human beings construct versions of different phenomenon. By exploring the different discourses in the data within the context adoption, we can identify different versions of "the adopted child" and their needs as it is constructed in the literature. Also, by putting them in a bigger context, we are allowed to see the social structures and the discursive conditions that allow a certain child perspective of "the adopted child" to take place.

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