

4987 Uppsatser om Sociology of literature - Sida 7 av 333

Ungas datoranvändning finns det några könsskillnader?

The purpose of this study was to examine if there are gender differences in computer use among the young. Our aim was to find out in what respects boys and girls differ, if at all. The main method of investigation is a literature review. We have also made a complementary empirical study in a public library. The literature studied principally covers computer use at home and in school.

Varför tvättar vi inte våra händer? En litteraturstudie om bidragande orsaker till att sjukvårdspersonal brister i vårdhygien och aseptik

The purpose of this literature review is to visualize the contributing factors of insufficient hygiene routines and incorrect aseptic handling. The literature review contains ten scientific articles from England, USA, Italy and Sweden, and related literature. Factors causing the problem are presented as four themes, the most reoccurring in our material are lack of time, knowledge/education, equipment and attitudes/motivation..

Genusperspektiv i barnlitteratur i Sverige i jämförelse med arabisk barnlitteratur Gender perspective in children?s literature in Sweden in comparison with the Arabic children?s literature 


En studie av en hälsointervention mot stress, ohälsa och sjukfrånvaro bland kundtjänstanställda

The aim of this study was to investigate a health intervention at a Swedish telecom company, with regards to behavioral, cognitive and somatic stress, experienced health, and absence due to illness. A further aim was to investigate the employees' perceptions regarding the health intervention. Questionnaires were collected from 139 employees at the customer service departments.Results indicated that the health activity bowling to some extent could predict lower behavioral stress. However, the most important predictors of stress and perceived health were lack of meaningfulness and quantitative demands. Lack of meaningfulness was also a predictor of absence due to illness.

Kontaktmannaskap : En studie på en kriminalvårdsanstalt

Purpose/Aim : The aim of this study is to investigate and describe "kontaktmannaskapet" in the Swedish correctional system. I also aim to investigate if there are any differences between how the different actors involved in the correctional system look at this phenomena and how different sociological theories can be applied on "kontaktmannaskapet" in order to make it more comprehensible for the actors involved.Material/Method : This investigation is based on a larger qualitative inquiry consisting of several personal interviews. Further material has been used, such as literature and reports about "kontaktmannaskapet" inside and outside the correctional system.Main results : The overall opinion about the "kontaktmannaskapet" is positive. "Kontaktmannaskapet" as a working method of the correctional officer has a potential to become a useful instrument in rebuilding the lost identy of the inmate as well as reducing the stereotypes often associated with the relationship between inmates and prison personnel..

När elev och vårdnadshavare blir-de andra

One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?. Nine years ago the sociologist Eva Kärfve published a book that was very critical to the newborn psychiatrics diagnosing of children as a way of segregating groups in society.

Den litterära nätsajten Vulkan.se och en ny modell för den litterära processen

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the literary site Vulkan.se affects the conditions for publishing, distribution, incorporation in value systems and feedback in the literary process, as it appears in Lars Furuland?s model of this process. The purpose is also to propose an updated version of the model. This is achieved through a qualitative testing of Furuland?s theory.

Biblioteksanvändares möte med exponerad litteratur: En enkätundersökning av användares upplevelse av exponering.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine library users experience encountering exposed literature. Shops and stores expose the products they most of all want to sell, a kind of marketing strategy that influences our inclination to buy. By conducting a quantitative study, at two minor public libraries, and using theories from the marketing area this thesis intended to investigate the subject further. Eighty library visitors, between age 10 and XX filled out a questionnaire asking how the users experience or register exposed literature and what makes users borrow or not borrow exposed literature. The respondents find exposed literature helpful in directing them to new interesting suggestions of books they otherwise wouldn?t have borrowed.

