
Att fråga kvinnor om våld i nära relationer

En litteraturstudie

Background: Domestic violence is a major social problem both nationally and internationally. Around the world 35% of the women say that they have experienced physical and/or sexual violence. In most cases it is the woman's partner who subjected her to violence. Every year, 12,000 -14,000 women in Sweden seek medical help as a result of injury incurred of domestic violence. The healthcare in Sweden has a responsibility when it comes to detecting, treating and documenting, but also to prevent violence and its consequences.Aim: To examine the extent to which nurses and midwives asking women about domestic violence, barriers for asking the question and making visible steps to increase the ability to ask the question.Method: A literature review, were included articles reviewed and quality determined. Articles results were then analyzed and presented in three main themes and related sub-categories.Main results: The literature review is based on 13 pieces of scientific articles from Sweden, USA, England, Northern Ireland, Belgium, Turkey, Israel and Canada. Of the analyzed results three main themes were derived, "To question," "Obstacle" and "Opportunities". Both nurses and midwives underestimate the prevalence of domestic violence and only 50% of nurses and midwives routinely ask the question of domestic violence. However, it is common that the question is asked at times when suspicion of violence is at hand. Obstacles to not ask the question describe as lack of time, lack of knowledge and training, lack of privacy and present partners. Opportunities for routine screening of domestic violence are described to be further education and knowledge, clear policies and procedures from employers.Conclusion: The literature study results show that both nurses and midwives need to be better at routinely ask about domestic violence. This is due to more cases of violence against women coming to light and enable more people to have the opportunity to support and help. It also suggests that the greatest obstacles to ask the question are lack of knowledge, training, time and privacy. By giving healthcare professionals access to education and training in domestic violence and how to ask the question and handle the response, the authors believe that several of these obstacles can be rectified in the future.


Sofia Larsson Märta Ahlström

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap


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