

576 Uppsatser om Sexuall violence - Sida 6 av 39

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av att samtala med barn om våld i hemmet- med stöd av hälsoenkät

Thirteen percent of the Swedish children declare that they have been beaten by their parents or other adults. While interviewing these children it has been discovered that they want adults to talk to them more about the violence they have experienced. Through intense research the understanding of the importance of asking patients about violence has deepened, during the last years and this year a new Swedish law has been instituted about the matter. The Swedish school nurses work shall be health promoting and preventive, due to the Swedish law about schooling. In this work the school nurses have an institutionalized task in performing health consultations with every one of the Swedish children.

Att fråga kvinnor om våld i nära relationer : En litteraturstudie

Background: Domestic violence is a major social problem both nationally and internationally. Around the world 35% of the women say that they have experienced physical and/or sexual violence. In most cases it is the woman's partner who subjected her to violence. Every year, 12,000 -14,000 women in Sweden seek medical help as a result of injury incurred of domestic violence. The healthcare in Sweden has a responsibility when it comes to detecting, treating and documenting, but also to prevent violence and its consequences.Aim: To examine the extent to which nurses and midwives asking women about domestic violence, barriers for asking the question and making visible steps to increase the ability to ask the question.Method: A literature review, were included articles reviewed and quality determined.

Kvinnomisshandel- faktorer som inverkar på mötet mellan misshandlade kvinnor och sjuksköterskor. En litteraturstudie.

Domestic violence is a serious public health issue that concerns everyone. Public health service is one of many authorities where battered women seek help. The purpose of this literature review was to describe which factors affect the encounter between battered women and nurses in public health departments. The method consisted of analysing 11 scientific articles. The result is presented in themes that show the different attitudes in the encounter between nurses and battered women.

Personalens upplevelse av våldsamma patienter som vårdas på psykiatrisk avdelning

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Violence towards employees in the psychiatric ward is increasing at an alarming rate. Reports concerning the effect on the staff?s psychological health are disturbing. These workforces are those most affected by brutality and for ages it has been looked upon as a part of the psychiatric line of work. This viciousness is threatening the safety for both the personnel and the patients.

Den våldsutövande mannen - som vilken man som helst? : En diskursanalys av hur mäns våld mot kvinnor förstås i regeringens handlingsplan

The purpose of this essay is to identify how violence against women is understood in the government's policy action plan called Handlingsplan för att bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor, hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck samt våld i samkönade relationer. The main issue that the study is based on, is whether there is a feminist gendered understanding that permeates the action plan. To examine this, I have formulated two more specific questions:     - What is considered to be the main problem of men's violence against women?     - What is considered to be the reasons for men's violence against women?    The empirical material of the study consists of the government's action plan. With the help of Carol Bacchis discourse analytical approach "What's the problem approach", important patterns in the material have been detected.

Skolmiljön som potentiellt kompensatoriskt mikrosystem för barn som upplevt våld mot mamma

This paper aims to examine how children who have experienced violence against their mother experience their school and if the school somehow can compensate for the vulnerable situation of the children?s home situation. The data is an already collected material there interviews with abused children are done. The results presented consist of the previous research in the area where the empirical material analyzed from the developing ecological theory and based on children's different abilities to master life and then give an voice to the collected research. The results showed that if the violence in the family does not affect the child's sleep or the parents do not prioritize enough for the child to get the sleep he/she needs and that the child is not serious difficulty concentrating, it seems that children can use school to learn and enjoy this learning.

Våldets olika ansikten : En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

Våldets olika ansikten: En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

Vad har jag gjort för att förtjäna detta? : En studie av kvinnors upplevelser i våldsutsatta relationer

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of women who have been abused by their partners. The study also examines how violence takes shape in a relationship. Based on a qualitative text analysis of three autobiographies and one novel, we have obtained the material for this study. The three selected autobiographies are; "I have not told you everything" by Jessie Andersson, "The nightmare" by Maria Dahlén and "It would be a pleasure to kill you" by Magdalena Graaf and the novel "Hidden" by Liza Marklund. To gain a better understanding of this topic, we have used the following theories; the process of normalization of violence, gender and masculinity.

Offer eller förövare? En kvalitativ studie om föreställningar inom socialtjänsten om män som utsätts för våld i nära relation

The aim of this study was to examine the perceptions within social services regarding men who are victims of domestic violence based on how gender, sexuality, masculinity and victimhood was constructed in the social workers' statements. Eight qualitative interviews were conducted with nine social workers who work within the social services and meet people who are victims of domestic violence. A social constructionist scientific approach has permeated the study and theories of gender, heteronormativity, masculinity and the ideal victim has served as the study?s theoretical views. The results of the study showed that some of the social workers ascribed men specific characteristics such as strength and fearlessness.

Kvinnors våld mot män i nära relationer : En kvantitativ undersökning av socialarbetarnas föreställningar

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a recognized social problem. The IPV is common in all types of intimate relations, this essays purpose was focused on the violence performed by women against men. To find the social workers conceptions the study conducted a survey sent to local social service in Sweden. The essay had a statistic approach to visualize the social workers conceptions, and a discursive approach to focus on the language used in text answers. Different aspects of the violence were explored to find the conceptions.

"Man slutar tänka, man rycks med i någon slags gruppsykos" : En diskursanalys av massmedias diskussion kring våldtäkten i Bjästa 2009

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the media discussions of the rape in Bjästa 2009 and to reveal how stereotypical illusions of ethnicity, religion and gender affect how media understands and defines violence. The rape in Bjästa occurred in a ?Swedish context? but has been defined as honor related in other arenas outside media. This discussion occurred because the whole village turned against the woman that was raped and supported the perpetrator? a phenomena that speaks against the idea of an equal society and a behavior that is usually understood as honor related and something that the ?others? do.

Våga se en förövare! :  - En jämförande kvalitativ studie om insatser för män som utövar våld i heterosexuella relationer

The aim of this study was to examine and compare two municipalities? approaches to deal with men?s violence as a social problem. Further the aim was to analyze social workers? opinions about interventions for men who practice violence in heterosexual relationships. The study has got a qualitative approach and we did a subjective selection where we chose to apply semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with domestic violence.

Synen på våldsamma män och orsakerna bakom våldet : En kvalitativ studie om behandlares syn på mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer

This study uses qualitative research consisting of six semi-structural interviews of treatment workers who, in various capacities, have worked with men who use violence against their female partners. The purpose has been to show what the treatment counselor understand to be the reasons behind the men?s violence, what kind of backgrounds and problems they believe these abusers have and, lastly, how they view the male abusers as clients. The empirical data was analyzed through four perspectives and explanatory models derived from the past thirty years of Scandinavian research on the reasons behind men?s violence against women.

Sexuellt våld mot kvinnor i krig och konflikter : En analys av Bosnienkriget och Kongo

Sexual violence in armed conflict is not a new phenomenon. Although it has a long history, it's only in recent years from 1990 that is has been given more attention in science and media. I will in my thesis look at the conflicts of former Yugoslavia and Congo (DRC) and I will use two theories to investigate how the use of conflict-related sexual violence best can be explained. The two theoretical frameworks I have chosen are Feminist theory and Rational Choice theory. The conflicts will be at the center of analysis.

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