

21883 Uppsatser om Risk information - Sida 42 av 1459

Moderbolagets ansvar för dotterbolagets skulder : Avseende stödbrev och ansvarsgenombrott

Stödbrev utfärdas av ett moderbolag till en koncernextern part då ett avtal skall slutas mellan stödbrevsutfärdarens dotterbolag och stödbrevsmottagaren. Uppsatsen redogör för hur stödbrev fungerar och dess uppbyggnad. Det undersöks också vad det är för bakomliggande mekanism som förklarar hur avtal kommer till stånd och vilken betydelse det får att gemensam partsvilja mellan utfärdare och mottagare inte finns om stödbrevets rättsliga innebörd. Eventuellt kan Grönfors modell om avtalsgrundande rättsfakta vara en förklaring på avtalsverkningarna. Uppsatsen undersöker också institutet ansvarsgenombrott.

Attitudes towards hedging by diversified and non-diversified farmers : a comparative qualitative study

Deregulation on the market for agricultural products leads to a more globalised market with increasing price fluctuations. This, in turn, places the farmer in positions influenced by new risks but also improved opportunities. The farmers are faced by uncertainty in terms of financial outcome. To be able to utilise these new market conditions it becomes increasingly important for farmers to continuously follow the price trend, and to develop strategies how to manage the risks exposed by a volatile market. Farmers with different conditions perceive risk in different ways. Hence, their risk management behaviour will vary.

Fosterdiagnostik vid MR-undersökningar - gravida kvinnors upplevleser och magnetkamerans påverkan på fostret.

Introduktion: Fosterdiagnostik med magnetkamerateknik (MR-teknik) har utvecklats mycket den senaste tiden och använts som en kompletterande metod till ultraljudsundersökning. Magnetkamera ger ingen joniserande strålning till patienterna, samt ger en mycket mer detaljerad bildinformation än vad andra metoder gör. I samband med MR kan de gravida kvinnorna uppleva olika psykiska påfrestningar genom både själva MR-undersökningen och oro för barnets hälsa. Även om MR-fosterdiagnostiken anses vara en säker undersökningsmetod för fostret föreligger det ändå en ovisshet angående de effekter som kan förekomma. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att genom publicerad forskning få kunskap som kan utveckla röntgensjuksköterskans möjlighet att ge optimalt stöd och information till gravida kvinnor vid fosterdiagnostik med MR-teknik utifrån följande aspekter: 1.

?Vi får inte skaffa Internet? En studie av sex unga personer med med lindrig utvecklingsstörning och deras informationssvanor samt bibliotekets roll i informationsanskaffningen

The purpose of this study is to investigate information seeking habits among young persons with mild mental disability. We wanted to know how they seek information in everyday life, barriers they experience when seeking information and also if they consider the library to be a source of information.The theoretical background of this study is based on the works of T. D. Wilson and Michael Buckland. Wilson?s model of information seeking behavior and seeking information was used as a tool analyzing the results from the interviews.

?Den mesta informationen vi har fått är väl via varandra.? En studie av en grupp fordonselevers informationspraktik

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the information needs in the character subjects of the students at a vocationally oriented program in the Swedish upper secondary school. I also examine from which sources the students get the information. I want to create a wider understanding of information seeking processes at a vocationally oriented programme. The main focus is the students? own thoughts and opinions about their information needs and information seeking processes.

Socialtjänstens barnskyddsarbete En studie av socialsekreterares riskbedömningar avseende barn som utsätts för våld eller sexuella övergrepp i hemmet.

The overall aim was to examine how the public interest to protect children from violence and sexual abuse at home, is realized by social workers. The study´s central focus was the risk assessments as Social services are obliged to do when they receive a report containing concern that children are being exposed to violence or sexual abuse at home. The study addresses the following questions:o How do social workers go about practically, and what support and knowledge is being used to determine whether the Social services need to intervene for the protection of a child?o What risk and protective factors are taken into account by social workers in the assessment process?o What contextual factors do social workers experience are affecting them in the assessment process?o Which support does the documentation system BBIC provide in the assessment process?The study material was collected through qualitative group interviews, with a modified vignette methodology as tools. The study included a total of twelve social workers, with varying numbers in each interview group.

Internationell diversifiering i portföljinvesteringar av institutionella investerare.Internationell jämförelse med fokus i Japan

Background: The global capital markets have enlarged investment opportunities and thus also the sources of funds for companies which increasingly face global markets for their services and products. Huge capital movements show that investors are constantly searching ways to minimise risk and maximise returns. In the light of the substantial growth of assets in institutional funds, an important question for international finance is the degree to which institutional investors have diversified their portfolios internationally. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the international diversification of portfolio investments of institutional investors in Japan, the US and the UK and deepen into international diversification in portfolios of Japanese institutional investors. Demarcations: Institutional investors can use their power directly in companies or indirectly through capital markets.

