

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 52 av 68

Utvärdering av anaerob behandling av hushållsspillvatten och tekniker för efterbehandling

The continuous process of urbanization results in demands on research and development for ecological and sustainable city development. Because of this, the current systems for wastewater treatment may have to be improved. In order to evaluate new technologies for municipal wastewater treatment, a development project has been initiated for the new district Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm. The project is lead by the company Stockholm Water. High environmental standards have been put up for the district, as it must be twice as good as an ordinary new district.

Utveckling av vippgunga för barn i åldrarna 1-3 år

Under våren år 2013 har Emilia Andersson, en designingenjörsstudent på Högskolan i Skövde, utfört ett produktutvecklingsprojekt i samarbete med HAGS Aneby AB. Syftet med projektet var att utveckla en vippgunga vars storlek skulle vara anpassad för barn i åldrarna 1-3 år. Målet var att vippgungan ska kunna säljas över hela världen samt uppfylla den amerikanska standarden och europastandarden för lekredskap.Projektet inleddes med en förstudie och teori-fas, där bland annat litteraturstudie och konkurrentanalys genomfördes och annan information samlades in för att få djupare kunskaper inom ämnet. Därefter började idéer och koncept genereras, som sedan genomgick utvärderingar, så som användartester, vilket ledde till ett slutkoncept. Konceptet utvärderades med hjälp av bland annat hållfasthetsberäkningar och en antropometrisk analys.Den slutgiltiga vippgungan kan trots anpassningen för åldersgruppen, inte bara användas av 1-3-åringar utan också av äldre barn, tack vare att konstruktion och framförallt handtag ger extra lekvärden.

Styrtransmission för bandfordon

The purpose of this master thesis is to construct a steering transmission, for a trackedvehicle, containing two hydraulic circuits which are connected. The steeringtransmission should be mechanical to avoid steer-by-wire.BAE Systems Hägglunds has in an earlier study examined a system with two hydraulicpumps and one hydraulic motor, but the safety of the system wasn?t sufficient.To achieve sufficient redundancy there must be two hydraulic motors, which arecontrolled separately. When the two systems are connected in one point, this point is acritical part of the system because it directly affects both circuits. If one of the hydrauliccircuits fails the other should be able to operate independently as a steeringtransmission.

MyMusic ? e-shop för musik i Flash

This is the end report of my final exam at Medieteknik. It covers the planning, work process and review of a Flash based web application that I set out to do. The goal was to create a user friendly, interactive e-shop with embedded functionality for playing music, displaying rich media content and researching possible payment solutions, to enable buying music files online. The project involved creating the user interface, the programmatic functionality of a Flash client (an SWF file). Also, setting up an Apache HTTP Server and establishing a working ?bridge? between the Flash client and the web server with Flash Remoting components and AMFPHP.

Konstruktion och prototypframtagning av pallväxlare

This thesis was conducted at AB Fredr Wagner in Ösmo in Nynäshamn, Sweden.AB Fredr Wagner provides solutions for the graphic industry and has been asked by acustomer to develop a product that can simplify handling of EUR-pallets, namely amechanical arrangement, further called pallet exchanger that can switch from anempty pallet to a fully loaded one using only hand force.The goal with the thesis was to create design documents for a pallet exchanger, andalso from those documents to manufacture a prototype for testing and evaluation.A field trip was made to the customer, IKAB mailing in Huddinge, where the palletexchanger is thought to be placed. The purpose of this field trip was to get an insightinto the current work condition and need of change, as well as to gather informationregarding the requirements when it comes to size and robustness of the palletexchanger. Existing equipment on the market that can perform similar tasks werestudied in order to find an optimal solution for the actual pallet exchanger.After the field trip and gathering of information the concept generating phase began.The method used for generating concepts was brainstorming. To decide on whichconcept to use, a concept selection matrix was created. The selection criteriaincluded in the matrix came from the requirements for the pallet exchanger.

Mätning av abrasivflöde för vattenskärningsmaskiner

The content of the following report is the summarized result of three students thesis at Blekinge Institute of Technology in co-operation with Water Jet Sweden AB. This report will give the reader a description of principles how to measure the abrasive mass flow in a waterjet cutting system. The work began with a visit to Water Jet Sweden AB to get a closer look at the problem. When the analysis of the problem was done the criteria were defined in the form of demands and desires. The main task of the criteria was to guide the search for the solution. The work proceeded with an extensive search for abrasive flow meters along with obtaining information about flow measurement in general. When the search for abrasive flow meters resulted in nothing all the efforts were concentrated on finding a principle of measurement that could cope with the criteria.

Sjuksköterskestudenters kunskap om HIV och inställningen till behovet av HIV-testning

Introduktion: HIV-infektion medför en kronisk och progressiv sjukdom som, i obehandlad form, leder till en successiv försämring av immunförsvaret och utvecklandet av AIDS.Syfte: Att vid två lärosäten undersöka sjuksköterskestudenters kunskaper om HIV och inställningen till behovet av HIV-testning.Metod: En empirisk tvärsnittsstudie med deskriptiv och komparativ design med kvantitativ ansats. Genomförd som enkätstudie bland studenter vid Högskolan i Gävle och Uppsala Universitet (N=95), som studerade på sjuksköterskeprogrammets tredje år. Resultat: Majoriteten (88,4 %) angav korrekt att samlag med fler än en partner ökar risken att smittas med HIV. Tre studenter (3,2 %) angav felaktigt att det finns ett vaccin mot HIV-infektion. Nästan hälften (42,1 %) saknade kunskap om att glidmedel, tillsammans med kondom, inte minskar risken för HIV-smitta.

