

21883 Uppsatser om Risk information - Sida 43 av 1459

Specialistsjuksk?terskors erfarenhet av att identifiera ?ldre personer med risk f?r suicid utanf?r den psykiatriska specialistv?rden

Bakgrund: Personer ?ver 65 ?r utg?r 17 procent av befolkningen, men de svarar f?r 25 procent av all suicid, vilket g?r gruppen ?verrepresenterad. Suicid f?rekommer i alla samh?llsklasser och ?r ett folkh?lsoproblem. P? varje fullbordat suicid genomf?rs cirka 30?40 suicidf?rs?k hos den yngre befolkningen.

Företags förberedelser inför revisorns besök

This dissertation discusses the preparations companies do when their auditor is about to visit them. We wanted to investigate if companies do some form of preparations with the intense of trying to influence the auditor in an, for the company, advantageous way. The purpose was to be fulfilled through the deductive process of theorization and from the gathering of empirical and the analysis of this data. We decided that a multiple case study would be the best approach for us, as we wanted to undertake a greater number of interviews than is normally done in a case study. The result from our study showed that auditors think that information from a company is more reliable, if its documentation is neatly kept, or if the relationship between the auditor and the company is good.

Postoperativ smärta och illamående vid behandling med Dolcontin/Depolan/Morfin och Oxycontin/Oxynorm : En jämförande studie

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra graden av smärta och illamående hos två patientgrupper inom ortopedi som smärtlindrades med tablett Dolcontin/Depolan/Morfin eller tablett Oxycontin/Oxynorm postoperativt dag 0, 1 och 2. Syftet var även att undersöka vilka riskfaktorer enligt Apfel Risk Score som kan påverka grad av illamående samt att undersöka om en korrelation fanns mellan preoperativ information och incidensen av postoperativt illamående och kräkning (PONV).Metod: En komparativ studie med kvantitativ ansats. Data samlades in genom två olika enkäter, varav en enkät fylldes i av patienterna och en enkät av sjuksköterskorna. 48 patienter inkluderades i studien, 24 per substans. Både kvinnor och män som genomgått elektiva knä- eller höftarteroplastikoperationer deltog i studien och de var mellan 31-77 år.

Metabola syndromet kopplat till fysisk aktivitet och konditionsstatus

Abstract  The development and onset of diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Type 2 diabetes are closely linked to genetics and lifestyle factors including physical activity and diet. A cluster of metabolic disorders called the metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a high-risk factor in developing these diseases. Acording to the International diabetes institute, one fourth of the worlds adult population has MetS. These individuals are twice as likely to die from CVDs compared to individuals without MetS. Physical activity (PA) and exercise has been shown to provide a number of positive effects that are considered to reduce the risk of developing sickness and premature mortality among both men and women of all ages, independent of other risk factors.

Slumpmässig Informationssökning eller ?Jag talar hellre om inspiration?. Skådespelares slumpmässiga informationsanskaffning

The aim of this study has been to investigate actors? methods for acquiring information that is necessary for their profession, with a focus on the more random methods they might possibly use. The study is based on the following questions: What information needs do actors have in relation to their profession? Which methods do actors use to procure information? Which information systems do actors use? What role does the library play in the actors? acquisition of information? Through an interview study with 10 informants a picture is formed of the actors? information behavior. With the help of theoretical ideas regarding random methods of acquisition, we describe which information needs actors have and how they acquire that information.

Informationshantering kring nationella prov i matematik på gymnasiet

This work studied the information flow and information handling among different parties. The study focused on how educational materials on national tests from The Swedish National Agency for Education is managed by school principals and teachers and how the information is passed on to students. The data material was based on observations and interviews at two different high schools. Six teachers and their classes and principals participated in the study. The Agency was also interviewed.

Laryngospasm hos barn : riskfaktorer i samband med generell anestesi

Laryngospasm a?r ett livshotande tillsta?nd hos barn som kan uppkomma i samband med generell anestesi. Hantering av luftva?gen a?r den mest riskfyllda momentet inom barnanestesi. Syftet med studien var att underso?ka vilka riskfaktorer fo?r laryngospasm som finns hos barn vid generell anestesi.