Klarspråk i myndighetstext : En undersökning av begripligheten i Skatteverkets förfrågningar, överväganden och beslut

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is to examine university librarians? perceptions of information literacy, of students? information literacy and of education in information literacy. The focus is on how they perceive the students? information literacy development during their university studies. Also of interest in this study is how librarians think that their teaching in information literacy should be included in the students? other courses. Three librarians at a Swedish university library were interviewed using qualitative interviews.

Hunduppfödares informationsaktiviteter: En intervjuundersökning ur ett serious leisureperspektiv

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine and describe dog breeders? information activities. Questions posed in this study are:? What are the information needs of dog breeders?? How does the dog breeder seek and use information?? How can the relationship between serious leisure and information activities be described?The theoretical framework consists of the sociologist Robert A Stebbins? theory about serious leisure. The study is based on a qualitative methodology.

Hur används intranät? En studie av EkaForum, Eka Chemicals intranät.

Intranets has been marketing as the tool for solving the organisations information problems. My interest is to see how an intranet works in an organisation. This study was an investigation about the use of EkaForum, the intranet of Eka Chemicals, at the Rollsbo division. The study aimed to evaluate how EkaForum is being used, firstly as a transmitter of information and secondly as a communication tool for the organisation. The study was constructed as a quantity survey based on a questionnaire with 24 questions and was sent out to the staff of Rollsbo division.

En jämförande studie av fluiddynamiken för olika fluidiseringsmedium i en kallmodell av en 100 kW-anläggning för kemcyklisk förbränning

To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.

Informationskompetens - modeord eller essentiell del av ett nytt bildningsbegrepp? Om informationskompetens och grundskoleutbildning

During the last decades the evolution of information technology and the increasing ability to access information have been discussed in many ways. In the beginning the focus was on the technology but now the discussion is more and more about the use of information and how to develop knowledge out of it. There is an ongoing discussion about the difference between knowledge and information. The subject of this Master s thesis is to find out if and how the Swedish elementary school has written into its mission statements to help the pupils to become information literate. For this purpose I have examined literature about information literacy and pedagogic as well as legislation and other documents that control how the Swedish elementary schools work.

Riskbedömningsmodeller. Kan användandet minska frekvensen av postoperativt illamående och kräkning?

Inledning Postoperativt illamående och kräkning är ett välkänt problem efter sövning medgenerell anestesi och drabbar mellan 20 % och 30 % av alla patienter som blir sövda. För attminska de obehag och lidande som illamående och kräkning kan ge den postoperativapatienten vore det optimala att profylaktiskt behandla de patienter som löper en stor risk attdrabbas av postoperativt illamående och kräkning. För att avgöra hur hög risk patienten har attdrabbas av postoperativt illamående och kräkning beskrivs i litteraturen ett flertalriskbedömningsmodeller som sjuksköterskan kan använda sig av. Syfte att granska omanvändandet av en riskbedömningsmodell kan minska frekvensen av postoperativt illamåendeoch kräkning hos patienter som erhållit generell anestesi. Metod Litteraturstudie.

Påverkar BMI vårdinsatser vid risk för undernäring?

SammanfattningDet har tidigare visats att överviktiga patienter riskerar att bli förbisedda i screening för undernäring och att vårdpersonal har negativa uppfattningar om överviktiga individer. Det har även visats att överviktiga själva upplever att de behandlas sämre än andra. Men trots hög förekomst av undernäring bland sjukhusvårdade patienter har få studier utforskat om patienter med risk för undernäring får olika vårdinsatser beroende på deras BMI. Således är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka om vårdinsatser vid identifierad risk för undernäring i någon utsträckning är beroende av patientens BMI.Datamaterialet kommer från en retrospektiv tvärsnittsstudie baserad på genomgång av 56 journaler för vuxna patienter med risk för undernäring, inlagda på somatisk vårdavdelning på tre svenska sjukhus. Denna studie undersöker möjliga skillnader beroende på patients BMI för förekomsten av 1) bedömning av mun och sväljförmåga, 2) kostregistrering, 3) dietistkonsultation, samt 4) kostanpassning.I detta begränsade urval finns inga sådana skillnader som uppfyller kraven på statistisk signifikans, men analysen påvisar några tendenser i datamaterialet som antyder att patienter kanske behandlas olika med avseende på BMI.

Föräldrar i fokus! En studie av småbarnsföräldrars informationsbehov och barnbibliotekariers intentioner med föräldraträffar

The aim of this study is to examine present forms of interaction between Child Welfare Clinics (Barnavårdscentraler, BVC), and libraries. The study departs from the user?s perspective, i.e. how the parents evaluate the information they are given about the library and its resources to provide information they want in their present and new situation. In two local communities the survey looks into how parents of babies are informed about the library in meetings arranged as part of the information and support program provided by BVC.

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