

4996 Uppsatser om Sociology of literature - Sida 9 av 334

"Det adopterade barnet" : Konstruktionen av adoptivbarn i barnlitteratur

With the increasing number of adoptees in Sweden, so has the amount of literature regarding different aspects of adoption. The aim of this study is to explore the construction of adoptees in children's literature. It takes on a social constructionism view, by regarding language as a narrative tool in which human beings construct versions of different phenomenon. By exploring the different discourses in the data within the context adoption, we can identify different versions of "the adopted child" and their needs as it is constructed in the literature. Also, by putting them in a bigger context, we are allowed to see the social structures and the discursive conditions that allow a certain child perspective of "the adopted child" to take place.

Avancerad flöjtteknik. Hur kroppen befäster finmotoriska färdigheter

The aim with this essay is to look into what literature has been published in 2006 and 2007 for boys between the ages of twelve and sixteen in order to analyse six of the titles. Our two main questions are as follows:?How is the teenage boy depicted in six of these books? - To what extent is the teenage boy depicted in a gender stereotypical way?.We chose the titles for analysis based on our mapping of the published literature and took into account the authors? gender and age as well as the main themes of the books. As theoretical base for our analysis we used Marias Nikolajeva?s table of gender stereotypes in literature.

Vår man i Leopoldville : Tjeckoslovakiska relationer med Belgiska Kongo 1954-1960

The aim with this essay is to compare strong girls in classic and modern literature and see how the differences in expectations on these girls are reflected in literature. This study is done with the aid of historical, feminist and new criticism..

Förändring pågår : Ungas syn på stöd och kunskap när en förälder missbrukar eller lider av psykisk sjukdom.

The aim of this thesis is to study young people's views on support, knowledge and change. The eight participants in this interview study are between 14 and 19 years old and they share the experience of growing up in a family where a parent is a substance misuser or mentally ill.Childhood sociology has been used as a theoretical framework. The main finding is that emotional and practical support based on the young person's needs and knowledge based on the ideas of empowerment and agency promotes change. The four most important insights according to the young persons are: My parent has got a problem. It is not my problem.

Oro för barn som far illa : förskolechefers tillämpning av anmälningsskyldigheten

The purpose of this study was to investigate how directors of preschool apply the mandatory reporting and what information they say is important in the decision to report child maltreat-ment. The study was built on five semi-structure interviews with five directors of preschool working in Greater Stockholm. The perspective of this paper is sociology of law theory. This means to study how out of law information makes sense when director of preschool applies the mandatory reporting. The result was analysed with three different analytic tools: action plan, consulting social services and the considerations of the directors of preschool them-selves.

Vem vill ha Adam och Monika? : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om tolkningar av vistelsebegreppet på 12 socialjourer i Sverige

The aim of this study was to explore how social workers interpret the part of the Swedish social services act that regulates each municipality?s responsibility of the people staying in it. The study?s general methodological approach connects to sociology of law. The research questions were: (1) What factors are considered important by the social workers in assessments of responsible municipality? (2) Are there variations in the assessments of responsible municipality and in that case; how can the variations be explained? (3) What discretion do the social workers consider that they have in assessments of responsible municipality? Previous studies have found considerable differences in professional social work assessments in Sweden.

Urvalsproblematiken på folkbibliotek; en studie av etik och estetik kring urval av populärlitteratur och erotisk litteratur på sex svenska folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate issues concerning librarians? view on three genres, (a) popular literature for women, (b) popular literature for men and (c) erotic literature, when choosing what to buy for their libraries. A qualitative method has been used and the empery consists of seven qualitative interviews with altogether eight librarians involved in choosing and buying literature. The theoretical framework is built on theories regarding concepts of hegemony and cultural hegemony; the male sex as norm; taste culture and quality. The results show that three of the libraries in the study have a written purchase policy and that the policies that exist are very general.

EN VÄG BORT FRÅN SOCIAL EXKLUDERING? - Fyra deltagares upplevelser av ett holistiskt projekt

The intention of this essay was to describe and analyse the participant's experience in a work project based on a holistic model. The main purpose of the project was to integrate homeless people back into society. My main questions were: 1. What meaning did the project have in the participant's life? 2.

Hur upplever danskar att arbeta i Sverige respektive svenskar att arbeta i Danmark?

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i hur man upplever arbetsplatsen beroende på om man är svensk och arbetar i Danmark eller om man är dansk och arbetar i Sverige. Deltagarna var pendlare, slumpvis utplockade på färjorna mellan Helsingborg och Helsingör.Metoderna vi har använt oss av är det statistiska programmet SPSS, K-Independent Samples samt den kvalitativa metoden MCA (Meaning Constitution Analysis). Antalet undersökningsdeltagare var 36 varav 31 var svenskar och 5 var danskar. Av de 36 undersökningsdeltagarna var 8 personer analyserades i MCA medens alla undersökningsdeltagare blev analyserade i K-independent Samples. En enkät med 12 olika påstående och en öppen fråga delades ut.Resultaten visade ingen signifikans i den statistiska metoden, men den kvalitativa metoden visar att där finns en skillnad.

