

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 53 av 68

Uppgradering av robotsystem på Termisk sprutning, Volvo Aero

This thesis work resulted in a template for how the thermal spray process can be controlled through robot programs. The robots today and their programs need to be replaced, therefore a new structure which can be matched with the new robot systems is needed. The work is limited to only concern structured programming on the new robots on Thermal Spray Centre (TC) with the programming language Rapid. The basic data for the program was retrieved from interviews with concerned personnel at TC, from studies on process parameters for thermal spray and from existing specifications at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC). The thesis work briefly describes the process thermal spray and the four methods used at VAC.

Fjärrfrånskiljares inverkan på kundavbrottstiden i Vattenfall Eldistributions lokalnät

I samband med de ökade kraven på ett vädersäkrat nät har funderingar kring att placera ut fler frånskiljare/brytare i luftledningsnätet för att reducera medelavbrottstiden för anslutna kunder (SAIDI) kommit fram. I Finland använder man till stor del fjärrmanövrerade apparater för att reducera SAIDI. Rapportens inledande avsnitt innefattar en förstudie om ursprunget till avbrottstid och SAIDI-statistik i Vattenfall Eldistributions nät. En jämförelse med Eldistributions nät och klimatet i Finland utförs och av detta fås olika förutsättningar för nätet i de olika länderna. Som en generell slutsats av väderjämförelsen mellan Sverige och Finland fastställs att Eldistribution i Sverige har sämre förutsättningar vädermässigt när det gäller luftledningsnät.

Att överföra en turordningsbaserad spelprototyp till realtid : ett projekt rörande Victorious Skies och dess utveckling

This project details the process of converting and transferring a turn-based paper prototype to a digital real-time format. The projects goals were to see how well the original feeling could be transferred to real-time and how the transition itself went. The project have been completed with the help of the programmer Mikael Gullberg. The practical part of the project was executed between the dates of 25/4 ? 2/5.

Att designa ett hjälpmedel för släktforskare att använda vid läsning av gamla handskrivna dokument

Reading old handwritten documents can be a real challenge for genealogists, especially as some documents in Sweden are written in the old German alphabet that is not used today. Much research has been done on how to enable computers to read old handwritten documents, but computers have so far not reached the level of reading that expert humans have. The focus seems to be on the computers reading the document with or without the help of human experts, with the aim of making the documents available in easily read form. I have, however, not found any research on how computers can help non-expert humans trying to read handwritten documents. In this project I have focused especially on beginning genealogists as reading gets easier with practice, and you need the help more in the beginning. By conducting interviews and observations with genealogists I established that reading is an issue and that there are many factors involved that make it difficult to read.

Integrering av ekodesign i produktutvecklingsprocessen hos Blå Station

Eco-design is all about improving products environmental performances throughout the products lifecycle by including the environmental aspect into the product development process. There are a large number of different tools that can be used for this, but there are several factors that can affect which one will be the best to use. Some tools for eco-design takes comprehensive studies and can only be performed by experts, while some tools can be used more time- and cost efficient and with basic knowledge. The choice of tool should be based on the company?s situation.This report describes the research of how the design and furniture company Blå Station could include a tool for eco-design in their product development process.

Användning av geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) vid studier av nötkreatur i landskapet - en pilotstudie :

The Animal Protection Agency was in 2006, commissioned by the Government to: Evaluate how free range animals in the winter, can be kept and managed with special emphasis to animal welfare. The Animal Protection Agency was closed later in 2006 and the commission moved to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The keeping of free range out wintered cattle, certain basic requirement are needed: by regulation, cattle should have access to a lying hall or other building that gives protection against aversive weather and wind and should offer a dry and clean lying area. There is a possibility for farmers that get an exemption from this regulation. But cases regarding farms which have had difficulties for this exemption has led to a discussion about if the animals can get the same protection in the nature which is comparable to a lying- hall.

Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Campylobacter spp. in poultry and raw meat in the Can Tho Province, Vietnam

The aims of the study were to investigate the prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli in chicken and chicken products, and to investigate farmer awareness of antibiotic resistance development. The study was conducted in the Can Tho province in Vietnam during six weeks in October to November 2008. Ninety-six samples from raw chickens were collected from twelve market places and analysed for the presence of Campylobacter. A total of 96 cloacal swabs from 20 farms were obtained and analysed for the presence of Campylobacter. Farmers were asked to answer eight questions concerning the housing of the chickens, modes of handling sick animals as well as use and knowledge of antibiotics and resistance development to antibiotics.

Åt var och en efter behov? Kriminalitet som markör för olika behandlingsalternativ

The aim of this study was to, using previously collected data from self-declared antisocial behaviour questionnaires, examine if the crime frequency has been different between adolescents that have either been referred to two different forms of open care in social service, child and youth psychiatric inpatient care or have been sent to Homes for Specialised Supervision. The criminality frequency and the most common crimes committed were compared between the study groups and further between genders in each particular study group. Statistical significance testing was used and the results of the survey revealed that juvenile delinquents that had committed severe criminal acts were represented in all four groups. The study group with adolescents in national care was the most different from other groups. These youths seemed to have had a lower crime frequency than the other groups with the exception assault and robbery.