Lärare och informationssökning. En undersökning av lärares utsagor kring sin informationssökningskontext

The purpose of this thesis is to reach a deeper understanding of the context of teachers? information seeking. Research in the role of the library in a learning perspective is in demand. To reach our aim we investigate what teachers say about their experiences of the user training during their studies and what effect it had on their information seeking as teachers. We interviewed four teachers and analyzed the transcripts of their sayings about their experiences of their information seeking during their education and a teaching profession.

Finansiella nyckeltalens samspel som investeringsstrategi : En kombinationsmodell för att uppnå riskjusterad överavkastning

This study is based on a statistical analysis of fundamental key ratios on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the period 2004-2012. In total 35 financial ratios of 90 companies were tested, ultimately five ratios remained within the 5% significance level. These ratios were ROA, P/B, Total Yield, EV/EBIT and Operating Margin. A custom made investment model was created based on the purpose to achieve a risk-adjusted excess return. The results in general did not show any significant difference in return between the model's portfolio and index.

Informationsförmedlingen till Försäkringskassans handläggare

The main purpose of this master thesis is to study the information support by the head office of the Swedish social insurance office to its administrators. The thesis only focuses on information that concerns laws, regulations and instructions. The study is based on an interview with the head of the division of law at the social insurance head office and a questionnaire answered by administrators in four different counties. The purpose with the interview was to find out about the information strategy of the head office and in the questionnaire the administrators could describe their opinion of their information support. Our special interest was the information channels and how the administrators were able to absorb the essential information.

?Utan spaning, ingen aning? : en kvalitativ fallstudie på Svenska Tennisförbundet utifrån en Risk management-modell

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med uppsatsen var att explorativt kartlägga de eventuella risker som kan drabba Svenska Tennisförbundet utifrån en Risk management-modell. Kartläggningen gjordes för att undersöka om det var ett arbetssätt de kan tillämpa. De frågeställningar som vi utgick ifrån var: På vilket sätt kan vi anpassa en befintlig Risk management-modell till Svenska Tennisförbundets verksamhet samt vilka risker finns inom Svenska Tennisförbundets verksamhet?MetodEmpirin till vår kvalitativa fallstudie insamlades via sex personliga djupintervjuer, en e-mailintervju, ett samtal samt sekundär data. Det metodiska angreppssättet utgick ifrån en befintlig teori som vi önskade testa på en existerande verksamhet.

Elevers informationsfärdigheter. En studie av lärares uppfattningar om elever och information.

Arbetet syftar till att synliggöra några lärares uppfattningar, reflektioner och upplevelser om elever och information. I resultatet redovisas hur lärarna upplever elevers förmåga att handskas med information och när, var och hur de anser att eleverna tränar informationsfärdigheter. Dessutom redovisas lärarnas reflektioner kring elever, information och kunskap samt deras syn på om ett undersökande arbetssätt kan underlätta arbetet med informationsfärdigheter. Resultatet grundar sig på en kvalitativ forskningsintervju där fyra lärare från en skola i Linköping deltog..

Komvuxstuderande söker information i en skoluppgift

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to analyse how adult students in Swedish adult education seek information for school tasks. The focus is on how they use the public library and electronic information sources and their reflection on information and sources in this process. Also of interest in the study is the help they receive from staff in the public library and their teacher. Methods used in collecting and analysing data for this study were of qualitative nature.

Att leva sitt liv: Tonårsflickor om livsangelägenheter, informationsbehov och informationsanskaffning.

Adolescence is a turbulent time in life and gives rise to new information needs for young people. Information needs related to school subjects have been relatively well researched but few studies have focused on information needs and use related to life concerns. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to examine the information needs of a number of teenage girls in relation to their life concerns and how they meet these needs. The sample consists of twenty-one girls aged thirteen and fourteen. The research is based on literature studies and qualitative interviews combined with a questionnaire.

EU och informationsfriheten. En idé- och ideologianalys av informationsfriheten i EU:s datalagringsdirektiv 2006/24/EG.

This master?s thesis is about freedom of information ideas in the European Union data retention directive, 2006/24/EC. The directive means that data about electronic communications services will be retentioned. The aim of the thesis is to examine what ideas related to freedom of information that appear in the directive and how these ideas belong to the ideology of freedom of information that is common within the library community and to the juridical restrictions. In the light of surveillance tendencies that have occurred over the last years, the most well-known is probably the USA Patriot Act, it is interesting to study how freedom of information ideas appears when surveillance is legislated.

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