Internaliserad effektivitet : En sociologisk studie om polisers omtolkning av yrkesrollen

Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att bland patrullerande poliser visa, genom en empirisk undersökning, hur yttre krav på att vara effektiv internaliseras av den enskilda polisen och bidrar till en omtolkning av den egna yrkesrollen.Uppsatsen baserar sig på en kvalitativ studie bestående av sju kvalitativa intervjuer med poliser i yttre tjänst. Undersökningsresultatet analyseras huvudsakligen ur ett struktur/aktörperspektiv, med hjälp av Anthony Giddens och George Herbert Meads teorier.Studien visar att patrullerande poliser i viss utsträckning offrar polisutbildningens legalistiska perspektiv till förmån för arbetslivets krav på effektivitet. Studien visar också att det finns en gemensam uppfattning bland poliserna om att överträdelser av lagen är nödvändiga för att samhället skall kunna fungera. I intervjumaterialet framgår att denna omtolkning av yrkesrollen hör samman med sociala strukturer som omger polisen; allmänhetens förväntningar och gruppens krav på anpassning..

Arbetstrivsel: ett meningsfullt arbete och en god arbetsgrupp. En kvalitativ studie

Denna uppsats fokuserar på arbetstrivsel i människobehandlande organisationer, mer specifikt ett autismboende i en större stad i Skåne, med de speciella förhållanden som dessa innebär. Råmaterialet i dessa organisationer utgörs av människor ofta i behov av hjälp och stöd. Tidigare forskning visar på att arbetstrivsel är ett fenomen som har stor betydelse för både individ, grupp och samhälle. Det finns därför en stor vinst i att försöka sätta sig in i de aspekter som bidrar till att stärka respektive hota arbetstrivsel i organisationer. Därmed blir syftet med uppsatsen att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar respektive hotar arbetstrivseln på en psykisk påfrestande arbetsplats.En kvalitativ undersökning i form av halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes inom en LSS - verksamhet.

Den så kallade kvalitetslitteraturen: En studie av språkspel med ordet kvalitetslitteratur

This masters thesis is a study of how the expression quality literature is used in widespread newspapers and magazines. Wittgensteins idea of language games is used as a theoretical starting point. The analysis of 37 articles draws a picture of five language games that are called; the taking over, the polarising, the example giving, the gender critical and the ironic language game. The expression that quality literature is most often put in relation to is popular literature. The line between the two is sometimes distinctly drawn in the articles and sometimes quite vague.

Skönlitteraturens nya kläder? Elektronisk publicering av skönlitteratur: en kvalitativ intervjustudie med nio svenska förlag och fyra andra aktörer på det litterära fältet

The main objective of this essay is to present the views of nine Swedish publishers and four other agents in the literary field regarding the possibilities of and obstacles to publishing fiction in an electronic format. Furthermore, whether or not electronic publishing is today actually a viable alternative. A substantial part of the essay functions as background to our interview findings and is based primarily on material originating from the Sociology of literature field. The introductory chapter expounds the methodological and theoretical basis of the essay and is followed by a chapter placing our study in a larger, international media, context. Chapter three deals with the past decades? restructuring of the publishing sector, the professional functions involved in traditional publishing and Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on the cultural and economic forces at work in the literary field.

BARNETS BERÄTTELSE I RÄTTSPROCESSEN : berättelsens struktur och värdering

Children who are exposed to crime are a delicate issue. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze children's narratives in the juridical process. Our primary questions focused on how adults could help children to express their experiences and what kind of elements imposed the narrative. How is the narrative structured? How does the court evaluate children's testimonies? What increases the credibility of a child's testimony? Our theoretical standpoints are derived from: the narrative perspective, theory of communication, and theory of evaluation.

Healing, häxor och helhetstänkande. En studie av new age- litteraturens tillgänglighet på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this masters thesis is to find out if public libraries provide new age materials or not. My research is done using the point of view of the library users. Do they think libraries hold a sufficient amount of new age literature and do the users find this literature of good quality? To find an answer to this question, interviews have been made with a number of library users interested in new age related issues. Interviews have also been made with librarians, to get their point of view on this rather controversial subject.

Från a till b via d h och ö : Det ickelinjära berättandet i modern tid

How do we perceive literature? In our times computer games and Internet have made us grow more comfortable to the usage of non linear storylines. But how does this apply to printed literature?In this essay, called ?From a to b through d h and o. Non linear storytelling in our time? I have focused on nonlinear literature from different time periods and I have studied novels such as James Joyce?s Ulysses as well as works by William S.

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