

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 31 av 68

Effektiv och underhållssäker lagring av medicinsk data

Creating a database to manage medical data is not the easiest. We create a database to be used for a presentation tool that presents medical data about patients that is stored in the database. We examine which of the three databases, MySQL with relational design, MySQL with EAV design and MongoDB that are best suited for storing medical data. The analysis i performed in two steps. The first step handles the database that is most effective to retriev data. The second step examines how easy it is to change the structure of the various databases. The results show that depending on whether efficiency or maintenance is most important, different databases are the best choise. MySQL with relational design proves to be most effective while MongoDB is the easiest to maintain..

Modellering av reflektans från ett sockerbetsbestånd med hjälp av en strålningsmodell

The Multispectral Canopy Reflectance Model (MCRM) by Kuusk (1995) has beenused to simulate the reflectance of a sugarbeet canopy. The simulated reflectancevalues show high absorptance in the VIS area, compared to field measurements, andhigh reflectance values in the NIR area. The errors may be due to overestimation ofclorophyll content in the sugarbeet leaves and scattered light during fieldmeasurements. The estimation of the clorophyll content where carried out using thePROSPECT-model by Jacquemoud & Baret (1990).During the vegetation period, the state of the canopy moves towards a closed canopy,with sparse vegetation in spring. The MCRM-model was used to perform a ?spring?simulation, which was compared to the original simulation.

Från fixed till responsiv : Responsiv design av en statisk webbplats

Den här rapporten förklarar tillvägagångssättet för framtagningen utav en responsiv design till webbplatsen Projects & Staff, en webbplats som tidigare hade en fixed design. Projektet består utav två leveranser, hi-fi prototyper skapade i Adobe Illustrator och Adobe Photoshop samt en färdig mobilversion utav webbplatsen, utvecklad med CSS3. Under projektets gång har jag designat för användarupplevelse och användbarhet, två områden som är viktiga inom responsiv webbdesign. Jag har utfört en förstudie i form av en webbplatsanalys, gjort en PACT-analys samt användarintervjuer. Detta för att definiera behoven som fanns för en responsiv design, samt att få en tydlig bild av användare och deras vanor.

Utveckling av en matematiklaboration på Vetenskapens hus : En tillämpning av gruppteori på molekylär symmetri

This master thesis is the documented work of the construction process and testing of a three hour laboratory session in mathematics aimed at high school level students. The purpose of the thesis was to create an interesting laboratory session for the science education center ?The House of Science? that could be used as a part of their regular program directed to schools. The thesis explores the possibilities for how one can construct a laboratory session on the topic ?molecular symmetry? as well as the underlying pedagogical theories used to describe learning processes in creative contexts.

Fodrets inverkan på resultatet vid undersökning av förekomst av ockult blod i avföringen hos hund :

Hemoplus® (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Tyskland) is a guaiac-based fecal occult blood test developed for human medicine. Guaiac-based tests make use of the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin so the test is not specific for human hemoglobin and can therefore be used in veterinary medicine. Peroxidase-containing foods such as meat (hemoglobin and myoglobin) can cause false-positive results of the test. To ensure that a positive result is not caused by diet, it has been suggested that canine patients should be fed a meatless diet for a few days prior to fecal occult blood testing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of commercial dog food on guaiac-based tests. In this study fecal samples from healthy dogs were analyzed with Hemoplus®.

Design av Digital Multimeter-modul för inbyggt testsystem

The thesis work of 15 credits has been performed to interest of Norrtälje ElektronikPartner AB (NEP) in Norrtälje. The aim of the thesis was to develop a prototype for an integrated digital multimeter, designed for one of NEP's proprietary test systems. A digital multimeter module according to NEP's requirement specification, such as physical size and accuracy should be constructed. The module should be able to measure current, voltage and resistance.The final circuit was based on the chosen analog to digital-converter, Maxim integrated´s Max134, which is the main component of the circuit for this instrument. A circuit diagram and PCB layout were made. The result of this project is a constructed DMM board.

Larmbolagets webbplats : En studie om skapandet av en tillgänglig och användbar webbplats

This paper accounts for the work with a website for a company whose real name will not be disclosed in the text of this paper. Instead, they have been assigned the fictitious name Larmbolaget, which can be translated as ?The Alarm Company?.During our work with Larmbolaget?s website, we consulted a selection of accessibility guidelines from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, developed by a working group within the World Wide Web Consortium, as well as a number of design principles and heuristics outlined in this paper. We also conducted several usability tests on users from our intended target group. All the measures taken were an effort to ensure that Larmbolaget?s website be as accessible and usable as possible.Our conclusion is that the resulting website does comply with the accessibility guidelines and design principles described in this paper, and thus we consider it to be accessible and usable to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities..

Barnmorskors åsikter. Om frågor inför STI-provtagning

Bakgrund: Förekomsten av STI såsom gonorré, hepatit B och C, HIV, AIDS, klamydia och syfilishar under de senaste åren ökat i Sverige. Studier visar att långt ifrån alla som utsatt sig för smitta ellerhar symtom på STI går och testar sig. Dessutom visar studier att vårdpersonal ibland nekar individenSTI-provtagning trots att detta inte är tillåtet. För att underlätta barnmorskans arbete medanamnestagande vid STI har det utvecklats ett frågeformulär inför STI-provtagning. Det saknasdock information om barnmorskors åsikter vid användandet av frågeformuläret.Syfte: Syftet var att utvärdera barnmorskors åsikter om frågeformuläret ?Frågor inför STIprovtagning?på barnmorske- samt ungdomsmottagningar i Göteborg och södra Bohuslän.