Hantering av skadade styrstavar

The thesis was performed at Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB in the department ofmechanical engineering, FTCM. Forsmark nuclear power plant has had problems with cracks in some of the controlrods which are placed in the reactor at Forsmark 3. To investigate the cause of this,material samples were taken from five of the damaged control rods. This sampling ofthe rods resulted too short rods to be transported in the shipping container to theinterim storage facility for used nuclear fuel in Oskarshamn. Control rods are crucial components in a nuclear reactor, regulating the reactoreffect by blocking or unblocking fuel rods. Control rods which have been in thereactor are always handled under water in order to protect against the radiation theyemit. The task was to design a control rod adapter that extends the control rod sotransport can be performed from Forsmark. The goal of the work was a complete setof blueprints so the control rod adapter can be manufactured and mounted on theshort control rods and then be transported to the interim storage facility. The work began with mapping of how control rods normally being handled from thereactor to the interim storage facility.

Kartläggning av flamskyddsmedel till polyester och polyamid

Flamskyddande kemikalier används idag inom en hel del olika områden. Ett stort område är textil, där hemtextil är dominerande. Det finns en mängd olika typer av flamskydd på marknaden. Alla har till uppgift att sakta ner brandförloppet eller helt förhindra att en brand uppstår. De halogenerade flamskydden är de mest effektiva men har många kopplingar till miljöproblem.

Ex - dagseffekt : En studie kring avkastning på ex - dagen för utdelning

Question:"Does the market possess perfect information as the efficient market hypothesis says?""Is there any significant relationship between the abnormal stock return on the ex ? day and the dividend?" Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enlighten and find understanding about stock return versus dividend on the ex ? day and try to figure out if abnormal returns occur on the portfolio during dividends.Methodology:The study was based in a quantitative nature and was derived with an event study and a hypothesis testing. The authors investigated the thirty most traded shares on the Stockholm stock exchange during a period of five years (2005 ? 2009). They were analyzed during a total of nine days; the estimation window was set to sixty days.

Ambulanspersonals uppfattning om fysiska tester och fysisk träning inom ambulanssjukvården

There is no standardized test to control the appropriate physical ability in the Swedish ambulance service. The county in question does not perform annual physical tests. A project has been going to develop science-based physical tests, designed for the ambulance service. The research has resulted in the Aasa-test.Objective: The aims of this study were to examine the ambulance staff perception of the Aasa-test relevance, introduction of annual tests and the importance of their own physical training in relation to ambulance work.Method: A quasi-experimental study with a comparative design has been conducted. Aasa-tests were conducted in 41 randomly selected staff at an ambulance station in central Sweden.

Utveckling av biotopdatabas och tillämpning av landskapsekologisk analys i Huddinge kommun

På grund av ökad urbanisering och exploatering av grönområden i stadsnära miljöer fragmenteras och reduceras arters habitat vilket bland annat ligger till grund för den globalt minskade biologiska mångfalden. För att stärka och förbättra arters möjlighet till spridning i landskapet, och därmed säkra en hög biologisk mångfald, efterfrågas insamling av data och utveckling av nya metoder för att identifiera ekologiska kärnområden och för att analysera habitatnätverk. Syftet med den här studien är därför att 1) kartera och sammanställa biotoper i en biotopdatabas utifrån tolkning av infraröda flygbilder med digital stereofotogrammetri, 2) undersöka olika metoder att samla in data med hjälp av laser- och höjddata, och 3) att tillämpa landskapsekologisk analys på underlag i biotopkarteringen.Resultatet validerar att tolkning av infraröda flygbilder med digital stereofotogrammetri är en utmärkt källa för att kartera biotoper som medför en tolkningsnoggrannhet på 86 %. Valideringen av kateringen genomfördes med fältkontroller som utvärderades i felmatriser. En metod har även undersökts baserat på tidigare studier för att uppskatta busk- och krontäckning med hjälp av laserdata, men eftersom det saknas validering av resultatet bör den användas som en indikator för att visuellt uppskatta busk- och krontäckning i dagsläget.

Att översätta idiomatiska uttryck i japansk skönlitteratur : En jämförande studie av olika översättningsstrategier

In view of the difficulty of recruiting staff to care profession and in terms of the increasing need to find ways of ensuring a good language level in the profession, have an interest in language tests been revealed. The purpose of this paper is therefore to highlight the use of language tests for admission to the care courses for adults in Värmland. What provided This is a survey of the prevalence and an examination of the validity of the test. The issue that this study assumed is: How is language test in connection with admission to the certified health and social care courses for adults in Värmland? How well correlates intent of the use of the language test with the test's validity and reliability?The methods used to seek answers to these questions has been a combination of questionnaires and experiments.

Prototyp för skolapp

The consultancy firm Knowit sought a smartphone application for communication between schools and pupils. Together with the students, it was decided to create the app both for Android and for iPhone. The project would produce a prototype app with limited functionality usable as a proof-of-concept in communication with potential customers.The questions that have characterized the work are; what features would be demanded in a school app, how to program user-friendly functionality and how to use object-orientation to design such an app. A question has also mentioned the differences between development for iOS and Android. The work was done in an iterative process in which the students worked together with planning, programming and testing.

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