Förutsättningar för undervisning och lärande : Fyra litteraturläsare i årskurs nio och sju år senare

AbstractThis study is based on my work as a secondary school teacher of literature and the Swedish language and rooted in my interest in developing knowledge about the importance of teaching literature in order to both cultivate young people?s reading habits and their view of themselves as readers. The more concrete purpose of this study is to examine a reading project that focuses on theories of literary perception and teaching literature.I examine four pupils who, in 2003, participated in the reading project as readers and compare this description with their view of themselves as readers seven years later. I complete the study by examining how they discuss reading and the teaching of literature. The method is qualitative and the empirics include materiel collected in two different time periods: first in 2003, in a class I taught in a secondary school; and second in 2010, when I examined four of the former pupils who participated in the project from 2003.

Ledarskapets nyanser : En studie av ledares uppfattningar om sitt ledarskap i ideell, privat och offentlig organisation

Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera hur ledare i olika typer av organisationer uppfattar sitt ledarskap i förhållande till den organisationstyp de verkar inom. Med organisationstyp avser vi ideell, privat och offentlig organisation. Vår utgångspunkt är att analyser detta utifrån de förutsättningar för ledarskap som organisationstypen ger, till exempel i form av organisationskultur, samt utifrån faktorer som kommunikation, handlingsutrymme och ledarens uppgifter.Den metod vi använt är kvalitativ och bygger på sex intervjuer med ledare inom ovan nämnda organisationstyper och fokus för intervjuerna har legat på ledaren egen uppfattning om sitt ledarskap.Vi har funnit att likheterna mellan de olika ledarskapen är tydligare än skillnaderna och att de skillnader som återfinns till stor del kan kopplas till respektive organisationstyps mål. Dessa skillnader kan bero på dels de förutsättningar som varje specifik organisationstyp ger, och dels ledarnas förmåga att anpassa sig till de krav som ställs på ledarskapet i olika situationer..

En explorativ studie av TIL-programmet : Fem små berättelser av föräldrarnas upplevelser

This essay studied how six girls experienced their reading development during their college education in male-dominated profession programs. The issues assumed were how they experience their literature reading and literature education and what happened with their interest in reading. The theoretical frame included researchers Säljö, Rosenblatt, Gun Malmgren, Olin-Scheller, Ulfgaard and Molloy.The study showed that most of the girls felt their reading had worsened but not because of their male classmates but because of school. They had a lot of homework and participated in so many different school projects which would be completed that there was no time to reading for pleasure. The girls did not like the teachers? literate sample and did not like the methods used in learning literature.

Mellanlitteratur på bibliotek och i recensioner

This thesis investigates the reception of middle literature novels among critics in Swedish newspapers and at Swedish libraries. Works by three authors were chosen as representatives for middle literature: Helen Fielding, Nick Hornby and Tony Parsons. The investigation is based on interviews with librarians at the Gothenburg City Library, the total purchased number of books at public libraries in Sweden and analysis of Swedish newspaper reviews. The result is compared with theories by literary sociologists as Jofrid Karner Smidt, Janice Radway, Erland Munch-Petersen and Staffan Bergsten among others. It was found out that literary scientists and critics had a different way of looking at middle literature.

Pojkar i litteraturen och litteratur för pojkar : Analys av sex moderna ungdomsböcker för pojkar

The aim with this essay is to look into what literature has been published in 2006 and 2007 for boys between the ages of twelve and sixteen in order to analyse six of the titles. Our two main questions are as follows:?How is the teenage boy depicted in six of these books? - To what extent is the teenage boy depicted in a gender stereotypical way?.We chose the titles for analysis based on our mapping of the published literature and took into account the authors? gender and age as well as the main themes of the books. As theoretical base for our analysis we used Marias Nikolajeva?s table of gender stereotypes in literature.

Bibliotek och bokhandel som litteraturförmedlare: En användarundersökning på ett bibliotek och i en bokhandel

The purpose of this study is to examine what readers of fiction literature are influenced by when they choose books. What libraries and bookstores do to influence readers in their choice of literature and how readers perceive the librarys and the bookstores influence on them in their choice of fiction literature. We have also studied which factors outside the library and the bookstore that readers are influenced by when borrowing or buying a certain book and to what extent readers are influenced by the books appearance. To answer our questions we chose a public library and a bookstore, where we interviewed six persons in each place. We have interviewed a librarian and a bookstore manager for information about how these two cultural institutions work with marketing of their fiction literature.

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