Ungdomar och narkotika : En litteraturstudie om varför en del ungdomar prövar/använder narkotika

The purpose of this essay was to study factors that influence some youth to use narcotics. I wanted to increase my understanding and knowledge about these factors. I believe it is good to have such knowledge when you are working with youth who are using narcotics but also for a good drug-prevented work. It is a literary study, which covers the most frequently quoted results in the field of research.The questions for my study were:· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a individual level?· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a group level?· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a society level?My conclusion of this study was that youth often use narcotics because of many different factors and it is youth from all social groups in the society who are testing and using narcotics..

Mobilt community - Bygga själv eller hjälpa till? : Kommersialisering av en plattform för användardriven karttjänst i mobiltelefoner

Mobile Arts have a technical platform for handling maps and community-featured Points of Interest in cellular phones, where the users themselves can share locations with other users either in groups or public. Development of the platform regarding network communication has been included in this paper. The work evaluates different feasible business models regarding packaging the platform as a commercial application and also faces issues users have when using the product. Even if users found maps and POI interesting and cool in cellulars, the technical difficulties and lack of product focus during beta testing, were present. Therefore, the writers recommendation is more development of the platform and using a business model where Mobile Arts deliver to existing communities.

Mikrosimulering av korsningen Vasa-/Viktoriagatan: En jämförelse av nuläget och tre ombyggnadsförslag med avseende på framkomlighet, säkerhet, miljöpåverkan och tillgänglighet

The main aim of this master thesis was to see the process of an interactive online reference service from idea to final product. The reference service we have studied is developed and used by the Library of the National Institute for Working Life in Stockholm, Sweden and goes by the name phibi. Our goal was to review the whole realization process from the reasons why a service like this was created, how the service was introduced and implemented inside the organisation and finally what the result and consequences were for both the library staff and for the users of the service. Phibi is designed to be a tool that fosters communication between the library staff and the remote users where the users get the opportunity to be helped with their questions by the library staff although they are not physically present in the library. To understand the process we conducted a case study with 11 interviews of the library staff, the superior and the initiator to phibi.

SH Karriär : Framtagning av designförslag till visningsvy för karriärforum

Denna rapport redogör produktionsprocessen för en re- design av ett karriärforum vid namn SH Karriär som funnits sedan hösten 2011. I dagsläget upplever SH Karriär att studenterna på Södertörns högskola inte återkommer till karriärforumet, därför inleddes produktionsprocessen med en användarstudie för att tangera problemet. Målet var att producera ett designförslag som presenterar karriärforumet på ett representativt sätt. Re- designen ska möjliggöra att användarna får en klarare överblick kring de innehåll som presenteras på karriärforumet och även skapa ett intresse som får dem att återkomma efter att ha registrerat sig på SH Karriär. Rapporten beskriver mitt tillvägagångssätt genom en enkätundersökning och användartester.

Vikten av användarvänlighet : Quality of Experience som metod för utvärdering av en mobil applikation

Det här är en litteraturstudie som undersöker hur forskningsfältet kring utomhusmatematik ser ut, samt de olika resultat som forskningen kommit fram till.Genom systematiska sökningar har tretton artiklar i sin helhet valts ut för granskning, samt nio artiklar som ej finns tillgängliga i fulltext. Dessa inkluderades för att bidra till en mer komplett beskrivning av karaktären för hela det aktuella forskningsfältet. Resultatet visar framför allt att det finns relativt lite forskning inom området. Endast fem artiklar kunde bedömmas uppfylla kriterierna som vetenskapliga och därmed får dessa stå till grund för att visa vad forskningen för området säger. Dessa artiklar konkluderade att elever spontant upplever utomhusmatematik som roligt, att de lär sig lättare samt får en djupare förståelse för matematiken.

Phibi: Arbetslivsbibliotekets interaktiva referenstjänst online en fallstudie ur ett förändrings- och kommunikationsteoretiskt perspektiv

The main aim of this master thesis was to see the process of an interactive online reference service from idea to final product. The reference service we have studied is developed and used by the Library of the National Institute for Working Life in Stockholm, Sweden and goes by the name phibi. Our goal was to review the whole realization process from the reasons why a service like this was created, how the service was introduced and implemented inside the organisation and finally what the result and consequences were for both the library staff and for the users of the service. Phibi is designed to be a tool that fosters communication between the library staff and the remote users where the users get the opportunity to be helped with their questions by the library staff although they are not physically present in the library. To understand the process we conducted a case study with 11 interviews of the library staff, the superior and the initiator to phibi.

Geokemin inom osorterade cirklar : Analys av tungmetallers distribution inom jordprofiler tagna från Abiskoområdet, nordvästra Sverige

The Arctic region appears as a pristine remote environment, yet there is increasing evidence that it is greatly impacted by pollution such as lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg). In this environment deposition of Hg has increased threefold since the last industrial revolution. In this study five cryosolic soil profiles within non-sorted circles (NSC) in the Abisko region, northwest of Sweden, has been analyzed to improve our understanding regarding how pollutants are distributed within such type of soil. The soil samples have been analyzed with the use of X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), for the measurements of the total concentrations of e.g. lead (Pb) and zirconium (Zr).

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