Språkförmågor hos barn som deltar i läsfrämjande aktivitet

In a school for children from 6-9 years in a small town in the southeast of Sweden, is areading activity program in progress since 8 years. The original purpose of this program wasto enhance the student?s reading interest. All of the students read at least one book a week andthen they review the book in front of the class.The purpose of the present study was to examine vocabulary, word retrieving, narrative skillsand grammatical abilities in children in this school. The objectives were to investigate if thechosen language abilities in these children were different compared to normative data andearlier studies in children at comparable ages.

E-handel : Jämförelse av användning & utveckling av e-handel mellan Iran och Sverige

Som IT-företag har man ett behov av att laborera med den teknik man levererar till sina kunder. För att öka effektiviteten i dessa laborationsmiljöer bör man sträva efter att minska genomförandetiden för de olika arbetsmoment som ingår i labo-rationerna. TDC, som levererar kommunikationslösningar, har en laborationsmiljö på sitt kontor i Växjö. Arbetet innefattar tidsödande ominstallationer av servrar. Ett annat problem är att man i dagsläget ofta fysiskt måste befinna sig i laborat-ionsmiljön vilket begränsar arbetet då personer som inte befinner sig på samma kontor inte kan använda utrustningen.

3D-Visualisering som hjälpmedel i modern planering : En utvärdering av verktyget City Planner med hjälp av fokusgrupper

Public participation is a key aspect in the planning of Swedish municipalities. It is probably the most important tool of them all in the planning towards a sustainable future within the cities and the municipalities as a whole. Participation from the public can take on several different forms. In this paper I focus to research and discuss in and around the usage of a web-based 3D platform called City Planner. The tool allows the user (the public) to view the municipalities planning in a fairly new (but quickly growing) environment.

Hållbara projekteringsverktyg : Från byggnadsinformationsmodell till simulering ? en utvärdering av Revit och Virtual Environment

This study examines the use of building modeling and energy simulations in the design process  of  a  building.  The  take-off  point  is  the  notion  of  energy  simulations  being needed early and throughout the building design process, and that the lack of energy simulations may be explained by the fact that they are time consuming and therefore often too expensive. A greater interoperability between software tools used by relevant disciplines,  such  as  the  architect  and  the  energy  specialist,  would  create  smoother workflows, which would reduce this cost and open up for more frequent and iterative energy  simulation  processes.  The  study  is  an  assessment  of  the  modeling  tool  Revit and  the  simulation  tool  Virtual  Environment  and  whether  they  can  create  smoother workflows, and make leeway for a more frequent use of energy simulations throughout the  design  process.  It  also  investigates  the  limitations  of  what  can  be  examined  by simulations in Virtual Environment. This will hopefully help clarify the future role of energy  simulations  in  design  processes.  The  method  is  a  trial  by  error  approach  of testing the two software tools by building and simulating a model. The results of these tests  show  that  the  workflow  is  not  optimal  (and  therefore  time  consuming)  for frequent  and  iterative simulations  throughout the  design  process,  but  it  also  reveals some  great  possibilities  of  what  can  be  performed  with  these  two  powerful  tools  at hand.  Further  development  with  regards  on  platform  independency  of  the  building information  model,  including  seamless  exporting  and  importing,  seems  necessary  to strengthen the future role of energy simulations..

Att nyttja marken 30 meter från järnvägen : hur platser, syften och miljö vävs samman

The purpose of this work is to raise ideas and interest for land that is very much forgotten,unused and neglected in terms of maintenance and usability. Railroads are often seen as adirty and loud intrusion in the landscape and therefore cities turn their backs on them. Theland around railroads is not considered useful despite its often central location and scrublandis common in these areas.The starting point of this work is the restrictions and possibilities linked to the land withinthe security distance 30 meters from the railroad center. Within this security distance thereare numerous limitations and regulations due to the nature of railroad use. These limitationsare counted for in the initial chapter and lay the foundation for the rest of the work.

Personaliserade rådgivare ? en studie om relationer i bankernas Internettjänster

Problem: Den svenska bankmarknaden befinner sig under förändring. Och i takt med att världen med hjälp av tekniska innovationer blir mindre, blir det också lättare för globala storföretag att etablera sig på nya marknader. Konkurrensen tenderar att öka bland Sveriges banker och det kan leda till att det blir enklare för bankkunder att välja en annan bank. Nu är det upp till bankerna själva att erbjuda tjänster och produkter som motsvarar kundernas krav. Syfte: Uppsatsen ska undersöka attityder samt belysa vikten av relationer och förtroende till personliga rådgivare i banker.

Plant defensive mechanisms against insect pests

This study has focused on testing the following two hypotheses:? Pest resistant plants have higher levels and/or several different kinds of secondary metabolites. ? Induced defensive systems in resistant plants are activated more rapidly than those of susceptible plants. As a background for the test of the hypotheses a short literature study was performed concerning plant defensive mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Utvärdering av produktionsledarens användning av Holmen Skogs datorbaserade stödsystem vid operativ planering av avverkning

The forestry companies? operational planning process is these days dependent on reliable, efficient and user-friendly computer-based support systems. This study is an evaluation of Holmen Skog's current computer-based systems. The aim of this study is to: ? investigate the work pattern of the production managers when using the information system to plan the harvesting operation; ? investigate the efficiency and user friendliness of the information system with the different work patterns and to find the strengths, weaknesses and bottlenecks in the current system; ? find out if the type of object, the volume, the area of the harvesting object affects the time and work pattern; ? examine how this type of study is met by the employees and what factors that is critical to avoid feelings of intrusion. The conclusions of the study were: ? there is a large variation between the work patterns of the production managers and the time spend to perform the operational planning; ? the mainframe computer system used by Holmen Skog is clear, has short response times, is robust and conveys relevant information; ? the computer systems are however divided in many subsystems.

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